DHS may Not be our Friend

A New York Post article dated Feb 9, 2022 and another article in Law Enforcement Today talk about a DHS Bulletin describing the current heightened state of alert regarding threats to the nation.

There was a similar article yesterday in Breitbart. I’m not linking to that one. Some of these articles engaged in hyperbole suggesting that the DHS said If you question the Government you might be a terrorist. At least one article referred to Secretary Mayorkas press conference where he may have misstated or overstated the DHS Bulletin.

Titles like:

We are all terror threats? DHS says “mistrust of US government” means you may be a terrorist

While not incorrect, may lead a casual reader to incorrect conclusions.

The DHS Bulletin is uh, concerning, in one regard. I think it is worthy of noting the line that seems to have generated the attention.

the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions;”

To anyone raised in the 1960’s or 1970’s that line would raise eyebrows.

In those decades it was commonplace for the younger generation to apply the thinking, Question Everything, Don’t trust the MAN (meaning government), Trust no-one over 30.

These were turbulent decades. Mounting evidence that the American People had been lied to about many things peaked with the Watergate Scandal and President Nixon’s subsequent resignation.

For many, the revelations were heart breaking. Up to that time, it was sort of accepted as truth that our government was operating in the best interests of the people.

If someone in authority told a citizen to keep quiet about something in the interest of National Security, the citizen would do as asked. There was faith on the part of that citizen that they didn’t know all the facts, and that the Authorities knew the bigger picture and were in a position to invoke National Security interest. The citizen gladly did their patriotic duty.

After revelations about Agent Orange, Nixon’s resignation, revelations about DDT, scandals about vaccinations that went horribly wrong, government medical experimentation in Tuskegee, the unsafe effects of above and below ground nuclear weapons testing, and a long litany of scandals regarding Government Approved projects, our faith in government was, in my opinion broken.

As it turned out, those people asking questions, those who didn’t trust “The Man,” actually had a point.

These were the conspiracy “nut jobs” of the time. They had local meetings, and mimeographed, (if you don’t know that term, look it up. Acetone fumes in an enclosed space could get you high as a kite,) newsletters they passed out. The Information Age as we know it today didn’t exist. Agents from the FBI, CIA, NSA, or DIA were always infiltrating these conspiracy groups, just to keep an eye on them and learn what they knew.

You see us “Boomers” have heard statements like this before. What followed these statements often involved intimidation, threats, and arrests.

Senator Joe McCarthys famous line, “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party,” still echoed from 1954. The Hollywood black lists were still in full force in the ’60s and ’70s.

Involvement with some groups could get you labeled a “possible subversive” and that label could impact your employment options for years. It didn’t have to be true, all you needed was the label in a file that would show up on a background check. The FBI had files on anyone remotely associated with so called subversive organizations.

I once lived with a roommate who’d been involved with some three letter organization. For two solid years all of my mail was delivered opened and hastily stuffed back into the envelope.

It wasn’t until much later in my life that I found out I’d been carefully watched during those years as a possible security threat. This information came to me as part of an in-depth security check I’d agreed to for a particular employment situation.

That was the day, I wondered if I’d finally “Sold Out”, and was becoming “The Man”.

At the time I was well over 30 so I figured it was high time. The Job was a good one, the money was great, and I wasn’t building weapons.

Over the last 5 to 10 years I’ve concluded that in an ironic way, I’ve been building weapons for most of my career. The exception was during the time I worked for an actual defense contractor. The irony of that is also not lost on me.

The weapons I built weren’t conceived as weapons. They were mechanisms that were built with the altruistic goal of freeing information. I thought if information flowed freely that it couldn’t be controlled. The despots, elitists, and powerful couldn’t hide their misdeeds from the public as they’d done in the past.

I never imagined the way that such information flow and devices could be weaponized. I never imagined that anyone would want to monitor the communications of an entire nation. Although there was the example of the old USSR doing it. That should have been a “Spoiler Alert”.

