In recent days there have been very disturbing rumors from the hurricane damaged ares…

Alejandro mayorkas The first rumor that has been subsequently confirmed was that FEMA didn’t have enough cash to see them through the hurricane season. 

Alejandro Mayorkas has once again failed the people of the United States. He sits at the top of DHS, which control FEMA.

It turns out this dumb fucker pissed away a shit ton of tax payer money on illegal aliens who, by the way, get more on their EBT cards and housing allowances than American Citizens on social security.

So let me get this straight, a Citizen with a lifetime of work and contribution to the society of the United States has less value than an illegal alien who comes across the border with their hands out for free shit? Right! Got it!

Th 3440218804.But to top that off, thousands of citizens from Georgia to North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee have to put up with FEMA not having enough money, and get kicked in the balls three times by the US Government.

1) FEMA gave the cash to Illegals

2) Biden’s comment was, “we’ve been warning about climate change.” (So what the fuck does that mean? That these people should have… what? Shot themselves because a storm might come into the interior of the United States? FUCK!) Biden & Washington obviously don’t give a shit about the people in the affected areas.

3) Kamala offers $750 on an EBT card to people who can’t get out of their homes and towns because the roads aren’t open but it wouldn’t matter anyway because without communications and electricity the EBT card’s only value might be that it’s flammable plastic and could start a camp fire.

This is the government we have. These are the people in charge. REALLY?!?!?! 

Biden theyre happy.This is the best these dumb fuckers can come up with?

Well the local rednecks aren’t having any of it and that’s becoming an embarrassment to the Biden/Harris Administration.

Rednecks have cleared roads with their own heavy equipment.

Rednecks are flying their own private helicopters into the affected areas delivering food, water, and medicines.

Rednecks are coordinating search and rescue. Oh and they did all this in a day or two after the storm cleared. They’re still doing what needs to be done for their communities.

My God, there are Rednecks on horseback with pack mules carrying supplies into some of these places.

Then FEMA is coming in and telling the Rednecks they can’t do stuff like this. That’s disturbing enough, but it gets worse.

While military resources are being held up with red tape, while FEMA resources are saying they’re stretched too thin, someone has ordered law enforcement to threaten Pilots with arrest if they keep flying rescue missions.

FEMA has moved into some of the High Schools where they could get in and rumor has it, they’ve confiscated donated funds, supplies, and other resources.

These aren’t “one off” rumors, these are multiple people making the same accusations from obviously different towns. (Or ruins of towns)

Well it’s getting out. The Biden / Harris administration is being called on the carpet again and again. At this point local news affiliates are reporting on the lack of government response and the people they’re interviewing are delivering damning “Mic Drop” moments during those interviews.

One was a helicopter pilot that was told he would be arrested if he rescues another person. The pilot had just flown a man’s wife to safety and to do so had left his own son with the husband. Why? Because he was concerned that the narrowness of the landing zone plus the weight of four people presented a danger for safe takeoff. In other words he was responsible. So for him it was I’ll ferry one person out at a time.

He drops the lady off, then is told by a fire official he’ll be arrested if he goes back up to ferry the husband out. So he goes back, picks up his Son and flies away. Because apparently, the fire official felt he needed to have CONTROL of the scene even though he had ZERO capability to effect rescues. 

The town manager was trotted out to explain that they didn’t want inexperienced or unskilled pilots performing rescues. But the pilot and his son were welcomed the next day by the same damn officials in the same damn area. Because 24 hours later this pilot apparently miraculously gained enough experience points.

There was another report from a lady who was sitting outside a FEMA command center along with all her neighbors who were having to fill out requests for permission to help their neighbors. She said she wouldn’t have bothered but the FEMA guards wouldn’t let her pass to walk up the holler to check on her neighbors. She was less than complementary about the FEMA officials and pointed out she’d lived in this particular holler all her damn life as had her neighbors. She rightly pointed out that FEMA shouldn’t be barking orders if they were there to help.

X is literally alive with report after report of FEMA and government officials interfering with aid. There have now been reports that suggest FEMA will confiscate some food, water, clothing, and other supplies because these supplied are not from “Approved” vendors.

So by FEMA logic, it’s better to have people not eat for 6 days than to allow unapproved vendors food into a disaster area. 

