This outta be fun to watch…

Apparently the board of Twitter has decided to accept Elon Musk’s offer to purchase the company.

I’d imagine that a lot of liberal Twitter employees are shitting themselves right about now. Especially those who have been so invested in outright censorship. They’re out the door!

I’d also imagine that the remaining libtard snowflake Twitter users are having meltdowns because they may soon be seeing things in their feeds that they personally don’t like.

Oh well!

Twitter stock is shooting up and I wish I had the money to invest in it right now. I’d love to ride the wave up.

Hell, I might even consider opening a Twitter account again. It might be fun to watch the meltdowns realtime. What are the fragile little snowflakes gonna do when real freedom of speech smacks ’em upside the head?

I left Twitter a couple of years ago, precisely because the censorship and Twitter Mobs attacking someone who questioned the “Approved” narrative was so disgusting.

I’m not talking about someone saying that world was flat. I’m talking about someone asking about the legitimacy of Hydroxychloroquine. Simply asking a question about it could get the person banned. Then there’s the Hunter Biden laptop, or people correcting false narratives about Trump, by posting unedited raw videos

Something like… “Hey, here’s the whole video and this is what he really said or did.”

Yep, that was enough to get you banned.

The cockroaches should be scattering like those in a filthy kitchen when you flip on the lights. It couldn’t happen to a finer group of people. I’d bet there’s a lot of left leaning H1B1 employees freaking the fuck out right about now.

Hey assholes… Pack your bags! In a very short time Twitter on your resume will be toxic if you’re trying to find another job in a liberal “woke” company.

No doubt it will take Elon a while to wrangle the purchase, take the company private again, and fire all the shitheads. So improvement won’t happen over night, I’m sure there will be sabotage from the shitheads on their way out.

This news is a ray of hope and frankly I needed that right about now.

Hmm I wonder when they’ll be hiring replacement workers? Gotta keep my eye on that.

Elon, may be able to make Twitter actually profitable. Musk buying an existing company that already has global reach and attendant infrastructure means that newer competing platforms may also take a hit. That will be interesting to watch shake out.

I wonder what Apple is going to do about it. Will they ban Twitter like they banned Parler and Gab from the Apple App Store? That may be a nasty headache for Tim Cook. How’s Apple going to justify banning those applications while allowing a Twitter that’s all about free speech?

Alternatively, if Apple tries to ban Twitter they’ll face the wrath of the liberals who’ve come to rely on Twitter to coordinate their BLM and ANTIFA rallies. Or if they’re in LA, coordinate their smash and grab looting.

I do hope Elon has complete control before the Midterms. I’ve wondered how much sway Twitter and their censorship really had on the 2020 election. I might just be getting my answer.

Twitter, Gab, Parler, MeWe and others allowing conservative posts and real discussions to take place versus the echo chamber of censorship on FaceBook, Google, and Youtube…

I can hardly wait for some perpetually aggrieved “Woke” moron to complain their feelings got hurt on Twitter. The digital thud of everyone else saying, “Yeah? So what?” Will probably be heard in the physical world!

Like I said, this should be a lot of fun to watch.

Thanks Mr. Musk… If you need someone to wander through the halls of Twitter like the Angel of Death… I’m totally available and have an extensive technology background.

I promise I won’t make them suffer too long!

Hmm, Interesting and perhaps boding ill

I finally got down to the Sheriff’s substation to pick up their report, that I have to take to the court house to file a restraining order.

They charged me $1 for a single piece of paper.

It’s not the buck, it’s a fundamental question of why was the victim charged for the paper at all?

This led to to wondering what the cost to file the restraining order would be. Thus far I’ve not been able to find a single bit of information about fees in general.

Paraphrasing the Talosians from Star Trek, “The county’s methods of data storage are crude and take much time to assimilate…”

Broad searches for restraining orders produce only results dealing with domestic abuse. No fees are listed. Narrowing the search still produced only domestic abuse results and scanning those, I now understand why so many abused people allow it to go on & on. The bar to enact a restraining order is high and requires the victim to prove beyond a doubt that a restraining order is warranted.

There are plenty of articles dealing with how to break a lease earlier so that the victim can get out of a rental situation and therefore get away from the abuse. (Tip, the victim can break the lease in less than 30 days. The law generously allows them to only give 15 days notice one a restraining order is in hand.

This is insane! The victim is so screwed. Ongoing abuse by the abuser, and then again and again by the law that is supposed to protect them. I think I see why domestic crime is often so damn violent…

I’m taking a break in my searches of the county web site. Poorly organized data is worse than no data at all. If there’s no information that’s one thing, but if the data is supposed to be someplace and is unfindable it just compounds the frustrating “original sin”.

Ah well, back to it… Or I take a longer break and take advantage of the cool weather to go outside and do some yard work.

