Staffer who filmed himself getting buttfucked in Senate Hearing room fired…


I don’t know what the Senate is so upset about.

That guy getting fucked in their chamber is probably the single most honest thing that’s happened in that room in decades.

Call it truth in advertising!

The young man is a metaphor for the citizens of the United States. 

Every time congress votes to send more money to Ukraine or print more money, or lie to us about inflation they’re fucking us all in the ass.

At least that boy gave us an appropriate visualization of the workings of congress.

I’m sorry I couldn’t provide a better image. Strangely, it looks like the internet is missing tons of images lifted from the film. I had to settle for this one from Breitbart. 

The Democrats really hate being humiliated don’t they? Deletion programs at the NSA must be running overtime. On the plus side, at least it wasn’t Hunter again.

I’m sure in a month the video will show up on “OnlyFans”.

Whoopedy Fucking Doo! Yeah, this only means the Firewall is between Joe and Hunter is complete.

In the more bread and circuses column. There’s this headline.

Hunter Biden Indicted on Nine Tax-Related Charges, Three Felonies

We all know this is a big assed nothing burger. We all know Hunter isn’t going to jail, and that unlike the rest of us someone will be able to write a check for him. He’ll be snorting coke and dancing at the nearest Hollywood donor party the same day he pleads guilty and promises on a stack of bibles it will never happen again…

The Democrats will use this to say, “See we don’t have two tiered justice, and Republicans going after poor Hunter was nothing more than a witch hunt. Trump meanwhile will be found guilty of conducting normal real estate business practices in New York, that harmed nobody.”

The Democrat operatives at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, & ABC will completely obfuscate the evidence from the IRS, and every other source. In the end they’ll paint it as a mean trick the Evil Republican Party used to try to get at Joe Biden.

The bitches on The View will probably screech, “Hunter is a victim, all those hookers and blow were forced on him and his laptops were given to him, then later stolen, so embarrassing videos would come to light. It’s a Russian or Republican plot!”

As to the Felonies… Hunter has already admitted to one of them and yet… NO Punishment. I doubt he’ll have any consequences from the remaining felonies. 

All this means is that the people handling Joe are confident that they’ll be able to shield Joe from the fallout for the remainder of his Presidency. It also means that Joe may not be the nominee. I suspect both are to some extent true.

I expect Joe to “Decide” to step aside. By serving up Hunter, he has a plausible excuse to “Decide to spend more time with his family.” He can back out of the campaign without losing face and still be the “dedicated family man,” a character deserving of compassion and privacy.

That last one is the biggy. They’ll finally admit that Joe’s not all there. Then the powers that be will call for compassion and kindness in this difficult time. They’ll say, “clearly he’s in no shape to stand trial.” If necessary, the Biden family will burn Hunter to the ground as the “Ringleader” for any wrongdoing and the rest of the Biden Clan will walk away with the cash. Hunter’s past indiscretions will be spun to make a believable illusion that coked out of his mind, “The Smartest guy Joe every knew,” was making business deals while measuring coke and having his knob polished.

Any questions, or charges leveled at the Biden’s by Republicans or law enforcement will be spun as pointless and cruel. So, all the corruption will just be swept under the carpet.

All of this is predicated on us not having World War III.

If we do end up in WWIII. Then it will all be moot. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past the Biden’s to get us into a major conflict to cover their criminal activities. If the US is gearing up for War, we’re not going to care about the Biden’s. We’re going to want a strong leader that other nations respect and who is just crazy enough to make other nations wonder, “How crazy is this President? Would he Nuke us for the hell of it?”

Through it all, I do feel a little sorry for Hunter. I honestly don’t think he had a chance. He is exactly what his father and family made him and when they’re done with him, (which may be real soon,) they’ll throw him to the wolves and never look back. Let’s face it everything we’ve seen with the Biden’s could have been scripted by Machiavelli. I’m not sure the Biden’s get to the standard of the Borgias.

Enjoy your bread and the circus. I pray we don’t see Joe Biden naked on the balcony of The White House playing a fiddle.

Wow! This FUCK really doesn’t give a shit…

JacksmithsilkenrobesofstateJack Smith, you know, the fuck who’s going so hard after Trump just completely lost me. The New York Post is carrying an article here

I was more or less willing to at least listen to his side of the case against Trump because that’s what a decent person does. I don’t know if Trump did bad shit, He’s been accused time and again of doing shit. But without proof I was curious about what exactly the prosecution had on Trump.

Now I don’t fucking care! Guilty or not, I feel that I’m faced once again with choosing the lesser of two evils. I’ll choose Trump in opposition to Biden and his corrupt government. I’ll do it with certain reservations but to be honest with the hope that Trump does become a dictator and cleans out the corruption in our government, Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and all the lifelong bureaucrats, With FIRING SQUADS!

I know that sounds excessive, harsh, and possibly illegal. But when the rot is as deep as it appears to be, it’s best to burn it out as quickly as possible. If there are harsh consequences and penalties for corruption, then maybe we’ve got a chance.

Jack Smith issued a search warrant to Twitter of which half is redacted, demanding Twitter disclose all Trump’s Twitter interactions. Smith didn’t limit his warrant/subpoena to only two way conversations between Trump & others. Smith wants it all.

This potentially exposes millions of people to the DOJ.

2021 message signals return trump 72916781 1 jpgTechnically, if you “Liked” or “Retweeted” a Trump Tweet you’re gonna be on the DOJs radar. 

