Windows 7 – GRRRRRRRRR!

In my personal life I’d walked away from Windows YEARS ago. However there are always applications that require some form of Windows to be available.

A couple of examples of this are my Suunto dive computer and more recently an operating system updater for my cell phone. To accommodate this need I’ve maintained either an old slow windows machine or more recently a VMware container on my Mac running windows XP.

I recently purchased a netbook with Windows starter 7 loaded on it. As I was setting up the system I considered the possibility of installing Linux instead of Win 7. After some albeit brief searching around on the net and finding no references to my model netbook and Linux I decided to drink the kool-aid and go with the pre-installed Windows.

I just didn’t want to get into the whole Linux load only to discover that the netbook battery wouldn’t last an hour or something equally annoying.

In retrospect, perhaps I should have done the Linux experiment.

Windows 7 as an OS does seem stable mostly, (Of course my VM Win XP partition has never crashed) Win7 hasn’t crashed nearly as often as MY Work computers XP (another story).

Some of the changes under the hood of win 7 particularly in networking are amazingly bad and downright annoying.

Win 7 has this concept of locations and appears to try to configure firewall rules based on the location it’s detected.

Great idea in theory…  I’m just not sure about the implementation. And I think that somehow this location issue is screwing me up while I’m at home.

The netbook while connected to WiFi… CAN get to the internet, it can print to my network printer, it can see the DLNA media available at various locations on my network and reports all these things correctly.

It cannot see my fileserver! I can ping it, I can even get to the server via the web. But I can’t, while using the wireless connection access the file storage.

If I plug a LAN cable into the netbook I can see everything including my fileserver just fine.

The crazy thing about it is that this is the same network, same domain, same IP space (my WiFi router is bridging WiFi to the internal network), and yet… Something is obviously different.

I’ve spent a lot of time making sure that everything I could actually see and adjust within the Win 7 adapters and  firewalls was the same. All to no avail.

From searches on the net, I’ve found that apparently I’m not alone. There are a lot of folks who have the same problem if they’re using network attached storage. (I’ve got a Buffalo Technologies 8TB array).

I’ve tried all the fixes posted and still can’t get the netbook WiFi to access the storage. Like everyone else My Mac machines, XP machines, and iPad access the storage fine.

This leaves Win 7 as the odd machine out, and makes me wonder yet again why Windows is the “leading OS”?

I even drank MORE of the Kool-aid and purchased an “anytime upgrade” based on the internet research I was doing.

Seems that no-one was trying the networking with anything LESS than Win 7 Home. Still no joy and I’m out 80 bucks. But I can change the desktop backgrounds now!

In truth I can live without accessing the NAS wirelessly, I have cat6 throughout the house.  I’m just compulsive enough that I want to know why I’m having the problem and how to fix it.

It is really a moot point since I’m going to be using the netbook mostly for trips and knockabout and won’t be accessing the NAS while I’m traveling.

I’ll probably eventually buy a Mac Book air.  I’m waiting for the next generation (gen 4). By then, the netbook will have reached it’s end of life and Win 7 will have all the bugs worked out of it.

Was just thinking about all the versions of MS Software & Windows that I’ve worked with and there are a surprising number that I’d call FAIL

MS-DOS 1 – 6 <– Anything above 3.2 was a royal pain in the behind!
Windows 286 <– Worked mostly, and staved off Apple
Windows 3.0 <– We’d already drunk the kool-aid, demand for ease of operation was growing
Windows 3.1 <– We’d already drunk the kool-aid and now had little choice as apps stopped running in DOS
Windows NT
Windows 95 <– FAIL (Worked well enough to keep market share)
Windows 98 <– FAIL (Worked well enough to keep market share)
Windows ME <– FAIL
Windows BOB <– EPIC FAIL
Windows XP
Windows Vista <– EPIC FAIL
Windows 7

Of this list MS-DOS 3.1, Win NT, Win XP are probably the most stable. I think most people would think of Vista as being an EPIC Fail.

