I gotta ask

PRI 86511250Will Susan Sarandon be fired from Rick and Morty?

She’s been dropped by her talent agency for her insensitive and possibly antisemitic remarks.

What she said is on record.

Justin Roiland.on the other hand was only accused of sexual misconduct. When it came to trial guess what? The charges were dropped.


He was kicked off pretty much every show he was working on, before he ever walked into a court room. 

He no longer voices Rick and Morty and oh, btw just to ram it home. HE WAS FUCKING INNOCENT!

Susan Sarandon voices the asian psychologist Dr. Wong. WHAT???? OMG! Susan Sarandon is a white woman. How can a white woman possibly voice an Asian character? The Horror!

Originally it was just the double standard we had to worry about. Under double standard rules Justin Roiland looses everything instantly due to an accusation.

Cas Anvar apparently hasn’t worked since 2020 when allegations of sexual assault surfaced on Reddit and Twitter. There were supposedly over 30 women coming forward saying that Anvar did something to all of them. He was fired from all of his projects, I believe his agent dropped him and since that time he’s been off the radar. In his case, the production company he was working for launched an investigation. To date, there have been no charges filed, no results of the investigation have been published, and yet… Another male actor has been expunged from the record.

Jonny Depp was unemployed and unemployable due to Amber Heard’s accusations. To be clear Jonny Depp was THE VICTIM of Amber Heard’s emotional and physical abuse. Depp, No work. Heard, still working and has the gall to bitch about her role being minimized in the latest Aquaman movie. (Has that even come out? Was it another woke preachy blunder? Is that why I don’t know if it’s out or not?)

We don’t just have a double standard anymore. Now it appears the standards are gerrymandered to inflict harm on someone to virtue signal, to whatever crowd, or cause célèbre has the most attention of the people at the moment. At least mccarthyism followed a draconian and somewhat logical, albeit cruel pattern. This, whatever it is, appears to be pure anarchy.

Perhaps that was always the way it’s been. Maybe these old eyes see more clearly, or perhaps the “standard bearers,” in this sense are less adroit at surreptitiously applying the double, triple, or quadruple, standards.

Maybe it’s a bit of all of the above.

I’m still debating spending the money on Season 7 of Rick and Morty.  Susan Sarandon appears in at least one episode.. I don’t know if I’m supposed to show my “virtue” by purchasing this season or not purchasing this season. The characters of Rick and Morty previously voiced by Justin Roiland are now being voiced by two different actors. 

They’re doing a pretty good job of mimicking Roiland’s Rick and Morty. There’s something off in the delivery and cadence that’s not as crisp. Honestly, I’m annoyed at the production in general because of the way Justin Roiland was treated, that’s why I haven’t purchased the new season yet. 

Now with Susan Sarandon shooting her mouth off in support of Palestine, maybe I’ll just wait for the season to be discounted, or pass on it entirely.

I’m wondering if Season 7 will be the last of the show.

As I age…

As I age I notice an accumulation of stupidity and everyone else either ignores it, or flat out doesn’t see it.

I wish I could ignore things and remain blissfully ignorant. 

Some examples:

Tail lights. I’ve recently seen at least two different cars, with all three tail lights flashing at different intervals from each other. There are warnings in movies about flashing light sequences affecting photosensitive individuals. In a movie the person is sitting in a chair. On the road, a photosensitive person might be in the driver’s seat of 2 thousand pounds of vehicle and can do considerably more damage if they react poorly or have a seizure.

F-hN5LJWgAQ59Xq.jpegI’ve noticed the irony of college protestors demanding an Israeli cease fire, but being perfectly happy to beat the living shit out of a Jew with a different opinion. Which is it? Peace or War? 

The Washington Post Censored the Cartoon at right, even though it is a perfect description of truth. WP didn’t want to offend? How does truth offend? WTF?

We literally censored people from the internet who spread “mis-information” about elections, COVID, Vaccines, etc. When Rashida Tlaib spreads mis-information on the steps of the Capital using her position in Congress to magnify her importance and therefore her voice, nobody says shit about it, until the House passes a vote to Censure her. What is said after the Censure vote is in condemnation of the Censure.  That for me is a complete WTF moment. Personally, I think Tlaib should be taken from the capital in chains and tried for Treason. Oh, for the college educated… Censure is very different from Censor. You idiots might want to open a dictionary.

Evidence suggests Joe Biden has apparently lied about his involvement with Hunter’s businesses, and the “Biden Family Business” to the tune of millions of dollars, at minimum it looks like influence pedaling. Nothing much is said or done about it. Donald Trump inflates the values of his properties a tad, gets loans from banks, pays off those loans, making everyone money and harming no-one. Yet he’s in court on fraud charges?

