Come on, We’ve all seen this movie!

Ebola Graphic (CBS)

With so many cautionary tales;

Andromeda Strain 

12 Monkeys

The Walking Dead

28 Days Later



Resident Evil


We know how this ebola thing has to play out.

Our Southern border must be closed.  Flights from infected areas or with passengers originating from restricted areas must be denied access to the US, or at least quarantined for 21 days before being allowed to merge with the general population.

The alternative is that we allow ebola to gain a foothold here in this country and then we no longer have the metaphoric high ground from which to battle the disease. 


This isn’t about political gain, being called racists, or being mean, it’s biology.

Since the disease has a greater than 50% fatality rate, I think it’s not something we want to underestimate or ignore.

The old bioweapon maps from the US Army, (which of course you can’t find on the internet anymore) showed very graphically just how quickly diseases with various methods of transmission could spread.


I am not suggesting, as some have, that ebola is a bioweapon. I’m saying that some pretty reputable science was done during the cold war that can give us predictions about what happens if something like ebola gets a foothold in this country.  This science is backed up by fairly recent history.

There was a little thing called the 1918 Influenza.  This pandemic infected an estimated 500 million people. Estimates are as high as 100 million people dead.

The really NASTY thing about this particular Influenza was that it killed mostly young adults in the prime of life. Contrast this, with most infectious diseases killing the very young or the elderly and that’s why the 1918 Flu is a standout in pandemics.


Oh and by the way, if anyone was going to weaponize a disease… the 1918 flu variant would be at the top of the list.  

It’s tactically sound. Kill off the young adults, send their surviving children to indoctrination camps and use the elderly to clean up the bodies.

Gruesome and cold, but the logic can’t be ignored.  You win wars by denying your enemy the ability to make war. No soldiers equals no fight.  That’s just the mechanics of it, the demoralization of a people watching their sons and daughters die, and an entire generation of orphans is one hell of a weapon.

Thankfully, the superpowers during the cold war, concluded that biological war was just too damn dangerous and unpredictable. Oh sure there were dalliances with small pox and anthrax but it really is a very dangerous game.

Atomic bombs are probably safer.


The problem today is that our Government seems completely … what? Disinterested, Over-confident, laissez faire, about ebola and the ease with which a disease like this can bypass formerly insurmountable natural barriers; oceans, mountains, etc. Yet they’re the ones who have the Science suggesting the outcomes of transmissible diseases on large populations.

Given the events in TX, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to institute some serious and active quarantine measures.  Mr Duncan, should never have made it to this country. He should never have been ABLE to pose a threat to the health and well-being of American Citizens.  


I’m sorry that Mr. Duncan died.  However, I find myself asking the following questions:

Who is going to pay for his hospitalization and treatment?

Is his family going to get a bill from the hospital?

Since his family is playing the race card, what the hell, I might as well go all in. So I have to ask:

What is their immigration status?

The immigration office has gone on record as saying that Liberians are among some of the people most likely to overstay their Visas. So why is The State Department still issuing any Liberian Visas? For that matter why are any Visas being issued to anyone from the affected countries in Africa?

How did Mr. Duncan come by the money for a plane ticket?


Was he a test subject from Boko-Haram, ISIS, or some other Muslim group? I do hope that our law enforcement is looking into his finances and the finances of his family. I personally wouldn’t be surprised to hear that his family got some “interesting” deposits.

I’m not trying to victimize the victim here, but there are many questions that have remained unanswered surrounding Mr. Duncan. These questions are worthy of some answers.

The race card has been played internationally and within our own country. The aggregate of the reports suggest that people in Africa believe that we have a cure for ebola, but that we didn’t give it to Mr. Duncan because he was black.

Maybe we do have a cure, maybe the experimental drugs work, but they’re in short supply and hard to produce. After all, they’re experimental, and by definition produced in very small quantities. It’s not like we can just turn on a factory and start churning out this stuff. Hell OUR generic pharmaceuticals are produced in India!

Blood Types

Some reports have commented on Mr Duncan not being given blood from one of the survivors. These reports attempt to imply that the reason these blood transfusions weren’t provided is because Mr. Duncan was black.