Fucking brilliant!

One that actually got me laughing was from a lady who was clearly a steel magnolia. She said she had a pallet of chainsaws she had to redirect off the main road because FEMA threatened to confiscate them.

She looked at the camera and very directly said chainsaws in the hands of folks from the holler was going to be much more productive than in the hands of FEMA. She also implied that FEMA should probably stick to the areas the mountain folks had already made safe.

FEMA existed before the Biden / Harris administration, now it is clear that FEMA, and probably all branches of DHS need to be completely disbanded. It’s obvious there is corruption from top to bottom and Mayorkas should be tried for treason.

At least this debacle might sink the Harris/Walz campaign. Walz supposedly presided over Minneapolis burning. His wife is quoted as “Opening the windows to let the smell of burning tires waft through our house as a sign of progress.”

Whew, do I want that kind of nut job as the Second Lady? Hell No!

Cartoons are starting to appear as of today that are illustrative of the mood of some people.

Interestingly, more Rednecks are working their way around the FEMA roadblocks. They’re acting like they’re running moonshine to get supplies to people who are in need and universally saying fuck off FEMA!

There was one video of people hiking into a holler carrying supplies because that was the only way to get supplies in.  

There have been reports of FEMA brandishing arms to threaten people. I haven’t been able to confirm that. I feel real sorry for the dumb FEMA fuck who shoots a Redneck. If that happens some FEMA jackasses will likely end up just another few naked dead bodies floating downriver.

That being said, there is an anomaly that I find really interesting.

The usual grumbling and chatter about revolt against the government or civil war has suddenly dropped off a cliff. There’s not nearly as much as I’ve gotten used to seeing.

I take that as a really bad sign. When Southerners stop talking, it usually means they’re getting ready to start doing.

This mess, you can see the swath of destruction from space by the way, and the lack of government response, has pissed off a whole lot of people and woke up a bunch of other people.

In California, with FEMA not having enough money to finish out the hurricane season, what happens if, God Forbid, we have a big earthquake. We’re due, actually overdue, for something along the line of the Loma Prieta quake of 1989. 

NOAA 20 satellite helene power.Can you see Mayorkas telling California, FEMA is out of money? What about the recent wildfires? Don’t tell me those people are being offered a lousy $750! Oh, multiple reports say that affected individuals in the hurricane zone are being denied the lousy $750 because oh hey, they have homeowner insurance or renters insurance. 


Which is it Cackler In Chief? Do folks get $750 or Not?

Got news for you bitch! Their insurance won’t begin to pay off until an insurance adjuster can get in to inspect the property which they can’t do because the roads are closed and FEMA is in some cases preventing the locals from just doing the job.

So you’ve got people who may have been evacuated to safety but who can’t pay for food, diapers, clothing, or fuel because they don’t have access to to their bank accounts, the insurance hasn’t and won’t pay off yet, and FEMA is making sure that only approved supplies are distributed, while preventing local folks from clearing the roads because of “Qualifications”.

Down in Florida, FEMA has fucked up clearing property in Pinellas County because they don’t want to allow local landfills to take large truckloads. Apparently if the truck has commercial markings on it, even if they’re donating their time, truck, and fuel, to help their community and neighbors, they’re not allowed to offload, per FEMA rules.

FEMA claims they’re going to handle it and has gone so far as to tell the dump truck drivers to dump the already loaded trash back in the driveways of the residences. FEMA claims they’ll get to it over the course of the next year or whatever.

Uh, FEMA Dumbasses, that dog don’t hunt in Florida. Mold from water inundation doesn’t stop for a year or so while you get your shit together. Rats don’t stop multiplying and are already becoming a problem because of edible stuff in the debris. The debris needs to be moved fast otherwise you’re going to have other health problems. Think of almost any Rat born disease and leaving piles of rubble and debris sitting in neighborhoods is going to cause it.

This is a perfect example of the idiots in government needing to just get the hell out of the way. There are times when the locals, you know, those who live in and deal with a particular environment every day, should be trusted and relied upon to know what is best. This is when FEMA should ask, “Based on your experience living here what should we take care of first after we get the roads open, the water flowing, and the power on?” Believe me, the locals will tell you exactly what’s next.

