Today… Three Years Ago a Good Friend Died

For some reason this 3 year mark is having a bit more impact on me than I expected.

In December 1990 John decided to do a photo spread for Male Pictorial. This Picture is from the Feb 1991 edition of  that magazine.

In early June 2008 there was a house fire and I lost every picture I had of John and my copies of that particular issue of the magazine. (Thank god almost everything is out on the internet somewhere.)

On June 26th 2008 I lost my friend John too.

Seeing him in this picture is strange and yet it makes me smile.

I remember the mad scramble that morning to get him out the door for the photo shoot.

He’d flown in the day before, spent the night at my place and we were climbing over each other sharing a bathroom that morning.

He was frazzled and had a terrible case of nerves. It was, after all a nude photo shoot. I remember grabbing his dick and pulling him away from the mirror then kissing him on the cheek and whispering in his ear he was going to be great.  I gave his cock a squeeze and let go. He stood there then smiled and hugged me from behind while I was brushing my teeth. His eyes weren’t worried anymore he just hugged me then moved me away from the sink chuckling.

I remember the rumbling of his chuckle in his chest, the warmth of his body against mine, and laughing when I realized I’d be finishing my teeth at the kitchen sink. I was finishing at he kitchen sink because he’d picked me up, turned and set me in the doorway of the bathroom.

Then he’d commandeered the bathroom mirror again. His eyes were confident and self assured again.

He was great, and himself, he was strong, beautiful, and at the top of his game.

We were like that with each other from almost the moment we met. There was an honesty, playfulness, and genuineness between us. I suppose it was love for each other right from the beginning, like brothers that had never met.

That we became friends was amazing. Our friendship never should have happened.

He became the boyfriend of the first man I ever slept with. By rights we should have been cordial and then never spoken to each other again.

At that point in my life I was having a difficult time with many issues about me. That John was yet another replacement for me… ( I was a miserable bastard and I made others around me just as miserable.) …meant that we should have been enemies at once.

We weren’t enemies. John was the best, he was a great man. He was a Marine. He was also a much better man than I was at the time.

John taught me about duty, responsibility, loyalty, and friendship. It was through him that I ended up being “adopted” by a small group of Marines and while I was not a Marine, these guys treated me like one of their own.

I ended up being their “Go-To” guy. If they were in trouble, needed a ride, had too much to drink or in general just needed to go to ground and cool out for a while. My home was always open to the guys… as was my fridge.

John lived with me for a time. And before you start making assumptions that you shouldn’t. Yes, we were close, yes I loved him and still do. We NEVER fucked, we shared a bed occasionally… it was only for sleep.

He was like a brother. Yeah he was sexy as hell and one night we were both horny and I think we were going to help each other out.

When we kissed in a tongue down your throat way… it felt way too much like incest!  I seem to recall jerking myself off in the bedroom and he did the same in the living room.

After the infamous kiss, we decided that sex wasn’t in the cards for us but our friendship grew to depths I’d never expected or knew I could experience.

Through the years we kept in touch and whenever it was possible we saw each other.

He’s the friend that came up with the saying “A lot of guys just aren’t worth getting the kiddie pool out, mixing the J-Lube, and getting naked.”

I knew John was a kinky FUCK from the kink catalogs that kept showing up in my mail… But that description about the kiddie pool, delivered at dinner with my folks, has always stuck with me.

John had this way of saying the weirdest stuff and getting away with it. I think he could have suggested that nuns and priests in his Parish be issued vibrators with their vows. He could have made the suggestion to The Pope without being excommunicated.

The last Time I saw him was at Christmas 2006 or 2007. I told him how much I loved him then. The hug he gave me said it all.

I suspected that he might have been sick, either HIV or something else. Something seemed off, but John didn’t want to discuss it and I respected his wish.

I just didn’t know how sick or how little time we had left.

In early 2008, I heard from his Sister that he’d been in a hospital in FL.

John hadn’t told me. The hell of it was that I have family in the area and rather than him being alone in a hospital room they would have looked in on him.  My folks liked him and my Mom never failed to make sure he knew he was invited to their house for the holidays.

His Sister called me to let me know that she was moving him back to their home town and that I should probably plan to visit soon.

Then my house burned, and I was so busy dealing with that I couldn’t get away to see him one last time.

I got the word that he’d died one afternoon while I was at work. I was reeling from the fallout of the fire. The news was more than I could take at that moment I started crying in my little cubicle.

That is the first and only time I’ve cried as an adult in a public place.

I’m glad he died at home surrounded by family. I wish I could have been there to hold him and tell him again that I loved him.

In the end, his death was a mercy. In addition to the HIV infection, he’d contracted some strange kind of cancer that destroyed his spine. He was in a lot of pain and due to the pain killing drugs was pretty much out of it.

I love him and remember him as a drop dead handsome man with a heart of gold. I miss him and the world is a little less bright without John in it.

The picture above is from the funeral announcement. I missed the funeral. It was held in his home town, attended mostly by family and his high school friends. At some point when we can all afford it, his sister wants to meet in FL for a memorial service and spread his ashes as sea.

