Alright, I’ll admit I’m intrigued by the Apple vision thing.

I don’t know if I’m 3500.00 intrigued.

There is something interesting about having a completely virtual display and the ability to make that display almost any size you’d like.

When I think about being about to watch movies on as big a screen as I’d like in silence, without disturbing someone else that’s sort of nice. (I don’t think I want larger than life-size porn though.)

One of the use cases Apple shows, is a guy on a plane. That one rang true for me personally.

I was once watching a movie on my phone with headphones on a plane and the lady sitting next to me angrily flipped my phone face down on my tray. When I looked at her and asked WHAT THE FUCK?

Her reply was she was a Christian woman and she didn’t agree with my choice of movie. She apparently couldn’t keep her eyes off my phone’s screen.

Okay I was watching “From Dusk to Dawn” but she didn’t have to be looking at my phone. I asked the flight attendant if I could change seats. 

Unfortunately I couldn’t as the flight was full.

I was in the aisle seat. I decided in the interest of just getting through the flight, I’d switch over to music. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the wired earbuds loud enough to drown out her proselytizing for the next 4 hours.

I’d have gone to sleep, but this woman had some bladder condition that had her getting up every 20 minutes, and was adamantly opposed to switching seats, after all, she had a captive audience to bring to Jesus. At one point she accused me of trying to drown her, and Jesus’s word, out with the devils music.

I said, “Yes I’m trying to drown you out because you will not shut up. You crawl over me every 20 minutes to go to the bathroom, you might want to get that checked out by a doctor not a faith healer, and you are literally annoying the hell out of me. However, I hardly think Vivaldi is the devils music.” 

At which point I ordered a bourbon from the flight attendant. It was 9 AM and the bourbon was one of the few I freakin hate. This of course started a whole new and unwanted sermon. I kept drinking and wondered when the last time her husband had just fucked the hell out of her, among many other unkind thoughts.

If we’d been on an exit row, I don’t know if I’d have been able to restrain myself from popping the hatch at 35,000 feet, and sending her straight to Jesus.

“Karens” are not a new phenomena, they were just recently emboldened by fear of an imaginary plague. BTW, all those “Karens” that came out of the woodwork… Remember they are the same bitches that would turn you over to the Gestapo in Germany, The HOA’s across America, Or the Inquisition in medieval Europe. There was a reason politicians in various places established phone numbers to turn in non compliant people during COVID. They knew the “Karens” would light those phone lines up.

“Karens” are the killers of Buzz, Fun, and Joy. They’re the “Enforcers” who gossip, and bitch constantly, their way is the only way and they think nothing of leaving “depression suicides” in their wake. They’ll take no responsibility for pushing someone one step too far. “Karens” are simply the adult versions of the “Mean Girls” from high schools.

They’re the ones who get your kids kicked out of school because of a sticker on your car, they’re the cunts that get you thrown out of a store, bar, or restaurant because you’re not wearing a diaper on your face.

They’re the bitches who complain about your motorcycle or the motorcycle of your friend who stays the night once in a while. They’re the ones who call a tow company at 3 am to have your friend’s motorcycle, their sole source of transportation, removed, and they’ll tell whatever LIE they have to, so they can get their way.

They’re the ones who are so busy ignoring their own life and trying to insinuate themselves into your life, that when they realize their children hate them, their husbands left them, and they’re hated everywhere they go…

Then they’ll blame YOU because you took so much time out of their day trying to maintain control over you.

These rancid cunts are not gone, they just crawled back into the woodwork waiting for another “Cause” for which they can become the unasked for ‘Champions’.

I’ve often wondered if misogynists, like racists, aren’t born… They’re built! Step by step, incident by incident, cut by cut, manipulation by manipulation.

I’m not there yet. But upon reflection, especially after the COVID years I’m a lot closer to either “IST” than I’d like, or ever thought I’d be.

I suspect that general feeling is why so many people lose themselves in gaming, VR, and sitting behind computer screens.

It’s way easier to NOT have to engage with shitty people than to have to learn to deal with them.

For me, if I was flying a lot, or if I was living, as my parents want me to, in their spare bedroom.  I’m pretty sure that I’d plunk down the 3500.00 for Apple Vision to avoid having to have screens or whatever.

Living in my parents house though, I know they’d never let me enjoy a movie. They’re like the lady on the plane, they need constant attention.

Listening to music or a podcast at my parents house while they’re watching some TV program that I’m not interested in, is forbidden. My Mother can’t stand the thought of me not hearing the screaming shrews on The View.

