Okay, Not how I planed to spend this week.

As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, there are multiple fires burning in Southern California.

Tuesday afternoon I got an evacuation notice on my phone. Then, there was a helicopter flying overhead announcing mandatory evacuation. Then there was another evacuation notice on my phone, and finally there was the sheriffs department driving up & down the streets announcing evacuation on their loudspeakers.

Hmm, says I, they must want us to leave.

I suspected it was coming and I’d already planned to stage stuff in the event there was an evacuation. I didn’t get a chance to execute my cunning plan before the evacuation was upon me.

So I grabbed some stuff, put the dog in the car and away we went. 

By the time we left the house, it looked very much like somehow the neighborhood had been relocated to Mars on a very bad day.

Jesse was freaked out and would not settle down.

I was annoyed by that and of course the usual California driving skills or more properly lack thereof.

I made a brief stop, or what was supposed to be a brief stop at a storage locker where I unloaded a bunch of stuff in an attempt to give the dog more room to lie down & relax. This as it turns out was an error.

While I was able to offload, I wasn’t able to get back on the damn freeway. Either the exits were closed, or they were blocked by the aforementioned Excellent California Drivers. Many of whom wouldn’t allow a change of lanes. At least one of whom used the emergency lane to “get ahead” and forced me out of the lane so I was unable to get on the freeway safely. 

Mind you by this point we were 15 – 20 miles away from the evacuation zone and in no danger whatsoever. This was just normal California assholery. It is also the kind of behavior that begets freeway shootings.

I figured “Screw it” and stopped for gas. Then I found a whole string of entrance ramps blocked off forcing me to take surface streets parallel to the freeway until just before Pomona.

Once on the freeway it was a simple matter to get to Orange County and stay with some friends. It’s good to have great friends that will put you up in a pinch. It’s even better to have friends that will put you and your big ass dog up when they have a lovely pet free home and it is pet free for a reason.

My friends have gone above and beyond in this instance and I truly have no idea how to thank them.

At this point I know the firefighters are doing all they can do. I know that there’re no guarantees but I hate not knowing what is likely to happen. Is my house going to burn? Is it not? If it burns, then I have a clear direction. If it’s not going to burn, I’d really rather be home and not imposing on my friends like this.

In an attempt to minimize the mess and stuff that a dog invariably brings into your life, I had Jesse groomed today, while I was at it I had my car washed and my hair cut too. My hope with Jesse being groomed was that he’d shed a little less and wouldn’t be in any way offensive in terms of dog stink.

He’s been sleeping since we got back and I know I’m going to have to take him out on at least one, maybe two more walks tonight.

I don’t really think about it, but having a fenced in back yard is super nice. Their yard is not fenced in, so I’ve been walking Jesse on his leash a lot. Normally Jesse & I go for our morning walk, then I leave the sliders open so he comes and goes as he wishes the rest of the day.

If I move off the mountain, either because of the house burning down, or just because It’s time for me to move on, I will be looking for new digs that have a fenced in back yard after this experience, I’ve decided that is a must have.

I never would’ve thought…

The resin bed in the water softener could break down. But it can and then god only knows what you’re drinking if you drink the tap water.

The reverse osmosis unit had been off-line for about four or five days. I didn’t think about it too much because I thought the water softener itself was still working properly. Uh huh… Sometimes if I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all.

As it turns out I was wrong. The resin bed in the water softening system had deteriorated which actually explains why I felt like absolute shit for two or three days.

I was drinking the tapwater, thinking it might just have a little more salt than usual. It turns out it may have had something else too.

This probably explains why Jesse was a little loose in the rear end. I suspect both of us were trying real hard to throw off whatever else was included in the tapwater that we were drinking.

Saturday or Sunday I switched over to bottled water, not because I had any great insight, but because the tapwater came out looking murky at one point, then it was brown, later it was just cloudy. Let’s put it this way it looked like Detroit.

I thought the problem was the water company itself, and was all prepared to give them a piece of my mind on Tuesday after the Labor Day Holiday. Because the only time things seem to break anymore is over a holiday weekend!

Then I noticed that the hose water was clear. Meaning the problem had to be inside the house. I tried to bypass the water softener and found that the bypass valves were seized. So bottled water it was, I just hope Jesse didn’t acquire a taste for arrowhead.

The repair guy showed up as promised, when promised. He was prepared and went right to work.

He got the RO unit working again, then went down to the Water Softener itself. The bad news was the resin bed was shot to hell and was polluting the water more than helping. The good news was the system has a lifetime warranty so there was no additional charge to clean out the old resin and replace it.

