Don’t know what to think…


The BLM sending guys to a ranch with guns?

Tasering a guy? Tossing a woman to the ground? Establishing a “Free Speech zone?” REALLY? Are you fucking kidding me?

Supposedly all this over a tortoise?

Additional information being reported that the BLM has shot & killed more of the tortoises than cattle ever trampled?


The ranchers family has been in the same place, grazing the same land for over a hundred years?

Other stories being reported about the BLM tossing two Shoshone women off their land for having a few horses, goats, and cows. The women in question were supposed to be subsistence level farmers and had nothing other than their home and animals.

NewImageAnother rancher who died mysteriously after winning a law suit against the BLM when they tried to force him off his land? The rancher was quoted as saying “The BLM will never let me spend that settlement.”

His death followed his wife’s mysterious death in a single car accident on a desert road near their home.


These are the kinds of stories we’d expect to hear coming out of The old Soviet Union, but these are stories from America.

We have examples like Ruby Ridge, and Waco where all may not be as was reported and our Government may have over stepped constitutional boundaries.

Oh let’s not forget Wounded Knee 


Native Americans look at the government with considerable suspicion and they’re justified in doing so. How many treaties were broken?

How many times did our Government take back land because the powers in that government wanted what was under the land?

Based on history, I find myself asking what is it the BLM really wants and why do they want it? 

Reports have surfaced implying Senator Harry Reid is somehow involved. I dismissed those reports until Senator Reid made the statement “It’s not over” regarding the Bundy ranch.


If he’s not involved why make the comment? Surely a Senate Majority Leader has better things to do with his time, unless he had a personal interest in the outcome the the range war between the Bundy’s and the BLM.

As I’ve read the material becoming available online ( and I admit readily that digital data is not reliable ) I’ve come to see that the BLM may in fact have prior claim.

The land in question was aquired via the Treaty of the Guadalupe Hildalgo. However the Bundy family has been grazing on the land in question since the 1880s. 

Who has rights to what is something that the courts have decided or will decide.


I’m a lot more concerned about the force shown by the government and their apparent willingness to use that force without hesitation.

I’m concerned about the slow response of the media to the escalating confrontation. 

OH, For God Sake

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Late last summer the flood control folks from the county decided they were going to do us all a favor by digging out the wash that starts at the top of an 8000 ft mountain down to the desert floor.

This decision in turn subjected all of the local residents to months of ground shaking, rumbling, dust, speeding dumptrucks, damaged roads, and, in the end left us with a view that looked like a moonscape.

We weren’t pleased about what they’d done. We were over fucking joyed when the heavy equipment finally left and we were no longer in the middle of a fucking construction project. It was our Christmas present and we all sighed a deep sigh of relief.

Then in March, it rained! God forbid, it should actually rain!

What happened next was what many of us had predicted would happen. As I noted in an earlier blog any child who grew up east of the Kalifornia border and whose parents weren’t terrified of their child actually being … a child … knows what happens when you build a “Straight channel” down a slope and it rains.

The surrounding dirt fills in the bottom of the channel and dirt from the top of the slope comes tumbling down to fill in your carefully dug channel.

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(As a kid I lost more plastic army men in channels dug in my sandbox and back yard than I can shake a stick at. I’d love to see the archeologists face in 2000 years when they excavate my old back yard.)

However unlike the small channels dug with a garden trowel replicating the movie  “Guns of Navarone,” the channel behind our residences is deep enough and wide enough that when the material started moving, it really started moving.

Lets see, 8000 ft mountain, deep channel, nothing to hold material in place, (since they couldn’t take their excavations and concrete the barriers right to the base of the mountain because that is national forestry land), and what do you get?

A large movement of dirt, rocks, debris, and god knows what else all over cemented barriers and you still have the road (which is too low in the first place) flooded out and buried.

A child could have predicted what was going to happen. 

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All this is a rehash of what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future, provided Kalifornia doesn’t become a desert akin to the Sahara.

My gripe isn’t so much about the utter stupidity of this whole wash project itself. I’ve been pissed off for a while because absolutely nothing that the county said was going to happen, has happened (aside from the construction itself.)