I Do feel a little sorry for him

I honestly didn’t know that Obama was going to be at the White House. Not that it matters to me at all. I still feel a little betrayed by Obama. I truly thought that he would deliver on his promises when I voted for him. By his second term, I was completely disenchanted because I’d come to believe he was yet again another President who was into the power not the people.

It’s not Obama I feel sorry for. It’s Biden. Just because I think Joe Biden is an incompetent senile old fool, doesn’t mean I can’t feel sorry for him as a human being.

Watching the videos of the Obama visit, it was pretty sad to see Biden trying to interact with the shakers and movers.

Biden was clearly the unpopular kid at the prom. I kept waiting for the pigs blood to pour on him, (if you haven’t seen the original Carrie movie you might not get that reference.)

The fact that I was reminded of a movie genre that deals with cruel high school cliques by the “Movers & Shakers,”in Washington D.C. probably says as much about their behavior as it says about my high school experience.

I wasn’t one of the pretty people, I wasn’t particularly popular and not in any of the “cool kids” cliques, but I was necessary.

I was the guy who knew how to get things done, who to contact for certain illicit things, and how to make some troubles just disappear. I guess I was The Mechanic, I would get my hands dirty so that the cool, rich, and privileged dilettantes didn’t have to… But I didn’t work for free.

Unfortunately Biden isn’t even that.

He’s the kid whose parents made him go to the prom, “stag” because they thought it was important for his social development. He’s the wall flower, the kid sitting alone at the furthest table who is totally invisible. He’s the joke, the “poor kid” from the wrong side of the tracks, wearing a hand me down suit, instead of being able to rent a tux.

One advantage of my “Mechanic” role was that from the shadows I got to watch people. I got to observe the social fabric and how cruel a smile from some people can be. I also wore a tux to the prom that I didn’t have to pay for. (I’ll do this thing that you ask, but one day you’ll have to repay the favor… Ahh capitalism!)

Biden reminded me of the kid at the dance desperately wishing to be noticed and wondering if he could leave and walk home before his parents come to collect him.

Biden has become the crazy unpopular old uncle at the family reunion. Invited because he’s family and no one knows how much money he’s got stuffed in his mattress, ignored because he’s got nothing to say. He’s always invited, treated cordially for the first 15 minutes and then handed a tall glass of vodka and sent to the kids table.

It was there for all the world to observe.

At the press conference Biden was discarded once his usefulness ended. Obama was introduced, and Biden wandered around begging for relevancy. Hoping for crumbs from the cool kids table.

Biden has never learned even the crumbs are doled out carefully.

Remember, the Biden administration crowed very loudly about the “adults” being in the White House again.

Uh huh, right!

That’s why I feel a little sorry for Biden. The realization that you’ve been used and thrown away is always a bit soul crushing. In his case, the sting may not have much of an impact because of his cognitive decline.

I was looking at the VAERS database the other day

I’ve been watching VAERS for a while. Not just over COVID but I’ve been curious for a long time if the Anti-Vax movement had a leg to stand on.

I’m still undecided about the Anti-Vaxxers in general.

I noticed something interesting in the charts located here.

In the conservative media there’s been a lot of talk about adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine and the VAERS database does tend to back up their allegations. Bear in mind this is only one data source and there may be contributing factors such as other comorbidities.

It is, and always has been that the sudden rise in death wasn’t necessarily only the COVID vaccine. It’s possible that the deaths might be associated with the vaccine triggering a cascade of issues that resulted in the patient’s death. This is very much in the vein of the CDC and others revising their COVID cause of death statistics.

In both situations, if the patient had diabetes and perhaps pneumonia then it’s possible that having COVID contributed to the patient’s death but was not the sole reason they died. Likewise a patient getting the vaccine may have died after getting it, but the vaccine is not necessarily the sole reason they died.

It pays to keep that in mind when looking at the data.

To get a clear cause / effect relationship you need to exclude everyone who had comorbidities or some other pre-existing condition. Only then, can you reasonably draw some conclusion as to whether the vaccine is dangerous. If the preponderance of deaths due to adverse reactions were in an otherwise healthy population, that should raise a red flag.

The overall numbers of deaths isn’t my point. What caught my attention was that the number of “Vaccine Related” deaths is dropping.

If, as the Anti-Vaxers say, the COVID vaccine is universally bad and dangerous, I wouldn’t expect to see the numbers dropping off.

Thinking about it. I came up with three hypotheses.

1 The really vulnerable population has died off. That’s gruesome to think about, but doesn’t exclude it from the realm of possibility.

2 Fewer people are taking the COVID vaccines. If those people who were never going to take the vaccine in the first place are still not taking it, and the population that ran to get the vaccine have already had it, then the numbers wold start to fall pretty much due to reason #1.

3 People are giving up on reporting adverse reactions because they’ve come to the belief that the government won’t listen anyway and therefore it’s pointless to report anything.

