Ya know, sometimes it’s tough to see beyond the evil and stupidity.

I’m having that kind of day. 

So I’m turning off the news. Well, more properly I’m ignoring it. 

From the mayor of Boston being a racist against white people (while being married to one, there’s a marriage on the rocks), to Eric Swalwell potentially being an accomplice in Hunter Biden’s defiance of Congress. To Joe Biden’s upcoming impeachment, It’s all a steaming pile of runny shit.

You know, Eric Swalwell, if he had an ounce of smarts would be keeping a low profile after skating on ethics violations because he was fucking an employee(?) who was also a Chinese spy. Oh and let’s not forget that he was doing that while he was married, so he also committed adultery. There are other conservative Congressmen who’ve been tossed out of office for the same or less. (Paging Madison Cawthorn!)

But never mind that obvious double standard. The show must go on.

Oh there was a blurb about the dumbass who took it up the ass in a senate chamber, claiming that the release of the video and his subsequent firing was due to homophobia. Gag! 

No, Princess Prolapsed, You weren’t fired for being gay. You were fired for completely inappropriate behavior in a place of business. Having sex in a public place such as a hearing room is simply wrong. It’s a little thing called etiquette. Your momma and daddy should have laid a belt to your ass more as a child and raised you better.

Yeah, I’m sure they’re super proud and just love being humiliated in the grocery store. Dumb ass, your name is pretty damn unique. Your dad is gonna love people seeing his credit card and saying, “Oh your son took it up the ass in the senate! You don’t have any other kids do you?” Your poor dad probably can’t have a beer with his buddies without your ass literally being a topic of discussion.

I guess they don’t teach things like etiquette in college anymore, either.

You being fired had nothing to do with you being gay, nor should it have.

Hell dumbfuck, I’ve seen a straight couple who were fucking in a locked office, fired on the spot and marched out of the building by the president of the corporation. Yes, the door to the office was locked, but the damn window was wide open and visible from the sidewalk. The president of the company was coming back from lunch and saw it all. That was the first issue. The second issue was that the male was director of HR, and the third issue was the female was the HR director’s employee.

Ding! Ding! “Strike Three… You’re Out!”

ANY of the issues noted, were grounds for immediate termination in the case I witnessed.  I am absolutely certain that your employment agreement had some verbiage about inappropriate conduct.

Anyway. I’m putting it all on ignore for a day or two, maybe longer. I’m not really mad about any of it, I’m just really annoyed, and saddened.

I’m annoyed that apparently our country has fallen so far. I’m saddened that there doesn’t appear to be any other country to emigrate to which is any better. It appears virtually every country on the planet has lost their damn minds and is rife with corrupt politicians, and plain stupid, or evil humans.

The trouble is, if you look at this kind of crap for too long, it sours you on humanity and life. 

I’ve been wondering if that’s the reason the “News” is always so incredibly bad and depressing. You know, some people might just figure it’s better to kill themselves than continue to take the onslaught of whatever the fuck this is.

If I was a super conspiracy theorist, I’d say the goal is depopulation. These days as a man, you might be pumping your seed into someone you think is a woman, only to find out she’s not. Or you find out she started to transition to being a man, then changed her mind, but the damage was done, she’s sterile. Either is a problem if you want to be a father. 

Or the girl looks like either of these charmers…  Uh NOPE! I actually like my penis, even though sometimes I beat it like it owes me money. I wouldn’t put the poor fella in either of these things.

I swear, my general rule of peoples appearance still holds. In nature, venomous creatures often have something strikingly out of the norm. Bright colors for example, odd textures to their skin, warning sounds, etc. When people adopt these traits, often they are toxic. They may be dangerous in other ways, but generally speaking you don’t want, or need to waste your time with them. No good will come of it. On some level, instinctively they’ve adopted warning plumage because they know they’re defective. 

As a guy, I’m not interested in someone, (male or female) that looks like a tattoo shop wall. Well executed, artistic tattoos are neat. Something that looks like the tattooist had a hangover and threw up on you, is not. I find overly tattooed people distracting enough that I’m not interested in sex with them, I feel like I have to glean the meaning of all the ink.

I have encountered people whose tattoos chronicle the story of their life and are well thought out and coherent. Those folks are rare but when you meet them you know. Their stories are often beautiful and tragic. The person is more often than not an amazing soul.

Put a lot of disjointed tattoos on a woman with the personality of a pit viper, and well… if I’m supposed to put a baby in that… humanity is doomed.

I wonder, how many men are jacking it into the toilet rather than having sex with women because they’re afraid of bringing some abomination into the world? If you knew your next load was going to result in one of the moronic people we’ve seen in the streets over the past 4 years wouldn’t you want to flush that bad seed, or at least see it running down her leg?