My gripe is about the complete destruction of the peace & quiet.

Throughout the tail end of the summer when I should have been enjoying my back deck, I couldn’t. In the Fall when I’ve spent happy hours writing blogs, or my books watching the seasons change I was denied the simplicity of sitting on my deck in the early morning or evening watching the sun rise or set over the desert.

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We honestly thought that our Christmas celebrations were going to be disrupted with the clanking of bulldozers and dump trucks. As a result, I barely put up any lights or decorations because I simply couldn’t stand the horrific din of being at ground zero of a construction project.

I was recently away, I was in a very small town in FL. My folks home backs up to a swampy area which at one end is truly a swamp, the other end opens onto a lake. In point of fact it would probably all be a lake had it not been for some illegal dredging in the past 50 years.

The point is, I got used to the silence. The sound of birds, the sound of rain on the roof (No, NOT TIN! Thank you very much, although Tin roofs are making a nostalgic comeback on certain upscale yuppie homes.) The sounds of frogs, and splashes of fish making a meal of an insect on the surface of the lake. It was a quiet kind of noisy, the sounds were natural, familiar, and put me at ease.

Then I come home.

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And what does my first week home bring me? 

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, Rumble, rumble, diesel stench, and dump tucks racing up & down the road in front of my home. Endless noise of heavy equipment starting at 7am and ending at 5:30.

Because now you see, they have to empty all the dirt and rock from the channel they created. Yep they have an ongoing POS flood control thing to maintain. Guess that’s one way to keep people working.

Unfortunately, it’s not very convenient for me. Most of the year, we have the windows open taking advantage of the nice cross breezes we’re fortunate enough to have.

Last year, because of all the noise, dust and general chaos we kept our windows closed starting in August. You don’t even want to know about the electric bill because of the air conditioning use.

Here we are again, trapped in the house the temperatures are going up and pretty soon we’re going to either have to open the windows or start running the A/C.

All of which makes me want to do nothing but get in my car and leave! Again!

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At 7 am this morning the beeping that woke me wasn’t in fact a malfunctioning alarm clock but was instead, a grader driving up the newly created access road next to the wash. After slamming my hand on the “Snooze” button a few times to no avail, I seriously thought about calling a realtor. 


I’m being driven out of my home, or mad, or both by a flood control project I didn’t ask for, to solve a problem that didn’t exist until they started mucking about in the wash in the first place, which hasn’t solved the problem.

I moved 90 miles from LA so that I could enjoy the quiet. 

If I’m going to have to put up with the noise and hustle & bustle, and never have a moments peace, I might as well be living in fucking Hollywood. It would sure make issues on the job front easier to solve!

So my faithful readers, use this as a cautionary tale and if the county you live in, decides to “Make things better, or safer… especially if they’re talking about a problem that you’ve never heard of or seen before…


Pull an Arthur Dent, lay down in front of the equipment. Protest, and if necessary, start yanking distributor caps of the machines in the dead of night. Believe me, no good will come of a project the county decides is best for everyone.

Excuse me I’m going to check zillow for comps on my house, maybe I can sell this place and not lose my shirt.

Lets ride the Obamacare merry-go-round again!


I swear, A LOT!

Especially when I’m having to deal with the complete and utter Bullshit that Obamacare is causing in average folks lives.

But I really start swearing when I’m having to clean up the mess Obamacare has introduced into my nice neat life. For the second time in less than a month it appears that my insurance is in an indeterminate state.

The primary hitch seems to be in the prescription coverage.

I spoke to a nice young lady a few weeks ago and she gave me the proper string of numbers and letters to have a prescription filled. I found out today that string of letters and numbers doesn’t work anymore.

Which loops me back to the problem that I was trying to solve several weeks ago that required me being on hold for 5 hours or so.

At the time I asked the nice young lady if there was a problem with my policy. She said nope, you’re paid up until March.

Uhh, it’s Feb 3rd and apparently there is something wrong with my insurance.

I’ve now been on hold for another hour and aside from the same repeating loop of music and a female voice saying,

“All agents are still assisting other callers please continue to hold and your call will be answered as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience.”

