Let me explain…


Americans not wanting Illegal immigrants is not the same as Americans not welcoming Immigrants.

I know the subtlety is easily lost in the endless politically correct churning of the mainstream media.

Immigrants are by definition folks that have gone through the process of asking for permission, and filling out endless applications to move to the United States.

They are patient, and law abiding, they’re generally looking for a new life and willing to assimilate into the fabric of our great nation. Often they are escaping the oppression of a government or political system that punished them for being who they were, for having dreams, or for disagreeing with totalitarianism.

Generally, these people do not wish to bring the ills of their former nation to their new adopted country. They don’t seek what they had at home, they seek a future of freedom and opportunity. (Unless they’re Muslim… another story entirely.)

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Illegal Immigrants may want many of the same things, but there is one major difference and lots of little differences between the Illegal Immigrant and the legal immigrant.

The major difference…

The Illegal Immigrant has, as their first act in a new country broken the law. There is NO discussion here, no excuses, it’s a matter of fact. Crossing the border into another country without permission is illegal. Therefore an Illegal immigrant has broken the law.

Many, though not all illegal immigrants are simply criminals in their own country and seek to escape justice by hiding among the shadow population in this country. These folks bring their criminal ways with them.

Enforcing a closed border, Unreasonable?

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It’s not unreasonable to want to defend our border. It’s not unreasonable to send folks packing because they snuck into the country.

What is unreasonable is not enforcing the laws of this country.

It’s unreasonable to distribute Illegal immigrants across the nation, free them on a promise, and then expect them to show up in court. Particularly if those illegal immigrants are underage children. It makes no sense that our government is essentially asking minors to enter into a legal contract, in a country whose laws they don’t understand.

In the current climate where we have borders that are not secure, and our government secretly distributing illegal immigrants throughout the country, members of my own family are being placed at risk.

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Yes… a cracker, honky, lily white, (gasp) conservative male has relatives that are of Latin American decent. 

They’re children, they’re American citizens, and they’re AT RISK!

Follow this scenario.

My elderly parents shopping with their grand children who tan very well, encounter folks that are angry about the lawless illegal immigration that our government is allowing.

This angry mob points to the kids, demanding to see their immigration papers (which of course as American citizens they neither have, or need.) My Dad gets pissed off and tries to protect his grandchildren then sustains injury. Meanwhile my Mom attempts to escape the mob only to be called to account for harboring Illegals!

The kids are traumatized and have seen the ugliest face of humanity, all the while not understanding what they did wrong. (Because Unknownof course they did nothing wrong!)

The scenario above isn’t beyond possibility. Especially if our government continues to sanction and assist illegal immigration. Eventually Americans are going to get pissed off and when they do a lot of innocent people are going to be hurt.

I feel for the folks who want to come to this country, I really do. That being said, I absolutely am 100% against having our borders unsecured, any and ALL amnesty programs or doing anything with the illegals involved in our border crisis EXCEPT returning them to their country of origin immediately.

For me it’s personal.

I believe it is totally unconscionable and dangerous to Americans, for the Obama administration to harbor these people, and ignore the will of the Citizens. 


Now This Really Pisses me off!!!


I swear the TSA and our government have got to be a bunch of idiots!

I hate being taken for a fool and god knows the TSA loves to assume the American People are idiots. Worse though is when the TSA assumes that our enemies are idiots.

Years ago, LONG before the TSA existed I got into trouble, as in “detained” for questioning the logic of the people running the metal detectors.

Back in the day, they’d have us turn on our equipment, then they’d look through the lens of our SLR film cameras and wave us on to the metal detectors.

I pointed out once that a variety of explosives are very stable, powerful, and require a blasting cap or its equivalent to detonate. Given these facts, were I someone that wanted to do something bad I’d actually want there to be power in a laptop or similar device. 

SLR Camera

At that same time I also pointed out that looking through the view finder of an SLR camera tells you absolutely NOTHING about what might be in the film compartment.  (Yes, it was WAY back in the day!)

When the nice security men & FBI finished questioning me, one of the agents asked me what on earth possessed me to cause a scene in a boarding line at an airport?

