I’m sure I’m going straight to hell…

Sometimes I can’t help myself.

Tonight as the Godson was leaving for a camping trip with a couple of buddies I thought a practical joke was in order. After all 19 – 22 year olds have to have some reason to swear at each other don’t they?

One of his buddies, I’ve met and in addition to him being just a hell of a nice young man & proud Marine, he seems like the type that could take a joke.

SO my evil mind bubbling, boiling, and churning comes up with this plan.

I say “Lets put a condom that appears used in the sleeping bag he’s rented for the trip. “

My godson is laughing so hard he can’t even speak.

While he’s recovering I head to my bedroom, grabbing a condom and a bottle of Spunk Lube

I unroll the condom then squirt a bit of lube in the condom. I hold it up and think “What the Hell?”. I say to the godson; “lets make it a big’un” and hit the condom with a completely unrealistic amount of the lube. While I’m squeezing the stuff down to the end of the condom. My godson is holding his sides laughing.

I fold the thing over and stuff it into a plastic sandwich bag. As I hand it to him I tell him to make sure that he slides it into his buddys sleeping bag so that the cold sticky thing is going to come into contact with a bare foot, leg, or the small of the back.

At this point the godson is laughing so hard he’s red in the face. I can tell he’s imagining the look on his friends face when this whole thing goes down.

I’m sure that I’m going straight to hell….


—- UPDATE —-

The young man that we were pranking… Didn’t even blink… He’d read my previous post and knew that it was a joke. DAMN!!!! Obviously I’m getting a wider audience on this blog than I thought, not that I’m complaining…

So the moral of the story is… If you want to prank someone with Spunk make sure they haven’t read about it or aren’t already using it.

What I do when I’m really bored…

I’ve been signed onto the National Do Not Call list for a while now.

Telephone ch

in general I dislike people and am a disagreeable person so I’m doing telemarketers a favor!

I honestly can’t see that being on that list has done me any good at all.

I think that having the phone number unlisted was a far more effective solution. But like an idiot I believed that the do not call list would be all that I needed and therefore stopped paying Verzion the additional fees to keep the phone number unlisted.

Once the phone number was listed… there was no going back.

As a rather strange aside…

When I told the Verizon representative that I wanted to make the change allowing my phone number to be listed… They were obligated to tell me that my number wouldn’t appear in the phone book until the next printing. I clearly remember processing what the representative said… then my brain rebooted!

It was one of those moments when you wonder just how stupid people are. For Verizons script to have included this bit of nonsense they must have had people calling them asking why their phone number hadn’t magically appeared in the printed phone book!

I digress. I feel like I’m channeling Andy Rooney… Hey Ghost Hunters, exorcism on aisle 8

Since registering on the Do Not Call system, I’ve seen absolutely no change in the volume of junk phone calls. What I have noticed is that most of the calls originate in India. There is even one persistent caller that is calling from a cell phone registered in India. Really? A Cell phone?

When I’m slightly bored I’ll go to the trouble of doing a reverse look up of these phone numbers…

(Hey, you can only masturbate just so many times in a day before it gets boring… Ok, THAT never gets boring… there’s always another melon or mango to violate…)

On the reverse lookup lists you find that a lot of people have very nasty things to say about the people calling from these phone numbers. Even more often people have nastier things to say about each other in addition to commenting on the marital status of the parents of the person making the call in the first place.

Some people answer these calls with air horns, whistles, screaming tirades, obscenities, or there’s one guy in MN that answers with the recorded sounds of sex.

Uhh… Somehow I don’t think that would make the calls less frequent. I rather think that the calls couldn’t come in because the switching station couldn’t handle the volume.

We’re sorry, all circuits are busy please try your call again later“.

The guy in MN does get to have an uninterrupted nap, at least until the circuits clear.

My solution is a fax machine. Coincidentally that’s how I know who’s called and what I use to look up their phone numbers when the fruit drawer in my fridge is empty.

The calls start at 7:30 AM and continue until about 9:00 PM

These fall into a few general catergories.




Bill Collectors.

The bill collectors are really funny.  Sometimes when I’m really bored I’ll answer the phone. Their first question aggressively stated is “WHO ARE YOU?” My response is “Dude, you called me? don’t you know who you were trying to reach?” Inevitably they demand my social security number, I demand their credit card number.

You’ve called StudMuffins R US This is Adam and you’l be billed $9.95 for the first 5 minutes of our sex chat. We’ll bill you $6.95 every 3 minutes thereafter. So what are you wearing?

This usually messes the caller up. They try to recover but they’re a lot more contrite about it.

During one of these calls I discovered that a young lady in San Diego was scamming a ton of stores. She’d open credit cards max them out and then move on to the next store or cell phone company. She apparently pulled a phone number out of the air for all of the applications… that number was mine. To further complicate matters, her name is similar to mine. With those two data points, a lot of collection agencies call me thinking I know the bitch. I don’t… but I do know another bitch that really deserves to be hounded, and I’m sorely tempted to give the collection agencies her number.

Nationwide,  bad debt is being sold to all kinds of low life, scum bag collection agencies. So about every 3 months a whole new flood of phone calls hits my poor fax machine because these collection agencies are trying to collect on debts that are deader than Tutankhamen.

Sterile latex surgical gloves

Most of these agencies are in India and I honestly think that they’ve been scammed.

I’d like to shake the hand of the Scum bag bill collector that thought to sell un-collectable debt to India. I’d of course wear a glove while shaking his hand… I mean you really don’t want to get any of that kind of scum on you!

Think about it, American debt collectors have a pile of un-collectable bad debt. They in turn sell it to an Indian collection agency for a couple grand and then the Indians try to recoup their investment. It’s elegant and turns bad accounts into cash… Unless you’re the company in India. Go Capitalism!

