Who do you trust?


I was reading Twitter last night. (I have no idea how else to say that. You really don’t read twitter you scan it.) Anyhow… while scanning the hundreds of tweets, several started jumping out at me.

The strange part was that these tweets were from Anonymous, or someone claiming to speak for Anonymous.

I thought to myself “whats Anonymous doing reporting the news?”

Not that it’s inconsistent with their charter, but most of the time you think of them as making news by hacking into governments or corporations that have drawn the ire of Anonymous.

These tweets were reporting meteorite explosions over Russia.

I went to the first link thinking I was probably going to get infected by some kind of virus.

But no, there was a great video all in Russian showing a really bright streak with a glowing head. thick smoke trailing after it.


I thought “wow” I wonder if it’s real? Call me suspicious of Russian websites.

There are so many Russian sites that seek to infect your computer with malware, I’ve gotten very wary of anything in Eastern Europe.

It’s a pity too, there are some excellent English language sites that report on world wide events with a lot less bias than the American media.

However, because I’ve been infected too many times from Eastern European websites I’ve stopped visiting any of them at all.

I’d forgotten how straight-up the Russian reporting usually is. 

The first video I saw was impressive and at first I thought it was a promo for some new SciFi movie.

The next videos dispelled that thought. It was amazing, there were obviously cell phone videos pouring into a Russian YouTube site.

They were all taken of the same event from different angles, it was obvious that this was a real event. Then the photos of the damage appeared.


I flipped on the TV in time to catch the 11 O’ Clock news. 

I was disappointed, not one word of the event.

We could see the overflowing toilets from the Carnival Cruise ship, when the cabin Christopher Dorner was occupying was still burning the local news was saying that his body had been removed and identified.

But in a situation where something “REAL” was happening and it was ever more obvious that the event could be verified… Not one stinking word.

This might have simply been a local news phenomenon but even CNN was silent.

This morning of course, the American news agencies are all abuzz, probably because of the damage and the fact that 900 people were at last count reported as injured. 

Anonymous, has been reporting other things too.

Things like contrary to the official police statement the cabin in the Dorner case was purposely set on fire.

Like most people, I dismissed the Anonymous report at first, but now even the local news is saying the police might have intentionally used weapons known to cause fires.


The Anonymous news items have been pretty egalitarian, and unbiased. They simply point to information and leave it to the reader to make up their own mind. No spin, just “hey, have a look at this.

Does anyone else think it’s strange that a group of hackers is ahead of the curve on news stories and they’re publishing those stories reliably?

Our media tries to portray Anonymous as criminals, or disgruntled technology people. The network news makes Anonymous sound like a bunch of nerds hiding out in a basement creating problems and chaos for their own purposes.

Is that a true representation? I’m inclined to say no, maybe not.

I’m not willing to take everything Anonymous says and does as honest and true. But I’m willing to look at them in a different light. Perhaps Anonymous is just about information being free, unbiased, and presented to everyone.


It’s funny. I hadn’t paid any attention to anything that Anonymous said or did until recently when I kept seeing their tweets retweeted by others. I saw time and time again their uncanny accuracy in reporting so I started following them.

It’s been an education. If nothing else, Anonymous has made me think and question. 

Perhaps that’s their point.

Keep questioning, keep thinking, keep an open mind, keep learning, just because the TV or the computer says something is true doesn’t mean that it is.

You don’t have to trust anyone or anything just because they’re “Authorities” or authoritarian, you can make up your own mind.

Before you decide the world is flat, do the research! You owe it to yourself. 

After all “There be monsters here…”

Nice day even with a heck of a drive

Had a dental appointment today. The last under my current insurance plan.

Thankfully I’ve got good teeth. Otherwise I’m sure that insurance would decline to cover me calling it a “pre-existing” condition.

My teeth, and gums are a bit sore. But I’m going to be fine even if I just want soft food tonight.

I barely missed all the excitement coming home, I passed a sign saying that “all the mountain roads were closed” it was a bit of a concern.

