Existential THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!!

Oh for god’s sake STOP!

Global Warming, Is a threat to democracy
Global Cooling, Is a threat to democracy
MAGA, Is a threat to democracy
Trump, Is a threat to democracy
Vaccine Hesitancy, Is a threat to democracy
Israel Palestine conflict, Is a threat to democracy
January 6th Protests, Is a threat to democracy
Questioning the media, Is a threat to democracy
Questioning the Government, Is a threat to democracy

If everything the media and politicians warn us about, Is a threat to democracy, then nothing is.

Alternatively, if everything is a threat to democracy then democracy is some seriously weak assed shit.

Neither of these assertions are particularly correct.

What these morons are saying is anything and everything beyond their control is a threat to their idea of democracy.

Which leads me to wonder if they understand what democracy is, or that if used incorrectly, democracy may be a bad thing.

You want to see true unfettered absolute democracy?

Look at the Pro Palestinian protestors on college campuses preventing other students from getting to & from their classes. Is this not The Majority exercising absolute democracy and using their numbers to overrule the rights of a minority?

How about Pro Palestinian protestors interrupting a pride parade? Aside from the multiple ironies of Queers for Palestine being on both sides of the “battle line”. Protestors versus Pride Parade is absolute RAW Democracy in action. (There’s also a lesson in there. With Palestinians we can’t have anything they don’t want us to have.)

Democracy can easily be used to trample the rights of the individual. 

That’s why The Constitution and Bill of Rights are so important. When you understand those documents are the only thing standing between us and Pure Democracy (a.k.a. tyranny of the mob), the importance of these documents appears in a whole new light.

I’ve come to believe that the media and our politicians are overusing the word democracy so that we stop “hearing it”. Much like the overused word “racist”. I’ve started wondering if this is a prelude to redefining the word to mean something else in practice if not actual definition.

We don’t now and never have lived in a democracy. Our form of government was designed as a Constitutional Republic. That design was chosen so that the rights of the individual would be preserved regardless of the desires of the Mob.

There’s also an interesting bit in The Constitution that says something to the effect, rights not enumerated are assumed to be held or retained by the individual, not the state. I’m paraphrasing but the meaning was clear to me as an 11 or 12 year old.

My right to do as I pleased was enshrined in The Constitution…

To be clear, my parents were pleased and impressed that I’d read and comprehended The Constitution. They did not however buy my assertion that my misbehavior was Constitutionally protected. I recall their rebuttal was completely rational.

You live in our house, as a dependent on our largess, therefore you will obey our rules until such time as you are no longer dependent upon us for food and shelter. Now, GO TO YOUR ROOM!

It wasn’t until many years later that I learned my Father’s face had been beet red not out of anger, as I had supposed at the time. He’d been doing one of the hardest things a parent has to do. Being parental, when what he really wanted to do was bust up laughing. He told me in my 30’s that he & my mother had gone out to the driveway and laughed till they cried.

I can say these days, it’s a good thing my Father is dead, much as I miss him. With the way the government has been doing things over the past decade or two, my Brother is convinced, and I concur, that our Father would have been out in the shed or in a bunker making ammo and planning for “La Revolution!”

He’d have seen his planning as duty to The Founding Documents, in particular that part that says if the government has become so corrupt and distorted that it no longer serves the people, then the people should overthrow it.

Even in the 1970’s I remember my Father saying that the government should be “big red switched”. A.K.A. abolished and restarted from The Bill of Rights, Constitution, and basic principals. His thinking was that for 1 hour or day there’d be no laws whatsoever. He was ahead of his time. He was really talking about something similar to “The Purge”.

His thinking was that you have to re-elect all new officials, all the laws get erased. The government got started up again with the basics of commonly accepted laws. Don’t kill, don’t steal, that sort of thing. He figured that any scores that got settled while the government was restarting and laws being re-adopted was probably acceptable losses. He’d sometimes go a bit further saying that the folks who got taken out during the restart, probably would have deserved it.

Funny thing, now that I think about it. I wouldn’t consider my Father and his somewhat radical ideas a threat to The Republic. But I could see how his ideas would be considered a threat to the “Democracy” that our politicians are trying to defend.

I’d hate to be worried about my Father and the rest of the family getting “Ruby Ridged” or “Wacoed” by the Feds. There was a time when I called those incidents “outlier” events. Now, I’ve begun to see the Feds for what they are. They’ve shown us all exactly who and what they are in the past 4 years. 