I was laboring under the illusion that the American Government would never do it. I wanted to trust in the government once more. Then came the allegation that the Obama Administration was in fact monitoring cellphone communications and archiving virtually all of them, with the help of the NSA.

Shortly after, we found that your cellphone even without GPS, was trackable and that our Government had built software that could locate your phone in a given area, building a record of your daily movements, then putting those movements on a map.

Did the government need to know where you stopped for coffee every morning on the way to work? This was ostensibly to assist in fighting terrorism and dated back to the Patriot Act, signed into law by Bush. The very people and entities I was hoping to stop, took our good intentions, innocence, and idealism, and fashioned horrible weapons. Weapons not to be used in time of war against a common enemy, but weapons to be used against their own citizens.

Oppenheimer was right. We should not question if we can do a thing, but rather should we do a thing.

It’s been said that a modern cellphone with GPS is the NSA, CIA, and FBI’s, wet dream. Everyone carrying around a tracking device that can be tuned into easily and efficiently with a few strokes on a keyboard providing an individual’s location within a few meters is the stuff of Orwellian nightmares on its own. Add to that corporations willingness to censor contrary points of view, backed by calls from government officials to sanction such censorship is terrifying.

One could read…

the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions;”

… as a call for the Government to begin active censorship of all unapproved narrative. Coming as it does from the DHS, this chills me to the bone.

In that light, I ask when does the DHS rename itself “This Ministry of Truth”?

As a “Boomer,” admittedly I’m on the tail end of that designation, I’ve been astounded by the breathtaking compliance and lack of questioning on the part of the American People over the past two years.

If as the hyperbolic headlines suggest, those who question the government may be considered terrorists.

I ask, what the hell happened? How did the lessons of McCarthyism get forgotten? How did the lessons of the ’60s, ’70s, and even ’80s get memory holed? How is it possible, with information flowing freely and unrestricted, that we’re at this point?

Does this mean that now, in my 6th decade, I’m suddenly a seditionist, a terrorist, a criminal?

What would be my crimes?

Asking questions?
Thinking for myself?
Having a lifelong aversion to a government that I justifiably never fully trusted?
Speaking out against actions, I think unjust?
Calling out politicians or others that I think should answer the people, but who do not?

If these are crimes, then this blog site contains abundant evidence of my guilt. Should I put my affairs in order in anticipation of the knock on my door and eventual “Suicide” from a shot to the back of my head?

I doubt I’m worth a bullet to these people. After all I don’t have Joe Rogan’s following. No, they’ll break the door down at 4 am and seize all my electronics, they’ll try to silence me and others like me by denying us access to the information network.

The question is, would that silence us, or just radicalize us further?

I wonder how much an old manual typewriter and hand cranked mimeograph machine cost these days. Can you even buy Acetone anymore? I’d bet without checking, Acetone is on the list of controlled substances.

No matter, those of us of a certain age still remember our organic chemistry. Who knows? Maybe someone even remembers the recipe.

Truth and Freedom ring like a bell. A truth, spoken or read, resonates in individuals that encounter it.

That resonance spreads and builds to questions. Those questions demand answers and cannot be denied forever.

This seems to be the one thing that totalitarian states always forget.

Truth sets the innocent free, and damns the guilty.

Let’s hope that the DHS bulletin simply contains a poorly worded statement.

In the event that our government is moving in a totalitarian direction, it’s time for us all to speak out, demanding that our concerns are heard and acted upon.

I’m enjoying Canadas Freedom Convoy

Honestly, I’m pretty sure that only Canada could have pulled this off without a ton of violence.

The Canadians, known for politeness and the way they interact with each other have shown us all what a protest is supposed to look like.

A big shout out and humble Thank You, to our neighbors to the North.

What mainstream coverage I’ve seen shows that even controlled media is having a tough time finding stuff to criticize.

(Photo by Minas Panagiotakis/Getty Images)

The non mainstream media has been a bit more “Man on the street” in Ottawa and the protestors have been multiethnic, multicultural, and generally say the same thing.