Nothing much has changed.


As I sit here on hold I realized that if someone was trying to sort out this problem from their place of employment, they’d have to take a day off from work.

Think about the people in retail or the waiters and waitresses. Do you think their employers would accept the fact that they need to be on hold for hours on end just to sort out getting a prescription for their sick child?

Why should I as an independent business person have to ignore my clients and not get any work done because I’m dealing with Obamacare or the ramifications of Obamacare?

Does all this lost time get factored into the cost equations of implementing Obamacare? It should!

The boondoggle of Obamacare is not only canceling insurance for people that were previously insured, it’s creating a backlog of clients like myself who cannot get assistance when they need it.

People signing up doesn’t mean jack shit if those people can’t actually access the policy or services that they’ve bought and paid for.

Sarah Palin was wrong, there won’t be death panels.

There will simply be people dying of neglect. If you’d like to see how that plays out I suggest that you get hold of a movie called “The Hospital” sorry it’s not available on Netflix.  The movie has, George C Scott, Diana Rigg, Barnard Hughes, and Richard Dysart. It was made in 1971. The blurb on IMDB doesn’t sound like much but it’s really well done.

Well this time, it turns out the computers cancelled me on Jan 1st.

Might have been bloody nice if they’d told me I was cancelled. Of course that cancellation wasn’t supposed to have happened. Then again neither was my migration to another policy that wouldn’t have taken effect until March of this year, leaving me with no coverage for 2 months.

Again it would have been really nice if the insurance company had, oh… I don’t know, MENTIONED something to me about it.

Instead my only indications were that I suddenly didn’t have prescriptions coverage. Thank God I didn’t need to go to a hospital.

All this has been absolutely wonderful raising my blood pressure.

Everything is sorted out until Feb 15th When I get to go through another enrollment process and figure out if I’m eligible for subsidies.


Subsidies?!?!? to pay a bill that I was capable of paying without assistance before Obamacare. I’m very confused about that. After all where does the money for subsidies come from?

Oh yeah from our tax dollars.

I guess this is what redistribution of wealth looks like.

Ugh! What a political hangover!


Maybe I should have been drinking while I was watching the SOTU address.

There were a lot of other folks on Twitter that were playing drinking games while they watched the President.

I’m saddened and disheartened when I hear a President say “I’m going to bypass congress to push my agendas forward.”

All I can think is “WHAT?”

How can any president stand before congress and the American People and make a statement like that?

Worse yet, was that Congress applauded. 

I couldn’t help but wonder what they were applauding about?

That they no longer had the burden of working together, because the President was going to do what he wanted anyway?

That the erosion of the separation of the various branches of our government was one step closer to a dictatorship?

No one in that room, Democrat or Republican, should have been applauding our President saying in effect; “I have no faith in our ability to get the job of government done, so I’m going to ignore Congress.” 

That kind of thinking, and the acceptance of that kind of thinking scares the hell out of me.

If you carry the Presidents line of reasoning to it’s furthest conclusion, you start to see other people from history who thought that they, and they alone could chart the best course for their Country and their people. Almost without exception, that path is a dark and bloody one.

So how have we come to this place?

Obviously Congress hasn’t been working for a long time. Partisan politics have divided not only Congress, but the country as a whole.

President Obama isn’t the first Democratic president. I’d say, in my opinion that he is the most divisive.

The next election cycle, we need to boot the Representatives and Senators that aren’t doing their jobs, out of office. 

That’s the way to get things done. 

Lies! more Lies!


I wasn’t going to comment any more on this Obamacare debacle but each day there are yet more revelations that just cannot be allowed to pass.

In addition, yesterday I got the letter I’ve been waiting for.

My other half got a similar letter last week describing that their group policy was being cancelled as well. We’re both scrambling to figure out if it’s better for us to have separate policies or to combine our coverage.

Apparently, our insurance policies are so called “Crap” policies according to wondrous Obamacare.

I’ve got time until my policy is gone, and I have to figure out what to do.

I spent some time on the phone with the insurance company and I found out a couple of interesting things.