Some moron in a suit or brand new jeans with a clever Polo shirt, born and raised in Chicago has no clue what’s needed, what will work, and how to do stuff in an Appalachian holler. Or in a low lying, high humidity, area like Pinellas County.

Then the final insult was Biden talking, returning from a trip that had him going on four helicopter rides and two flights on Air Force One.

‘Oh, in the storm zone,’ Biden said after an awkward pause. ‘I’m thinking what storm are you talking about’,

‘They’re getting everything they need,’ Biden responded. ‘They’re very happy, across the board.’

Go back to sunning your ancient ass in Delaware you useless piece of shit!

There are literally reports of bodies hanging in trees, floating down the rivers, and makeshift morgues just now being set up. 

It’s safe to say across the board, the people of Appalachia are NOT very happy.

On the plus side, this debacle of a response might end Democrat ideas, bullshit, and control for a few decades. Talk about a glaring example of how not to govern!

If the Dims, uh Democrats are tossed out of control maybe there will be peace & quiet for a while. That might be nice.

Here’s something from Twitter. This is indicative of the kind of messages.

“I’m currently in Asheville, North Carolina with my company doing disaster security for a dialysis company, and we’re also doing search and rescue for patients to bring them to dialysis so they don’t die. 

This place is a war zone people and the military is not here. 

And the reason I’m pissed because I was part of the operation during hurricane Katrina. I was stationed in San Diego and within 96 hours we were in Louisiana. And these bastards are not sending the military here. 

There’s so much destruction. There’s no news crews here. That’s why you’re not seeing it. The American people should be angry at what our government is doing to this town. There are people hurting here. 

There are so many people dying. I drove past a young kids about 5 to 7 years old. They were brother and sister, and they were looking for their parents. We got them to a church. These young kids don’t know where their mom and dad are. 

And the military is being f*cking hamstrained by these goddamn DOD f*cking executives. If you’re not angry, you should be. Because this is what our government thinks about us. They’re not here to help us. We have to take care of ourselves. 

There’s townsears that are self policing. We drove into towns where the the town folk came up to us and said, what are you doing here? So we’re looking for patients. We’re trying to get them help, and they welcome us with open arms. This is bad, people. 

You’re not here. It is very bad. We need water. We need food. We need clothes. 

I’m in a budget motel, and I’m very grateful, and I feel somewhat guilty that I have a roof over my head and a shower. And it’s right across from the airport. 

There was a man that took off yesterday in his helicopter to go up in the mountains to drop off food. He landed and got arrested and said he was interfering with the government, a government operation, but there’s no operations going on. 

I’m sick to my stomach that our government treats our American people this way. 

And then when they get slapped in the face, oh, here’s $750. After we sent over $200,000,000,000 overseas. Alejandro Mayorkas, you’re a traitor to your country.

He Screwed the country, our national security, our allies, the economy, and finally screwed the DNC nomination processs!

Joe Confused.I guess Obama was right. “Anything Joe touches gets fucked up”.

I’m not sure that’s the exact phrase but it’s damn close.

There was one report that said Joe’s aides found out he was dropping out of the race via X. Talk about disrespecting all your employees and people who believed in you. 

Then again if any of his aides still believed in him, they’re probably too stupid to leave their mother’s basement. 

We all knew this was going to happen. The handwriting was on the wall in flashing neon letters. If Joe had really wanted to fuck over the people that believed in him, including those who voted for his raggedy ass in the primaries, he should have waited another couple of weeks before bowing out. But Joe even fucked up expressing his hatred for his supporters. 

This is the best the Democrat party could do? This is the guy they lied, manipulated, and cheated to get into office and forced him down our throats. This is the guy that was the great white hope of a Democrat controlled government for the next decade or two.

I’d love to call up the ghost of Joseph McCarthy. Can we have him deliver the line, “Are you now or have you ever been a Democrat?

The memes and videos on X are hysterical! 

The down side is that Kamala is in theory going to remain VP. I hope the law and the Republicans force a 25th amendment hearing. We need to retire Biden and let Kamala become president for the next few months.

The American People deserve to know what their choices are. Kamala is singularly unqualified to be President. That’s not about her skin color or that she’s a woman. It’s about who she is and that she’s incompetent.

