Prepping car for trip

Having the engine checked over, some hydraulics, and the cup holder fixed again.

The design of the cupholder is such that and improperly removed arrowhead water bottle will damage the retaining clip. There’s a certain silly irony that a disposible bottle can take out a 100.00 cup holder.

Trying to plan the route to see as much as I can without spending a ton of money on gas.

In general I’m planning a photographic trip so I’m wanting to catch some of the interesting coastal sites before swinging inland. I’m also hoping to see friends along the way.

Happy Memorial Day

Good morning!

I hope that you all have a great memorial day

While you’re enjoying the day with your family don’t forget that the point of the day is to remember the ultimate sacrifice many of our military Men and Women have made to insure our freedom.

If you know a veteran, or an active duty soldier, Give them a big hug and say thank you.

These folks may be dealing with grief remembering missing friends. They may be a little sad but would probably appreciate being reached out to.
Invite them to join you for your BBQ.

If you know of a military family having a hard time, invite them to join you as well.

Often, the families of deployed soldiers have it really tough. Not only is their family member not home, but sometimes it’s hard for them to make ends meet. (there’s another whole blog post in that statement, but this isn’t the appropriate time)

To any veterans reading this.

I remember each of my friends who are no longer with us. They live on in my memory, the lessons they taught me, and in the many lives that they touched. I miss them and will raise a glass to them later today.

Peace guys.

Ben Cohen is the tops

Some of you may not know who Ben Cohen is.

He’s a recently retired rugby player from the UK. He is absolutely the tops in my book and deserves everyones support in his new endeavor.

I’m a little sad about his retirement, I’d always wanted to catch him in a rugby match. It was on my list of things to do when finally get to visit the UK.

On the plus side and consistent with everything I’ve read about Ben, he’s started the Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation. This is the world’s first anti-bullying organization. Ben is running Stand Up as its chairman.

He is traveling for StandUp making appearances as part of the Ben Cohen Acceptance Tour. If you’re going to be in any of the cities he’s visiting, please make it a point to support his efforts.

While StandUp at the moment appears to target bullying against gay kids. I think we should remember that Bullying in general has lead to unspeakable tragedies around the world.

The most notable examples here in the US are Columbine High School and Virginia Polytechnic. (It’s been reported that Seung-Hui Cho was bullied in a similar fashion to Eric Harris of Columbine.)

I was raised to protect ANY child. It didn’t matter whose kid it was or what they were being protected from. ALL children are worthy of care, compassion, and concern. Ben’s efforts resonate right to my core,

I hope that his efforts resonate with you too. No child… gay, straight, or just different, should ever find themselves in a position where death is preferable to living.

StandUp has the potential to give any child in need an outlet and a place to turn to for support.
At the moment StandUp is focusing on homophobia. In my opinion this is the perfect starting point. Especially since a recent study suggests that suicide attempts among gay teens may be as high as 20% versus 4% of straight teens.

I imagine as the organization matures, it will reach out more broadly to all children that are being bullied. It just seems to be Bens style.

My Impression of Ben

Over the years, I’ve been keeping an eye on him. At first because I thought he was damn handsome in an approachable kind of way. But as I read about him and watched him and his career mature, I came to the conclusion that he’s a lot more than a handsome face…

He’s a genuinely decent human being.

Ben is kind, dedicated, and respectful of other people.

He’s a straight man, the father of two and has never been anything other than who he is. I wouldn’t go so far as saying he’s my hero. What Ben is to me is an example of Manhood in the truest sense of that term (look up the definition, part of it includes courage and strength of character). He’s a guy that I would go out of my way to meet, and I’d be very proud to call him a friend.

He’s embraced his gay following with humor, kindness, humility, and good cheer.

He’s an old school authentic sports star, always remembering, acknowledging, and appreciating his fan base. (American sports stars could learn a thing or two from his example.)

Ben is his fathers son. (Ben’s father died after doing the right thing. The Elder Cohen attempted to break up a bar fight and subsequently died from injuries he sustained. Again, another real MAN who was willing to risk doing the right thing instead of assuming it was someone else’s problem.)

Ben takes a stand. (Not the easiest thing to do sometimes, but there’s Ben… speaking his mind saying what he believes in. Ya just gotta respect him weather you agree with him or not.)