As it turns out CALTRANS was overstating the issue. The mountain roads into the Big Bear area were closed. Not all mountain roads.

The police say that they’ve cornered Christopher Dorner. Apparently, Mr Dorner has been killed in a fire in a cabin.

I’ll wait until the forensic report comes out.

I’m amazed that the Dorner issue has preempted the POTUS State of The Union Address on some of our local TV stations.

This is the first time I’ve created a blog post on an iPad. So if there are any really goofy typos… I’m blaming the iPad!

Signing off to watch the State of the Union.

Should be interesting.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats

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I know the political season is very much over. But snow season isn’t.

What does snow have to do with Republicans and Democrats? Let me explain.

When it snows the road that I live on is covered as are all the other roads in town. The difference is that my road is private and therfore not maintained by the county. (There’s a whole other story there)

This means that unless the road is cleared by the residents on the street it can quickly become impassable.

A decade ago when the majority of the people living on the street were Republicans we’d all be working in shifts with our shovels to keep the road clear.

If the storm was really bad we’d all pitch in and hire a local guy with a skiploader to clear the street, and if we kept him warm with hot chocolate or coffee and the occasional batch of cookies, brownies or cupcakes. he’d do the street, and all our driveways for about $150. We’re talking about 2 to sometimes 3 hours of work.

If the snow was light (meaning less than 8″), working together we could clear the road and all our driveways in about 45 minutes to an hour and in the process we talked and enjoyed each others company.

We’d have fun clearing the street, there was the occasional snow ball fight and neighborly camaraderie. We’d share tools, and news, and speculation about how long the storm was going to be.

In short we were a neighborhood and we were all working toward a common goal that served all our needs.

We looked after each other too. It’s not a really good idea to be alone shoveling snow. You can slip, fall and hurt yourself.

Imagine falling breaking a bone and having to crawl 100 yards back to your house because no-one can hear you yelling for help.

We’d have older folks out with their shovels too, and often the younger folks would take care of the older folks walkways and driveways just because it was the right thing to do. The older folks in return would keep warm beverages at hand (sometimes with a little extra kick.)  and they’d look after the smaller children while the rest of us were clearing the snow.

We learned too that if we got the snow off the street before it was driven on or had a chance to pack down then the first sunny day after the storm we’d have a dry ice free road. This was safer and more convenient for all of us especially when you wanted to have friends from below the snow level come up for a visit.

In all it was a nifty system that worked.

Over time, one family after another moved, to be replaced by other people and families. Nothing much was said about the first family living at the end of the street that never joined us in our snow clearing activities. They had small children, and it was no skin off our noses to clear the street and their drive.

It was looked upon as a social duty. After all, suppose one of the children needed to see a doctor during the night? Since the road was clear Mom & Dad could get the child out to a doctor if they needed to.

As a matter of civic duty especially for the older folks, we wanted to make sure that paramedics had unrestricted access to all the homes on the street.

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Then another family moved and was replaced.

Now we had two homes that weren’t assisting in snow removal and they also weren’t pitching in any cash on those rare occasions when we needed a skiploader to clear the street.

We still said nothing, and the rest of us still cleared the street.

Over time this replacement of families continued.

Then it was only a 70 year old woman and myself clearing the street. Meanwhile the 20- 40 somethings sat in their homes and in the morning enjoyed the fact that the road was passable and they could drive their kids to school. (After all children shouldn’t have to walk or ride a school bus should they? Yeah, a little sarcasm there.)

It was my 70 year old neighbor who first observed that all the neighbors that weren’t contributing to the common good had bumper stickers for Democratic candidates on their minivans or SUVs.

Her observation came in the middle of a snowstorm while we were arguing about whether she was going to go back inside and let me keep shoveling.

She could be a salty lady and her assessment of the situation was “Typical fucked up Democratic yuppies!”, as she glared at the warmly lit windows on the street.

I lost the argument about her going inside. She pulled the “I’m your elder! routine… Who can argue with that?”