I’ll grant you that nothing is private in a public forum like Twitter. However, This goes too damn far! What happens when… Yes, WHEN not IF, our corrupt DOJ or IRS, decides to punish everyone who interacted with a Trump Tweet?

We’ve already heard for the entire time Biden has been in the White House about the “Existential Threat” posed by the evil WHITE PEOPLE.

You know, the election questioners, the white supremacists, the Domestic Terrorists composed of parents with the temerity to ask questions of their representatives or school boards, the people who demand accountability from their representatives. Yeah those people. a.k.a. Half of the fucking country! 

We all know it’s coming. Our government his slipped it’s leash. It is no longer under our control and I doubt seriously that even Trump can put that genie back in the bottle. 

The folks controlling our government are probably not even our elected officials. There is someone, or a group of someones behind the curtain who are driving us all headlong into one of several possible dystopian nightmares. 

I think most Dystopian nightmares have been at least roughly sketched out by various fiction authors. All that remains is, which one the assholes behind the curtain, drive us toward.

I’m not going to be terribly surprised to find we’re all carrying little red books in 20 years. It’s possible we’ve already been sold to China and we’ll be used like the Uyghurs in slave labor camps. Why not? China will not be questioned by the UN. The UN won’t be around long after China “wins” anyway. 

Will China even need us as slave labor?  If China owns our asses anyway then who are they going to sell their shit to?

All I can say at this point is, we absolutely need a real son of a bitch with a set of big brass balls as president.

He can grab all the women he wants by their pussy, as long as he puts an end to the corruption in our government.

Hell, I’d be happy to be President…

I REALLY ENJOYED being the specter of death in some companies I’ve worked for. There were people that richly deserved the pink slips I handed out.

I’m sure walking through the halls of government issuing warrants for arrest wouldn’t be much different.

I wonder if “Take them away,” would have as much impact as, “Off with their heads!”

Dunno, but it might be interesting to find out.

Would your employer pay you 400K a year if you were this employee?

Employee statement:

I won the job after a couple of interviews.

I signed a bunch of documents in the first few days. I got a neat office and housing accommodation too. I got this great title. My employer doesn’t want me driving, they take care of all my transportation needs. Wherever I need to go, they make it happen.

I get to meet all kinds of interesting people. About half the people in the company don’t like me,  I get to call them bad names. Unlike in the past, now I am expected to call people names and talk about how threatening they are. I never get taken to HR about it either.

I do most of the things I was supposed to do, and because of my position I can say I’m done by noon.  Then I can go take a nap or two. Whatever doesn’t get done one day can be done the next. Besides there are other people in my office that can do the work.

I “work” from home a lot, I’m often “working” at the beach. Other people get to do that why shouldn’t I? I don’t even think about the cost of guys walking on the beach in suits & ties, or the other guys patrolling out in the ocean away from the beach keeping people away from me.

I get to do what I want and anyone that say I’m doing things wrong is a bad person, who needs to be silenced. Often they are. That makes other people say I’m doing it wrong and bad at my job. I tell them to hush-up, or else…

Would anybody’s employers put up with an employee as described above? 

None of my employers would have put up with me only putting in half a day. None of my employers ever paid me more than 96K per year either, usually I got paid around 55 – 80K per year plus insurance benefits. For that amount of money I was expected to be in the office at least 5 days a week 8 – 10 hours per day and if necessary on weekends.

I’m not complaining about my previous employers requirements, it was the job. I performed the required tasks, put in the time, and got paid. They didn’t care about my politics or personal life, I didn’t care about my coworkers politics or personal lives. We weren’t working at the company as a social event, or to make friends, we were working for paychecks that facilitated our pursuit of goals in our personal lives.

I’m sure you’ve all recognized the person I’m talking about. So I ask you, if this was your gardener, or your pool guy would you keep paying him? I wouldn’t!

So why is this employee still on our payroll?

Just asking.

Well that 6 billion sure helped the Iranians

Israel hamas war rockets AP

The Iranians suddenly had 6 Billion extra in their budget and what did they do with it??

Pretty obvious, wouldn’t you say?

They funded the Palestinian assholes known as Hamas. Who then started attacking Israel.

Go Team Biden! Fantastic job! 

So that’s two armed conflicts that Team Biden failed to anticipate or understand. But Team Biden managed to light the fucking fuses on both, through demonstrated weakness and incompetence. Yea Team!!!

Ukrainian and Israeli blood is on the hands of the Democrats in Washington and Biden in particular. 

I’m glad to hear that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared War, and I sincerely hope that his forces kill every fucking one of the Palestinians. No Mercy! No negotiations, No peace until Palestine is a graveyard.

Yeah, that’s the kind of person I am about this bullshit. The Palestinians have demonstrated time and again what kind of vile shitheads they are. As far as I am concerned, the Palestinians lost all right to my consideration of their position when they hid weapons in schoolyards, and fired missiles from schools then cried to the UN accusing Israel of firing on children.

The one thing I can pretty much guarantee about Jews, is they wouldn’t knowingly hurt children, even the children of their enemies. But they would fire on the point of origin of missiles pretty much instantly. The IDF will do their level best to prevent loss of innocent lives as they always do. So while Palestinians may richly deserve retribution for harboring and keeping Hamas in power. Not all Palestinians are Hamas.

The Israelis usually know the difference and I have faith that they’ll be merciful with non combatants.

The people that should be worried are the folks who funded this War. The Israelis will not be merciful with them.