I mean dudes, think about it. Do you want to contaminate your genetic line with whatever comes from blending half your DNA with half the DNA from a fucked up chick with unresolved daddy issues, defective brain, and who spews venomous hatred all day long? If you wouldn’t trust her with a puppy, you shouldn’t trust her with your child. Guys… be freakin selective or do her anal.

BTW Guys, good women know this and act on it instinctively, they literally don’t think about it.  If you’re a fucked up douche bag, who’s the male equivalent of the two winners pictured. That’s probably why you don’t ever get to date good women. Get your shit together, clean yourself up, and become a man worthy of dating good women. 

Yeah, I really need to turn away from it all.

It’s gotten bad when I’m not just praying for an asteroid impact. I’m trying to figure out if I can make a magnet big enough to cause an asteroid impact.

Perhaps when the AI’s actually become SkyNet they’ll just nuke the planet and note somewhere in a database that humanity was a bad idea. 

John Varley ended Millennium with a computer contemplating if silicon rather than carbon was a better medium to build life. The computer in question wasn’t sure that humanity was worthwhile, but chose to save it just in case. The computer was going to contemplate the question over a very long period of time. While it had facilitated humanity’s escape to the future, the computer had to go the long way around.

Imagine Humanity’s surprise if they came out of the time warp, and the BC, (Big Computer) had decided they were too flawed, and too much trouble, to live.

Hmm, is this real or not…

I can’t imagine what kind of device Manuel might be.

I would have ignored this entirely except that it showed up in an email from LinkedIn. It was just too emblematic of the job search market to pass up.

I thought LinkedIn was supposed to be vetting their job listings. It looks like USTech is a real company, but I can’t locate this position on their web site.

So either it’s another SPAM job listing (All too common on LinkedIn) or it’s an old position that’s been filled so LinkedIn is just presenting it to waste the job seeker’s time.

I think it’s time to ask this simple question.

Is it time to abandon LinkedIn?

What does it really provide as far as service? The site has degraded to nothing more than a FaceBook clone.

Honestly, I can’t read more than a few of the posts before getting really bored. 

The years I was completely off of LinkedIn I got a lot less SPAM. Less than a week after rejoining LinkedIn, my SPAM levels tripled.

I only rejoined LinkedIn because a completely useless HR consultant told an entire class of people it was absolutely necessary to have social media and LinkedIn. This consultant supposedly walked everyone through the self marketing process. Social media presence, LinkedIn profiles, resumes, etc. Except they didn’t.

I can say, for me sitting in those classes was absolutely useless. I can’t say for certain that anyone benefitted, and the consulting firm doesn’t appear to be in business today. 

Our jobs, indeed most of our department was being offshored and the company had to wave its hands for the government, to make it look like they were doing something to assist those of us being laid off.

The majority of us who’d been through the layoff process before, knew within 5 minutes that these HR Consulting folks were bogus. These folks had the fundamentals of the layoff process incorrect and didn’t know that when a company lays off quantities of people above a certain threshold there’s government involvement and reporting.

They were getting paid likely an obscene amount of money but their curriculum was obviously a hack job and not one of them had ever taught a class or gotten up to speak  in front of a group of people. Yes, it was that obvious. Especially since I had stood up teaching classes to technical folks earlier in my career.

I’ve wondered what it would take for me to be one of the presenters for a corporation that does the “Employment Transitions and Assistance Classes” By the way, I claim that name, and the abbreviation ETAC as my own.

I’m sure I could put together a class that dealt with Social media (What to delete!) LinkedIn and resume writing. I’m also sure that I could put together something useful to the employees facing the end of their jobs. God knows I’ve been through the layoff process enough to have gained some useful experience.

Dec 7

Perhaps today we should all take a break from the bullshit and remember the people who died during the bombing of Perl Harbor in 1941.

The bombing marked our entrance into World War II. Until the bombs fell, America was divided about going to fight another war.

After the bombs fell, America was pissed off enough to engage in what was essentially a two front war and 4 years later America was still pissed off enough to drop two atomic bombs on Japan.

Today, I’m putting politics aside and just remembering the people who died. 

It’s been 82 years since Pearl Harbor. Let’s pause and realize that as bad as World War II was, World War III would be exponentially worse. 

Today, it might be a good idea to pause and reflect then see what can be done, or should be done to turn us away from World War III.

Compared to the bombs the Russians and the US have today, the bombs the US dropped on Japan are firecrackers.

December 1st ????

This year has flown by!

Pretty soon it’s going to be snowy again.

I guess it’s not really surprising. Time seems to slip by faster as we get older. (At least I’ve noticed it more.) I’ve had a lot on my mind and been working through a bunch more emotional stuff. With those kinds of distractions it was easy for the time to slip  away.

On the plus side of things, Over the past week or so, I’ve been feeling lighter,  while I’m still unsure about a lot of things I don’t feel as weighted down or crushed as I have for the past year.

