Another one of those days

I keep trying to write, but the threads I weave together turn into a tangled mess.

I’m giving up on any intelligent or thoughtful post for the day.

I even scanned the news. That might have been a mistake!

The cacophony of stupid becomes more overwhelming each day. I personally find it supremely irritating and it feeds an anger that I can’t really describe.

I suppose I need to lower my standards on human behavior.

I worry that if I lower standards too much more then I’ll see humanity in general as nothing more than vermin infesting an otherwise beautiful world.

If I go too far down that particular path, I’ll be joining Thanos in the belief that losing 50% of the population (or more) would be a good thing. That kinda puts me in the WEF / Bill Gates / Soros / camp. If you believe in conspiracy theories that suggests those guys are actively trying to kill off a large chunk of humanity.

I find myself wondering often, if humanity is in fact devolving. I’ve run into a few men who paid for abortions, not because they didn’t want children or that the child was conceived at an inconvenient time. They paid for the abortion because they realized having a child with that particular woman would weaken their family line genetically.

So yeah, they were screwing the wrong woman, for the fun of it but not to have children with. Once they made that connection, they were a lot more careful about the women they slept with and birth control.

They started looking for a woman whose genetics would compliment and enhance their lineage. They sought to sire prettier, smarter, stronger, children.

One guy said, “Anybody can sire a moron. Men should be a lot more choosy about who we dump a load in. Men need to stop feeling like the woman is doing them a favor by sleeping with them. We need to recognize that our seed, physicality, personality, and earning potential, are much more valuable than we’ve been taught. Men need to realize that our sleeping with a particular woman is just as much a favor to them.

It’s interesting that the men who think like this have beautiful, smart children and their marriages appear to be very happy.

Perhaps more men should’ve chosen wisely before siring children who are clearly defective.

Just a thought…

Happy April Fools Day.

This is going to be a short post. My head is in complete chaos and I don’t know why.

I remember having bad dreams most of the night, but don’t remember the nature of the dreams. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

I was looking forward to a sunny day, unfortunately I won’t see that until the clouds lift sometime in the afternoon. Right now it’s just gray and nasty looking. This is not helping my mood!

On the plus side, the projected snow we were supposed to wake up to this morning didn’t materialize so I’m not having to shovel again today. There remains the possibility that on Friday I’ll be clearing snow once again.

It would have been a great April Fools Day joke to wake up to another foot of snow. Mother Nature would be laughing at us for having been excited about Springtime.

Happy Spring Equinox! (Well, technically it starts at 8:06PM PDT)

Well it’s been happy for me thus far.

I’ve been a bit under the weather since Sunday. Part of it I did to myself and because I’m a moron I doubled down on it.

I’d tweaked my back. So It was uncomfortable to stand, or sit for any length of time. That was bad enough and thankfully It’s much better today. But because I’d hurt my back I rushed through food preparation on Sunday night and well…

Let’s just say, “That passed violently and painfully.” It wasn’t quite as rough a night, as the colonoscopy prep but it was a close second. So between that, and my lower back spasming all Sunday night and well into Monday, I’ve been a little out of sorts.

Thankfully Jesse has been a wonderful companion and somehow understood that I was feeling terrible. He was gentle with me on Sunday during our customary long Sunday walk.

Sunday night, he turned himself into a furry heating pad against my back, while comforting me with licks and “head on my hand” in those times when my gut was twisting itself in directions it was never meant to twist. The “head on hand” thing is his way of saying “I’m here, you’re not alone.” He’s very independent so his signs of affection have to be on his terms. Him putting his head on my hand is special.

My back is still a little tweaked, but I woke up this morning appreciative that I felt so much better.

Tomorrow will be the first full day of spring so live it up!

I’ve been seeing signs of Spring for the past week or so. There are these plants with very small purple flowers that pop up this time of year. I noticed they were in bloom on Saturday. I’m waiting for the chocolate flower in the front bed to pop up. I noticed what looked like some green leaf tips, poking out of last years brown stems. Seeing those flowers always makes me smile.

I wish the forecasts would settle down a bit. One forecast says no rain for 10 days, the other says rain tomorrow. One forecast literally said no rain, while it was reporting a “Winter Storm” and telling me Rain would stop soon, even though it was snowing. 

I want to get Jesse to the groomer, but don’t want to spend the money only to have him playing in mud the next day.

I don’t know why I put any faith in the forecasts, they’re almost never right. But Climate Change is settled science. Uh huh… I’ll tell you what, start getting the daily or weekly forecasts right, then we’ll talk about climate change.

I know that’s unfair but I can’t help thinking it. Yes, Yes, Yes, all you Climate Change worshipers following Saint Greta, I know the immediate forecast and the climate change data are only loosely coupled. Yes, I know the one is talking about longer trends and is based on studies of weather beginning at the Industrial Revolution. 

I was being funny.

Please don’t send Greta to scold me for heresy.

After laying around yesterday, I’m trying to get my behind in gear to move on with stuff I have to do and that I’ve been procrastinating on. There’s a lot that needs to be done, much of which I haven’t even started. I’m not just talking about stuff from Sunday. It’s a lot more than that. 

My heart just hasn’t been into what I need to do. Probably because needing to do something and wanting to do something are two different things. You can need to do something but not do it. You can want to do something but not care if it’s done today, tomorrow or next week. For me both have to be aligned or stuff doesn’t get done, I’ll find distractions and excuses to avoid getting stuff done.

When I’m focused, need & want aligned… I’m unstoppable.

Need & Want haven’t been aligned very well for a while now. In the past few weeks or so, I’ve been feeling better, more focused, and less concerned about distractions. In some ways, I’m feeling more like my familiar old self than I have for a while. It feels like there’s something new coming too. I’m not sure what, I’m kinda curious though.