It’s interesting to me that the SCOTUS ruled against the OSHA Vaccine Mandate but upheld the CMS version.

From what I’ve read thus far, members of the court had concerns about the vague language used in the OSHA version. In the CMS version, it appears they upheld it based on who was providing the money. CMS appears mostly Medicare related and therefore is using public funds.

There’s a lot more to read and I’m waiting for text of the actual ruling.

I suspect that the vague language issue leaves open the possibility for the Biden Administration to tighten up the language and the try to re-implement the OSHA rule.

I also find myself wondering if the SCOTUS ruling opens an entirely different can of worms.

What about those employees who did not want to get the vaccination but who felt the had no choice. Do they now have legal standing to sue their employers? Can they invoke the Nuremberg Code and demand compensation? Will they be able to sue the Biden Administration?

They, by definition were being coerced/threatened into accepting a medical procedure against their will. That’s a pretty clear violation of Nuremberg.

There will be some slimy lawyer that says they don’t have a case because they could submit to weekly testing, wear a mask, maintain social distance, etc. That is more or less true although some companies were saying everyone had to be vaccinated because it was too much work to keep track of testing schedules and results.

It should be interesting to see how that plays out.

I’m waiting to see the rulings before rushing to judgement. However many of the initial news pieces don’t mention any constitutional infringement that the court was concerned about. That concerns me.

If the SCOTUS found nothing constitutionally wrong with the OSHA mandate, then we can be sure that a revised mandate will rear its ugly head once more. I worry that without a constitutional “Stake” to the heart this OSHA mandate will rise from the grave and introduce more chaos into the job market. Companies don’t want to hire if they’re unable to predict which way the wind is blowing.

Year One of Biden has been a study in unintended consequences.

It’s funny. I just realized I’ve seen this before.

I’ve worked for companies that while owned by the founder were profitable and produced good reliable products. Typically, the founder has a clear vision of what products are needed and sticks to that vision. A lot of the founders I’ve known were essentially good folks, but they tended to be plain spoken, to the point of being “mean”. They weren’t mean, they simply had little time or concern for hurt feelings.

I’ve observed what happens to a company when they go public and suddenly you’ve got a board of directors, a bunch of executives given their positions by the board regardless of qualifications, and a bunch of legal red tape designed to protect the investors.

What seems to happen is the company loses focus. You start having “design by committee,” instead of a clear vision of the products. There’s usually a substantial loss of quality and often the executives will take one successful product and modify it iteratively, bolting on a new button or changing the color. They’ll call it “new” and improved. But it’s the same machine or software just with different lipstick.

It’s not uncommon for the founder to quietly bail and then there’s a lot of churn in the executive wing. For employees that’ve been through this process once, they also start looking for the exits.

I’ve been in companies where the new management is so unfamiliar with product or the company that they start hemorrhaging money on things that don’t add value to the actual work being done on the product. (Custom woven carpets for premium office space in an Irvine high-rise come to mind.)

As the company goes further into the red more committees get formed to investigate why the company is showing a loss. The management starts flogging the employees and demanding longer hours, restricting vacations, and of course cheapening the medical plan for the employees. But the executive wing is still getting raises, going on vacations, and getting bonuses. They also have awesome medical coverage.

There’s a point where the brain drain from employees bailing to greener pastures reaches a tipping point. That’s when a high level “Cleaner” executive comes in. This person’s job is to ready the company for immediate sale. The company itself will be shut down and all the patents and intellectual property will be sold to competitors.

Think of it as organ harvesting in the corporate world. It happens all the time! If I was a betting man, Now that Jack Dorsey is out of Twitter, and Jeff Bezos is out of Amazon… We might see either or both cannibalized over the next 10 years. I’d bet that Twitter will go first.

The Biden Administration reminds me a lot of the corporate process. There’s a lack of focus. The administration is trying to address too many pet issues and not considering the consequences. Many of the issues are low level, but because they’re being treated with equal weight to every other issue, nothing is being done well.