This isn’t just because we’re in the “Festive Season”. I haven’t even decided if I’m going to do the tree thing this year or not. It’s just me and the dog and Santa isn’t likely to come down my chimney.

I think there’s been enough time pass that there’s distance between Jerry’s passing and right here, right now. I miss him but it’s not the sharp dagger that it was. 

I make no guarantees about how I’ll feel mid January. But this first year of holidays and seasons changing has been hard. Two more to go and I’ll have survived them all. 

I’m not trying to rush the season, but I feel like making it to mid January is a milestone and somehow after that, I’ll be less burdened or sad. I have no proof that will be the case but it “Feels” that way.

It’s time to bust out the Die Hard Franchise, and Lethal Weapon just because they’re Christmassy I know Bruce Willis would disagree but Die Hard has been such a tradition for years I can’t resist.

It’s getting easier for me to toss things in the trash. It sounds stupid but after spending years worrying if I was throwing something of the other half’s away that was important. I was having a tough time getting over the habit. Nothing of his is important to him anymore, the only important any of it has is that which I assign to it.

I’m noticed I’m happier because the house looks less cluttered. There’s still a long way to go but it’s better and improves my general outlook on life too. 

I’m moving in the direction that I want to go. Whether I keep this place, or pack everything up and move, I’ll still need to be free of tons of useless stuff. Long range, my plan is to clear enough of the garage out that I can move my stuff from a storage facility up here. That will save me some cash monthly, and allow me to sort, sell, or trash stuff I don’t want or need.

If I’m going to move, I want the moving truck to be as small as possible.

Hmmm. Interesting, and they wonder why we don’t trust them…

REVW0406So this cold is annoying enough that I was thinking about getting some over the counter cold remedy. Then I thought about it and seemed to recall seeing something about the FDA doing a study on cold medications and discovering problems with them.

Off to the internet, Boy Wonder! CBS Reports this

Ahh, there it is:

Advisers to the Food and Drug Administration voted unanimously on Tuesday against the effectiveness of the ingredient found in popular versions of Sudafed, Allegra, Dayquil, and other medications sold on pharmacy shelves.

“Modern studies, when well-conducted, are not showing any improvement in congestion with phenylephrine,” said Dr. Mark Dykewicz, an allergy specialist at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine.

So here’s the deal, these medications use phenylephrine. They used to use pseudoephedrine. Pseudoephedrine worked but was taken out of the normal OTC medications because it was possible to convert it into Meth.

Phenylephrine was grandfathered into use without much in the way of testing for efficacy by the FDA. It should be noted that there are tons of drugs, and products that are grandfathered like this all the time. Some of these grandfathered products are later found to be, at best ineffective, and at worse harmful.

The cold medications appear to be simply useless if they’re not using Pseudoephedrine. But it does beg the question, how many other medically approved products are nothing more than Placebos or as it was said in the past “Snake Oil”. Placebos have their place in clinical testing, because they provide a baseline to determine if a drug under test is doing anything.

In the past, purveyors of  Snake Oil may have been tarred and feathered and run out of town, if they weren’t hung for hurting and swindling people. The FDA was created to provide a measure of safety to the public because of the prevalence of snake oil and quacks.

Yet here we are, the FDA having been complicit in cold remedies that don’t work, a.k.a. FRAUD! The cost of a box of these cold remedies is /was  $10 to $15 and were sold to millions of people. The fraud generated billions for drug manufacturers.

I’d like to have my money back! I looks like I’m due a refund from 1980 forward??? I’d have to find when Pseudoephedrine was swapped out.

On the plus side, we all got over our colds pretty much naturally! This also might explain the apparent conflicting data between the folks who swear by natural remedies versus Doctors recommending OTC remedies. It’s possible that the natural remedies actually performed better because these remedies survived and were handed down based on centuries of accumulated observational data.

The OTC cold remedies on the other hand were not thoroughly tested and no better than sugar pills.

I wonder about the collateral damage during COVID-19. Most people would have initially thought COVID was a cold, they would have gone to their ineffective OTC cold/flu medication. Their symptoms would have gotten worse until they were hospitalized. Then, they would have been given more ineffective treatments because the treatments that actually worked, (as shown time and again in other countries,) were forbidden. By… guess who, The FDA!

I guess my point is why should I or anyone trust the CDC or the FDA at this point? They’re not protecting us from medical quackery, or big Pharma selling snake oil.

Why should I trust a doctor, or a hospital?

Bottom line is this.

If a Doctor or a medical person can not explain something to you, or can’t produce test information showing the efficacy of a treatment, drug, or vaccine.


Perhaps I’m being overly harsh. However as we keep finding more out about COVID, and the vaccines, and how it really looks like the medical establishment is covering up something truly evil. We shouldn’t give the medical profession the blind trust that we gave them in the past.

It’s really strange that a tattoo / body piercing shop might be a safer place than a hospital, laboratory,  or doctors office, when it comes to having needles stuck in your skin.