I knew it was coming, that doesn’t mean I like being right.

What was coming you ask?

Riot 1 Milwaukie.Threats from the Democrat party. I’m not talking about outright, “We will Bury You” as in the case of Nikita Khrushchev. (At least he had balls!)

I’m talking about the passive crap. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that various groups are warning that “it could be very bad if Trump wins” there are already marches and protests planned by some Democrat Activists and still others are trying to do something constructive by packing abortion pills to be sent to women in anti abortion states. 

I do hope these activists are also putting in the packages an insert that says when a woman who has taken one of these pills should go see a doctor and what complications to look out for.

Otherwise I could see them being prosecuted for 2nd degree homicide.

The woman who recently died “due to lack of abortion” but who really died because she was late to the abortion appointment in another state, so they gave her an abortion pill (which by the way was legal in her home state,) apparently, the woman didn’t tell anyone what was going on or didn’t seek medical attention when things went off the rails.

Kamala Harris has mischaracterized this woman’s death multiple times. The woman would have received proper attention after taking the abortion pill when it was obvious something was wrong. By the time she got to a hospital it was far too late and even then we don’t know the full story. Did she tell the doctors all the necessary information?

I’m not trying to victim blame here. I’m simply pointing out that this abortion can of worms has little at this point to do with Trump. According to SCOTUS, this issue is to be decided upon by the states. Some states aren’t going to agree with abortion as late as the 100th trimester (That’s called murder…)

At least these women’s rights groups are doing something that isn’t destructive.

I found it interesting that there are Democrat affiliated groups saying there could be trouble to The Wall Street Journal. 

It’s almost as if they’re passively trying to threaten people into voting for Kamala Harris “To avoid trouble”. Kind of like paying protection money to a criminal to keep your nice glass storefront from having an “Accident”.

I don’t react well to threats. If I were on the fence about who the better candidate was, I’d sure as hell not vote for their preferred candidate after being threatened.

I am really curious about how the Democrats will behave if their people should wander into The Capital on Jan 20th. Will we see the same pearl clutching for four years about how AOC and her colleagues were in such horrible danger? Will it be worse than 9/11? 

Probably not. Which is why so many people are pissed off. It’s not about the right or wrong of any particular situation.

It’s about the disparity between the way one group is treated versus the other group.

Huh, So Kamala Harris would abridge…

Kamala would abridge the healthcare provider’s ability to refuse to perform an abortion, in favor of a woman’s desire to have an abortion? 

Is that what she just said in this interview?

I’m not sure I’m down with taking one person’s right to freedom of religion. Some people believe that the Doctor doing the abortion is committing murder. A religious Doctor who saw it that way might have a real problem violating the 6th commandment.

This is a lot like the baker in Colorado being forced to make a cake for gay events that are contrary to his religious beliefs, only far more serious. The courts have found that the baker doesn’t have to bake the fucking cake.

Should a doctor then be forced to “damn his immortal soul” to do what is more often a procedure for the convenience of the woman who doesn’t want the responsibility of a child?

Most people (myself included) condone abortion in the case of rape, incest, or medical necessity.

A lot of folks aren’t buying this whole “Reproductive Care” relabeling. I sure as hell don’t buy it.

I’m concerned that it sounds like Harris is totally fine with negating a doctor’s rights. I’m equally concerned that she alludes to her dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court. Which leads to me wondering if she really would attempt to “pack the court”.

Why yet again is she bringing Trump into this? He selected justices (as was his right and duty under the law), those candidates were approved by Congress, they had an opportunity to say, “no”. So why is every fucking thing she’s asked about always Trumps fault? 

Lady, you and that sock puppet Biden have been in office for four years. Y’all had no trouble at all undoing Trump era policies.

Further, both political parties had 50 years to come to a decision about Abortion, during which time, they could have ensconced it in an amendment to the constitution. They didn’t! So that suggests that maybe there’s a reason.

Maybe people consider the life and rights of the unborn child worthy of protection. That is evidenced by the Democratic process in the various states, you know, that Democracy you’re always going on about, where the majority of people in those states decided abortion shouldn’t be like getting a latte at Starbucks. And it damn sure shouldn’t be paid for with taxpayer dollars.

Fundamentally, there’s another problem. On the one hand if a pregnant woman is killed, her killer is charged with two counts of murder. On the other hand during an abortion it’s just a clump of cells that you’d have us treat like a cancerous growth.

So how about lets fucking define, is the fetus a life form, or a tumor? Maybe stop charging a murderer with two counts of murder if the woman was pregnant. Here’s an idea, how about we punish murderers as the law requires in the first place?

Sorry, I’m kind sick and tired of the word games. I’d really like for us to speak plainly and not worry about someone’s hurt feelings because I think clarity of speech and thought would be really fucking helpful these days.