When things like the following have become common place:

3am raids against lawyers who represented a political enemy.
Hunting down people who were simply at the capital on Jan 6th.
Kicking down the doors of ministers over a political dispute with weapons drawn and children in the house.
10-15 vehicles with 60+ agents of the FBI in full tactical load out to arrest one 65 year old retiree and his wife.

Really? This is the “Democracy” our politicians are screaming about protecting?

I’ve seen old newsreels of this. Jackbooted authoritarian thugs kicking down doors.

It was common in Soviet Russia, we denounced it then. It is common in Communist China, our politicians seem to be looking the other way these days. We also saw this behavior in 1930s & 1940s Germany. While the Hugo Boss uniforms were impressive, the authoritarianism was not, and we saw millions murdered. At the end of that conflict. When the trials were ongoing, the common refrain was “I was only following my orders.”

We’ve already heard testimony before Congress that sounded a lot like, “I was only following orders.”

If this kind of government is what our politicians, specifically those in high offices want to protect, then we have a serious problem. 

The question is, how radical will the solution to the problem have to be?

Good Golly, It’s almost April!

I’m losing time. It’s time for me to bite the bullet and get a massage. I don’t want to spend the money but having my lower back in spasm every other day is just not cutting it.

It’s not new damage it’s just spasms to the point of inflexibility. It’s also been taking the wind out of my sails when it comes to doing anything. I swear sometimes lifting a coffee cup is painful.

The last couple massage folks were nice, but I failed to make a connection with them. I’m not sure if that was because of them or me. Meaning I never let my guard down with them. The other issue is that I have to drive to LA or to Palm Springs and then drive back. Either option is a pain in the ass due to traffic and the general stupidity associated with traffic.

I’m going to have to do something soon. I’m tried of being in pain.

Speaking of pain…

I believe that I’ve finally collected up all the necessary tax documentation for the accountant. I’m not looking forward to dealing with the tax crap. I know it’s gotta be done, lest the unbridled raw power of the State and Federal governments be unleashed upon me.

I hate like hell, the thought that I’m going to have to write these fuckers a check. Why, when I’m unemployed, forced into retirement, and living on only what’s in the bank + SS should I give these morons what little I have so they can spend it like drunken sailors in Singapore?

One of those questions you’re never supposed to ask is, “What exactly do I get for my tax dollar?

I’ve never been alone in asking that question. Regardless of the party in power, the people have always believed taxes were too high and the politicians have always found ways to spend beyond the available budget, then raise taxes to fund shitty pork filled bills.

Usually, the government, (State or Federal,) has failed spectacularly at performing their basic tasks. In the midst of failure, the politicians are asking for more money to fund non-essential tasks which they also fail at doing.

I’ve always believed that if a legislative body (State or Federal,) couldn’t pass a balanced budget, the entirety of the body should be flushed. I believe that would light a fire under their asses to do their damn job… If they wanted to keep their job.

There is no accountability, and no recourse. The feds talk about impeachment of this idiot or that idiot, they censure each other, they badmouth each other, but at the end of the day the same idiots are still sitting in their fancy offices, collecting their obscene paychecks, and doing nothing but growing fatter like a tick that’s found a sweet spot on a dog.

Yet, we all keep writing the checks. Or they keep deducting from our paychecks and we have no way to stop them. I’ve been feeling like we re-entered the, “Taxation without Representation,” phase for a long damn time.

Sure, we have elected representatives, but when they get to the state or federal capital they don’t represent the people that elected them anymore.

Instead, they represent themselves, and are willing to sell their grandmothers to a Chinese sweat shop for $5, and their sisters to a whore house on the Barbary coast for $2.

Hmm. maybe the whole tax thing and my back hurting have been why I feel so damn hopeless these days. I thought it was the endless bullshit over the upcoming presidential election.

That’s one of those things that I wish would just shut the hell up. Drop the damn bombs, kill us all, just fucking STOP. Biden, Trump, Al Sharpton, or the idiot brother of your second cousin who’s also your uncle.

I don’t fucking care who’s President anymore.

Absolutely NOTHING will change.

Hmm, I felt exactly the same at the end of the Obama Administration.

Disillusioned and hopeless, wondering if there was another country I could to move to, where I could enjoy a functioning government that wasn’t always in a state of chaos and scandal.

That may be a pipe dream.

Russia? At least there you know the rules.

I have to admit that I like their style when it comes to dealing with criminals, as exhibited by their handling of the terrorists that shot up the concert hall killing 140 people.

Cutting off ears, electrodes on testicles, beating the fuck out of a prisoner to the point his eye “falls” out of its socket?


If we had some of that kind of law enforcement here, I have to wonder if we’d have less crime, less corruption, maintained roads, and a generally peaceful society.