Unfortunately, we’re all going to have to suffer through it. It is my sincere hope that America will learn the bitter lesson this time around and choose better candidates for the 2024 Presidential election.

I’m not holding my breath but I have a smidgen of hope nonetheless.

Another missed opportunity…

Joe Biden took office and said he was about unity.

Kamala Harris echoed that sentiment.

Today on the anniversary of the Jan 6th riot, both missed another opportunity to instill unity.

I’not not a fan of either Biden or Harris. Nonetheless, they are the President and Vice President.

I’m a big fan of our country regardless of who occupies the oval office.

I think the entire world realizes that Biden is fading out. It’s sad that Biden is being forced to expose his decline to the whole world.

He should be at his home, his dogs at his side, with his comfortable slippers on. The rigors of the Presidency are too much for him at his age. The man deserves some peace, let him enjoy photo albums and home movies of the happier times in his life.

That’s the nature of coming to the end of your life. A person should be allowed to put down their burdens and enjoy their time left in the garden appreciating the little things. That’s how I’d like to go out anyway.

President Biden continued banging the drum against former President Trump. That’s his right, but in the end, most of his words are just words. I think few people take them seriously.

After 6 years of Trump bashing from the Democratic Party and media, is anyone listening anymore? It’s all become the same old song. How many of us hear Trump did… and think, “There they go again should I bother to listen, or tune them out like a bad commercial on TV?”

It’s become just like the whole “Birther” bullshit about Obama.

Even if someone had produced “The Smoking Gun” proving that Obama was not born in this country after the first year, what would have been done? If we were a young and vibrant country he’d have been impeached, the VP would have become President and we’d have proven that our system and laws work.

But we’re not a young and vibrant country. We’re more like Grandpa who’s clearly lost driving to the grocery store but who can’t bring himself to admit it then ask for directions.

I think we’re in the same position with the 2020 election. It’s completely pointless to keep banging the drum about a stolen election. Even if all the irregularities Trump claims happened were to prove true, what then?

I can’t even imagine all the chaos surrounding the removal of Biden / Harris and their administration. Just imagine what that would look like after a year.

Pelosi as The President Pro temp, while the Supreme Court scrambled to undo executive orders, rolling things back to Trump? I can’t even imagine the constitutional complexities of installing Trump at this point. I don’t believe there’s any precedent for such a thing and what do you do with the fact that The Presidential term is four years? How do you resolve that disparity?

The economy and in fact the nation probably couldn’t take the strain. God only knows what the Nation would look like after everything was said and done.

We’ve got to come together, work through the problems and do better in the next election cycle.

Therein is the missed opportunity.

Kamala Harris’s speech where she spoke of dates that live in our collected memories was not incorrect.

There are dates that live in our national memory. April 19, 1775, April 12, 1861, Dec 7, 1941, and Sept 11, 2001 do have significance.

I disagree with her that the Jan 6th riot is on par with those particular dates. (I added the start of the revolutionary and civil wars.) I think her speech writers attempt to conflate a riot with actual wars is disingenuous. I also think that it adds fuel to the fire and does a dis-service to Vice President Harris.

The left media is nodding their approval and parroting the same talking points about a riot being an insurrection. The right media is using the conflation as a bludgeon.

Were I one of her speech writers I’d have suggested that The Vice President take the opportunity to attempt to unify the nation.

My thinking is along these lines. Instead of conflating the Jan 6th riot with attacks on the United States from without as was done. I’d have gone with Vietnam Protests, and The Watts Riots, the Civil rights movement, and even the BLM Protests.

Bear with me here. I know there are a lot of people who’re clenching their jaws and thinking, “fuck you!” I ask that you be patient.

The reason I’d have gone this particular direction is because the Vice President could have at that point said that these events were example of American citizens acting out because they believed their government wasn’t listening.