The next year she purchased a home near Palm Springs and killed two birds with one stone. She was warm year round, and didn’t have to shovel any snow.

She’d come back to her home here in the mountains around April just in time for her garden to begin sprouting.

This left me the last Republican on the block, during the winter.

For years I’ve continued to clear the street alone.

I’ve got a 4wheel drive truck so I don’t really need to clear the street in most storms. My truck is good to about a foot and a half of snow.

I still think clearing the street is the responsible thing to do.

This last snow fall, I was clearing my drive and it occurred to me no-one asked me to clear the street. So I shouldn’t be annoyed that absolutely no-one will come out and help even if only for a few minutes.

Following that logic, if no-one asked me to clear the street I shouldn’t. Instead I’m going to clear only that which I feel responsible for and leave the rest to the other people on the street.

That’s exactly what I’ve done.

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I’ve already been asked questions. “Why isn’t the street clear?”, “Why is the berm so high? I can’t drive over it and my plastic shovel broke because it’s a wall of ice.”, “Why is the street so icy?”

The topper was this one, “I think you’re being mean by not clearing the street. How am I supposed to get to work?”

That ladies and gentlemen sums up the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans will shovel the snow off an entire street unasked, because they see the common good in doing it. Democrats expect someone else to do the shoveling.

Republicans will eventually get tired of being taken advantage of and let others around him sink or swim “each to their own ability“.  The Democrats will call him mean and angry.

When a Republican, through planning, takes care of himself and doesn’t need “The System”, the Democrats accuse him of an “I’ve got mine and fuck the rest of you attitude”

Food for thought…


Ok, I’ve got nothing!

Nothing to say.

Still looking for insurance that I can afford.

THuhhe search isn’t going well.

On the one hand I’d like to be covered, on the other hand I have a fundamental problem paying another mortgage payment to have medical coverage.

The primary problem I have is this, with a mortgage I have something that’s tangible. With health insurance I’m pissing money away to provide for coverage that I may or may not use.

At the rate I’m paying right now for COBRA, if I paid that same rate for 10 years it would come to $72,000 not including interest.


When the  men in my family break at end of life we don’t typically last very long.

I’m actually fortunate in that as long as we stay active we live a long fairly trouble free life. Our sinuses are for shit but nothing is perfect.

When our time comes we tend to go out like Don Corleone in The Godfather. We’re playing with the grandkids or great grandkids in the garden then we drop dead.

If I’m going to pay the equivalent of another mortgage, I might as well take advantage of the lower mortgage rates and buy another piece of property. At least I could rent it out and have an income, with a potentially higher rate of return.

I was thinking about it and realized that were I to go to a bank to apply for a mortgage for another piece of property they’d tell me I can’t afford to make the payment. Yet our government says that not only must I afford the payment but that they will enforce it under the law.

It’s a lose, lose proposition. If I were still in my 20s I’d be applying for citizenship in other countries. Not because I hate America, I love this country, but because I wouldn’t be able to afford the cost of American citizenship as I got older.

Today if I could communicate with my younger self… I’d say go find a decent country with good people and a system that works. Move there, become a citizen and plan for a decent retirement.

I look at my parents and their retirement isn’t at all what they’d planned for because they trusted in a system that didn’t really protect them. Remember Enron? There were a lot of 401K investments that got wiped out due to them. Then just a few years later you have the housing implosion and the devaluation of their retirement savings has really cut into what they can do. I know they’re on Medicare and Social Security I know they’re paying for health care supplementary insurance I just don’t know how long they’re going to be able to afford it.

I’ve spoken to younger insurance agents who don’t have health insurance because they don’t have an extra 600 – 800 dollars a month in their budgets.

NewImageYet in 2014 we’re all supposed to be carrying insurance and we’ll be penalized for not having a policy in force.

I’m still OK,  yeah I’m using my savings to pay the bills but I can go for a while longer with careful spending. I keep wondering how the hell can people less fortunate than myself come close to affording health insurance?

It really messes with your head. You want to do the right thing, but you can’t afford to do the right thing.