Their interviews speak of kindness, and sharing. Food, & Drink being offered freely. People enjoying each other.

One or two of those interviews have mentioned small outbreaks of rowdiness but that those outbreaks are being controlled well by the protestors themselves and the police.

The striking feature is the fact that Ottawa and Alberta are not in flames, there’s not a lot of trash, no dumpster fires, or broken windows.

Again, this is what a peaceful protest looks like.

As other countries now have similar protests, it looks as if the Canada model is being followed.

Be Kind, be peaceful, clean up after yourselves, keep the protest focused on the goal, don’t allow the protest to be derailed by stupid actions of a few.

The Canadians are also showing something that America’s founding fathers mentioned. I’m paraphrasing here, but it’s something to the effect that a Government who is afraid of the people is JUST. A government with no fear of the people will lead to tyranny.

Protesters playing street hockey (Photo by Dave Chan / AFP) (Photo by DAVE CHAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Justin Trudeau ran for the hills. He’s hiding in a spider hole somewhere and commenting on a few Nazi Flags.

A picture, I can’t find now, showed one of those flags had Trudeau’s name tacked directly under the Nazi flag.

That message is clear, the person carrying the flag was saying that They thought Trudeau was akin to a Nazi, not that the person carrying the flag supported any Nazi cause.

Now there are more signs being held up, These signs are calling for Canadian TV and the CBC to speak the truth about the protest. They’re calling out both organizations for spreading lies about the protest and its nature.

I’m sure that there are some people in Ottawa that have been greatly inconvenienced by the protests. Especially the functionaries of the Canadian government. You know, those people who are highly paid and can afford to live in apartments in Ottawa near the government buildings where they work.

But the fact that average people are reportedly dropping off food, water, and fuel, would suggest that non-governmental Canadians are supportive of the protest.

This appears to be proven by the mayor of Ottawa commanding the police to seize fuel and propane.

The mayor has also shown his true dictatorial colors by issuing edicts saying that anyone caught helping the protestors will be fined or otherwise punished.

Historically, we’ve seen this before. It happened in a little place called Germany when some people said, “No” to the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, and anyone who spoke out against the Nazi party.

We also saw similar laws enacted by the Democrats in the American South when they said anyone helping a runaway slave would be punished severely. Lincoln enacted one of his most brutal executive orders in response.

The Canadian protestors are now demanding that Trudeau face them. They’re demanding that he make his false statements about them being racist to their faces.

New Zealand’s parliament is today facing a trucker protest too.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand has been quoted as saying she’s too busy to address the protestors standing before her demanding to be heard.

Sounds a lot like the government of the United States just before January 6th… I still believe that if Congress and the Judiciary had been brave and honest enough to actually speak with the people things would have gone a lot differently.

Then again I’m naive, I believe that leaders of a country who are doing a good job, or who are willing to explain and justify legally why they’re doing something unpopular, shouldn’t fear being among the people they govern.

Yet again and again, we see “Leaders” making sure that they have walls, barriers, guns, guards, and snipers in place before they make any public appearance.

These same “Leaders” scurry like cockroaches in their tunnels, basements, and high security areas never seeing the light of day or witnessing the suffering their laws, mandates, and actions cause.

Inevitably they are surprised to discover that they are universally hated when they must appear before the great unwashed masses.

In case the video won’t play in your browser, here is a link to a woman calling Trudeau a traitor to his face. https://youtu.be/n3GoGGv8OR4

I saw this a few days ago and almost choked to death on my coffee. All I could think was, “You GO Girl!”

I’d love to see something like that happen with Biden, Harris, or Pelosi. I think it would be very educational and would rip off the mask of “affected civility” our government officials hide behind.

How would the American People react to a Mother or GrandMother being hauled off and shoved in a “black site” the way the Jan 6th protestors have been?

You know, the 700+ people our FBI and DOJ have effectively “disappeared”. The only reason that this particular injustice has been allowed to stand is that it’s being done in silence. These people have no voice, their stories are, in general being censored. Their families silenced by fear of retaliation.