In the cases cited above, the leadership in Washington had to listen. These events caused change. While initially the government resisted the change, eventually the leadership conceded to the will of the people. We got out of Vietnam, the Civil rights movement saw the disparity addressed, imperfectly, but at least disparity wasn’t being ignored anymore. BLM has brought attention to abusive policing.

Vice President Harris could have used this opportunity to reach out to the people who apparently felt so disenfranchised that they stormed the capital, to express their displeasure. Her message could have been, “We’re listening, your leaders have heard you.”

The Vice President would at that point have been in a position to begin at least binding the wounds. To begin that unification promised on inauguration day. She’d have reaffirmed that the first amendment was alive and well, and that she as a leader, (We know she’s going to be President,) would honor the clause in the First Amendment regarding the citizens seeking redress of their grievances.

Whether she actually meant it or not is irrelevant. Every single politician will lie to their own mother to retain office.

She would have appeared for a moment as a moderate, competent leader and it would have played well with large swaths of Americans. She’d also have added fuel to the scattered reports that she and President Biden don’t see eye to eye. That would probably have played even better for her polling, since it’s been said that The President is restraining her, limiting her effectiveness, and cutting her out of governing processes.

I don’t know if I’d have believed her any more than I do normally.

I do believe she missed an opportunity to put a lovely banana peel under President Biden and it would have smoothed her inevitable transition into the Presidency.

In any case, I for one am tired of the divisive rhetoric and hyperbole coming from both sides of our leadership and press.

I don’t care if Trump was elected. I don’t care if Biden was elected. I do care that we put a stop to the claims after every election that come from the losers. This bullshit has been going on since Gore and the hanging chads.

There’s always a BIG LIE! The only difference is who’s telling it.

Both major parties have participated in election disputes for decades it’s not strictly one side or the other. That fact should be remembered as well.

Don’t we as a nation have the right, or the will, to put an end to this chaos? Don’t we have the right to be secure in the knowledge that the elected officials are really the choice of the majority of the people? We don’t have to agree with, or like the officials. We should however be able to move on with our lives within a month after an election and turn our attention to other matters of importance.

Think how difficult it must be for leaders of other nations to deal with this chaos. They can’t in good faith negotiate with a President that may at any moment be found to be illegitimate or impeached for the 20th time. I’d submit that it is the duty of the United States to clean up our voting issues for the benefit of, not only ourselves, but the world.

Alas, all administrations for the past 30 years or so have gotten lazy and in the habit of blaming the other guy for the problems in front of them.

It doesn’t matter, New Mr President, who actually spilled the milk. You’re the one standing over it, so go get a mop!

Okay, I’m done with this year.

Let’s get this 2022 party started!

As we count down to the New Year, I often try to think of things I’m thankful for from the previous year.

The list this year is pitifully small. In 2020 it’s a, “What List?” situation, so I guess 2021 has been marginally better. I’m kind of worried that 2022 is going to be a sucky year too.

I’m thinking that we’re going to have to put up with a full year of really crappy politics running up to the 2022 election. No matter which party comes out on top, we’re no doubt going to have endless recounts.

The way it looks now, (although it could change,) people are dissatisfied enough with the Democrats in Congress that they’re likely to be voted out. This would effectively kneecap the Biden Administration and lead no doubt, to endless squabbling and nothing getting done for another two years. AGAIN!

While everyone is gearing up for the circus of various elections, the Jan 6th Committee will continue on without actually doing anything, except issuing subpoenas. Those subpoena’s will be fought in court wasting millions in taxpayer dollars and bankrupting supposed members of Trump’s inner circle. That in itself is unfair punishment and very probably the point of issuing the subpoenas in the first place. Especially if the person happens to be innocent, this way they’re punished anyway and their families. Reminds me of a certain biblical king who killed the firstborn male child of every Jewish Family.