Warner Brothers has decided not to release a completed movie as a tax write off. Let me get this straight, if I build a house and never move into it. I just lock the doors, and never use it, rent it, or sell it. I can write off the entirety of the house on my taxes? How about nobody gets tax write-offs on completed projects until the project actually loses money. That seems a lot more logical doesn’t it? Oh and shouldn’t Warner Brothers executive be sitting in court alongside Trump for fraud? It’s a cinch that they borrowed money to produce that movie. 

The entirety of the UAW strike and its resolution. WTF? I understand wanting higher wages and benefits. But you do realize that a nicely equipped FORD costs almost as much as a top of the line BMW luxury car. A GMC Truck costs more than some models of fully equipped BMW SUVs. So tell me again UAW how you’re going to preserve your jobs building your current line, or when everyone transitions to electric vehicles with fewer parts and higher purchase prices. If I have a choice, I’m going to pick the cheaper vehicle with longer range. Toyota? Kia? Nissan, hello paging common sense, is common sense in the building? There’s no incentive to buy FORD, CHEVY, GMC or Tesla at the prices they’re currently charging. Even if you wanted to buy one of these brands, you can’t order the vehicle exactly to your specification. Go on, try to build one on their websites. You’ll find you can’t have certain engine / trim combinations. For example I found I couldn’t have a truck with nice seats, no chrome,  a V-6 engine, 4×4 transmission in a 2 door with 6 foot bed configuration. They make what I want with a 4 cylinder 2×4 transmission but swap in a V-6 4×4 and NO! You get 4 doors and a 4.5 foot bed. Sorry, that just doesn’t work, I want to carry a full sheet of drywall flat in the bed of a pickup, and be able to drive uphill. This is especially true when the prices are at $40 – $60,000 before options.

Loyalty Reward programs. This is a bit hypocritical of me because I use these programs. Not using them in protest which I should be doing, is punishing myself, not the companies. Why do we need these Loyalty cards? Why not simply sell the goods or services at the discounted a.k.a “REAL” price to everyone all the time regardless of their loyalty? Why is it that on a recent grocery store run I was able to save $45 off the bill, but only had one .50 manufacturers coupon? Is it that the grocery store inflates the price so much they can afford to discount everyone’s bill by 1/4? How about gas stations? Why not give everyone a break on the price and speed up the refueling process along the way, instead of having folks enter loyalty numbers and selecting options of payment and 50 other questions?

Medical Costs. Same generic RX for years. Sometimes it’s $120 other times it’s $90, still other times it’s $50. I’d really like to know, how much does this shit really cost? Perhaps a better question is, “How much on average does it really cost to get medical treatment?” Maybe we should base insurance costs on the average, not how much can we get for removing a splinter in Beverly Hills.  Why can I negotiate 2/3 off on a medical bill? It’s not even negotiation. All I had to do was ask… That suggests that the actual cost of doing business is 1/3 less than advertised.

A better overall question is this;

Why do we put up with these clearly irrational things, and why are these things accepted as “Normal”?

Sometimes I just can’t seem to win.

While I was just trying to write what I was thinking in Word, I got distracted by Word itself because I wanted to paste unformatted text into the document.

You know like when you don’t know how to spell “Uyghurs” and you grab it from an article on the web and paste it into your Word document. Only to have the rest of the word document suddenly reformat itself to match the bold underline 24 point font style of the single word you pasted.

Yeah, good job Microsoft! That makes a whole lot of sense! 

Then of course Jesse starts pitching a fit outside and now I have distractions and annoyances 3 levels deep and I’ve forgotten what the fuck I was thinking or typing which compounds the annoyance. Now we’re at 4 levels deep and this is just a Saturday morning.

But I begin to see how it is that I can’t write worth shit during the week. 

Just a normal weekday:

Flood Control grinding, digging, banging, and rumbling up and down the wash.

Jesse (Who needs attention and deserves it)

The crazy bitch screaming whatever she’s screaming.

My internal frustration at not being able to put on paper what I really mean

Fighting with software that thinks it’s being helpful but is not

Being naturally easily distracted

So I wait until evening.

Jesse (Who needs attention and deserves it)

The crazy bitch screaming whatever she’s screaming.
My internal frustration at not being able to put on paper what I really mean

Fighting with software that thinks it’s being helpful but is not

Being naturally easily distracted

My mother calling and telling me that they’re going to be home in a day or two. When I know a) she’s sitting in her recliner at her home. b) she somehow thinks that I’m in Florida when I’ve lived in California for the past 44 years, and therefore wouldn’t know or care if they were in fact out of town. c) She asks if everything is okay and I don’t want to repeat myself about my troubles. So I lie to her because I just don’t fucking want to get into it. She wouldn’t in the past, and now couldn’t help anyway.