Americans need to see the incompetence. About 1/2 of America needs to have their noses rubbed in the steaming shit they’ve voted for, simply because they didn’t like mean tweets and believed without question every word the media said.

Another advantage would be that if she is made President for the remainder of this term, it fulfills the bogus demands that we have a woman president, and bonus points because Kamala is a woman of color.

She gets to be the first, and then we can move on with the normal business of righting the ship of state.

Kennedy or Trump would do nicely.

Janet Yellen says Trumps Tariffs instead of Federal income tax, would make life unaffordable..

The Article is here

Janet Yellen.Since she’s been wrong on just about every single thing over the past 3 years, I cynically wonder if I should, as a matter of course, invert anything that comes out of her mouth.

I also wonder if she meant unaffordable for the Federal Government? My assumption is that if the Federal Government was 1/3 its current size and functional, that perhaps the tariff idea would work.

It’s not just about taxes. It’s about the horrific inefficiency of the Federal Government. It’s about the way our leadership spends money like drunken sailors. They remind me of a shopping addicted, depressed housewife with a credit card watching QVC all day long.  Believe me, that’s a combination that you do not want.

In the case of our government, we don’t ever see the UPS guy delivering boxes of crap that end up being returned or just going right in the trash can. Our government has found that dumping our money directly in the trash is far more expedient.

You might think I’m being funny. I’m not. I’ve seen first hand what the husbands of shopping addicted folks have to put up with. I’ve seen the stress & strain, the haunted look on a man’s face when the credit card bills keep rolling in and the house is filling with useless crap. I’ve witnessed the fights, the divorces, the “discovery” of a whole bunch of joint credit cards a guy didn’t know his spouse had opened.

It’s not much of a stretch to describe the American Taxpayers as the abused breadwinner being saddled with ever increasing debt by a spouse who insists on buying the Pretty Polly collectors edition faux porcelain doll with genuine agate buttons for only $495. Followed by the same Pretty Polly in a different color dress with genuine synthetic azurite buttons for $595. Both can be purchased together for $1550 and you get free shipping with a certificate of authenticity. 

Our government has forgotten that they’re supposed to provide Value for the dollars they’ve spent. Lately, all we’ve gotten for the taxes they’ve burned so frivolously is the equivalent of a shitload of Pretty Polly dolls, and a maxed out credit card at 22% interest.

Janet Yellen reminds me of the woman who, after the divorce, decides to part with her collection of Pretty Polly dolls, only to discover that every single version she purchased with its “Certificate of Authenticity” is available on eBay for .10 + $22.95 shipping and that she’s not going to be able to pay the rent.

Eventually the Federal Government will reach a point that the American Taxpayer demands a divorce. The manner in which that happens remains to be seen.

The Federal Government in general and this Administration in particular have done more to make the American People turn away in disgust than any time I can remember. 

That being said, I watched the Watergate scandal and Nixon’s resignation.

Existential THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!!

Oh for god’s sake STOP!

Global Warming, Is a threat to democracy
Global Cooling, Is a threat to democracy
MAGA, Is a threat to democracy
Trump, Is a threat to democracy
Vaccine Hesitancy, Is a threat to democracy
Israel Palestine conflict, Is a threat to democracy
January 6th Protests, Is a threat to democracy
Questioning the media, Is a threat to democracy
Questioning the Government, Is a threat to democracy

If everything the media and politicians warn us about, Is a threat to democracy, then nothing is.

Alternatively, if everything is a threat to democracy then democracy is some seriously weak assed shit.

Neither of these assertions are particularly correct.

What these morons are saying is anything and everything beyond their control is a threat to their idea of democracy.

Which leads me to wonder if they understand what democracy is, or that if used incorrectly, democracy may be a bad thing.

You want to see true unfettered absolute democracy?

Look at the Pro Palestinian protestors on college campuses preventing other students from getting to & from their classes. Is this not The Majority exercising absolute democracy and using their numbers to overrule the rights of a minority?

How about Pro Palestinian protestors interrupting a pride parade? Aside from the multiple ironies of Queers for Palestine being on both sides of the “battle line”. Protestors versus Pride Parade is absolute RAW Democracy in action. (There’s also a lesson in there. With Palestinians we can’t have anything they don’t want us to have.)