Honestly at this point I think the Jan 6th committee should just open with, “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Republican Party?” They can follow that up with, “Have you ever stayed at a Trump hotel, attended a Trump rally, agreed in any way with Trump, worked for Trump, spoken his name, have you ever been in Washington DC or communicated with anyone in Washington DC, or believed at any time that The Constitution of The United States was valid?”

Their next statement should just be, “We find you guilty… of whatever!”

I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if they pulled up all the ballots for Trump and just imprisoned everyone that voted for him instead of Biden. It would be simpler and save everyone a lot of time, money, and aggravation. That seems to be where they’re heading anyway.

Yes, I’m annoyed by the whole thing.

I’d be a lot happier if they’d stop “fishing” and focus on the primary suspects, then branch out to other suspects as the evidence led them. In my opinion what we’re seeing right now looks a lot less like a search for truth, and a lot more like the old Soviet Style destruction of political enemies.

If they’ve got a valid point they should make it, if not, then shut up and get back to the work they were elected to do. I’m totally sick and tired of Trump witch hunts. What have we had, 5, 6 years of this mind numbing bullshit?

Trump was impeached TWICE, both times big nothing burgers. Now he’s supposedly at the heart of a plot to overthrow the United States? If he’s SOOOOO dangerous why the fuck isn’t he sitting in a prison cell? Why are there a bunch of other people sitting in prison cells denied due process?

I’m not looking forward to the continuing follies of the Jan 6th committee in any way. The bunch of them should be slapped like the three stooges, then disbanded. Although I’d tune in to C-SPAN to watch someone slap ’em all. Yeah, I often have C-SPAN open on my computer.

It’s a great way to see and hear what’s happening real time in a variety of hearings. It’s also a great way to understand why so little gets done in Congress. These people spend more time bloviating and self aggrandizing than they do asking germane questions.

One of these days there’s going to be someone like me testifying who’ll interrupt some congressman thanking them for their appearance for the 20th time and that person will say, “Yeah congressman, I’m here because you demanded my presence, threatened my livelihood, and my family, so stop with the bullshit thanking me and get to your fucking point!”

The other scenario that would have me rolling on the floor laughing would be where the congressman spouts on, and on, monologging without asking a question. I’d love to see the witness interrupt and ask, “Uh do you need me for this? I’ve got other places to be and you aren’t asking a question.”

I’d pay to see either one!

I’ve loved watching Rand Paul tearing Fauci a new asshole every single time he’s appeared. I miss Trey Gowdy in hearings. I’m happy that he’s doing something he likes doing, but I loved him being a bad ass lawyer when he was asking questions in Congressional hearings. I didn’t always agree with him, but damn, he earned my respect. I’d hire him as my attorney anytime! Rand Paul and Trey Gowdy tearing at Fauci and Collins would be an epic pay per view event.

In the new year I’m going to try to ignore the “news,” more so than I have this year.

I am going to be listening to the actual hearings more. I’m hoping that the Jan 6th committee starts broadcasting everything on C-SPAN, I doubt very much that they will.

I’ll be watching what they do broadcast with interest. I can hardly wait to see their evidence of a plot. If there was a plot, I’d like to understand what that was, how it came to be, and who were its architects. If there wasn’t actually a plot, I’m sure that Adam Schiff will present some really interesting faked slides with out of context quotes that can be debunked. Again.

(Adam, FYI, your most recent “text message” fake was poorly done. Everyone knows what a real text message looks like. If you’d like assistance faking text messages, graphics, or evidence, I’m available, and I work fairly cheap. BTW I am a pure capitalist who’s been forcibly unemployed for a long while, I could use the money. I don’t have to agree with you or even like you…)

(I’m also available for hire to the defendants in the Jan 6th probe. If I can make fakes, I’m gonna be good at spotting and debunking them.)

Hey, a man’s gotta eat! I’ll work for the highest bidder! Go Capitalism!!!