I’d switched to Apple by the time Windows 98 rolled out. I was testing software that ran on Windows at work. At home I had the bliss of systems that simply worked. 

I personally think that MS has lost their mind in creating all the “Flavors” of Windows. I suspect that is part of the problem with Win 7 too There’s probably some module or modules that are missing from the Win7 I’ve purchased.

They’ll show up eventually as a patch… In the mean time,  I’ve got a trusty Ethernet cable.

Awwww Crap!

Well the car is done.

They still weren’t able to reproduce the problem on hard aceleration that I keep feeling.

But the error in the top were the car reports that the hydraulics are overheating was apparently a real problem and it’s going to cast me about 500 to fix.

This qualifies as a serious aww shit!

It appears at least part if not all the fix involves reprogramming the convertible top controls. I’m always a bit concerned with people start patching or /reloading only part of an OS.

I suspect that when I called the guy to find out if the work was done, that he was having problems with the computer accepting the patch and I may have gotten a complete OS load anyway. He sounded tense and all too willing to have me come by in the morning to pick up my car.

I hope the computer crashed and required a complete download. Funny thing is that as computerized as the car is, I wonder if the miss on acceleration is something where the computer is messed up.

All questions to ask tomorrow.

Sharing with my Brother

I sent my brother the link to this blog. For better or worse, now he’ll have the opportunity to read some of my thoughts and get to know me in a very different way.

Ive been considering just how comfortable I felt about my family seeing me as I sort out my thoughts and express myself.

My hesitation was in sharing some elements of myself. Then I realized that I’m sharing myself via this blog with potentially the whole fucking world so what’s the difference?

Well… the difference is that via the blog, I have a measure of anonymity.

My brother knows me, he’s eaten at my house, I’ve spent time at his place (not nearly enough). He is potentially going to be able to read details of my most intimate behaviors.

That’s where it gets personal and scary, I was worried about one of the most important people in my life thinking less of me.

In all fairness to him, he’s fucking cool. I don’t think he’s  going to have a problem seeing me as I am.

But Hell! We were raised in different households, we’ve never even changed clothes in the same room together. I know more details of the bodies of guys at the gym than I do my own brother.

As we grew to adulthood we spent very little time together, and as men even less. We’re like intimate strangers, we know a lot about our family, we have connections.  Yet  there’s a distance, I love him dearly but sometimes don’t think we KNOW each other.

So I’m going to be myself regardless of my brother reading this. I’m going to talk about the stuff that goes through my head and not worry about it. My Brother deserves to know anything and everything about me.

I think my biggest fear is summed up in this question.

If we weren’t family, would we like each other and still be friends?

I’d like to think the answer is yes.

Prepping car for trip

Having the engine checked over, some hydraulics, and the cup holder fixed again.

The design of the cupholder is such that and improperly removed arrowhead water bottle will damage the retaining clip. There’s a certain silly irony that a disposible bottle can take out a 100.00 cup holder.

Trying to plan the route to see as much as I can without spending a ton of money on gas.

In general I’m planning a photographic trip so I’m wanting to catch some of the interesting coastal sites before swinging inland. I’m also hoping to see friends along the way.

Happy Memorial Day

Good morning!

I hope that you all have a great memorial day

While you’re enjoying the day with your family don’t forget that the point of the day is to remember the ultimate sacrifice many of our military Men and Women have made to insure our freedom.

If you know a veteran, or an active duty soldier, Give them a big hug and say thank you.

These folks may be dealing with grief remembering missing friends. They may be a little sad but would probably appreciate being reached out to.
Invite them to join you for your BBQ.

If you know of a military family having a hard time, invite them to join you as well.

Often, the families of deployed soldiers have it really tough. Not only is their family member not home, but sometimes it’s hard for them to make ends meet. (there’s another whole blog post in that statement, but this isn’t the appropriate time)

To any veterans reading this.

I remember each of my friends who are no longer with us. They live on in my memory, the lessons they taught me, and in the many lives that they touched. I miss them and will raise a glass to them later today.

Peace guys.