Would your employer pay you 400K a year if you were this employee?

Employee statement:

I won the job after a couple of interviews.

I signed a bunch of documents in the first few days. I got a neat office and housing accommodation too. I got this great title. My employer doesn’t want me driving, they take care of all my transportation needs. Wherever I need to go, they make it happen.

I get to meet all kinds of interesting people. About half the people in the company don’t like me,  I get to call them bad names. Unlike in the past, now I am expected to call people names and talk about how threatening they are. I never get taken to HR about it either.

I do most of the things I was supposed to do, and because of my position I can say I’m done by noon.  Then I can go take a nap or two. Whatever doesn’t get done one day can be done the next. Besides there are other people in my office that can do the work.

I “work” from home a lot, I’m often “working” at the beach. Other people get to do that why shouldn’t I? I don’t even think about the cost of guys walking on the beach in suits & ties, or the other guys patrolling out in the ocean away from the beach keeping people away from me.

I get to do what I want and anyone that say I’m doing things wrong is a bad person, who needs to be silenced. Often they are. That makes other people say I’m doing it wrong and bad at my job. I tell them to hush-up, or else…

Would anybody’s employers put up with an employee as described above? 

None of my employers would have put up with me only putting in half a day. None of my employers ever paid me more than 96K per year either, usually I got paid around 55 – 80K per year plus insurance benefits. For that amount of money I was expected to be in the office at least 5 days a week 8 – 10 hours per day and if necessary on weekends.

I’m not complaining about my previous employers requirements, it was the job. I performed the required tasks, put in the time, and got paid. They didn’t care about my politics or personal life, I didn’t care about my coworkers politics or personal lives. We weren’t working at the company as a social event, or to make friends, we were working for paychecks that facilitated our pursuit of goals in our personal lives.

I’m sure you’ve all recognized the person I’m talking about. So I ask you, if this was your gardener, or your pool guy would you keep paying him? I wouldn’t!

So why is this employee still on our payroll?

Just asking.

Whew! We dodged that bullet!

Kamala Harris has been appointed the Biden Administration’s Gun CZAR. She’ll be leading President Dunderhead’s  new federal office of gun violence prevention.


Of course President dumbass would create some new office of blah blah blah. Of course his administration would take aim at the 2nd amendment. After all his administration has already tried to trash the First and Fourth amendments.

His administration is also engaging in destroying the justice system so the American Citizen won’t have any legal recourse to recover their rights…

Fortunately for those of us who believe in the 2nd Amendment, President Dullard, appointed perhaps the only person more incompetent than himself. Kamala Harris!

With her at the head of this anti-gun push, we’ll all be able to own .50 Cal Machine guns by Christmas. If we’re really lucky we’ll be able to have patriot missile batteries on our front lawns by New Years! That assessment is based on her stellar performance as the border CZAR. 

The gun control lobby must be apoplectic. They know they’re screwed but they can’t say anything about it because to criticize the Biden/Harris administration is heresy of the highest order!

That part makes me laugh! It’s nice to see them get a little of what average law abiding citizens have been putting up with since President Doofus, “bump & goed,” his way into the Oval Office, and honestly a long time before that in California.

(I never noticed how many denigrating terms started with “D” before.)

There was a reason that no one in California voted for Harris for President. It wasn’t that she was a woman, or a woman of color, or that she couldn’t keep her legs together. It was that she was a SHITTY Attorney General for the state, and a shittier Senator.

Putting her in the Senate meant that she wasn’t in California to keep screwing up the state. Beware all you lockstep Democrats… The people of California might send Gavin Newsom to Washington as President so we have time to undo his colossal fuck ups here in California. Yeah, think about that for a minute! Maybe the dumbasses we send to the House and Senate, we send not because they’re good but so that we can limit the damage they do to the state.

In Kamala’s case no one ever imagined that she’d be considered for Vice President. Then along comes President dipshit!

(There really are a lot of “D” words…)

I heard that President Dummy said, “If you need an 80 round magazine, you shouldn’t own a gun.”

I thought that was funny too. An 80 round magazine just means you can bag your hunting limit without reloading!

On the other hand, if high capacity magazines are measures of how good a shot you are, or should be, then perhaps we should limit the capital police to single shot weapons in time for the next insurrection.