Ben’s website can be found here. I’m still exploring the new site. I can’t direct you to any particular place, explore on your own.

Given that Ben & Jill Tipping, Ben’s assistant are brilliant in handling media and marketing, I will not be surprised to see a lot more information about StandUp in the coming weeks.

All of which is to say, Ben deserves support from everyone not just the gay or straight community.


Ben and StandUp have the potential to serve everyone and be a positive force in the world. It’s our duty and responsibility to help add to that positive force.

(FYI… I hate having to use the awkward LGBT label, it’s my blog so I’m not going to. it’s not that I’m not inclusive it’s just that saying and typing LGBT over and over is a pain in the ass.)

Broke my own rule

Was talking to a buddy this afternoon. We don’t talk all that often but when we do we tend to catch up. Sometimes that takes a long time, usually when we’re talking I’m home and it’s not unusual for me to have a nice tumbler of Jack Daniels at hand.

Today however, the conversation started while I was on the road and continued after I parked. The next thing I knew I’d walked around a Mall yacking like a lot of those people that irritate the hell out of me.

To all the people in the Mall today, I’m So SORRY!

I was browsing, shopping, and buying things.

It was VERY RUDE of me, to My Friend and also to the OTHER people around me at the mall.

Another issue is that my situational awareness was zero! Someone could have gone all jihad and blown themselves up and I wouldn’t have seen it coming.

In my defense, it was so natural to just keep walking and talking. My Friend and I have spent many happy hours shopping in that mall and it was like he was there.

I found myself commenting on things I encountered just as if he was there. On the one hand it was nice to have a pseudo shopping event. ON the other hand it is a little creepy in retrospect.

Point is, while I bitch about a lot of things, I’m going to do my level best to

A) point out when I do the things I bitch about.

B) try to see the other side of what I’m bitching about.

It’ s unlikely in the future I’ll be giving anyone the stink eye about their walking and talking around the mall, but I maintain that your friends deserve your full attention. Even if they are enjoying the virtual shopping trip.

Humm, perhaps a streaming video / bluetooth headset or HUD that would allow you to share your adventures via your 4G cell phone. If someone makes something like that, You know you heard it here first.

Drug Advertisements

Have you noticed the ad that’s been playing recently for the treatment of Fibromyalgia?
It’s a very interesting ad, especially for someone like me.

I’ve told my physician to his face that I think he’s only 2 or 3 steps removed from waving rattles and dancing around me in a loincloth to heal me. He’s a good guy and he’s not terribly offended by the comment. On the other hand it’s set the tone of our relationship. Since I’m not willing to accept anything he says as gospel, we’ve become partners in my health care.

His knowledge of medicine and my observation of my own body give us the best shot at keeping me around for a while.  I appreciate his compassion for me and patience with me because I know I’m a royal pain in the ass.

So along comes this ad. If you listen carefully to the wording its kind of funny and I’m sure It makes the Doc just cringe.

The Lines that really caught my attention were

After a description of the muscular neural-feedback in the body they say something like,

“It’s thought that this activity is responsible for the symptoms of fibromyalgia.”

Ok, I suppose I can get behind that statement. The next line that caught my attention was something like;

“(Our Drug), is thought to address this neural activity and may provide relief.”

With as much money as has been spent on R&D of these drugs wouldn’t you expect a little more definite statement?

Again I’m left with OGG the Witch-Doctor shaking rattles, dancing around the patient and then feeding the patient a cup of goat pee. (Would probably work too! While the patient is barfing up the goat pee they’re not thinking about their other problems.)

I think part of what caused this to get through my noise filters was the fact that  I KNOW most people heard something more like,

“We’re smart Doctors and scientists and we KNOW your nerves are whats causing you pain and suffering and our drug is the cure. Tell your doctor you want our drug and you’ll feel ever so much better.”

What I heard was;

“We’re guessing here that your nerves are the problem and we kinda think that this drug will maybe make you feel better. Quite frankly we’re pissing in the wind here but hey someone has to pay for the R&D it might as well be you.”

But then I’m a real Cynic.

As always think for yourself, Make you own decisions and don’t eat the pudding.