The more likely reason is because of a little thing called blood types. Based on the distribution of blood types around the world it’s likely that Mr Duncan was type O. This is a very common blood type.

But, there are relatively few survivors of ebola. It is entirely likely that of those few survivors healthy enough to donate blood, none were type compatible with Mr Duncan.

This means that if one of the survivors had given Mr Duncan a transfusion, and they were incompatible, the transfusion itself would have killed Mr Duncan before ebola.

These FACTS are not racist, these are scientific and biological facts

blood bag

It’s concerning that even black people in America believe Mr Duncan was denied drugs or treatment simply based on the color of his skin. That speaks to a fundamental lack of education in, or understanding of science & biology.

Moreover it speaks to the level of divisiveness that has permeated this country for far too long.

If white people wanted to kill black people… they’d do it.  You wouldn’t have to rely on whispered conspiracy theories and innuendo. You’d have bodies in the streets.

It’s time for all of us to realize we’re all Americans and we’re all pretty much equally fucked if this disease gets a foothold here.

Duncan Apartment

Sadly, due to the apparent level of ignorance about science and biology, it’s likely that minority neighborhoods will be the hardest hit.

I say this because if these neighborhoods don’t understand basic biology, or medicine they’re going to be unable to comply with quarantine requirements or even recognize the danger.  

We’ve already seen this when the family of Mr. Duncan violated their quarantine and had to be placed under guard.

Instead  minority neighborhoods will likely re-enact something akin to 12th century Europeans killing cats as a measure against the black plague. Ironically, the feral cats were one of the only protections against the plague.


See the plague was carried by fleas that lived on rats and the cats were helping to keep the rat population in check. Yes, the cats had fleas too, but their predation of the rats was of greater value.

Think of it like the disclaimer on drugs today. “Your physician has determined that the benefits of this drug outweigh the potential side effects.”

When the wholesale slaughter of cats began, the rat and consequently the flea populations exploded, and with them so did the disease.

Put simply; Ignorance and Stupidity Kills!

This is not a function of racism, it would be a function of the “Dumbing Down” of Americans through shitty education in the K-12 sector of our schools.

Think about that, the next time Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or anyone else talks about how racist our country is.


Sunday 10/12/2014

And here we go! Healthcare worker preliminary test is positive for ebola. A twitter user probably said what a lot of folks in Dallas are thinking.

Then there’s this. Duncan’s family is making noise about a lawsuit. To which I say you have to be fucking kidding me! 

I hope the people of Dallas file a class action law suit against Duncan’s family for all the emotional distress that his selfish actions caused.

The racist implications Duncan’s family are trying to make are disgusting.

Since America and American healthcare is so racist and unfair, I’m sure the people of Dallas would be more than happy to put Duncan’s entire family on a plane to Liberia.

In our never ending quest for instant gratification…

DirectorPiersonYet another head rolls.

Director Julia Pierson resigned yesterday. One DAY after scathing congressional questioning about a security breach during her tenure as Director of the Secret Service.

She’d been on the job for a little over a year. The Media is attempting to paint her as somehow responsible for PRIOR security breaches dating back to 2009. 

The things she could be reasonably held responsible for are; the breach of the White House on Sept 19th, where NO ONE was injured and no threat to the President occurred. This White House breach should never have happened, but that’s another story.

Then there’s the revelation that the president was in an elevator with a CDC security guard who honestly shouldn’t have been working at the CDC!  There’s the tendency to assume that a security guard working at a federal facility that contains PLAGUES would be someone that you don’t have to vet too closely. The assumption may be flawed.  As humans,  we want to trust each other. Trust is more likely among law enforcement especially if one officer is wearing a uniform.

I find myself asking how demanding/forcing the Director to resign is going to help the situation. In the ensuing chaos of her departure doesn’t that further degrade the morale of the agency? In addition to the procedural issues, morale and high turnover rates among the agents have been cited as ongoing problems for years. 