Sure, it was a PR stunt. But it was funny!

Okay, I admit it, I loved Trump working the fryer at McDonalds.

It also triggered a pseudo random train of thought, so buckle up buttercups! Y’all know I’m nuts.

So what if it was a PR stunt? It was nonetheless fun. If I lived in Philly I’d have gone to that drive thru and waited for however many hours it took, just to have the possibility of Trump handing me a Big Mac, Fries & a Coke.

Yes, RFK Jr. would no doubt have something to say about the health benefits of McDonalds food. Rightfully so, & I look forward to him cleaning up the chemical soup that our food has become. Nonetheless, he no doubt saw Trumps point over the weekend. Making America Healthy Again is something for after January 20th.

The pundits clutching their pearls about Trump working in McDonalds have all missed the point.

Trump was having fun, his supporters were having fun, and they were doing it at Kamala’s expense.

Wasn’t it Kamala who has invoked the image of the poor fry cook being harmed by Trumps economic policies? Wasn’t it she who said Trump had no idea what it was like to do menial work? Didn’t she herself say she’d worked at a McDonalds when she was younger? Although no evidence to support this claim has been uncovered as of yet.

Trump just hit her head on. I’d bet every single person in that McDonalds is voting for him.

Trump at the drivethu.Trump can say now that he too worked in a McDonalds, and the world has the receipts to prove it. He supposedly said, “I’ve worked in a McDonalds 15 minutes longer than she has.” This may, or may not, prove to be true but for the moment it stands. 

“So, all you pearl clutchers, now that Trump has worked at McDonalds in Philly. What else have you got to attempt to degrade / defile / defame / demean him with?”

Are you demanding a redux of “Dirty Jobs” With Trump as the host. Mike Rowe might have something to say about that, or he might say “What the hell”, grab a shovel and work shoulder to shoulder with Trump.

We know from the tree planting memorial at the White House on Oct 10th, that Kamala Harris has never used a shovel in her life. Apparently neither has her husband. That whole event was seriously awkward, and underscored for me the very thing this election has come to be about.

Our government is full of elitists that haven’t done a days physical labor in their lives. Yet these people claim to know what’s best for the majority of the laborers in this country.

That’s the real divide. It’s not about race, gender, or education. It’s about work and workers. It’s about how they feed their families, get to work, heat their homes, and meet their life goals.

Trump Are these done.Surely the pundits don’t think Trump wasn’t having conversations with those workers asking them about their lives, their hopes, and aspirations.

That’s Trumps secret sauce.

He is able to engage with normal average people. He’s a direct, rough speaking New York businessman. I could see him in his younger years shoveling on a construction site as easily as sitting behind a desk. I identify with him as someone who knows about a hard days physical labor.

That ability is something the abstruse Kamala can’t touch. If she speaks plainly, it’s to wag her finger at us in faux moral & intellectual superiority, putting us morons in our place. When she’s not speaking plainly she’s difficult to understand and it feels like she’s not telling the whole truth.

Obama just tried finger wagging with Black men accusing them of misogyny. It didn’t go over well. Black men are as screwed by Kamala extending the Biden / Harris policies for another 4 to 8 years as any White men. The problem isn’t about her being a woman President. It’s about shitty public policy that has clearly hurt us all.

The way I see it. After 10 years of noise and far too many, mostly false, sprinkled with factual, accusations, I no longer believe anything the news media says about Trump. Every word out of these peoples mouths is by definition misinformation, negative spin, or a flat out lie.

Kamala dropping back to something Trump supposedly did, as an answer for the Biden / Harris Administration failings is being seen for what it is. A smoke screen for her inability to answer unscripted questions or think on her feet.

I and I suspect the rest of America wonder, why the media has unilaterally been saying what they’ve been saying, and why do they always use the same exact words? Do their writers rooms only have one thesaurus between them?

We still don’t know for sure, but It looks very much like the State of New York is going to overturn the 34 felony convictions. If / when that happens it will be very interesting to see if Trump sues them for damages. You know, little things like restraint of trade, slander, libel, loss of income, and the interest on about half a billion dollars. I hope he charges the Fed rate in effect when he turned the money over.

Fun fact, New York prosecutors said Mar a Largo was worth 18 million dollars, which was a flat out lie, the comps showed that. The 18 million dollar valuation was their basis for charging him with fraud.

Mar a Largo brings in 50 million dollars per year. Business properties are valued by the raw value of the property, structures, fixtures, improvements, and by their brand recognition and revenue stream. Mar a Largo is a functional membership based golf course. New York prosecution, in order to make their case devalued the property & improvements and completely excluded the value of recurring memberships to the golf course. So tell me again how fairly those idiot prosecutors calculate property value. Crow all you want about 34 convictions.