I think John would like that…

I love you buddy, Thank you for loving me back, and for all the adventures, inspiration, and lessons you shared with me.

Congratulations New York!

Congratulations to my friends in New York.

Guys ya done good!

Now, unfortunately you’re going to have to fight hard to keep your right to marry. Your opponents are going to fight dirty!

Even now while you’re celebrating, there are people gathering money, lawyers, and public relations folks. They are preparing to wage a battle to defer your ability to seize your marriage rights.

They will fight to defer the date you can marry, then they will work to render the law unconstitutional and invalidate the process that put the law on the books.

In all likely hood they will pull out all the stops and do everything to characterize you, your partner, your children, and anything that you have created or done as something hideous.

In some of the most evangelical circles, there may even be “Men of God” who incite violence against you or anyone perceived to be gay.

My friends and brothers, Celebrate this weekend!
…On Monday be prepared for a renewed fight.

Don’t let what happened in California happen to you.

Religious groups time and again talk about “The Gay Agenda” and  how “The Children” will be hurt.

The ONLY GAY AGENDA is this. Gay people want the RIGHTS, and PRIVILEGES that they are ENTITLED TO, NOTHING MORE!

This notion that Gays want special rights comes directly from the fact that so many people have worked so hard to insure Gay peoples rights were abridged!

Gay people pay taxes, own homes, and are contributing members of society.

It makes absolutely NO FUCKING sense that simply identifying ones self as GAY strips you of the rights, that being a citizen of the United States conferred on you a moment before you said the word.

The gay agenda is TAKING BACK rights that were TAKEN away by a bunch of fucking insecure zealots who couldn’t abide someone that was different. Unless of course the “different” person could do something for them. Alan Turing springs to mind.


I know a lot of gay men who have children.

When these men came out and divorced their wives, Their children were more hurt by the divorce than they were by their Dad being gay. Dads are Dads regardless of who they sleep with.

To a man, their Children are priority number 1. I know men that broke up, because they were concerned that their boyfriends didn’t have the appropriate values to be around their children. This is parenting… it’s not a Gay or Straight issue.

I know it’s infinitely better for a child to have EVEN a single responsible loving parent than to live in an institution. Having two loving parents regardless of their genders can only be even better for a child.

Lets take “THE CHILDREN” off the table as a weapon / or bargaining chip. THE CHILDREN deserve better.

What day is it?


I feel like I did as a kid during the summer. I’ve been “off” work for a while but I still have to check in daily so I’m not completely free of responsibility

During the time off each day is fun but the names and dates don’t really mean too much. After all there’s always another day to hang out.

This philosophy worked great until the last week before School started again then it was cram everything possible into that last precious week.

The last weekend before school restarted was always the sweetest. I’d stay up late on Sunday night trying to stretch out the last precious moments of Summer knowing that when I woke up I’d once again be the property of the evil empire. My time would be regimented and controlled for another 9 months and I hated it.

The thoughts above are poignant  because when I checked in this morning, I had a ton of email. One in particular from the bug boss. he wanted to have a face to face to discuss changes to the impending layoff.

SO Monday, I got the official layoff notice saying that I was out of work on the 29th. Today I was offered a furlough instead.

Furlough you say? you don’t get paid if you’re on a a furlough. True, however being on furlough means that you’re not actually unemployed and your health insurance does (in my case) continue on without break. Here in California we may also be able to collect on unemployment but that is uncertain. I have to check on that Monday.

Worst case I have health insurance until August. Best case I’ll have a new project by the 19th of July and won’t have to go looking for a new job. So School may be starting again…

The question is do I take the trips I’ve been wanting to take and waiting to take ( for the layoff) or do I tough it out for YET another year and not get to go enjoy myself.

I’m leaning toward taking the trips regardless…


Got the estimate on the car. Thank goodness I did the extended warranty.

They’ve decided that BOTH Turbos need to be replaced. 3500.00 but the extended warranty is covering it. I do have some questions about why suddenly both turbos dump valves are malfunctioning and why it’s all the sudden. One turbo failing … OK, but two on the same vehicle? perhaps a bit more than coincidence.

In theory this should fix the acceleration issue that I’ve been chasing since 2009 I still think this qualifies initial manufacturing defect but that discussion I’ll have in letter form with BMW North America.

Had a great dinner last night


Well the food was just OK, but the company was, as always a lot of fun.

I met with a several former co-workers for beer. We used to do this often, but as our lives and jobs have taken up more of our time we’ve not been able to get together as often.

We talked, laughed, and caught up.

At one point the conversation turned to the children. One of the guys, who was always a bit rough around the edges has become wrapped up, or perhaps I should say wrapped around his 3 year old daughters finger.

It’s cool… and astounding to see the change. He goes into work at 5 am so that he can leave work around 3 or 4. The reason, He goes home and back to work as the power source for her little red wagon.

Every day he pulls her in the wagon to the park and they spend a couple of hours playing together.

Given the man, who’s a rough edged, growly, dude who could make some sailors blush with his colorful use of “shit”, “Fuck”, and other expletives, it’s a hard thing to reconcile.