As I said, these are only hypotheses. Like all hypotheses they can only be proven or disproven. The science, (A.K.A. Truth,) of the situation doesn’t care if it hurts my feelings. Since I’m not a “Scientist” my hypotheses are pretty much not going to matter in the least.

However, this little exercise might give some of you insight into the workings of my mind. I’m dogmatic to be sure, but there’s a part of me that’s always asking, “Are you sure?”

It’s the “Are you sure?” That makes me go back and reevaluate.

While I may think the traditional Anti-Vaxxers are incorrect in their declaration that all vaccines are bad, I keep looking at their data and determine for myself if I agree.

I suppose it’s along the same lines as watching Ancient Aliens. I find that sometimes there are points they make, that clearly can’t be explained away with our current knowledge of ancient civilizations. There are items, stories or customs that don’t seem to make sense.

In those situations in my mind I relegate the Ancient Aliens “proof” to anomalous items. A kind of a TBD pending further research. I don’t believe that every odd shaped stone, pot, or weird custom is proof of alien contact.

For all we know, 4000 years ago an apprentice craftsman did something weird and the Master craftsman said, “Run with that, you’ll find out why it won’t work for yourself,” The apprentice may have put the item on their workbench as a reminder not to get too wild with innovation.

I myself have done this. I’d hate to think that 4000 years hence, a cult of some sort rose up around one of my failures.

Anecdotal evidence in my mind isn’t evidence. It’s an observed situation that deserves further inquiry. That’s why I reevaluate the Anti-Vaxxers data from time to time. That’s why I’ve been interested in all the COVID issues. That’s why I have always liked science in general. I like testing the anecdotal against the provable.

I like being able to convert anecdotes into demonstrated facts, or disprove anecdotal evidence as an odd coincidence.

The latter is more interesting. You can have a repeatable event, that anecdotally looks like proof but when you really look at it, you discover that what appeared to be a clear cause / effect relationship was dependent on a bunch of conditions that weren’t obviously related.

The puzzling part of that kind of discovery is the most fun to figure out. Then again, I like puzzles so it’s probably just me.

Been giving thought to stuff that pisses me off.

I know, you’re thinking, “Another one of those posts! Next!”

Bear with me. 

Implied Social Worthiness Scores.

The last company I worked for, was very concerned that I didn’t have active Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn accounts. They were also very concerned that I didn’t attend employer sponsored events such as going to the water park, dinners, or baseball games.

I asked them why my having or participating in those things mattered. 

They said It’s about being able to determine if our employees are engaged and happy with the workplace. 

I said that my happiness was dependent on my paycheck. I was there to do a job, I did the job and went home. As to the company events, I couldn’t participate and be a good employee. My schedule was 5am to 1pm Thursday through Monday. Their events typically started at 6pm on a weekend defined as Saturday and Sunday. Since I was usually in bed by 7:30 to 8:00PM, were I to attend their corporate events I would not be good at my job the next day due to tiredness.  As such I was behaving in a responsible way towards my employer.

I said regarding Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. That I found these services to be a waste of time. I felt no need to broadcast minute by minute, the details of my personal or work life to the entire world. (This blog notwithstanding) Therefore if they were concerned about my speaking out of turn about the workplace or my employer, they had nothing to fear. I kept my opinions to myself or confined to a small select group of people that I interacted with in person.

This was not good enough. 

Because I wasn’t posting my life online for all to see, they were suspicious because there was no way for them to apply metrics about my life choices (Judgmental much?) I believe that they were trying to determine my social worth and obtain more leverage over me than a simple paycheck.

Eventually, after many annoying emails from HR and the Activities Committee, I conceded to creating a LinkedIn account. Upon which I would sometimes parrot the company announcements. Other than that, I didn’t post anything.

That wasn’t good enough. Now if I didn’t post something at least once a week I’d get an email from one of the two groups. Always such emails suggested posting something about my life and happiness. (Uh, nobody’s business but mine.)

While creating the LinkedIn account I thought, “This is a slippery slope and since they cajoled me into this, they’re going to apply more pressure for me to hand them a loaded gun in the form of information.”

This assumption was borne out when someone on the Activities Committee saw me getting out of a new car one morning. I had no sooner sat down at my desk, than there was an email suggesting that I post pictures of my “pretty” car on LinkedIn and use it as a first post to Twitter and Facebook too. The rationale was that everyone would love to see success and share in my happiness.

Frankly, that creeped me out on a number of levels.

Since I chose not to post it on LinkedIn, they did. With a picture clearly showing my license plate number. “Someone got a new car… Let’s all congratulate him”

I viewed this as an invasion of privacy. They seemed to view it as a corporate success story. Completely missing the rest of the story… 

My old car had been totaled and this was a logical replacement. I wouldn’t have gotten a new car, if my old one, which I loved, and was in fine working order, hadn’t been destroyed. The new car represented not success, but a major life setback, because my old car was completely paid for. The new car represented payments, tighter budgeting, and a loss of disposable income.