I think we’ve become too quick to demand resignations. I’d personally like to have seen how the secret service would correct it’s mistakes. But now we’ll never know if the problem originated at the head of the agency, or if it was somewhere in middle management. Unfortunately, a new Director will have to spend time figuring it out all over again.

I wonder what breach of Presidential security will happen while the new Director is trying to get a handle on the issues, and if he or she will have to resign too.

Well this is a first


For the first time in six years I agree with President Stompy Foot.

It’s either a miracle or the end of days.

The president has been quoted as saying that the world is a messy place and always has been. He’s right. Further, the president has said that our awareness and feeling that things are very bad is due in large part to social media.

Again, I agree. 

I’ve recently come to believe, (recently being a relative term) that our connectedness actually leads to an overall feeling of hopelessness and perhaps even depression.

I’ve written in the past about my reasons for closing my social media accounts and also choosing not to watch the news. I’ve been known to go for weeks at a time not even reading the newspaper or online news sources. Honestly, the saturation of our world with all the evil that people do could make you long for a fifty mile wide meteor, or a plague. 


Sure, you’re likely to end up just as dead as everyone else but at least you’re likely to be able to witness a bunch of really evil people getting their comeuppance.

Really, would any of us shed too many tears if a meteor obliterated Washington D.C.? I didn’t think so.

I’ve written before that I wouldn’t mind seeing something similar happen to the evil fucks in the Middle East. I could easily picture myself lying on my deathbed seeing the talking heads reporting “The Horror”, and questioning why no-one was able to detect or stop the awful rock from space, then laughing myself to death.

A scenario as I’ve described is however, unlikely to happen.

So we continue to focus on our twitter feeds, and keep up with people we’ve never met on Facebook or LinkedIn, or Instagram, or any of the myriad of other distractions brought to us second by second on our computers, tablets and phones. Some of us are so distracted and focused on our phones that we’ll walk into fountains in shopping centers. Then we’ll try to sue the mall for our public humiliation claiming that there should have been a taller rail… To protect us from our OWN stupidity.

We’re too connected.


Who hasn’t been on the phone, or at the doctor, or in a dentists chair, then had someone calling repeatedly? I recently had a professional do EXACTLY that. I was in a dentists chair and my phone began ringing every 30 seconds. It was the same person calling again and again refusing to accept that they’d have to leave a message.

Eventually the dentist put the tools down, and told me to answer my phone. I simply turned the damn thing off. I was so angry that had I spoken to the person trying so desperately to contact me… I would have been far less than professional.

 As the dentist smiled and resumed his work, you know, the work I was paying professional wages to have him do, all I could think was “I’m not going to deal with the person or his company in the future.”


As I read about president stompy foot’s comments this morning, I couldn’t help but think that he’s damn lucky we’re so distracted, fractured, upset and confused by social media and the cacophony of noise in our lives.

If we weren’t, we’d have nothing better to do than pay very close attention to him and his cronies in Washington. 

I doubt any of the people in the government could stand that kind of scrutiny.

Really? President Stompy foot.


Saturday President Obama blamed poor intelligence estimates for our government’s lack of action on Iraq and ISIS.

After my brain rebooted, all I could think was, “are you fucking kidding me?


ISIS swept out of Syria like a plague it advanced to within something like 50 miles of Baghdad. The whole time ISIS was telling the US “Don’t you bomb us, we’re in control now.” Iraqi army units joined ISIS rather than be killed. ISIS commandeered all vehicles, weapons, and food in their path, including personnel who knew how to use some of the more advanced weapons.


This was being reported in the mainstream American media. If you went to international news sources, you got more of a flavor of the atrocities being committed by ISIS against anyone that stood against them regardless of religious affiliation.


If you went to the less main stream publications or web sites you could find things like, Crucifixions, Beheadings, Convert or Die edicts, and of course, orders for the genital mutilation of young girls.

So with all the power of the NSA, CIA, and DIA, our government wasn’t capable of properly estimating the threat or anticipating the spread of a cancer like ISIS? The President truly expects we the American people to swallow this load of horse shit he’s peddling?