The first is that MY PPO plan may not allow me to go to my Doctor of many many years because he’s in a different county and therefore in a different provider net called EPO.

The implication being that unless you’re very careful you could find yourself having to see only physicians, specialists, and going to hospitals that are in your county if you don’t have compatible provider networks.

I told the lady at the insurance company that if my choice was to go to my doctor OR to have insurance… I choose my doctor, I’ll pay out of pocket, insurance be damned.


How does restricting my coverage to a specific geographical area benefit me? Would I have insurance coverage if I was traveling out of state?

I’ve written before about my preference for doctors whose First language is English.

I have vivid memories of waiting in my Kaiser hospital waiting room in Fontana believing I was having a heart attack, and not hearing a fucking word of English. NewImage

I might as well have been in a hospital in another country. Then when I finally got to see a Doctor (if that’s what he was) I couldn’t understand him due to an unbelievable and unintelligible heavy accent.

He finally called a nurse in who explained in Spanish what was going on.

My Spanish is poor at best, but since I have some scientific grounding I was able to “get” most of the medical stuff that she was talking about  because I remembered the rudimentary Latin I’d learned as a kid.


My only choice was to rely on my understanding of a dialect of Spanish that she wasn’t speaking (Mexican versus Castillian) and routing the medical jargon through a dead language?

My Kaiser plan was cancelled the very next day!

I paid out of pocket for medical care until open enrollment at my company, then I went PPO.

There are those who would say I’m racist.

I disagree! I’m about survival!

If I can’t understand what the doctors or nurses are even saying how can I possible be engaged in my medical care?

If I don’t understand their instructions how can I comply?NewImageWorse, if these folks don’t understand my complaint how the hell can they make a diagnosis?

This is still America, like it or not The Defacto spoken language is English.

I don’t think it’s racist at all for me to insist on speaking the language of my birth, the language I was taught in school, and the language printed on all the streetsigns.

I’m even less charitable when it comes to medicine. The wrong shit, taken the wrong way 


Now it looks like PPO no longer has the advantages it once had.


It looks like I’m not alone in discovering a certain “Regionality” to the coverage plans. Reports are cropping up of hospitals and doctors being excluded from networks. Ostensibly this is a cost cutting move. The reality is far more sinister.

If I’m on a Bronze plan, then presumably I’ll be limited to Bronze plan network providers. If I’m on a Gold plan, I’ll be limited to Gold plan providers.

Dollars to doughnuts those lines and restrictions will draw rather stark lines between rich & poor.

The practical application of this could mean that all the poor folks from South LA get sent to Martin Luther King Hospital, which in recent years was on the verge of being closed due to inferior care. The rich folks in the gold plan will be sent to Cedars Sinai.

You want to talk about something hideously wrong? There’s your talking point. Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to be egalitarian?


Obamacare in it’s current implementation lends itself to government sanctioned and enforced Classism.

Taking that thought to an obscene conclusion… Obamacare could enforce and create an underclass of people for whom inferior medical care will be the norm. A “Worker Class” if you will.

The most frightening thought is that this system eventually creates a dystopian world of “haves” and “have nots”.

The “have nots” are disposable and always underperforming because their health problems will be greater in number.

They’ll be absent from their jobs more. Their survival rates after an accident will be lower than their wealthier counterparts.

Leading to elites asking, “ Why spend a lot of time or money training them, they burn out like lightbulbs and are replaced just as easily. ” 

I doubt we’ll see this in the next 10 years but what about the next 50? We already have people on both sides of the political aisle who’re telling the American people in effect “ We’re better educated than you. We know whats best for you.”  NewImage

You could argue that to some extent we have this classism now. You’d be right.

However, hospitals must take anyone in an emergency today. A person who needs specialized care, even on the lowest tier of a “Crap” insurance plan typically is allowed to go to the hospital where they can obtain the care they need.

They pay their insurance deductible and 20%, 30% or 40% of the treatment bill and that’s it. Yes there’s a financial hardship component to this system, there is no denying it.

Being OUT OF NETWORK means that even with insurance, I still have to pay 100% of the specialist bill. This is not an improvement over the current system. In fact, this is beyond reprehensible.