It would be interesting to see the capital police and maybe the D.C. police defending why they felt it necessary to have 15 round magazines in their Glocks, in contradiction to President Dweebs assertions.

Fellow patriots, we can all rest easy! Cackling Kamala will be as effective in the Gun Control sphere, as she has been in every position the Biden administration has put her in. 

It does make me wonder if she’s any good in the one venue that has supposedly  propelled her to the top of the political arena. Is she well versed in the bedroom, or is it just easy to get her legs open?

Hmmm. On the one hand…

I’m totally good with an impeachment Inquiry into Biden.

I think there’s probably something there, just because of the way the Democrats are circling the wagons. 

I think that if the Bidens have engaged in corrupt, or criminal activity they should be tried, and if found guilty, they should be sent to prison.

Putin kim summit

The problem is it’s too late. When leaders like Vladimir Putin casually observe that the lawfare against Donald Trump is demonstrating the corruption of our government and exposing our problems to the world. Then he further says the United States can no longer lecture anyone about law, or justice, or corruption. The horse is already out of the barn.

The danger is if Biden is found impeachable, but is not impeached, Putin will be absolutely right. After all, it makes sense that Putin, a dictator and former KGB officer from the old USSR, would recognize the tactics of a totalitarian regime.

Two or more tiers of justice? Check!
Unyielding persecution of political enemies? Check!
Political dissidents awaiting “Trial” in a gulag? Check!
Trials of enemies of the state have a foregone conclusion? Check!
Life sentences, & excessive sentences for minor infractions? Check!

Vladimir putinThink about it… Vladimir Putin is calling the United States out on political hypocrisy! Wow! Who would ever have seen that one coming?

By the way, Putin looks way cooler in his shades, than Biden ever did.

The New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has got to be one of the stupidest people ever!

After COVID-19 lockdowns which started with, “just 14 days to slow the spread” then turned into 2 years in some states, this Governor has got to be out of her damn mind!

No-one is going to accept her “30 Day pause directed against legitimate concealed carry permit holders.” This lady is violating the 2nd amendment of the constitution of the United States. But it goes beyond that.

The legal concealed carry holders aren’t the ones shooting up Albuquerque. The people who are engaging in illegal activity aren’t going to comply with her 30 day ban either.Michelle Lujan Grisham 2021

Once again, a rabid leftist moron can’t connect the dots. The fuckers doing the shooting are CRIMINALS. The law abiding concealed carry folks are only shooting back to defend themselves, because the police have been thinned to the point of ineffectiveness.

I am always amazed at the response of liberals when the Anarchy they enable, comes knocking on their doors and they act shocked and amazed…

I remember when…

My parents were very concerned that I was listening to Alice Cooper and had a poster of him in my room. The poster, I’d purchased from Spencers Gifts. My parents hated that I went into that store way too often to spend my allowance.

I even got grounded for sneaking into the living room one Saturday night to watch “Saturday Night Live” because Alice Cooper was performing.

Totally Worth it!

So imagine my surprise and joy to find that Alice Cooper is still raising hell.

I was astounded that Alice has rattled cages at a cosmetics company because he said there are only two genders.

In an interview with Stereogum Cooper said, “I’m understanding that there are cases of transgender, but I’m afraid that it’s also a fad, and I’m afraid there’s a lot of people claiming to be this just because they want to be that,” he said. “I find it wrong when you’ve got a six-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you’re confusing him telling him, ‘Yeah, you’re a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.’”

Later in the article he said, “If you have these genitals, you’re a boy. If you have those genitals, you’re a girl.”

Apparently this was enough to cause cosmetics company Vampyre to end a Brand Relationship (whatever the hell that is) with Cooper.

I guess “Brand Relationships” are what we used to call spokesmen or endorsements.

Vampyre Cosmetics caters to the Goth community. Who Knew?

In the ancient days of my youth, we’d find cheap garish makeup and go to town. It never occurred to us that we needed a brand that catered to us. We shopped the bargain bins. Blood red lipstick, grey / black eyeshadow (I preferred it to look like dark ash,) and almost any whoreish black gunky eyeliner would do. (After reading about Egyptian culture and their makeup, I made my own eyeshadow out of charcoal from the fireplace. Hit & miss but Goth to it’s core.)

All of our supplies were usually available for 50% off. If you were in a super religious area, Goth makeup was easy to get and even cheaper because “Decent” people wouldn’t wear makeup that made them look like the whore of Babylon.