I responded:

I didn’t cause a scene, I simply made some observations… out loud.

I continued, if someone is going to inconvenience me in the name of safety then by god DO IT and be safe about it.


No-one is safe if our safety is an illusion. Simply going through the motions of insuring my safety is an insult and a waste of mine and everyone else’s time. If you’re concerned about a bomb being in a laptop then really inspect the laptop. 

If you’re concerned about explosives in an SLR camera then open the damn camera and LOOK inside.

But best of all, make us put everything through the damn X-ray machine. Then you can actually see if something looks amiss inside our computers, cameras, cellphones, backpacks, purses, and god knows what else people may be carrying onto the damn airplane.

The agent smiled.

He told me he didn’t want to see me ever again in one of questioning rooms. He told me I was smart enough to understand that, “Theater” could sometimes be a deterrent, and that I wasn’t incorrect about the stuff that could go boom.

I saw his point, at the time.

I happily flew for many years after that encounter. I also noticed that the security folks began asking all passengers to put all their stuff in the X-ray machines.

Why am I pissed off now?

Because we’ve come full circle!

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi YouTube

The difference is that our enemies have access to stuff that is more destructive, and those same enemies aren’t using bombs as a negotiating tool (as the folks who claimed they had a bomb then ordered the pilot of a plane to take them to Cuba).  Today our enemies are willing to blow themselves up and take other people with them.

SO why are we engaging in this silly bit of theater?

The DHS says they’re worried about so called undetectable bombs…


Then doesn’t that presuppose that the people building these sophisticated bombs are smart enough to build them so that powering up the devices won’t set the thing off?

Lets give our enemies credit for at least being able to use the knowledge they gained going to western colleges.

I resent the theater today more than I resented it back at the dawn of time.

Theater isn’t going to protect us from Jihadists intent on causing us harm. 

If our government is serious about protecting us, then they need to terminate all financial aid and make sure that ALL funds to and from terrorists cells in our country are cut off.

The Hamas mouthpiece CAIR should be deprived of all funding originating outside the US and should be prevented from transferring any funds out of the country. Which means preventing the French bank BNP and others from obfuscating the sources and destinations of transactions. 

(For god’s sake it’s an annoying odyssey for honest citizens to open bank accounts with piddly sums of cash. How the HELL can international banks get aways with this stuff?)

We shouldn’t be providing Syria weapons.

The Muslim Brotherhood is another organization that we have no business supporting.

We need to be depriving these terrorist organizations of their funding, weapons, and communications.

It’s interesting that ISIS is waging an impressive recruiting and PR campaign via Twitter! That needs to stop.  If that means giving the Muslim countries their dreams of internet isolation from the rest of the world, so be it.

Last, and most importantly we need to stop the politically correct bullshit. I’m not suggesting that we become a bunch of racist xenophobes, I’m saying that we need to have all the information about the goings on in our country.

That means we need to see the reports about honor killings, like those recently uncovered in NJ. We need to understand how Islam is influencing our country for good or ill. We need truth, and fearlessly honest reporting to return to mainstream news.

I firmly believe that in the light of truth, we as a people will be better able to make decisions that are in our best interests.

Make no mistake, it’s not a sin to act in your own self interests.

Even the Occupy Wall Street people figured that out.

You know I was thinking about politics…


Now wait, it’s ok.

I was wondering why a happy go lucky guy like me who’d been able for decades to ignore politics, taxes, and all the foolishness, of the government suddenly got interested.

It’s counterintuitive as hell.

Then I started thinking back, remembering my life before my interest in politics.

I was busy, I had lots of work, the companies where I was working were competitive and only cared if you could do the job, not the effete university from which you’d purchased your diploma.

For that matter diplomas actually held weight. A degreed individual was actually someone that you could go to for answers to real problems. Instead of the narrow-minded stovepiped “specialists” we have today.


Time spun on, and I was still working, although the jobs were getting less plentiful. I didn’t often notice the politics and most of what I did notice was scandal or unbelievable stupidity. But politics was infiltrating my life year after year.

