That was pretty awful.

Article BretBaierFoxNewsInterview.By that, I mean the Fox interview with Kamala Harris and Bret Baier.

Despite what is being reported this morning, with some of her staff saying the Fox interview was an “Attack” I think it was pretty reasonable. After all if she can’t handle one reporter pressing for answers how is she going to handle a UN or NATO summit?

When he pressed her about a poll where 79% responded they thought America was on the wrong track and she started talking about Trump campaigning.

I thought, 1) “I wish they’d stop talking over each other,” and 2) “What the hell is she talking about?”

I was thinking along these lines;

No, Kamala, no, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump campaigning or not doesn’t change anything about what your administration has done and the mood of the American People. If Trump speaking can sway 79% of the people in a poll away from your policies, and administrations direction, then honestly I think the problem is with you & Biden.

That number is suggestive of you being remarkably out of touch with the American People and if you’ve missed the mark that substantially then Biden and by extension, you don’t, in my opinion, deserve the Presidency.

It was insulting that she’d try to use Trump as a boogy-man like that. Because if the Biden / Harris administration had been doing their job, and the American People were happy about the job they’d done over the past 4 years, Trump campaigning or not would have little effect on the Polls. Certainly not almost 80% of the people polled. I’d guess that the polling should be somewhere about 50/50 if everything was “normal”.

Put another way, only 20% of the country believes things are going well. In a simple Democracy that 20% would be ignored. Will of the majority & all right? Suddenly, the Electoral College doesn’t seem like such a bad idea does it? 

I was never able to determine what she was alluding to with her “Trump was campaigning” word salad neither was Baier and further, she didn’t explain herself.

I’d hate to see her in a really contentious negotiation against say Putin, or Xi, or a Muslim state like Iran where women are only supposed to cook, clean, bend over, and never speak. “What does a woman know?

In those situations Harris or any Woman for that matter, better be clear & concise with her meaning. She’ll need to be direct and not attempt to wheedle her way into what she wants.

Yeah, maybe it means a woman will have to work harder as President. Those are the breaks, not every culture treats women with respect. If she can’t handle that, maybe she doesn’t have what it takes to be President.

Nonetheless, I’m really interested to see how the Democrats are going to install Kamala Harris in the Oval Office. They have to, you understand that right? If the Democrats lose, it may well be their end as a dominant party in what is essentially a two party system. 

Once could extrapolate from the polls that a pretty substantial percentage of the American People are turning their backs on a party that hasn’t delivered on promises even though that party has been in control of The Presidency for 12 of the past 16 years.

I’m tired of hearing Kamala talk about Trump. I’d like her to answer fundamental questions about HER. What are her policies, what are her plans when she becomes President, what are her opinions about world events and does she have any thoughts about solutions to world problems?

KS joy view op.Believe it or not, much as I dislike the Biden / Harris administration, if Kamala Harris presented me with a better choice than Trump, I’d hear her out.

I don’t care that she’s a woman, or her race, or any of that shit. Despite what that vile, rancid, shrew, Joy Behar says, not supporting Harris, isn’t about misogyny.

The fundamental question is one of merit. 

Does she merit a position in the Oval Office more than the other choice? Thus far the answer is a resounding “No”.

I’m still trying to listen…

Sorry, I’ve been a little cranky.

I’ve hurt one of my knees again. When I say hurt, I mean chronic stabbing pain.

Jesse has been very sweet on our walks and is putting up with “old man slow”.

It’s messing with my sleep and making me really tired. So tired, that doing anything is an almost insurmountable chore.

On the plus side it’s getting better and each day, the pain is dialing down a bit, or maybe I’m just getting used to it.

I’ll be doing okay minding my own business, then I’ll catch some stupidity in politics, the government, or the talking heads & think I’ve had a stroke or something because the news and sound bites are just plain insane.

M113 Salt Creature.I actually dreamt I was watching Kamala Harris on TV and she was in a super diverse room of people. It was an interview, (about what I don’t recall.) Each person that asked her a question was obviously ethnic in some way. Kamala answered in their accent.

The crowd didn’t like her answers so they started firing questions at her all at once. She tried to answer each person in their local accent and it kept going until not only was Kamala changing accents, but her face was mirroring the characteristics of the person she was focused on. It got faster & faster until finally she didn’t look human anymore.

Then, where Kamala had been standing at a podium there was suddenly this creature panting from exhaustion. (I just realized It was the old salt monster from the original StarTrek.)

The reporters didn’t miss a beat and called the transformation, “a regrettable makeup malfunction”. Then began painting the event as a trick of the light, combined with MAGA digital interference from the internet, being injected into their live television stream.

That’s when I woke up.

I think that in one way or another for the past 10 years politics has been permeating all our waking lives. There was a time when we could pretty much ignore the stupidity. A) The level of individual human stupidity hasn’t changed. B) The concentration of truly stupid people in our government has.

It’s reached a kind of critical mass, it’s no longer about one idiot in the House asking if putting a large naval base on an island will cause the island to capsize. Although watching that Admiral choke back his first, second, third, and fourth responses while maintaining a poker face was amusing.

Now the number of truly idiotic people elected to government offices has tipped the balance such that the outliers are the sane and reasonable suggestions, and the normal stuff coming out of any office in D.C. is batshit crazy, short bus stupid, or some ugly combination of both. 

Which brings me to my point. It’s become literally impossible to ignore the buffoonery and it’s become normalized, even if you’re not crazy, you feel like you’re crazy.