I let it go, they were being childish and I didn’t need to point that out. LinkedIn did it for me, deleting the post as a violation of their terms. This of course was before LinkedIn became part of Microsoft.

It is possible that my lack of compliance in the social media arena led directly to my not being on the “retain list” when the layoffs happened. There is no way to prove it, but I do wonder from time to time.

It always leads back to the same question for me. Why couldn’t they just let me be a good worker and do my job? All I wanted from them was a paycheck, medical insurance, and something productive to do. Why do so many companies these days feel that external activities are so dang important?

People who can’t take what you say at face value

I’m currently involved looking after a neighbors cat. There is a lot of other drama in this situation. I won’t bore you with the details.

There are a couple of points that are really annoying. The largest is the delivery of supplies for the cat.

To the person’s credit, they don’t feel that I shouldn’t incur costs for litter and food and I applaud that.

But I said in the beginning, “Don’t worry about this, you’re ill and we can settle up at a later date. If this is only for a few weeks.”

That apparently was not heard. Instead, the person has to schedule delivery of cat supplies from a market 2 miles away. You’d think that’s fine except that I’m at or near the market pretty frequently so it’s no big deal to go in to get what’s needed.

I was also serious about this only going on for a few weeks. We’re now at 5 or 6 weeks and there appears to be no plan for it to end. 

The problem with delivery is there’s a four hour window. So without thinking about it, this person has chained me to my home for half a day, watching for a delivery of stuff to appear on their doorstep. I know, they’re trying not to inconvenience me, but they’re doing a great job of that, in trying not to.

The other annoyance is that no matter what I say, the schedule is completely arbitrary. The person is 40 miles away and has zero idea what I’m planning to do or if I might plan to go do something to do with my life. They’re not intentionally trying to be selfish, but in that they’re succeeding mightily.

When I said don’t worry about it, I meant it. I told the person I’d keep receipts and we could just add it up whenever was convenient. They could write me a check and that would be all there was to it. It’s not like I can’t take 5 minutes while I’m in town to pick up a bag of cat food.

That would be far less inconvenience to me than having half my day shot to hell.

I just don’t understand why people refuse to acknowledge that you mean what you say. Is it that so many people don’t mean what they say?

Then there’s the gift as thank you for watching the cat. It will be alcohol, it’s always alcohol. That’s really nice, except that I don’t drink very much anymore. I still have an unopened bottle of Gentleman Jack from last year.

I don’t drink alone and am alone more than not.

In this particular situation, a better gift would be informing me that arrangements had been made for someone in their family to pick up the cat and look after it while the neighbor is laid up.

It would be much better for the cat and me.  As it is, the poor thing is alone too much and is craving attention. I’m spending at least an hour a day playing with and cuddling the poor creature. That’s an hour I’m not playing with my dog who also likes a lot of attention. By the time I add it up I’m spending at least 2 hours, often more, of my day tending to animals, and not doing stuff that I need to do.

It’s not that the critters aren’t deserving of attention and love, it’s that I need to reclaim my life. That being said, it’s not the fault of the animals wanting the attention that their respective humans agreed to give them when we brought them into our homes.

In the case of cats, I like cats. But after my last cat passed away, I found that I enjoyed not having to scoop litter boxes, deal with nasty fur balls, the smell of cat urine or canned cat food.

Perhaps, the cat thing wouldn’t be so trying if the person’s house was neat and clean. It’s not! The place is a disaster and I do my level best to not touch anything other than what is absolutely necessary. The place is a hazmat site waiting to be discovered and red tagged.  At least the stench of stale pot smoke has finally dissipated.

I’ve gotten in the habit of not eating breakfast before I go over there because I always feel like I’m going to vomit. When I come back, I’m not in the mood to eat. I guess the upside is that I’m saving money and losing weight.

Honestly 30 to 45 minutes is about all I can take. I’ve considered bringing the cat over to my house, and all that entails. I haven’t because I think my dog would decide to play with the cat and that wouldn’t end well for either of them. 

The cat is fully armed and not afraid to scratch or bite with little or no provocation.

Then there’s the issue that the dog likes being able to go in and out to the back yard which means the door is open. That wouldn’t work with the cat.

I’ve considered opening the windows at the neighbor’s house but that doesn’t work because the windows and screens are in such poor repair that I fear the cat would escape via one of them, never to be seen or heard from again.

I’m not even going to delve into the mess caused by the neighbor rerouting all their mail to my small PO Box but neglecting to tell me that they’d done so. That, at least was relatively easy to fix. I’m now getting my mail again!

In summary,

The road to hell is most definitely paved with good intentions.

Nice guys do in fact finish last.