An hour or two later and the system is once again operating.

LA Mayor Bass declares the 2028 Olympic Games to be “Car Free”

Karen bass olympics 640x480.The good Mayor has directed all Chop-Shops in South Central LA to increase their parking lot size and to hire more entry level workers proficient with a cutting torch.

The Mayor will also ask that citizens and visitors to Los Angeles leave their valuables in their vehicles and the vehicles unlocked thereby providing greater safety to car thieves in compliance with Cal/OSHA criminal protection codes.

Cal/OSHA reminds us all that criminals are the victims if they hurt themselves during the commission of a crime. The state doesn’t want criminals cutting themselves on broken glass or getting repetitive stress injuries wielding a hammer or other object to break into cars.

During the Olympics, continuous parking will be available in designated parking lots, dependent on vehicle disassembly & part removal speed capabilities of various chop shops in the area.

Police will direct Olympic attendees to shops that can most quickly destroy their cars and steal their possessions. This innovative plan efficiently addresses the lack of adequate parking in Los Angeles.

Persons wearing expensive watches and jewelry will be beaten and robbed in express lines at Metrolink stations, This service will be provided by local contractors, and modeled after TSA checkpoints at LAX.

These local contractors expect to be more at least 15% more efficient than LAX TSA officers. T’awaná, a local contractor representative says the increased efficiency is because, “we be consentratin on wallets, iphone, watches, jewery n shiit.

Olympic officials will be instructed to time events using convenient sundials placed around event venues.

Rolex, Omega, Piaget and any other high end timepieces, are very welcome. For your comfort and convenience, items will be courteously confiscated at gunpoint at random locations anywhere in the Los Angeles basin.

Mayor Bass and certain city officials expect to make millions in aftermarket sales.

Additional money making schemes for the Mayor and city officials will be announced in the run-up to the 2028 Olympics.

The above is what went through my head seeing that Mayor Bass was proudly declaring the 2028 Olympic Games car free. The reality of the situation is that it’s a good idea. Utilizing Public transit to combat traffic congestion is a great plan. 

The down side is that public transit in Los Angeles isn’t all that safe or good at the moment. So Mayor Bass’s declaration begs the question, “Is this part of a larger plan to get a handle on the crime in Los Angeles?”

Years ago I used to enjoy my morning ride on the Green Line from Downey to El Segundo. I don’t think my experience would be as pleasant these days.

You know, you just can’t win.

MayaWiley 1200x1200.Yesterday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” civil rights attorney Maya Wiley said there was a direct line from some folks referring to Kamala Harris as a DEI hire to Project 2025.

I have to point out that Biden said I’m going to choose a black female for my Vice President.

He didn’t say, I’m going to choose the best person to be my Vice President. He made it about race and gender right from the start. In my book that’s pretty much the definition of a DEI hire.

Project 2025 (I have not read it entirely) appears to be a plan for the next president, (granted it’s skewed conservative and more likely than not, toward Trump and his base,) however it’s a plan for any President to use in their first 180 days in office.

The plan was put together by conservatives in an attempt to help chart a course correction for the country. Any President is welcome to use it. Just because the plan was written by conservatives doesn’t mean that it’s been delivered from the 7th circle of hell direct from Satans hand.

Notice I said a plan. Not a manifesto, not tablets from a mountain, not etched in stone, not the edicts of an emperor enforced under penalty of death. It’s a plan. Plans change, adapt, and are abandoned often once the plan meets reality. (Joe Biden’s 2nd term & Reelection campaign ring a bell?)

Ms Wiley claims that Project 2025 is going to dismantle all the civil rights laws.

I find that claim to be dubious. Although someone like her would say the same thing about my belief that special protection laws should be stricken from the books.

I believe if we lived under the premise that all Citizens are created equal, then by extension all laws apply equally to all Citizens, negating any necessity for special protections.

The law gets a whole lot simpler to obey and enforce if it’s consistent and has none or very few exceptions.

A thief is a thief subject to a penalty for theft regardless of skin color, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. For example: If you steal, and are caught you get 4 years in prison for each $1000 in value.

Simple, enforceable, and easily understood.

When I talk about exceptions I mean to penalties. I believe a Judge should have the ability to sentence a 14 year old first time offender to community service rather than prison or other  incarceration.

In other words I believe there should be the possibility for humanity and mercy not a totally mechanistic justice system. Which is why I believe Judges must be wise, know the law, and incorruptible. At the same time, laws should be few in number and easy to understand.