Democracy can easily be used to trample the rights of the individual. 

That’s why The Constitution and Bill of Rights are so important. When you understand those documents are the only thing standing between us and Pure Democracy (a.k.a. tyranny of the mob), the importance of these documents appears in a whole new light.

I’ve come to believe that the media and our politicians are overusing the word democracy so that we stop “hearing it”. Much like the overused word “racist”. I’ve started wondering if this is a prelude to redefining the word to mean something else in practice if not actual definition.

We don’t now and never have lived in a democracy. Our form of government was designed as a Constitutional Republic. That design was chosen so that the rights of the individual would be preserved regardless of the desires of the Mob.

There’s also an interesting bit in The Constitution that says something to the effect, rights not enumerated are assumed to be held or retained by the individual, not the state. I’m paraphrasing but the meaning was clear to me as an 11 or 12 year old.

My right to do as I pleased was enshrined in The Constitution…

To be clear, my parents were pleased and impressed that I’d read and comprehended The Constitution. They did not however buy my assertion that my misbehavior was Constitutionally protected. I recall their rebuttal was completely rational.

You live in our house, as a dependent on our largess, therefore you will obey our rules until such time as you are no longer dependent upon us for food and shelter. Now, GO TO YOUR ROOM!

It wasn’t until many years later that I learned my Father’s face had been beet red not out of anger, as I had supposed at the time. He’d been doing one of the hardest things a parent has to do. Being parental, when what he really wanted to do was bust up laughing. He told me in my 30’s that he & my mother had gone out to the driveway and laughed till they cried.

I can say these days, it’s a good thing my Father is dead, much as I miss him. With the way the government has been doing things over the past decade or two, my Brother is convinced, and I concur, that our Father would have been out in the shed or in a bunker making ammo and planning for “La Revolution!”

He’d have seen his planning as duty to The Founding Documents, in particular that part that says if the government has become so corrupt and distorted that it no longer serves the people, then the people should overthrow it.

Even in the 1970’s I remember my Father saying that the government should be “big red switched”. A.K.A. abolished and restarted from The Bill of Rights, Constitution, and basic principals. His thinking was that for 1 hour or day there’d be no laws whatsoever. He was ahead of his time. He was really talking about something similar to “The Purge”.

His thinking was that you have to re-elect all new officials, all the laws get erased. The government got started up again with the basics of commonly accepted laws. Don’t kill, don’t steal, that sort of thing. He figured that any scores that got settled while the government was restarting and laws being re-adopted was probably acceptable losses. He’d sometimes go a bit further saying that the folks who got taken out during the restart, probably would have deserved it.

Funny thing, now that I think about it. I wouldn’t consider my Father and his somewhat radical ideas a threat to The Republic. But I could see how his ideas would be considered a threat to the “Democracy” that our politicians are trying to defend.

I’d hate to be worried about my Father and the rest of the family getting “Ruby Ridged” or “Wacoed” by the Feds. There was a time when I called those incidents “outlier” events. Now, I’ve begun to see the Feds for what they are. They’ve shown us all exactly who and what they are in the past 4 years. 

When things like the following have become common place:

3am raids against lawyers who represented a political enemy.
Hunting down people who were simply at the capital on Jan 6th.
Kicking down the doors of ministers over a political dispute with weapons drawn and children in the house.
10-15 vehicles with 60+ agents of the FBI in full tactical load out to arrest one 65 year old retiree and his wife.

Really? This is the “Democracy” our politicians are screaming about protecting?

I’ve seen old newsreels of this. Jackbooted authoritarian thugs kicking down doors.

It was common in Soviet Russia, we denounced it then. It is common in Communist China, our politicians seem to be looking the other way these days. We also saw this behavior in 1930s & 1940s Germany. While the Hugo Boss uniforms were impressive, the authoritarianism was not, and we saw millions murdered. At the end of that conflict. When the trials were ongoing, the common refrain was “I was only following my orders.”

We’ve already heard testimony before Congress that sounded a lot like, “I was only following orders.”

If this kind of government is what our politicians, specifically those in high offices want to protect, then we have a serious problem. 

The question is, how radical will the solution to the problem have to be?

Good Golly, It’s almost April!