When someone manages to explain how this works to the poor, Obamacare and the presidency of Obama will be over. The Presidents already low approval ratings could well drop to zero (That would be interesting to see from a historic perspective.) Any Republicans or Libertarians reading? Here’s your chance, to engage across class boundaries.

Then as I pulled at the frayed threads of the new policy offering I discovered this…

My monthly payment will probably go up, as will my deductible. My RX coverage even for Generic drugs will be reduced or eliminated.

WTF? I thought Obamacare was supposed to make insurance more affordable – not less.

I think that Obamacare will break the back of the insurance companies and the medical profession.

When the experiment is finished we’ll all be worse off than before, and Americans may well be dying in their beds from simple treatable illnesses because they can’t afford the costs of insurance AND treatment.


Then I think about the Obamacare web site and my head explodes again.

I’ve worked in Banking, and Mortgage Insurance. We, and by “We” I mean relatively small groups of developers, testers and analysts built systems that facilitated the earning, control, or transfer of literally BILLIONS of dollars per year.

It was not uncommon for the teams I worked in, to have 4 major projects per year and those projects interacted with customers and in many cases various governmental agencies.

For someone in my position, my head explodes with each new revelation about the manner in which the website was created, If ever there was an excuse to fire a group of people this is it.

Best practices for web design and implementation are printed in books, available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple. The first two vendors will sell you the books as a set, in hardcopy. You may not know how to code a website… but you damn sure can learn how to manage a website project.

This is not new technology, webs sites, and e-commerce sites are well understood and there are literally millions of people in this country with the correct expertise for a project like

Many of the people with this expertise are/were unemployed!

The revelation this morning was that as much as 60% to 70% of the backend of the Obamacare site hasn’t been written.


Screech!!! Wait! What!

Primary accounting functions, Transaction functions haven’t even been written!

So what HHS is saying, is the website that has been broken from day one… doesn’t actually connect the user to the insurers is a really useful way?

Yet to interact and shop on the site you have to enter all kinds of personal data, Then the site is incapable of taking the consumers payment information, supplying the insurer with that payment and applying the subsidy if applicable?

REALLY???? NewImage

What the hell? Just what have these contractors been doing for the past 3.5 years?

I know exactly what they’ve been doing…

The various contractor groups and the HHS Department have been involved in a clusterfuck of inter-office politics. No-one was in control, yet everyone thought they were top dog.


Every one curried favor and allies and then tried to figure out who’s was bigger.

All the while saying that they were tightening budgets and hiring people who met EOE regulations even though the people they hired weren’t the best people for the job.

But there were no specifications about what the freaking website was supposed to accomplish and how.

There were probably people like me asking why? Those folks were shusshed and told that they didn’t understand the process.

There were endless reports written, powerpoint presentations given and lots of self congratulatory back slapping.

Meanwhile the specifications were too specific about irrelevant issues like the manufacturer of the resistor at location g239 on board 12 of the servers being used to host the website. And not specific enough about what the button on the screen labeled “Submit” was actually supposed to do.

The folks like me were  probably pointing out, in corporate America that heads would be rolling down the hallways.

The govt contractors and employees all just looked at them astounded. The fundamental disconnect is that for govt workers the reams and reams of paper reports that no one reads, and endless uninformative powerpoint presentations and meets ARE working. Even though these activities rarely get things done.


The people actually doing the work were no doubt left to guess at what the government wanted, and how it was supposed to work.

Then every six months, there would be a change in direction that required the programmers and technical people to start all over again.

That’s why we have a simple website that’s all but useless.

That’s why our government has pissed through a BILLION dollars and has a site that looks like a Junior High School kid built it.

That’s why we’ll spend another billion to get it right.

Every single one of those people in government who were in control of this whole ACA (Obamacare) abortion… should be thrown out on the streets.

Set an example at the ballot box.


Demand that your congressman take action and start firing, or impeaching, or recalling these people.

Whatever it takes it’s time to clean house and start fresh.

I can’t promise I won’t write about Obamacare again.

I’ll try not to.