That “background noise” has a habit of keeping me low level cranky most of the time. At that level, I’m usually in pretty decent control but when you add sharp stabbing pain, well the control slips. And I tend to fire off rants, screeds? without much filtering. 

All of which is to explain that this blog might be a lot more random than usual. It might also be a little more pithy than usual. So buckle up buttercups, it might be a bumpy ride.

And I apologize in advance.

CNN issues retraction after using digitally altered photos of Trump & Loomer

Cnn logo red png 3.It’s interesting that you can find articles all over the media, & X about it.

But looking for “CNN Retraction” will not present you with a link to CNN.COM wherein you could actually read what they said. Nor does “CNN Correction” present you with what CNN actually did or said.

Rather than continue to fuck around with CNN’s obfuscation I’ll simply read the hearsay from other journalists.

The short story: Anderson Cooper and other CNN anchors used fake photos on Friday and Saturday presenting them as real in some sort of negative report on Trump and Laura Loomer.

Absolutely nothing new there! I don’t really give a shit CNN has become a televised “National Enquirer”. Although, that might be an insult to National Enquirer.

My train of thought went in a completely different direction. 

Regardless of CNN’s correction, retraction, misspeaking, or whatever. The damage is done. There are a shit ton of people who will never see or hear that CNN was wrong, again, and they will run off believing whatever smear CNN painted Trump & Loomer with.

Even if Loomer sues, as she’s threatening to do, it won’t matter. CNN will lose some money, Loomer will get some money but her reputation will still be sullied.

Anderson Cooper and the other anchors will still get their 6 digit paychecks, and they’ll blame the CNN staff for the mistake. The Anchors and Production Managers will say, “We can’t check everything prior to going on air in this competitive market…

I might even believe it… Except that it rarely happens, and when I say rarely, I mean 98.9999999999% of the time, when they’re talking about their favored Party, People, or Subjects. They don’t make mistakes, they check everything and are very quick to “Fact Check” anyone who speaks ill of their preferred narratives.

So with demonstrable bias, CNN and other news outlets blithely spew misinformation.


Haven’t people gone to jail for misinformation? Why yes… Douglass Mackey was sentenced to 7 months in prison for posting memes on Twitter encouraging Clinton supporters to vote via text message.

Hillary Clinton recently suggested that aside from indictments against Russians for direct election interference, that perhaps civil or criminal charges should be levied against Americans for parroting “Russian propaganda”. 

Oh, like the Hunter Biden Laptop? That Russian Propaganda? Where we had the news media and 51 Intelligence officers tell us the laptop was fake, just before the last election. We’ve since learned that had that information been widely presented instead of suppressed people might have voted for Trump instead of Biden.

Under Hillary’s suggestion, should we be charging and / or imprisoning members of the media or those 51 intelligence officers. One could argue they engaged in election interference and that the Russians had profited from the wide spread misinformation in the form of tipping the election toward Biden.

Hillary Clinton really hates Russians doesn’t she? She’s been going on about Russians one way or another, for almost a decade now…

CNN and other new outlets might be forgiven for their spewing of misinformation during COVID with regard to efficacy of vaccines, alternative treatments, etc. Generally speaking, they were acting in good faith based on the available information, much of it from government sources.

But, and this is just my opinion, they didn’t have to go the extra mile to ridicule and discredit scientists and doctors who expressed dissenting opinions.

These news outlets, to this day have never apologized for the damage they did to scientists and doctors who not only dissented, but as time moves on, appear to have been correct. The government apologizing to these same individuals for their part in harming the scientists careers,  would herald the apocalypse.

All of which begs the question. Can CNN and the legacy media be trusted anymore? If not, then where are we to get our information? It’s a foregone conclusion that our government cannot be trusted.

If I were conspiracy minded, I’d say this was part of an overarching plan to destroy all non government news organizations and once they’re throughly discredited they’ll be replaced with some form of State News Agency

American News NetworkANNNews from your government who is Father and Mother, protecting us all from threats internal & external.

That would certainly make control of the, what’s the word, proletariat, easier wouldn’t it?

Oddly, I seem to recall Kamala Harris speaking in favor of some kind of misinformation laws applied nationally.

However entering a search in google or duck duck go. Returns everything about misinformation as it’s been applied to Harris but not her actual stance on the matter.

“is kamala harris in favor of misinformation laws?” Or “has kamala harris proposed misinformation laws?” Presents ZERO information pertaining to the question.

As I’ve mentioned before, our search engine technology is becoming more useless every day. Why can’t the search engines present the most direct answer to the query then present other related materials.

They used to do this with ease. Now, it seems that even our search engines are purposely obfuscating information.

The problem might be that Harris routinely changes her mind and that might be confusing the search engines. Much as her stance on gun control and virtually every other thing she says is subject to change based on the direction the wind is blowing.

The point I was trying to make is, if Harris is in favor of misinformation laws nationally that are similar to those signed into law by Gavin Newsom, then it’s possible something like the ANN as I described above is closer than we think.

AOC, Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, Dan Goldman, Nancy Pelosi, and many other Democrats in Congress have on occasion expressed approval of, or desire for, abridgments of freedom of speech. With presidential backing misinformation laws and in fact an office of misinformation such as was proposed early in the Biden administration could easily become reality.

The justification used to “Sell” abridgment of The First Amendment to the American People could even be pointing to the permanent harm misinformation does to someone like Laura Loomer, Donald Trump, Doctors, and Scientists. 

That would be the ultimate slap in the face wouldn’t it?

The people harmed by institutionalized, approved misinformation who spoke out in defense of Freedom of Speech and demanded responsibility of the news media, having the harm done to them, used to curtail The First Amendment.