This alone is enough to make me question how far off the rails our government has fallen.

The American government is searching for organizations that are radicalizing people, I’m sure the Canadian government is doing the same. To them I say this;

“Look in the mirror!”

I’m not affiliated with any anti government group. I’m an old man and I’m ready to grab my pitchfork!

I’d tell the Canadian Truckers, when the police have taken your fuel, just before your rig can’t move… Block all the streets and bridges then disable the electrical system. It should be good fun watching the police trying to get big rig tow trucks on site to move your trucks. The odds are good, a lot of the tow truck drivers will roll in, park their rigs and do the same.

I’d also suggest that all trucks in Canada and America pull off the roads (or not) and refuse to move an inch until our respective governments listen to the grievances of their people.

Yep, a lot of people will be inconvenienced, the liberals will scream bloody murder when they can’t get their $6 lattes. Grocery store shelves, and gas stations will be empty. There will be a lot of people that get really mad at the truckers, but all eyes will eventually turn toward our ineffectual governments and demand answers.

Our brothers and sisters in Canada have shown us a path that is non-violent and effective.

It is now up to the rest of the free people of the world to take that path.

The alternative is pitchforks and torches, or worse, and too terrible to contemplate.

Thank you Canada!

Winter Olympics… Yawn!

Is anyone paying attention to this farce?

The Winter Olympics have never been high on my personal list of events. The Olympics in general have become boring for me over the past 20 years.

I’m turned off by the hype, I’m turned off by the politics and while I respect the training that the competitors put in, it’s not an event that captures my attention or takes up any of my time.

This year’s Winter Olympics is literally less important to me than scratching my balls.

I personally think that the US Olympic team should not have gone in the first place. There’s just too much controversy around China now. It’s so off my radar I couldn’t even tell you what US network is providing coverage of the games.

While many Americans are trying to avoid Chinese products, and those same Americans are asking what it’s going to take for us to bring our manufacturing home; The Olympic Games are showcasing China.

There was one news report last week, suggesting the Olympic Team use burner phones instead of taking their cellphones with them to China.

If there is that kind of concern about Chinese spying, perhaps we have no business sending young athletes to a place where their naïveté could get them into trouble in the first place.

Let’s not forget that COVID is still of great concern to the Chinese government.

I fully expect an athlete from some country to accidentally break a CCP rule and have it turn into an overblown international incident. Then we’ll get to watch some Chinese minister shake his finger at the offending country.

Given the situation with Antony Blinken, I’m almost positive it will be an American athlete because the CCP couldn’t pass up that opportunity.

I’m hoping that the American viewership will be dismal to the point our athletes just say, “fuck it, what’s the point,” and come home. It’s unfair to the athletes to be sure, but the overarching issue is why is anyone paying attention to a grandiose propaganda event that benefits no-one but the CCP?

Before you think me a hypocrite, I’m keenly aware that I’m typing this post on a device that says, “Designed in California, Made In China.” Well, this is either the last computer that I buy, or the next computer will say, “Designed and manufactured in the USA.”

I’m not trying to be a “Crazy” nationalist… (Although, apparently it’s okay for other countries to be nationalistic.) I’m simply saying that if I have a choice, I’d prefer to buy American.

After all, aren’t we all supposed to be social justice warriors? Aren’t we supposed to be concerned about the enslavement of people? Anyone heard of the Uyghurs?

Just Sayin…

As I attempt to focus on the positive…

Joe Biden’s Presidency has a redeeming side.

I’m learning about dementia.

I have aging parents. They’re not showing dementia symptoms but to be honest, I really hadn’t considered it as a possibly.

Watching Biden, I’m getting to see first hand what this looks like and how debilitating it is.

I learned a new term today regarding dementia. “Sundowning.” Apparently it’s quite common. As someone with dementia progresses through the day, they experience cognitive decline.

I’d argue that we all experience some decline as the day wears on. I guess with dementia patients it’s much more pronounced.

So I’m thankful for Joe. I’ll perhaps be more understanding and patient when or if my parents develop this condition.