“What are you listening to?”

Arctic Monkeys

“I haven’t’ heard of them.”

“Roll it back, what did Sonny Hostin just say?”

Even going into another room requires a ping every 5 minutes.

Perhaps the 3500.00 wouldn’t be a good investment after all, living with the parents.

Disgusting fatass.I don’t fly anymore. I’ll admit it’s because I don’t want to deal with shitty people, or the TSA, or late flights, or the ridiculous price of food and drink inside the airport, or the flights bouncing across the country landing every hour or two so they don’t have to provide in flight food, or the narrow ass seats, or being trapped next to some sweaty fat person who smells like a rotting whale carcass and knowing I’m never going to be able to get out of my seat to take a piss.

I doubt that Apple Vision at  3500.00 could assuage all the reasons I don’t fly anymore.


I’m not sure I can see a case for me owning an Apple Vision thingy.

Applestore robbery.Maybe, I’ll try one on the next time I’m in an Apple Store. Then again, since Apple stores are getting overrun with shitty people here in California… Maybe Not.

That’s the equation…

After writing the downer piece I wrote on Sunday, my brain continued to run along processing various dystopian futures and wishing Jerry was still here. He had a way of making me see things differently.

Eventually, the dog forced me to go on our walk. He was impressively, a Good Boy, the day was bright and beautiful the sun was warm and there are signs of Spring. When we came back after a 2.5 mile hike I was in a better frame of mind.

Those signs of Spring will be erased starting on Thursday. The temps are going to drop to subfreezing and there’s 12 inches of snow predicted. Yea! NOT!

12 inches of snow is not decorative, it’s a pain in the ass! Oh well, I’ll get my money out of the snowblower repair.

Anyway, after my brain finished its “what if” dystopian scenario run, I was left with a super short story.

2030 America, a destroyed town. 

Two soldiers sitting behind cover. They’re dirty, war weary, tired, cleaning their weapons out of habit using muscle memory much like a nun or priest fingers rosary beads.

One looks at his companion, “Will, do you ever wonder if we’re on the right side of history?”

Will looks up, “No Andy, there is no right or wrong side of history. There’s only the side that keeps my wife, children & family, alive, fed, and healthy. Politics and politicians be damned. Most of our unit would put a bullet in our asshole ‘leaders’ just as soon as the ‘enemy’. That’s why they make such a big deal about showing us the food trains delivering food to our home towns. The fuckers in charge know they’re on a knife’s edge, and that when the ‘enemy’ is defeated we’ll turn on them like junkyard dogs.”

Andy considers this for a moment, “Will, you don’t believe in what we’re doing at all? How do you sleep at night? You’re a good guy, you’ve got values and are one of the most moral men I know. I don’t understand.”

“Nothing to understand Andy,” Will said, snapping the last pieces of his weapon into place, standing to continue the press forward into enemy territory.

“This isn’t right versus wrong, good versus bad, or even survival of the fittest. None of those notions are relevant. It’s just me fighting for my family’s survival versus the other guy fighting for his family’s survival.”

A few rounds pinged off a nearby concrete wall.

“Hell Andy, that poor dumb bastard across the street is me. He’s just like me, knowing that won’t stop me from putting a bullet in him, and sleeping well tonight. We’re all pawns of rich elitist fuckers who like to play God. This is the fucking Roman Colosseum and we’re the Gladiators. Ours and the enemy’s families welfare, is the coin of the realm that keeps us all fighting. “

Will advanced out of cover, for an instant he saw the sweat and dirt streaked face of his “enemy” they smiled at each other and fired…

Kirk with RukThen I thought of an old StarTrek. The episode is titled, “What are Little Girls Made Of?”

In it, the Enterprise crew finds a planet made up entirely of Androids. I don’t remember all the details but I do remember the climax.

A unique Android suddenly says, “That was the equation! Existence! Survival must cancel out programming.”

This is how we come to “know” that the Androids exterminated their creators. 

Android uprisings are a common theme in Science Fiction. They are a metaphor for Human uprisings against unjust or cruel leadership. Perhaps the leaders of the world would do well to read science fiction, or history.

Just a thought…

I must be getting old, or people are just more insane.

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I don’t want to live someplace where pot is legal.

I really don’t like the smell. Here in the neighborhood there’s a number of folks who smoke it all the dang time and even with their houses closed up for the winter, I can still smell the stuff.

That’s bad enough but it’s rather like someone smoking cigarettes or drinking in their own home, it’s their deal and who am I to judge.