Hell I’d probably be more willing to pay my taxes too. At least then I’d be able to see what my “protection money” buys.

I wonder if we’d have problems at the border if we were known for fucking up lawbreakers?

As we hurdle on towards banana republic status, I suspect these questions will never be answered.

Just to be clear, over at least the past 24 years our government has been degrading. I don’t believe this degradation is party specific, it’s about lowering the bar, turning a blind eye toward crime, corruption, a “not my job” attitude on the part of elected officials, and government departments filled with unelected bureaucrats.

I wonder if Russia would allow an old fart like myself the opportunity to have a small house in the countryside with my dog for my last years.

How can people not see the problem here?

Arthur F. Engoron.I’m very, very, confused about this whole Trump affair in New York.

The Judge found Trump Guilty of a crime for which there were no victims, in fact the supposed Victims testified in court they’d be pleased as punch for the Trump organization to victimize them some more.

The “Fraudulent” business dealings in question provided  the City and State of New York substantial tax revenue and Wall Street investors via their proxies (The Banks) profited.

I’m not seeing the criminality here.

Having worked in mortgage banking for a while during my career, I know that no bank takes at face value what the person or company applying for the loan claims the property is worth. Banks always review and independently verify the property value.

I’m not seeing where the fraud is,

If I have a penny that’s got some unique property and you want that penny. If you offer me $100 for that penny, then the penny has a current value of $100. If someone else offers $200 for the penny, The current value of the penny is $200. If you really want the penny and you go to a bank for a loan, The Bank and you may come to an agreement wherein the bank agrees to the value of the Penny and is willing to loan you $200.

Now you can pay me up to  $300 for the penny. I agree to sell you the penny for $300. I pay the income tax on the $300. You pay the Sales Tax on the $300. Nothing has changed about the penny but its value is now $300. You pay the Bank interest on the $200 they loaned you and the bank pays income tax on that interest. 

In addition, the bank pays its employees, You pay a guard to protect your Penny. The bank employees and your guard buy gas, and groceries, and lattes at Starbucks. Through it all the state and city derive tax revenue all from the sale of one unique  Penny.

Leticia James.This in a very simplistic fashion is what Donald Trump is “Guilty” of in New York.

I don’t see the crime Trump committed.

What I do see is an egregious miscarriage of Justice. I see breath taking corruption. I feel Shame, that our vaunted justice system has been degraded and dragged through the mud.

Lady justice lies naked, beaten, and bloodied. She’s been brutally raped by New York Attorney General Letitia James, and New York Judge Arthur Engoron.

(As an aside, I can’t think of too many things more horrible than being raped by Arthur Engoron. Damn! That visual is gonna give me nightmares.)

The miscarriage of justice doesn’t end there. The way Engoron wrote his order forces Trump to post into a New York Court system account 387 million dollars before Trump can appeal to a higher court. Further, Trump cannot leverage or sell  his real estate holdings in New York to obtain the cash bond to file the appeal, and  locks Trump out of using banks in New York to obtain a loan.

Honestly, this looks like the State of New York confiscating property to prevent the defendant from filing an appeal. In other words The City and State of New York is effectively denying a defendant their right to appeal. Leticia James is talking about taking Trumps Buildings. If she were to do this, then the State and City of New York will be committing outright THEFT! Not that the Democrats in New York give a shit. They won’t give a shit until their Condos and apartments are seized.

But it’s worse, it’s more disgusting.  The law requires that interest be charged on the unpaid bond daily until the bond is secured. So Trump must cough up something like 400 million dollars now, and that number keeps going up.

Kathy Hochul.This is an obscenity that is stomach turning. I don’t give a shit about Trump. I give a shit about the justice system being so corrupt that the accused never has a chance.

What is playing out before our eyes is the very Nazi, Communist, system that our grandfathers and fathers fought to stop in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Cold War.

The heart break is that so many people are in a joyful tizzy that Trump is on the hook and completely missing that this shit could happen to them.

It gets even more disgusting when you realize that if Engoron’s ruling stands. Trump and his companies can’t do business in New York for 3 years. Meaning that they can’t liquidate their properties to exit New York and they must remain to be Financially Raped by the State of New York. Liquidation of assets is doing business. So they can’t move, they can’t conduct business, and they still have to pay the tax burden on the properties they can’t get rid of.

This is similar to some of the stuff I believe we fought a revolution against the King of England about.

Governor Kathy Hochul of New York went on television to assure other corporations and businesses that they had nothing to worry about. Trump was a special case.  Every businessman or corporation should be asking the question, “When do I become a special case?”

