Ding Dong The Witch is gone…

I couldn’t help myself! 

Nancy Pelosi is stepping down. 


This fossil has been banging around Congress for 35 years it’s about damn time that she stepped aside. I can only hope that she retires completely soon.

She said something that as humiliating as it is to admit, I agree with. 

It was something like, it’s time to pass the torch to younger politicians.

I agree wholeheartedly.

It’s time to move the old fossils out of Congress.

I also think it’s time to remove the lobbyists as well. Our leaders shouldn’t be listening to specialized well funded lobbying organizations. The leaders should be listening to the people of their states and making decisions that are in the best interests of the people, not special interest groups.

I’m not holding my breath about the lobbyists being done away with, but Nancy getting the hell out of the way is a good start!

I’ll try not to dance when Nancy hands the gavel to someone else.

Happy Birthday USMC

Happy Birthday Marine Corps.

USMC Birthday 19

I know, I’m pissing in the wind when I say this, but to all the Marines out there, don’t get too screwed up tonight. 

Have a great time, and be good to each other.

In Northern Florida

Made it to the Tallahassee area.

My Brother was at work when I arrived but I know the secret handshake to get into his place.

It was so nice to walk into a silent house where the temperature wasn’t 83 because unlike at my parent’s house the A/C was on.

I made myself a drink and sat down on the couch listening to quiet music. I guess I fell asleep because I lost some time. The sound of the garage door opening, woke me. I feel so at home in my Brother’s place. Everything is neat and orderly unlike my house, and certainly my parent’s place.

But most wonderful of all was that the dang TV isn’t always blaring. My Brother, like myself only turns on the TV when he’s actually going to watch a program. Neither of us are big on having shouting matches over the racket of the TV. If you’re going to have a conversation, turn off the TV and set aside your phone.

I drove him to work today and will pick him up tonight when he gets off. My being here allowed him to have some work done without needing to take a day off. I’m glad I’m not creating an inconvenience for him. I really like this part of Florida and wish that I could just leave California altogether. 

I’m hoping to be able to do exactly that in the next few years. 

Sitting here in my Brother’s living room I’m catching up on stuff. The ticking of his ships clock on the shelf behind me is comforting and oddly calming. On some level, I’m working through the issues that I observed at my parent’s place. It is only a matter of time before my Mom will be too much for my stepdad to handle. Neither of them are spring chickens and both of them ingest a pharmacological cornucopia with each meal.

I suspect the number of drugs they take will be increasing in the coming months or years. This might be why my Mom is hungry/not hungry a lot of the time.

Speaking of hunger, that’s something I hadn’t been until today. I’m thinking about going out to find something to eat, after that I’ll probably come back and see if I can finish a story I’ve been working on.