Obviously if you didn’t bother to pay for your housing, and didn’t eat you could afford to pay for health insurance. Then you’d only have to worry about paying for health insurance for a few weeks.

This is seriously wrong. And yet the government is in a position to make us all face this choice.

I’ve said it before. Contrary to what President Obama would have us believe. The problem isn’t that American Citizens are irresponsible about medical coverage. The problem is that health insurance companies and to some extent the medical providers are raping the American People.

If our government was truly interested in taking action on health care they’d address the source of the problem not penalize the victims.

Humm, I guess I did have something to say after all.

Sick & tired of the News…

I’ve been enjoying the sound of the recent rain on the roof and haven’t paid attention to the news, or turned on much of anything that makes noise.


I’m suspecting that I may have had a light touch of the flu but I’m not sure. This morning I’m feeling better.

I did however, make the mistake of switching on the news. 

Nothing is different!

I swear it’s like the world paused the bullshit just so that I could be offended by it when I decided to pay attention again.

I wish that was the case… I know in reality that the bullshit keeps coming at a more or less constant pace. The news is like a soap opera… You can miss years and still know exactly what’s going on, because human nature is a constant as hydrogen fusion in stars.

Have you ever noticed that riots pretty much look the same? Really, check it out, tell Google you want to see only images then type riots.

Regardless of time or place, they all look the same, even the drawings of riots look the same.

The news is always the same… In broad strokes I think the news template is something like this;

Somewhere people are rioting and burning buildings because they’re unhappy about something.

Somewhere else someones military is shooting rebels, insurgents, dissidents, students, or another army.

A disaster or two have happened someplace else, hundreds or thousands of people are displaced, famine and disease looms in the not too distant future.


Politicians from group A are condemning politicians from group B for failing to act or disagreeing with their position.

Somewhere somebody’s children were in danger, are in danger, have been saved from danger.

There’s been another car chase that ended, with a crash, or with an arrest, or with a shooting, or with a tasering. Or jackpot… all of the above…

And now the weather…


Being a fan of TrueBlood, the scene where the vampire Russell Edgington rips a newscasters spine out, then tells the public that he’s the real face of vampires and describes in gruesome detail what vampires are going to do to humans is one of my favorite scenes for a number of reasons.

When he turns to another camera and in a lovely Southern accent and with a happy smile, says “Now time for the weather… Tiffany…”

I howl every time I see it. The whole scene is priceless and some damn good writing.


It’s also a very sad comment on our news cycle.

That scene lasts a minute or so, but it’s exactly what watching the news is like.

Think about it, the news is 30 to 60 minutes of real blood, violence, hatred, and despair, followed by the weather presented by some airhead blond with perfect tits and a million dollar smile telling you it’s going to be sunny and warm tomorrow. And somehow knowing it’s going to be sunny and warm makes the preceding horror just fine.


We all know that the weather is always at the end of a news segment. Did you ever wonder why? 

I’ve come to the conclusion that weather is all we really care about.  

It’s the most immediate thing that we have to deal with.

If the weather was first in any newscast I’d tune in for that, and turn the TV off once I knew if I was going to need my umbrella.

I can’t do shit about riots in another country. Nor can I control the earthquake, volcano, hurricane, or monsoonal flooding in another country. I’m sorry folks there are having problems but there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.


As far as car chases… I’m reminded of the old Keystone cops shorts.

Do I need to see 6 hours of live aerial coverage where 4 police cars are following one piece of shit 30 year old Toyota that can’t get above 50MPH? Or god forbid a white Bronco?


I swear on more than one occasion I’ve thought about Mad Maxing my truck and just T-Boning the hell out of the dumbass running from the cops.

I imagine that afterward, I’d drive home and get back to watching the football game that was interrupted for the car chase.


Or watch Tiffany’s perfect tits jiggle across my local weather map.

Maybe I need to go back to bed… I think I’m a little grumpier than I should be.

On the other hand… 

A few episodes of TrueBlood might just make me a happy camper.