I’m losing time. It’s time for me to bite the bullet and get a massage. I don’t want to spend the money but having my lower back in spasm every other day is just not cutting it.

It’s not new damage it’s just spasms to the point of inflexibility. It’s also been taking the wind out of my sails when it comes to doing anything. I swear sometimes lifting a coffee cup is painful.

The last couple massage folks were nice, but I failed to make a connection with them. I’m not sure if that was because of them or me. Meaning I never let my guard down with them. The other issue is that I have to drive to LA or to Palm Springs and then drive back. Either option is a pain in the ass due to traffic and the general stupidity associated with traffic.

I’m going to have to do something soon. I’m tried of being in pain.

Speaking of pain…

I believe that I’ve finally collected up all the necessary tax documentation for the accountant. I’m not looking forward to dealing with the tax crap. I know it’s gotta be done, lest the unbridled raw power of the State and Federal governments be unleashed upon me.

I hate like hell, the thought that I’m going to have to write these fuckers a check. Why, when I’m unemployed, forced into retirement, and living on only what’s in the bank + SS should I give these morons what little I have so they can spend it like drunken sailors in Singapore?

One of those questions you’re never supposed to ask is, “What exactly do I get for my tax dollar?

I’ve never been alone in asking that question. Regardless of the party in power, the people have always believed taxes were too high and the politicians have always found ways to spend beyond the available budget, then raise taxes to fund shitty pork filled bills.

Usually, the government, (State or Federal,) has failed spectacularly at performing their basic tasks. In the midst of failure, the politicians are asking for more money to fund non-essential tasks which they also fail at doing.

I’ve always believed that if a legislative body (State or Federal,) couldn’t pass a balanced budget, the entirety of the body should be flushed. I believe that would light a fire under their asses to do their damn job… If they wanted to keep their job.

There is no accountability, and no recourse. The feds talk about impeachment of this idiot or that idiot, they censure each other, they badmouth each other, but at the end of the day the same idiots are still sitting in their fancy offices, collecting their obscene paychecks, and doing nothing but growing fatter like a tick that’s found a sweet spot on a dog.

Yet, we all keep writing the checks. Or they keep deducting from our paychecks and we have no way to stop them. I’ve been feeling like we re-entered the, “Taxation without Representation,” phase for a long damn time.

Sure, we have elected representatives, but when they get to the state or federal capital they don’t represent the people that elected them anymore.

Instead, they represent themselves, and are willing to sell their grandmothers to a Chinese sweat shop for $5, and their sisters to a whore house on the Barbary coast for $2.

Hmm. maybe the whole tax thing and my back hurting have been why I feel so damn hopeless these days. I thought it was the endless bullshit over the upcoming presidential election.

That’s one of those things that I wish would just shut the hell up. Drop the damn bombs, kill us all, just fucking STOP. Biden, Trump, Al Sharpton, or the idiot brother of your second cousin who’s also your uncle.

I don’t fucking care who’s President anymore.

Absolutely NOTHING will change.

Hmm, I felt exactly the same at the end of the Obama Administration.

Disillusioned and hopeless, wondering if there was another country I could to move to, where I could enjoy a functioning government that wasn’t always in a state of chaos and scandal.

That may be a pipe dream.

Russia? At least there you know the rules.

I have to admit that I like their style when it comes to dealing with criminals, as exhibited by their handling of the terrorists that shot up the concert hall killing 140 people.

Cutting off ears, electrodes on testicles, beating the fuck out of a prisoner to the point his eye “falls” out of its socket?


If we had some of that kind of law enforcement here, I have to wonder if we’d have less crime, less corruption, maintained roads, and a generally peaceful society.

Hell I’d probably be more willing to pay my taxes too. At least then I’d be able to see what my “protection money” buys.

I wonder if we’d have problems at the border if we were known for fucking up lawbreakers?

As we hurdle on towards banana republic status, I suspect these questions will never be answered.

Just to be clear, over at least the past 24 years our government has been degrading. I don’t believe this degradation is party specific, it’s about lowering the bar, turning a blind eye toward crime, corruption, a “not my job” attitude on the part of elected officials, and government departments filled with unelected bureaucrats.

I wonder if Russia would allow an old fart like myself the opportunity to have a small house in the countryside with my dog for my last years.