Dianne Feinstein is dead.

Condolences to her family.

Unlike the radical left, who dance on anyone’s grave that they disagree with,  I’m not going to jump for joy or say nasty things about her.

I didn’t agree with a lot of her policies. I really took offense when she was questioning a Marine a while ago and took him to task for politely using M’am instead of Senator. As in “Yes M’am” not “Yes Senator Feinstein”

I thought she was being overbearing and demonstrated how out of touch she was not only with Southerners (which the marine in question was,) but also with the Marine Corps itself who taught a level of decorum which included the use of the term “M’am”.

It was at that particular moment that I lost respect for Dianne Feinstein. At that moment she looked like she was more interested in badgering and bullying a young Marine than hearing his answer to her question. In that moment, I interpreted her entire career as about power not public service. 

I’ve thought for a long time that she should go. I thought she was losing touch with the realities of the world today and California in particular. She’d been in the Senate for far too long and had become isolated in the rarified air of Washington D.C.

It often seemed that she was more about the Washington Politics than about the people of California whom she was supposed to represent.

Over the past year or two it had become clear that Feinstein wasn’t doing all that well.

I thought it cruel that she was still being propped up and wheeled around while so obviously ill. The poor woman should have been home, enjoying her view.

Then again, having spent so much of her life in Washington D.C. it’s possible that she was more at home there, than in California.

For me Dianne Feinstein was a poster child for term limits. There have been many others, but she stuck out for me because she was one of my state senators.

Regardless of my personal opinions formed over the past decade or so… I’m sure that she did a lot of good in her idealistic youth and early years in Washington D.C. before politics consumed her. 

I sincerely hope she rests in peace.

Dianne Feinstein 1933-2023

Feinstein 1600

So how’s that anti police stand working for ya?


Target has announced they’re closing 9 stores across the country.

Boo Hoo! 

“Community Leaders” are bemoaning the imminent closures, citing the harm such closures cause to people on fixed incomes. They’re saying things like people could walk to the Target but when it closes the people will have to go elsewhere via car, bus, or train.

Waaa, Waaa, Waaa,

One store being closed is in Harlem. Two stores in Seattle, Three Stores in Portland, and Three in San Francisco.

What part of retail stores are FOR PROFIT don’t people understand? When the stores are projected to loose upwards of 1 billion dollars, Anybody with a brain could predict the outcome. Target will cut its losses and say, “fuck you,” to communities that sanction crime. 

You can’t deny that these communities sanction crime. Defund the Police says, “we don’t believe in law and order.”  I’m sure there are some of these folk who actually thought that crime was somehow a function of police actions. Unfortunately, the people this will hurt most are the elderly. 

All the young dumbshits running rampant through stores stealing anything they can put their hands on should be real proud of themselves. 

It’s not the “man” a.k.a. “white fucker” running the business that is hurt. That guy, and the board of directors, and the investors in Target see the loss as a blip in profitability. A blip that is easily remedied by closing stores, laying off employees, and security guards, selling the store fixtures, and finally selling the store building or terminating the building lease. 

The ‘Blip’ disappears almost instantly, and profitability resumes.

It’s all handled in gleaming glass and steel office buildings, by people who make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and drive Teslas, Mercedes, and BMWs. Their hands are clean and for them all of this is just numbers on a piece of paper. They’ll never know or see the collateral damage done to the community, nor should they. 

Because they’re not the ones doing the damage! They’re just reacting to profitability dropping and expenses rising. In fact a computer could make all the same decisions with the same outcome.

It’s the single mother who has to go on a three hour trip with her screaming children in tow to get diapers. It’s their granny pushing her walker past the closed stores 2 blocks from home, to hit the subway for the 40 mile trip to get her heart medication.

So good job! You filthy thieving pieces of shit! You hurt no-one but your own, and changed nothing except to make things worse. 

I guess we can’t expect anything better from you. After all, you were educated in the American School system and taught repeatedly that you were entitled to that PlayStation and big screen TV, but never taught that you had to get off your ass and work for it. Instead you thought you’d be a big time influencer, or sports player, or entertainer. Uh huh, sure… 

Here’s something that “Racist” math is good for. Take the number of people in your particular community. Now count the number of people from that community that are any of those things (Influencer, sorts player, entertainer). Divide the influencer/sport/entertainer, count by the number of your overall population. See that little tiny number? The one that starts 0.0000000?

It may have a 1 or larger number after all those zeros. 

That jackass, is how many people from your community are making a living in those “jobs”. That’s not even the probability that you are going to make it as an (influencer, sports player, or entertainer). Just so you know bucko the probability of you personally “making it” looks more like 0.00000000000000000000000000123.

So instead of jerking off in your mama’s basement waiting for your “Big Break,” maybe you should go back to school, learn a trade and get your ass to work. Then instead of throwing rocks through windows and stealing shit, you can walk into a store and buy shit like everyone else has been doing since humanity first moved into villages.

Yeah, historically, if you’d been taught actual history… Villages, spawned trade and free markets, and OH MY GOD! NOOOOOO!, Capitalism. 

Communism is the artificial construct. Nobody is altruistic enough for Communism to ever work. I don’t want to work my ass off for someone who’s a lazy piece of shit. Why can’t I be a lazy piece of shit too? Why should I work to provide food for my family when that guy who plays X-Box all day smoking dope with his friends, gets as much food for his family as I do, even though I’m the one growing the food!

Communism is completely antithetical to Human Nature. It will never work, and hasn’t to date worked ever anywhere on the planet.

Human Nature always wins.

I heard the dog whistle on Friday

Friday on her show Deadline, Nicolle Wallace of MSNBC said, “shit is about to hit the fan in this country,” she apparently believes this because former President Donald Trump was inciting his “cesspool” MAGA base.

Nicolle Wallace

People like Wallace and Joy Reid, and too many others to list say things like this and completely miss the irony of their statements. 

When Wallace and these other talking heads effectively call the approximately 50% of the county a cesspool, you better believe folks are going to be offended. In that offense, and the divisiveness already existing in this country, if something were to happen. A mass shooting for example, or a building being burned down, then Wallace should be held to the same standards as Trump.

Trump supposedly gave a speech on Jan 6th that incited an insurrection. Wallace called half the country a cesspool because they happen to disagree with her position and that could incite violence too. So do we indict people like Wallace before or after something bad happens?

I don’t want Trump in office again, but I’ll be damned if I vote for Biden or Harris. If it comes to Trump versus a Democrat I’ll vote Trump!

That being said, I really detest these talking heads painting everyone who has had quite enough of Biden, Bidenomics, Harris, and the rest of what is clearly the worst administration in my lifetime including Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and Bush 1 & 2, and oh lets not forget the Obama years, as some kind of wrong headed piece of shit.

That is what she’s saying. She’s saying MAGA comes from a cesspool. It’s understood that the floaters on the surface of a cesspool are shit.

Isn’t her statement what the Democrat party likes to call a dog whistle? Is she trying to incite violence against anyone who is pissed off at Biden and his administration and what he’s done to our country in such a short time? Is she trying to silence dissent by demonizing and devaluing people who may be in favor of making America Great, regardless of their party affiliation.

Adam schiff

On the same show, Adam Schiff made the comment, “the Biden Inquiry is an evidence-free impeachment proceeding.” After my brain rebooted I thought, “Well asshole, you’d know all about evidence free impeachments!

Still waiting to hear or see that incontrovertible damning evidence of Trump’s Russian collusion! I’m not holding my breath, you lying sack of shit.