Five years became ten, ten became twenty, and well… you get the picture.

Flash forward many years to now, and I realized that politics has simply become all encompassing and intrusive. Its everywhere and there is no escape.

It’s not just politics it’s highly polarized politics charged with divisiveness and fueled by a willingness to ignore anyone else’s opinion regardless of the validity of a dissenting opinion.

And that’s whats drawn my attention, its this complete dismissiveness of the other guy that pisses me off.

So now I find I can’t look away even if I want to.  Its sort of like looking at an accident in progress, you want to look away but you just can’t bring yourself to close your eyes until after you see the horror.  That’s our political system these days a disaster in progress.

Kind of a sad commentary when you think about it.

Holy Shit! I can’t believe I saw this.


President Obama threw the Iraqi government under the bus today. 

I have NO love of Iraq but I can’t help think, since they are supposed to be more or less our allies that we’re supposed to help them when they ask for our help.

Obama just said, “You’re on your own.”

I just noticed a report of 200 US government civilian contractors that are trapped and holding an airbase with weapons and ammunition left behind by fleeing Iraqi security and military personnel. These folks have been holding their position since Wednesday and were in the process of evacuating.

Did the President just tell them “You’re Fucked”?

Lets see 200 Americans at a 5 to one ratio of Gitmo prisoners… HEY! Obama will be able to keep at least ONE of his promises.  To get back the contractors, he’ll be able to close Gitmo. Surely that will be something all the Obama ass kissers will be crowing about. 

I can see Nancy Pelosi telling all of America what a successful, honest and wonderful President Obama is.

The president is doing more to cause the world, and our allies to mistrust us than anyone I can ever remember.

We need to start leading again. 

If this doesn’t get politicians attention, nothing will.

Eric Cantor, of all people has been defeated in the VA primary.



There are a lot of people that wouldn’t really care. I personally was shocked to see it happen.

Cantor is a very conservative republican. Some thought he was next in line to take John Boehner’s position.

The take away in my less than humble opinion is that no-one in congress is safe. I suspect that the men and women who have actually been doing their jobs will likely be safe from the growing anti-incumbent movement. but all the rest of congress who have been going along to just get along…

They’d better watch out.

It’s entirely possible that both Democrats and Republicans are going to find themselves clearing out their offices.

Personally I think it’s a great thing.


I’ve long believed that we the people needed to crack the whip over the heads of congress, to remind them who was really supposed to be in charge.

I’d personally love to see Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, and Cummings out, and some new blood installed in their place.

Yeah, I know those are all Democrats, I don’t even care if new Democrats are put in their place I just want these folks out of office because time and again they’ve demonstrated a special contempt for average American People.

They’ve all been in office too long and have become steeped in Washington Politics. They serve the interests of their party, their donors, or themselves, they’ve forgotten that they’re supposed to serve We The People. I Strongly suspect that they’ve forgotten that they too are part of We The People, having been in elitist positions for so long.

The pundits and wags are still trying to figure out why Cantor lost. The analysis will no doubt take some time. I rather suspect it was over the immigration bill.

It’s not that Americans don’t appreciate immigrants, but Americans have a particular disdain for cheats. After all the folks crossing the border without permission are in fact cheating the system. They’re cutting in line, in front of those good folks that are trying to come to America with cash in their pockets, great ideas, and who have been waiting in the  line patiently, sometimes for years.

As a people we don’t like cheating. Cantor’s support of the amnesty bill (and that is what the bill is, amnesty) probably didn’t set well with the fine hardworking folks in VA. 

In this age of Obama, where at every turn it seems the President is breaking the law, it might just have NewImage een that the people decided ‘’No More”. The folks in VA expressed their general opinion of lawbreakers at the same time they expressed their distrust of a conservative Republican that suddenly started championing a system that in effect rewarded lawbreakers.

For the VA voters, it was a two-fer. They put the fear of god in their Senators, and Congressmen in Washington and  they got rid of someone that they didn’t feel was representing their interests.

I’d imagine this morning all over Virginia, there are Mayors, Council members, and County commissioners who are all wondering just how safe their jobs are.