When those convictions are overturned, I’m betting there will be a lot of attorneys from the New York prosecutors offices looking for jobs at McDonalds and hoping Biden forgives their student loans because their law degrees will be useless. At least now they’ll know how to run a fryer and Trump will be in the training videos.

Even if those convictions aren’t overturned. The damage is done.

Americans all over are asking, “What the Fuck?” People don’t trust the media, they’re not trusting the government, they’re starting to see that something is very wrong and asking questions, for which there are no answers forthcoming from the government. The latest DHS debacle via FEMA has thrown gasoline on the already flaming dumpster of immigration policy. It’s fortunate too. Because more Americans are asking very basic questions.

Why hasn’t FEMA been moving heaven and earth to help those stricken in the storm zone? How dare any government official say that the people in the damage area should have planned for a Hurricane? What? 300 miles from any coastline? Are you kidding me with that shit? Why do illegal aliens get phones, debit cards, and free housing and American Citizens get bent over by FEMA and fucked? Why does Ukraine get billions and billions of taxpayer dollars while folks in NC, GA, & TN get denied a $750 government loan? 

As long as people remain angry and keep questioning these things I think the “Machine”, whether Democrat, Republican, or something larger and more corrupt, will be forced to back off.

The only people still believing the lies are the blue haired, higher than fuck morons that think the Harry Potter universe is somehow real. There’re more average Americans than them. 

The threat I’m concerned about is ANTIFA and BLM. They’re the foot soldiers whose one job is to destabilize major cities. Were they to start rioting mid November if it looked like Trump won, they could cause martial law to be declared which might stop the transition of power on Jan 20th.

Believe me I won’t be surprised. At this point breath taking corruption is on display each and every day. The Democrat party at this point will “save democracy” by destroying democracy to maintain power & control.

Let’s say that Trump wins this election clean. Meaning with such an overwhelming number of votes that no amount of cheating would install Kamala without triggering a civil war. Further, let’s say that the New York convictions stand and Trump is disqualified from holding office.

Does that mean that JD Vance is installed as The President in similar fashion to Kamala’s installation as The Democratic candidate?

That would solve concerns over Trumps age expressed by some people. It would also put an end to the renewed demands for cognitive tests of Trump.

(Funny how those demands were dismissed by the media when they were directed at Biden, (and turned out to be needed,) but suddenly are unquestionably relevant with Trump.)

Trump is not campaigning from his basement. He’s out and about, interacting with the public and press. Unlike Biden or Kamala. Heck she isn’t keeping up with Trump, so who needs cognitive and physical fitness testing? 

Vance’s advantage is that he is young & strong. Vance is smart and tactical and he seems to resonate with average working class folks. Vance as The President would be interesting because as a former military man he’d be real sensitive to military misdeeds & misbehavior.

If Vance was The President I bet General Milley would shit himself, right before being taken to his Courts Martial, tried for treason, and serving as an example to other corrupt individuals in the Pentagon.

I digress but think Vllad the impaler’s punishment is too gentle and kind for that treacherous, traitorous, bastard Milley. That’s just my opinion and I could be wrong. 

It’s possible the “Machine” that’s been driving all this insanity for the past couple of decades, has been painted into a corner. It’s also possible that we could have 12 years of JD Vance.

If he’s a good President, that would be just about the right amount of time to burn the rot out of our government, arrest the criminals inside and outside the government sphere, and avoid a messy uprising.

Sorry for “Attention Deficiting” it today. The wild horses in my thought processes were all competing with equal vigor. At least it’s all kind of related.

 Have a great one.

That was pretty awful.

Article BretBaierFoxNewsInterview.By that, I mean the Fox interview with Kamala Harris and Bret Baier.

Despite what is being reported this morning, with some of her staff saying the Fox interview was an “Attack” I think it was pretty reasonable. After all if she can’t handle one reporter pressing for answers how is she going to handle a UN or NATO summit?

When he pressed her about a poll where 79% responded they thought America was on the wrong track and she started talking about Trump campaigning.

I thought, 1) “I wish they’d stop talking over each other,” and 2) “What the hell is she talking about?”

I was thinking along these lines;

No, Kamala, no, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump campaigning or not doesn’t change anything about what your administration has done and the mood of the American People. If Trump speaking can sway 79% of the people in a poll away from your policies, and administrations direction, then honestly I think the problem is with you & Biden.

That number is suggestive of you being remarkably out of touch with the American People and if you’ve missed the mark that substantially then Biden and by extension, you don’t, in my opinion, deserve the Presidency.