The Crazy Bitches boyfriend, cutting and grinding metal or banging on god knows what or “Working” on an engine in the long string of vehicles he destroys by working on their engines.

I suppose that trying to write during the day is the better option.

However so much for me being able to just write something quick in Word to dash off to the County.


Okay, my day is completely off the rails.

And I don’t mind one little bit!

The pup woke me about 1AM because he had the hiccups and wanted to go out. He came back in about 30 minutes later and was not his usual bouncy self. He curled up on the couch, and I sat with him for another half hour while he snoozed next to me.

Sometimes if he’s not feeling well, he’ll need to go out several times in quick succession. Last night he didn’t, do the usual thing. After a while I went back to bed and he joined me taking his usual spot at the foot of the bed.

About 6:45AM I’ve got a puppy nose in my ear. Opening my eyes, I see a very worried look on the pups face.

I know that look!

I roll out of bed and he’s already at the sliding door. I open the door, and he makes it out onto the deck and tosses his cookies. I’m pulling on sweats and heading for a kettle of water to rinse the deck. He’s already down stairs in the yard retching again.

You feel so helpless when they’re sick. After a couple of minutes he comes slowly back up the stairs. I open the slider and follow him inside. He gets a small drink of water, then jumps back up on the couch curled up Husky fashion.

That’s where we are now, I’m sitting here beside him. He’s not curled up, instead he’s alternating between having his head propped against the arm of the couch, or having his head propped against me. (I think the alternation is about being too hot on one side or the other.)

So my day is now all about attending to my sick friend. It’s only fair, he’s taken very good care of me these past months so I’m happy to return the favor.

I notice that he wakes up every half hour or so, looks around, finds me in the room, then goes back to sleep. I guess he figures I’m watching the doors and windows for him so he’s safe and all is well.

I’m going to try for a nap later in the day. But right now I think I’ll tackle the job search. At least I’ll be able to knock that off my ToDo list.

Time to get a chorein

HoarderGotta run errands, and then come home to keep sifting through the accumulation of crap.

Yeah, we all accumulate crap, and if it’s allowed to accumulate for 34 years, (Even after a fire…) well there’s a lot! I’ve been at this for 6 months now!

Before anyone gets judgey, I want you all to open that closet that you don’t use much. You know, the one in the spare room that’s the sewing / workout room. That closet that is behind the disused Peloton currently acting as a clothes rack. 

Go on, open it. Now look at the shelf and tell me you don’t have just as much crap as I do! If you don’t have closets that aren’t used much, go to your garage, basement, or your attic, and tell me you’re not accumulating stuff.

Uh huh. 

My place isn’t actually as bad as the photo, but there are times when I feel like it is!

Part of the issue is / has been that we were trying to do the right thing and properly dispose of stuff. Electronics to the E-Waste place, paper and plastic in the recycle bin except the plastic that can’t be recycled, then it’s figuring out what can and can’t go in which bin. Some metals can go in the recycle bin other can’t and to be really honest it’s all a pain in the ass!

So much so that the other half and I would come home tired, hungry, and wouldn’t want to take the 2 minutes to determine what went where. So shit would end up on any flat surface and we’d say we’ll get back to it. Uh NOPE!

Thus began the piles. 

The other half was always busy. There was always the next event to dash off to. I had more time but having to schedule a day to deal with loading the car up with e-waste then sitting in line to dispose of the shit and wondering if I’d destroyed all the data on any storage device is daunting!

All I wanted to do was get rid of some electronics, I don’t want to have the third degree going into the place, I don’t want to have to blow 1/2 of my day screwing around with broken shit that I’m probably disappointed about buying in the first place. Buffalo Technologies, I’m looking right at you!

There is shit in my garage and basement right now, that is almost from another epoch in terms of electronics or computer technology. Why is it there? Because it’s easier to stuff it in the basement or garage than it is to dispose of it properly!

Don’t even get me started on paperwork and bills & statements. I literally found a statement in my other half’s so called, “filing system” that was from 2000.

It was a phone bill from a company that no longer exists, having long since been purchased by a larger conglomerate.

My shredder overheats regularly!

But it’s time to get moving and hopefully get back before the freeway is a mess.

Who am I kidding? The freeway is always a mess and should be renamed to the obstruction way. After all we’re supposed to be fighting mis-information aren’t we…

Have a great day!