Perhaps the intelligence community was too busy monitoring the daily lives of law abiding Americans, that might explain why the intelligence community missed the threat of ISIS. Although one presumes that there are still a few people in Washington who read.

For months journalists have been reporting on ISIS, you’d think someone in government might have asked some questions.

The American people once again appear to know more than our leaders in Washington. 

That, in my mind makes a very strong case for voting out virtually every single incumbent in November, and then doing exactly the same thing in 2016.

We as a country can no longer afford to have a government that is totally disconnected not only from those it governs, but also from world events.

I find myself wondering can we impeach them all?

I was going to include some more graphic photos that the Middle Eastern press sources have published.  I pulled the images, they’re too brutal. If you’re interested type ISIS into a Google search for images.  

On the one hand, I feel like the American people should see what these animals are doing. Maybe the horror would galvanize our people to action. On the other hand, it’s not my place to destroy your innocence. 

Let me explain…


Americans not wanting Illegal immigrants is not the same as Americans not welcoming Immigrants.

I know the subtlety is easily lost in the endless politically correct churning of the mainstream media.

Immigrants are by definition folks that have gone through the process of asking for permission, and filling out endless applications to move to the United States.

They are patient, and law abiding, they’re generally looking for a new life and willing to assimilate into the fabric of our great nation. Often they are escaping the oppression of a government or political system that punished them for being who they were, for having dreams, or for disagreeing with totalitarianism.

Generally, these people do not wish to bring the ills of their former nation to their new adopted country. They don’t seek what they had at home, they seek a future of freedom and opportunity. (Unless they’re Muslim… another story entirely.)

BN DP115 border M 20140708123255

Illegal Immigrants may want many of the same things, but there is one major difference and lots of little differences between the Illegal Immigrant and the legal immigrant.

The major difference…

The Illegal Immigrant has, as their first act in a new country broken the law. There is NO discussion here, no excuses, it’s a matter of fact. Crossing the border into another country without permission is illegal. Therefore an Illegal immigrant has broken the law.

Many, though not all illegal immigrants are simply criminals in their own country and seek to escape justice by hiding among the shadow population in this country. These folks bring their criminal ways with them.

Enforcing a closed border, Unreasonable?

HITSHOME 20140702 113013

It’s not unreasonable to want to defend our border. It’s not unreasonable to send folks packing because they snuck into the country.

What is unreasonable is not enforcing the laws of this country.

It’s unreasonable to distribute Illegal immigrants across the nation, free them on a promise, and then expect them to show up in court. Particularly if those illegal immigrants are underage children. It makes no sense that our government is essentially asking minors to enter into a legal contract, in a country whose laws they don’t understand.

In the current climate where we have borders that are not secure, and our government secretly distributing illegal immigrants throughout the country, members of my own family are being placed at risk.

Images 1

Yes… a cracker, honky, lily white, (gasp) conservative male has relatives that are of Latin American decent. 

They’re children, they’re American citizens, and they’re AT RISK!

Follow this scenario.

My elderly parents shopping with their grand children who tan very well, encounter folks that are angry about the lawless illegal immigration that our government is allowing.

This angry mob points to the kids, demanding to see their immigration papers (which of course as American citizens they neither have, or need.) My Dad gets pissed off and tries to protect his grandchildren then sustains injury. Meanwhile my Mom attempts to escape the mob only to be called to account for harboring Illegals!

The kids are traumatized and have seen the ugliest face of humanity, all the while not understanding what they did wrong. (Because Unknownof course they did nothing wrong!)

The scenario above isn’t beyond possibility. Especially if our government continues to sanction and assist illegal immigration. Eventually Americans are going to get pissed off and when they do a lot of innocent people are going to be hurt.

I feel for the folks who want to come to this country, I really do. That being said, I absolutely am 100% against having our borders unsecured, any and ALL amnesty programs or doing anything with the illegals involved in our border crisis EXCEPT returning them to their country of origin immediately.

For me it’s personal.

I believe it is totally unconscionable and dangerous to Americans, for the Obama administration to harbor these people, and ignore the will of the Citizens.