Seeing him as a gentle doting daddy is different and a bit weird. I’ve always known he was a good man, and I’ve always suspected that he was really a softy beneath a rough exterior, I guess I was right. Even as I write this I’m smiling. His whole demeanor changed when he was talking about his little girl.

The conversation turned to loyalty, friendship and helping others.

Each of us has helped other people. Sometimes overtly, sometimes subtly.With very few exceptions we’ve not been thanked for our intervention. Obviously, if we intervened subtly we don’t expect thank you or even acknowledgement. But if someone has asked for your help, you expect at least a “Thanks”.

I’d never thought much about it before but realized that more often than not I tend to intervene quietly behind the scenes.

I never expect any kind of thanks. In fact if I’m busted and someone does thank me for helping them out,  I ‘m usually confused because it’s well after the fact and I’ve moved on.

During the conversation, my friends shared stories where they’d helped folks out directly with their careers or personal lives. They were commenting on the shocking lack of even a “Thank You” and how the people they had helped discarded them when they were of no further use.

One of the guys “Busted” me a few years ago for something I did for him. The event he busted me for happened ten years ago and I was doing what I thought was in the best interest of everyone concerned.

He was laughing and saying that he thought I had it right. “You do shit for people that you think have potential and you do it quietly never expecting anything in return.”

I was reminded of the Futurama episode where Bender is lost in space and is first  worshipped as god then encounters “god”. The closing scene is “god” chuckling and musing “When you do it right… they’re not sure you’ve done anything at all.”

I explained that it was a lot easier that way. An added perk is that it’s also completely guilt free.

My theory is this; If you try to help someone and THEY KNOW then sometimes they abdicate responsibility for their fate. Quite often they will simply have the expectation that you’re going to fix their shit and then they’re disappointed and hold YOU responsible when things don’t work out exactly according to their expectation.

Alternatively, if someone doesn’t know that you’re helping them, they tend to remain in control of their fate and don’t make YOU responsible for the outcome. Since they’ve remained in control they grow as people.

Another point is this, if everyone thinks you’re a heartless evil bastard then – No one will ask you for help, and you get to choose only those people that you see potential in.

I personally have no desire to help every waste of DNA from the shallow end of the gene pool. It’s not worth my time and ultimately leads to morons having an overinflated sense of their own importance. Examples: Government, Aerospace, Banking. “Too big to fail”…. MY ASS.

We all had a good laugh about the rise of Morons to power.

We know why we’re not in the VP/Director upper management slots. We actually know how to do the work! All of us are the kind of people that get shit done no matter what. That means we will never be VPs or Directors because we’re too valuable to the companies we work for in our current slots… in the trenches.

The funniest part of it is our salaries will never reflect that value. We will always have some manicured, 3 thousand dollar suit wearing idiot telling us how to do our jobs. Said idiot making an appearance when we have a flashlight in our mouth, both hands full of some expensive equipment and tools, demanding a “Status update” exactly 5 minutes after the last idiot asked the same question. (Oh how many time have I been lying under a rack of equipment listening to a moron enumerate the importance of fixing whatever was broken in a timely fashion and wanted to say “Yeah, you want this shit fixed? then suck my dick!”) I think all of the workers have been there with the over educated MBAs that populate middle and upper management.

As dinner progressed, we continued talking. The discussion crossed lines that only real Friends can cross. We challenge and stimulate each other and don’t always agree with each others view of religion, life, or politics. But as friends we can go there and not be concerned that someone’s feelings are going to get hurt.

We all pretty much agreed.

Friends are your extended family. and unlike your genetic family, they’re the people that you choose to be involved with. You make the effort to be there for their life events because of desire not obligation.

The best friends are the folks that you wouldn’t hesitate to call in the middle of the night to bail your sorry ass out of jail. You also know that on the walk of shame and the ride home they’re not going to say a word about it.

In the comfortable silence after dinner and while finishing the last pitcher of beer I realized that these men were very good people and I was as proud to be called their friend as I was to call them my friends.

I felt all warm and fuzzy about it, But I’m a dude… it was probably just the beer.

Well that was kind of a waste

Just got back from the dum dum de dum “SIGNING” which could easily have been done via fax and telephone. But on the positive side I got to enjoy the big boss and his slightly dark sense of humor.
The letter is simply a formalization of what I already knew. The official layoff date is the 29th and well … there’s nothing much going on in terms of other projects so…. I’m going to be out the door on the 29th. Ok good NEXT!

Then I took a nice drive with the top down, along Pacific Coast Highway and enjoyed the ocean and sun.

Coming home my car posted a NEW message which has resulted in an appointment with the dealership tomorrow morning.
This can’t be good!

On the plus side maybe now they will be able to track down and solve the issue that I’ve been feeling in my ass when I’m driving. I AM NOT YOUR GRANNIE when it comes to driving and I drive a performance car because 1) I love pissing off and then smoking Priuses and 2) I like driving on open freeways and having fun.

I’m glad it happened today and not while I was flying up the coast 1000 miles from home.