If any of these businesses have a lick of sense they’d better be looking for the door out of New York. I guarantee there will not be enough “Snake Pliskins” to help them escape from New York later.

The Truckers, while I’m glad to see them refusing to deliver to NYC, are unfortunately missing the point. Many of these Truckers are independent small business owners. They too get loans for trucks, and trailers. They also are likely to “Exaggerate” the worth of their business, property, or vehicles to secure a loan to advance their business. 

What New York has done is a direct threat to them all. Especially any of these truckers operating out of a state that thinks like New York. What happens if one of these guys makes a politician or a judge angry? 

Kathy Hochul’s reassurances notwithstanding to the people of New York… This new legal tool, and that’s exactly what it is, being successfully used on Trump, means it will be used again and again to drive anyone who questions authority into debtor’s prison. (Remember those? England under King George had a lot of them and emptied them onto boats to settle the colonies.)

Do you know anyone who could afford to pay even $500,000 to post a bond without being able to leverage their property or work with a bank in the state in which they reside? You realize that banks have rules imposed by the US Government that make opening an account in another state very difficult, much less depositing cash or getting a loan. 

These independent truckers shouldn’t be carrying water for Donald Trump.

They should be screaming bloody murder about the way the justice system has been perverted in New York and their platform should be to make sure nothing like this happens in any other state.

It’s not too far a step from having to buy an appeal, to just buying an appellate judge to rule in your favor.

I know, there are a lot of you reading this and saying “That Can’t Happen! WWDucat you’re out of your mind!”

Okay, over the past 4 years how much that “Couldn’t Happen” or “Couldn’t be True” has happened or been proven?

I never in my whole life imagined that I’d see a criminal case where the Defendant was found guilty with no Victims. I never believed that the Justice system could be weaponized with legislators of a state reconfiguring the statute of limitations to be able to try one man. I Never thought it was possible for a man to be tried for a sexual assault in a public place that didn’t happen, be found innocent, then be tried again and found guilty because he said he didn’t know the person and he believed she was clearly ill. 

Oh, and just to be clear, the woman in question has a history of false accusations of sexual assault. She couldn’t remember the exact date, she says she didn’t cry out in a public place with people not 20 feet away, she claimed she was too shocked to do anything but take it.

Uh huh, RIGHT! I’ve actually been the guy who opened the door to a female friend 1/2 hour after she’d been raped. I can’t in any way imagine any unimpaired woman just accepting being raped. That’s doubly true if the woman is in a freaking Macy’s. My friend was raped in her own apartment and the place looked like a bomb went off. She apparently fought like a demon and lost only because he beat her unconscious. So based on my knowledge of my friend, nah… Trump probably wasn’t ever in the same building with E Jean Carrol until the first bullshit trial.

Before I leave this particular aspect of Trumps NYC legal issues, I want to point something else out. Every single woman should be pissed as hell at E Jean Carrol and New York City, because now any woman claiming to have been raped by a well to do or wealthy man will be treated with suspicion and derision. “Oh don’t listen to her, she’s just trying to pull an E Jean Carrol on me because she’s mad at me for some reason or another. You know how women are…”

Trump spoke the truth and got fined 87 million dollars because the nut job had her feelings hurt.

So all of these “Can’t Happen” things have happened in the past 2 years who’s to say the “Can’t Happen” stuff won’t keep happening?

Trump might be the lightening rod. 

Trump is not the issue. The issue is the clear, persistent, and unchecked corruption evident in every single branch and level of our government.

If the people and I mean all the people of this country do not unite against this corruption regardless of their political party or personal hatred of Trump, the United States of America is done.

We The People must not be cowed into submission due to fear of our corrupt government.


Praise Jesus!

Not 10 minutes after I wrote this piece and scheduled it for publication, I flipped on the TV and there was an interview with a truck driver from Louisiana who gets it.

Thank God for us Southern Men!

He said and I’m paraphrasing,  Lets forget Trump, don’t matter if you call him President, Criminal, or what ever. If these people can do it to Trump, they can do it to any one of us.

DAMN! I’m not fucking alone! My People, crazy as some of us may be, aren’t stupid sheep! I’ve always been proud of my Southern Roots, but today my heart is bursting with Southern Pride.

The truckers are apparently going to boycott delivery of goods to NYC. 

That’s likely to be interesting. What happens when the criminals, the illegals, and the dumbass liberals all go hungry in a city where the police force has been decimated?

Good Golly, I’m gonna have to make sure I’ve got Popcorn and Beer. This is likely to be really fucking entertaining!