Which brings us to the scammers and they are inexorably linked to the Telemarketers.

Hello I’m calling on behalf of the one legged, limp wristed blond African fund, our records show that you donated to our worthy cause last year and we wanted to know if you were interested in contributing this year.”

“What? You didn’t want to donate money to the one legged, limp wristed blond African fund? Oh you meant to donate to the Republican party? Certainly I can correct this problem for you. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience. I just need the credit card number that you originally used. OF course I’ll wait. Ok now let me enter the number… Ooops, I’m sorry that card number isn’t on file perhaps you used another card? Of course I’ll wait, you take your time.

These folks are beyond scum. They prey on little old ladies from Pasadena. You just DON’T rip off old people… I’ve made the suggestion that a very special place hell be created for people that do. Tele-evangelists are included in this group.

Satan is running a focus group right now… (There were a bunch of engineers who were very bad people. They’re sitting in with the focus group… Hey it’s a twofer for Satan, and Hell for the engineers!)

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If I’m unlucky enough to get a call from one of these people and figure ’em out early enough, I’ll start having imaginary sex and talk dirty to my imaginary partner or melon whichever is handier…

About the time I’m saying “Ohh baby, lick the head, SUCK IT yeah, yeah, let me see your hole, you like that? Daddys got more for you. I’m gonna rip you open and eat you up, Ohhh baby you’re a little cold, this will warm you up!”

The caller has become either so embarrassed that they’ve hung up or they’ve become a total pervert.

Either way… I win!

I’m not bored for a while and have a new project in the kitchen…

Fruit salad anyone?


God Hates ME! Or Is holding his sides Laughing…

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I know there are people who would say that God isn’t so much into hate…

Ok, so maybe God doesn’t hate me… But God sure is having a great time laughing.

Here’s the situation…

In the past month I’ve had a firm invitation to go to Paris. This trip would have been almost 2 weeks long, and only cost airfare and food. The person that invited me has an apartment available. I had to turn it down

Within a day, I was notified of an opportunity to go on a dive trip to Utila on a live aboard. That’s a big assed boat where you get to dive, eat, drink, relax, and be pampered. I had to turn it down.

Two weeks later… There was another cancelation on the same boat… I had to turn it down.

Today… I got a notification about an opening with another group diving Utila. I have to turn it down.

Every Single one of these trips is scheduled right around the last week of March.


I haven’t been diving in two years! And I LOVE Caribbean waters.

So There have been 4 opportunities ALL for the same time period. If I were superstitious, I’d say someone is trying to get me out of California at the end of March…

OR God is laughing his ass off watching me lose my mind…

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As of this morning there is yet another slot open on one of the dive trips.

The reason that I’m turning these trips down is because I don’t feel that it would be an appropriate use of my cash right now.

Unemployment has a way of making you think about how you’re going to spend your cash.

There is a part of me that says “Screw it! Take a vacation, it’s cheap and you know damn well that when you go back to work you’re not going to see any vacation for at least a year.”

It’s the story of my life… When I have the time for a vacation.. I don’t have the money.

Who knows…

The irresponsible part of me my yet win this battle. My resolve to do the right thing is weakening by the moment.

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines day.

I have a cold.


It started out as nothing but a minor tickle. So minor, that I ignored it. Then during the night Sunday it developed into a full blown sore throat, fever, sneezing, coughing, PAIN in the ass!

Women say men are whiny and hard to deal with. We’re actually pretty easy to deal with. LEAVE US ALONE…

I’m like most men when I’m sick.

I don’t want to take a shower, I don’t care if I stink, I don’t want to look pretty, and I don’t want to put clothes on.

We revert to our primitive state. It’s actually for everyone else’s protection. If someone can tell we’re sick from 100 feet away they know two things.

1 We’re infectious, the rest of the tribe should stay away.

2 We’re probably really bad tempered and unless you want a stone ax in your head… Probably best you stay away.

We’ll eat when we’re hungry, we’ll forage in the food stores and cholesterol BE DAMNED! We’ll sleep, watch TV, we’ll jerk off cause we want to feel better if only for a few minutes and we’ll pull out the whiskey, scotch, or whatever because that gives us a burn in our throat that’s way better than Nyquil.

In my case the dogs are on guard protecting me. It’s kind of nice & I sleep soundly when they’re on guard. These guys don’t bark unless there’s something they’re worried about. For the most part they’re content to sniff me occasionally, (Checking to see if I’m dead, I sure smell dead.) then back to the foot of the bed watching the door.

This Valentines day… all bets are off, I’m not going anywhere, doing anything, or engaging in a Hallmark Holiday. I’m in bed, in a cave with the flickering garish light of a TV, the only source of illumination. I’m cranky and I’m going to stay right here until either I can’t stand my own stink or I get well whichever comes first.

if you want to see the “nice” me… The first appointment is two weeks from next Monday… I’ll see you then!


Do these exercises make my butt look big???



As I’ve been documenting, I’ve been hiking around the local area quite a bit lately.

After a pretty strenuous hike yesterday I was a little uncomfortable. It was obvious that I’d hit the muscles in my legs pretty hard and that’s OK.

This morning… The muscles in my butt are killing me! I’m thinking a massage is in order but is it weird to call and say I need you to rub my butt???

I’m going to take the pups for a hike today too but probably not up the canyon…

I’m thinking down the canyon a bit, then when we come back up it’s a little gentler grade.

It would be funny if It didn’t hurt so much…

OH, who am I kidding? It’s funny.

If this is the price i have to pay so I don’t get “Old Man Butt” I’ll gladly pay it.

Of course the real benefit to a decent cardio workout you can lower your blood pressure in addition to building up muscle in your legs and butt.

So my brothers… get out there and get active.

I’m going to get an ibuprofen…