I digress.

I don’t know what Ms Wiley is talking about, as I said, I haven’t gotten that far into the document.

It’s available, you can download it. The writers of Project 2025 aren’t trying to hide it or be sneaky.

What I find interesting is this.

If there wasn’t a plan of some kind the left would be beating the right over the head about not having a plan. 

Because there is a plan, the left is pulling out all the stops to label the plan as something evil and some of the left is equating Project 2025 to Mein Kampf.

Thus far I haven’t seen evidence to corroborate this equivalence but I’ll keep looking.

Here is a link to The Heritage Foundation, authors of Project 2025

Here is a link to the Project 2025 document entitled Mandate for Leadership The Conservative Promise

Read it for yourself.

Here are links to Democracy Forward’s rebuttal to Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership

Democracy Forward’s document is called The People’s Guide to Project 2025

Read that for yourself too.

Don’t believe the hyperbole from the talking heads… Or ME! I’m not the brightest bulb in the pack either. 

I beg you to read & research for yourself. Because these days it’s getting really hard to figure out what is true and who is telling the truth.

I swear CNN seems to search for idiot commentators.

The idiotic statements that come out of these peoples mouths never ceases to amaze me.

CNN political commentator Ashley Allison said Tuesday on CNN’s “Situation Room” that it is offensive to her as a black woman when Vice President Kamala Harris is called incompetent.

CEO and Commentator Ashley Allison.

How the hell do you get to the race card with a statement of objective fact?

I’ve linked the rest of the article as it appeared in Breitbart Here

Ms Allison makes her case after an exchange with Matt Mowers formerly of the Trump Administration, wherein he described Kamala Harris’s record of failure. All of which fits the definition of the word “Incompetence”. Apparently Ms Allison nor anyone else on the panel, aside from Mr. Mowers, has ever opened a dictionary.

Allison said, “She’s not incompetent, okay. Like, you don’t become the attorney general of California or senator or the vice president of United States. By calling her incompetent you’re calling the 81 million people who voted for her incompetent as well.”

All one need do is look a Kamala’s history to dismantle Ms. Allisons defense. Kamala Harris had the path cleared for her to become attorney general of California by Willie Brown. Her ascension to Senate was similarly arranged. What should offend Ms. Allison is Kamala’s record as attorney general and the various miscarriages of justice and scandals during her tenure. 

I believe it was Tulsi Gabbard who in a 2019 debate enumerated Kamala Harris’s incompetence as California Attorney General. Effectively ending Harris’s presidential campaign.

CNN Talking heads just can’t seem to do any research at all, unless it’s about Trump or someone loosely affiliated with Trumps 9th cousin thrice removed on his mother’s side.

One line of her reasoning stood out to me, “By calling her incompetent you’re calling the 81 million people who voted for her incompetent as well.”

Okay, by that logic, the left and media calling Trump a NAZI, a Rapist, a white supremacist, an insurrectionist, etc., has been calling ~80 million voters who voted for Trump all of those things as well.

And people like Ms Allison wonder why there is so much hate and division in this country. Really? Look to your own double standards lady!

As a White Man, It’s offensive when media “personalities” call and /or imply Trump, Vance, Comer, Jordan, or Rand Paul are hateful Neo-Nazi bigots without evidence because these talking heads don’t like their politics or decisions.

But we all know, if I say something like that, it’s dismissed because I’m a White Man and my concerns or opinions don’t matter nearly as much as yours do. Racism and your race card have become so fucking irrelevant at this point you might want to back off that rhetoric. 

I daresay white people are sick of hearing it, and have started to reexamine the guilt you trigger screaming racist every freaking minute.

I have no guilt. People like you will not shame me any more. I refuse to allow you to manipulate me. I will proudly cast my vote for the most qualified person regardless of their gender or skin color.

As an aside, I have no more patience or pity for any group who defines themselves first by their race, gender or sexuality.

Be Americans, stand with other Americans, or get to the fucking back of the bus! Yeah, I meant that to be offensive. I’d love to be able to ask Rosa Parks what her thoughts on screaming “racist” every five minutes is doing to end racism. Somehow I bet you wouldn’t like what she said.

Ms Allison, you and your ilk should understand this, with your constant haranguing, and rhetoric, you are creating the very Nationalists you’re scared of.

Maybe you should start doing journalism and reporting facts instead of emotions.

I had to say it. I know nothing in the media is going to change, except to get worse.

As my Father used to say, “Son you’re pissing into the wind.”