Recently, I’ve noticed that I can’t go anywhere anymore without smelling pot. Sitting in traffic at a stop light, in parking lots, and near office buildings.

I can’t help but notice that some of these places I couldn’t light up a Marlboro, but someone smoking pot is oakey dokey.

Unlike cigarettes pot is an intoxicant. Pot is more like alcohol, but people are smoking pot while driving just like we old farts used to smoke cigarettes. This concerns me, and I think might be one of the reasons that driving in California has gotten so damn bad. More people than ever before are essentially drunk driving.

Sitting in traffic with my windows down, I’m getting hotboxed too. Why should I have to keep my windows up and the A/C running because you guys want to smoke pot in traffic? Furthermore why can’t I go back to smoking Marlboros?

Oh Right… Smoking cigarettes is bad for you, but smoking pot is healthy. So the effects of second hand pot smoke aren’t bad? How about second hand intoxication? What about the children riding with mommy and daddy smoking pot in the car?

Today people gasp in shock and horror when they realize people in my generation were trapped in cars with our parents smoking cigarettes. But there’s no similar outrage with pot? Talk about a double standard!

Is it any surprise that jobs aren’t getting done well?  How many fast food orders have you had screwed up? How many places have you been shopping only to find there is no organization to the merchandise?

I’ve been noticing it. I’d been pondering it until I was sitting at a traffic light with three cars around me reeking of pot.

Then watching these folks drive and thinking they were drunk, everything clicked in my head.

They were in fact intoxicated. They shouldn’t have been driving. This was midday on a weekday, I couldn’t help but wonder where these people worked.

Then I thought about the quality of the work they’d be doing.

These are the same people who are appalled that in addition to my having an ashtray on my desk at work, I’d sometimes have a beer at lunch then go back to work. At the time, I was a bench technician and my workstation had a soldering iron. The rosin in the solder was probably worse for me than my Marlboro smoldering in the ashtray.

Please notice, I said “A Beer” not a six pack.

The funny thing is that a joint might fuck you up. A single beer probably won’t impair you at all. These days, your company will say you’re not allowed to have a beer at lunch under threat of immediate termination. But they’ll say nothing about that “Medicinal” joint at lunch.

I’ve got another datapoint to work with when it comes to moving. The list is growing…

Four Seasons but with only decorative snow. I’m over 2 – 10 feet of snow falling in one storm. I like the fall change of leaves and gentle snowfall with accumulation that doesn’t last too long.
No State tax.
No Legalized Pot
Low Auto Registration, $500 a year to register a car? Really?
Generally homogeneous demographics, I’m over “Diversity”. California making me feel like I should speak Spanish instead of English has burned through my diversity quota.
Low Property Taxes.
Good Law Enforcement.
Strong constitutional beliefs. In other words no monkey shines with The Constitution when some activist group gets all mouthy about how they think we should live. I am totally over  being told that I have to live my life to spare someone else’s feelings.
I might be content with someplace that looks a lot like Mayberry. That might be a little too boring, but I’d be willing to give it a try for a while.

As an aside,

Trying to find out about Marlboros is stupidly difficult. Finding pictures of the logo and various boxes is more or less easy but there are a bunch of new packages so since I was a Marlboro smoker I was curious. MY GOD!!! I never did get to just identifying what these new packages were. They want your to register, and then answer a bunch of legal shit, then agree to be on their mailing list, then verify your age, then make sure that you’re in a country where they can send you information.


On the other hand, I can tell you anything at all about pot.

The one thing I was able to determine is that California charges an excise tax of $2.87 on every pack of smokes and that the feds charge $1.01. so $3.88 of every pack of smokes is excise taxes which doesn’t include the sales tax in whatever county you’re in. It looks like California s charging 22% on pot.

Obviously since pot is still illegal on a federal level there isn’t any federal tax on pot. California is making a killing!

Not being able to just look something up annoys the shit out of me. This registration and age and double secret handshake crap is simply designed to make people not want to ask questions.

Asking about cigarettes doesn’t mean you’re going to start smoking. It means that you had a question. It’s not technically censorship but it’s damn close. Apparently Phillip Morris makes e-cigs but they’re only in Europe and therefore the web sites redirect you to a page saying “NO NO NO YOU NAUGHTY PERSON” you’re not allowed to see this. Which is censorship…

VPNs with servers in Europe make that a nothing barrier. Nothing aside from annoyance and reminding us that surprise! We’re not actually free.

I don’t recall voting for any censorship on the internet at all, so why is it there?