Wow, Neil Young thought he was still a star…

I find it really amusing that Neil Young blew it so badly.

Let’s see, he’s been in the entertainment industry for decades. You’d think that in all that time he’d have learned something about that business model.

You know, a little thing like, “Cash talks, Bullshit walks”.

Anyone with half a brain would have seen which way Spotify was going to go.

Option A, fold to Young’s childish demands and loose a ton of money by cancelling a current star like Rogan.

Option B, cancel a has been rocker that a lot of younger folks have no clue about.

Clearly Young missed the lesson of “Follow the Money”.

Now, Neil Young is asking for other ancient has been rockers to join his little snit. Apparently some are, Peter Frampton and Joni Mitchell have sided with Young.

It took Spotify less than 24 hours to come to a decision and delete Neil Young’s catalog. I imagine that if it comes to it, Frampton and Mitchell’s, music will be gone in less time. Other “Artists” may find their catalogs removed in seconds, not hours.

That’s the funny part of computers. The first iteration of something is always the slowest, the second, third, or fourth iterations of a function go much quicker.

I’d have to check the history of rock but wasn’t there a reason that Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young, just became Crosby, Stills & Nash?

I could see Spotify getting to the point that they just present a message to the Artist;

“You are about to delete your entire music catalog from Spotify. This represents XXXX Dollars per week of income to you. This action cannot be undone.

Continue? Y / N”

Then we’d see who really had conviction and valued the “Moral High Ground”. I might even respect those who pressed “Y”.

Apple has chosen to take this opportunity to “Make Hay while the sun shines,” by featuring Neil Young on Apple Music.

If Neil Young thinks this is anything but Apple blatantly attempting to woo new subscribers to their service, he better think again. Once again, this is only about the Benjamins. Apple will move on as soon as the media hype drops off. It’s not personal, it’s simply business.

I find myself questioning Apple more and more these days, but that is another story.

Thankfully I have no need of new Apple products and therefore don’t find myself with the dilemma of choosing to confront my growing concern that Apple has become “Evil” like Google did, versus wanting something Apple makes. I know it’s a cheap way out, but I really don’t want to deal with mixed platforms again, this way I can delay feeling like I have to decide.

It’s bad enough that I’m cancelling Amazon Prime, and Hulu. While neither of them are watched or listened to in this household enough to justify their costs. I’ll miss those odd moments when I want to watch something mindless like, Ancient Aliens, for the hell of it but don’t want to actually “Buy” it.

Kinda like how Spotify fed the aging boomers Neil Young’s music, allowing them to relive their glory days without having to pay for the shitty “B” sides.

(That’s a reference a lot of younger folks won’t get. You used to be able to tell which side of a vinyl LP had the best songs when you pulled it out of the sleeve. One side was worn and slightly gray while the other was pristine and shiny black. )

Honestly, I wish the entertainers would just stick to entertaining. I’m tired of having my political awareness triggered when I hear some favorite song. I hate hearing something and then getting sucked down the rabbit hole of, “That’s a song by X, they’ve been demanding Y be cancelled and saying if you disagree you’re part of the problem.” It’s at this point that I hit skip on the music player.

I just want to enjoy the music or the movie without having that internal political discussion.

A couple of examples;

Hocus Pocus – Bette Midler completely destroyed that old favorite movie for me. Why? Because now when I see her being an overbearing nasty witch on screen, I kinda think she wan’t acting. If that’s the case, she’s not a very nice person.

Cher – I grew up on her music. She had a special place in my heart. The Sonny & Cher show wasn’t missed often when I was growing up. But now… Every time she opens her mouth I’m appalled.

Jane Fonda – I was too young to understand why my Father and Step Father would change the channel if she was on TV. It didn’t matter to them if she was being an actress or an activist. Neither of them would allow her to be on the TV in their homes. It wasn’t until I was an adult with my own home and TV that I got to see her films.

Now, as an older adult, I get it, because I’ve begun to feel the same way about a lot of my icons.