It was insulting that she’d try to use Trump as a boogy-man like that. Because if the Biden / Harris administration had been doing their job, and the American People were happy about the job they’d done over the past 4 years, Trump campaigning or not would have little effect on the Polls. Certainly not almost 80% of the people polled. I’d guess that the polling should be somewhere about 50/50 if everything was “normal”.

Put another way, only 20% of the country believes things are going well. In a simple Democracy that 20% would be ignored. Will of the majority & all right? Suddenly, the Electoral College doesn’t seem like such a bad idea does it? 

I was never able to determine what she was alluding to with her “Trump was campaigning” word salad neither was Baier and further, she didn’t explain herself.

I’d hate to see her in a really contentious negotiation against say Putin, or Xi, or a Muslim state like Iran where women are only supposed to cook, clean, bend over, and never speak. “What does a woman know?

In those situations Harris or any Woman for that matter, better be clear & concise with her meaning. She’ll need to be direct and not attempt to wheedle her way into what she wants.

Yeah, maybe it means a woman will have to work harder as President. Those are the breaks, not every culture treats women with respect. If she can’t handle that, maybe she doesn’t have what it takes to be President.

Nonetheless, I’m really interested to see how the Democrats are going to install Kamala Harris in the Oval Office. They have to, you understand that right? If the Democrats lose, it may well be their end as a dominant party in what is essentially a two party system. 

Once could extrapolate from the polls that a pretty substantial percentage of the American People are turning their backs on a party that hasn’t delivered on promises even though that party has been in control of The Presidency for 12 of the past 16 years.

I’m tired of hearing Kamala talk about Trump. I’d like her to answer fundamental questions about HER. What are her policies, what are her plans when she becomes President, what are her opinions about world events and does she have any thoughts about solutions to world problems?

KS joy view op.Believe it or not, much as I dislike the Biden / Harris administration, if Kamala Harris presented me with a better choice than Trump, I’d hear her out.

I don’t care that she’s a woman, or her race, or any of that shit. Despite what that vile, rancid, shrew, Joy Behar says, not supporting Harris, isn’t about misogyny.

The fundamental question is one of merit. 

Does she merit a position in the Oval Office more than the other choice? Thus far the answer is a resounding “No”.

I’m still trying to listen…

Sorry, I’ve been a little cranky.

I’ve hurt one of my knees again. When I say hurt, I mean chronic stabbing pain.

Jesse has been very sweet on our walks and is putting up with “old man slow”.

It’s messing with my sleep and making me really tired. So tired, that doing anything is an almost insurmountable chore.

On the plus side it’s getting better and each day, the pain is dialing down a bit, or maybe I’m just getting used to it.

I’ll be doing okay minding my own business, then I’ll catch some stupidity in politics, the government, or the talking heads & think I’ve had a stroke or something because the news and sound bites are just plain insane.

M113 Salt Creature.I actually dreamt I was watching Kamala Harris on TV and she was in a super diverse room of people. It was an interview, (about what I don’t recall.) Each person that asked her a question was obviously ethnic in some way. Kamala answered in their accent.

The crowd didn’t like her answers so they started firing questions at her all at once. She tried to answer each person in their local accent and it kept going until not only was Kamala changing accents, but her face was mirroring the characteristics of the person she was focused on. It got faster & faster until finally she didn’t look human anymore.

Then, where Kamala had been standing at a podium there was suddenly this creature panting from exhaustion. (I just realized It was the old salt monster from the original StarTrek.)

The reporters didn’t miss a beat and called the transformation, “a regrettable makeup malfunction”. Then began painting the event as a trick of the light, combined with MAGA digital interference from the internet, being injected into their live television stream.

That’s when I woke up.

I think that in one way or another for the past 10 years politics has been permeating all our waking lives. There was a time when we could pretty much ignore the stupidity. A) The level of individual human stupidity hasn’t changed. B) The concentration of truly stupid people in our government has.

It’s reached a kind of critical mass, it’s no longer about one idiot in the House asking if putting a large naval base on an island will cause the island to capsize. Although watching that Admiral choke back his first, second, third, and fourth responses while maintaining a poker face was amusing.

Now the number of truly idiotic people elected to government offices has tipped the balance such that the outliers are the sane and reasonable suggestions, and the normal stuff coming out of any office in D.C. is batshit crazy, short bus stupid, or some ugly combination of both. 

Which brings me to my point. It’s become literally impossible to ignore the buffoonery and it’s become normalized, even if you’re not crazy, you feel like you’re crazy.

That “background noise” has a habit of keeping me low level cranky most of the time. At that level, I’m usually in pretty decent control but when you add sharp stabbing pain, well the control slips. And I tend to fire off rants, screeds? without much filtering. 

All of which is to explain that this blog might be a lot more random than usual. It might also be a little more pithy than usual. So buckle up buttercups, it might be a bumpy ride.

And I apologize in advance.