The only place you could get some pieces was Spencer’s Gifts and that was a pricy proposition. Your leather or heavy antique coat was either from an old trunk in the basement (and smelled like it), or from Goodwill. Sometimes suitable leather coats could be found on the Wilsons discount rack.

Then along came Hot Topic…

Half the fun of being a Goth was finding all the Goth accouterments as hand-me-downs, throwaways, and goodwill items. Your style was defined by you and what was available, which meant all good Goths were unique individuals and their attire spoke to that uniqueness.

Alice Cooper and Ozzy Osbourne were out patron saints. We modeled ourselves on their performance art. Our parents hated those two with a passion.

My Goth clothing phase lasted less than a year. It was tiresome to get into costume ever day. I also found that I preferred to be invisible in a crowd. Dressing Goth meant I couldn’t blend in with the general population, I had to remain in “GothLand”. I don’t like limits. It was fun, it was a phase, and in short order I was done.

Maybe one of these days I’ll dust off the old Goth me, and dress up for Halloween. It might be fun.

For me, Alice Cooper going against the grain of the alphabet culture, is at once ironic and comforting. It says that apparently I haven’t drifted too far from my roots.

Mr. Cooper always said what he thought, and carried the mantle of counter culture proudly.

I find that I agree with him once again. He makes sense and he’s willing to speak his mind in this cancel culture, consequences be damned.

Vampyr Cosmetics said in their statement,
“In light of recent statements by Alice Cooper we will no Longer be doing a makeup collaboration. We stand with all members of the LGBTQIA+ community and believe everyone should have access to healthcare. All pre-order sales will be refunded.”

There was a tweet… Should I call it an X now? Oh never mind. Anyway this tweet directed at Vampyr Cosmetics absolutely nailed it.

I’d like to shake @OldGuyGamer2’s hand for being so succinct.

This goes back to the LGB part of the gay community wanting a divorce from the TQIA+ bunch. The divorce will be very ugly and god only knows who’s going to get custody of the kids but it’s time. The TQIA+ bunch has moved to almost diametric opposition to the LGB group and the rest of “Decent” culture at large.

I’ll be curious to see which side the Goth community comes down on, or will they split into opposing groups?

What does that look like? Cooper Goths and PlannedParenthood Goths?

The vision in my head of “Cooper Goths” marching with Church groups is amusing. There’s something just funny about pink taffeta and white heels juxtaposed with Goths more somber hues carrying anti-grooming, anti-puberty blocking, and perhaps even anti-abortion signs.

That last one might go just a tad too far but that would be priceless to see.

This Just In!

New allegations and indictments against Donald Trump have just been released by the Grand Inquisitor Jack Smith.

The new charges are as follows;

Donald Trump was supplying the cigars to the Clinton Whitehouse.
Donald Trump has been confirmed as one of the Watergate Burglars
Trump was the man on the grassy knoll.
Trump provided the financing for The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand leading to World War I
Trump was in fact the Roman soldier who stabbed Jesus as he was being crucified.
Nancy Pelosi has subpoenaed Vatican records and discovered that Donald Trump was the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
In sealed secret testimony, God has confirmed Donald Trump is Satan. God is unavailable for comment because he’s in hiding, apparently afraid of MAGA Republicans.

NONE of the pervious statements are true!

(Apologies to God… You made me, you’re not surprised.)

But I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to hear a news person seriously reading any of them. This is because the Democrats have spent the last 6 years going on and on treating equally ludicrous statements as absolute truth.

I’m still waiting for the irrefutable evidence Adam Schiff claims to have seen proving Trumps guilt.

Uh Huh… Crickets! We know that California is doomed because the voters in Adam Schiff’s district keep that lying moron in office. I digress…

At this point Donald Trump could murder someone in full public view and no-one would believe it.

This constant witch hunt has got to stop. I truly believe that even if Trump is guilty of something… No-one outside Washington D.C. would believe it or care. Stop pissing away our tax dollars on this bullshit.

And for the record. Joe Biden, will likely never be impeached. Although God knows the evidence supporting impeachment is a hell of a lot stronger than what was used to impeach Trump TWICE!!!!

So please can we just get back to running the country into the ground with Bidenomics, or perhaps by some miracle maybe our politicians can actually do their fucking jobs…

Just a thought.