Do you really trust the Internet?

We’ve heard the perennial excuse “It’s Computer Error”.


I’ve had one too many occasions where I was told something was due to a computer error where I followed on with “So you knew the computer was in error and yet you continued on with … (Whatever the screwup was)?”

Think about it, usually these kind of errors are in a single corporation…

What happens if you magnify that by hundreds of thousands of computers where all of those machines are linked together?

Far from having a “Terminator” or “SkyNet” experience, you have instead a degenerating mass of corrupted data.

One example I can think of are our three major Credit reporting agencies… They share the same data pool.


The practical upshot of this sharing is that the three systems synchronize to the lowest common denominator. Which means if you have an erroneous black mark on your record appear on one of the services you’ll have that black mark replicated on all the other services. 

Once the black mark appears it can take as many as 12 interventions on your part to have a correction remain permanent. I’ve personally had this happen and spent a year removing the same piece of bad data from each service repeatedly because the services were sharing it back & forth.

But what about other more subtle information?


Truly, the internet has given voice to all.

It’s pretty easy to figure out when village idiots are speaking in your own village? Folks all know “That Child ain’t right” and they’ll tell you so.

But can you be so certain when the Idiot is from another village? You don’t have access to the common wisdom of the folks from that other village. How do you verify whats being said is really true?

I started thinking about this the other day when I read an article on the web that had been published under the auspices of National Geographic.

The article in question rather loosely tossed around a few terms, fossil being one of them. The writer described Carbon14 dating being done on the Chitin of insect which had been fossilized. Fossilization typically describes the replacement of biomatter with mineral compounds. 

We have discovered badly degraded dinosaur tissues in the fossilized long bones of some of the largest dinosaurs. but the mineralization process seems to work from the outside in.

Insect exoskeletons made of chitin presumably would be the first thing to be mineralized.

Without bio-matter C14 testing doesn’t work.

Which leads inevitably to the conclusion that some of the data the writer was quoting was inaccurate.

I was disappointed because I have pretty high regard for National Geographic publications. I couldn’t help thinking about my nieces and nephews arguing what they read in an article online with their Geologist Grandfather. Their Grandfather would at worst tell them they and their source was full of caca. At best he’d demand to see the article himself and after reading it conclude that the writer was too loose with the language.

Knowing their grandfather as I do, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that he wrote National Geographic and demanded they print a properly credited and corrected article.

This morning I was involved in a discussion about the marvels of Tablet computers in our schools and the revolutionary concept of interactive textbooks.

Then I thought of the libraries.

Schools, Elementary through College used to have extensive libraries. I’ve noticed public libraries closing and wondered if the same trend was happening in education.



It was at this point that I had a slight epiphany. 

A book, a real printed book that sat on a shelf in a library contained “facts”. Those “facts” could be referenced by citing the book, the author, the publication date, revision, chapter, page number,  paragraph, and line.Today textbooks and research materials are available online but they also exist as hardcopies. If publishing moved to an online only paradigm these materials risk becoming ephemeral.

If the “facts” changed, another book was printed that contained all the revisions. It got placed on a shelf next to the previous edition and the world spun on.

If a book exists only as a digital entity, instantly downloadable and revisable online, can you be sure of the “facts” contained in the book? What you read last week, you might be unable to reference this week due to an update.

Within the pages of this blog, with absolutely no regard to the changes in meaning or in fact the subject of a particular piece I’ve made edits to what I’d said previously. I pressed the “Publish Button” overwrote what I’d said and I never gave it a thought. 

What happens if textbooks are treated with the same cavalier attitude?


Johnny or Jane learn today that Syrias uprising was a completely internal affair. Their textbooks say so. But tomorrow the Syrian uprising is found to be caused by an external player. Johnny or Jane, if they miss the update will be incorrect on their final exam.

This is of course an extreme example but it illustrates the point.

In a completely digital world how do we know a “fact” is a FACT? (No, I’m not suggesting that we live in “The Matrix”

It’s said time and again “History is written by the winners.” In the not too distant past, the victors had to go to great lengths to re-write history. In a digital age… all it takes is opening an editor on a computer.

This led me to a disturbing thought

In a society where everything is online… where news is unabridged, unedited, and instantly displayed, we run the risk of being a society of gossip and here-say.

Perhaps, this is why so many people are caught-up in “Reality TV shows”. These are after all nothing more than gossip raised to it’s glitziest form.

The really ironic thing for me to consider is that I never considered the possibilities before now. I played a part in moving this digital age forward and I looked upon those who were not seduced by the promise of technology with some disdain. 


As I look at it now, perhaps those who were cautionary weren’t Luddites. Perhaps they were simply better acquainted with the lowest common denominator of human behavior.

I can’t help but draw a very loose parallel to the angst Robert Oppenheimer expressed when he understood the full nature of what he had created.

I like digital books, but I think with my favorites… I’m going to buy hard copies. Just to be sure.

FYI I just edited this entry… Mostly for the hell of it.

Have a Great Weekend!

“All my Classmates are Criminals…”

Data=Ay5GWBeob WIPLDYoIWcfVXxvZu9XwJ55OX7Ag 6TaYZkEFjYIh8g2uTTCOrNXMRU98YfTITibZCAyJbgpXyzcin7g2gmlT4XRZyTPcqeU1iH nY8KoADnhuIYe1pq0ehJQkHk9DBSO26NH 4ZIH 3egtDlapbmAVdhJOsjCtu grVNFHPzICRKoJ0oX2mEjVhnoOfYqYQy8vz8vMlKwPJDqLbd0g

Not mine…

I once worked with a woman from Belarus. One day we were chatting about our respective educations and she dropped the bomb that all her classmates and friends were criminals.

I asked how that could be?

Her explanation rebooted my brain.

“The people in power, formerly Party Officials now part of the New Russian Mafia made laws that made everyone criminals”

She went on to explain that the laws making her friends criminals were enacted in response to her friends supporting the opposition party.

In other words if you ran against the old guard officials,  supported candidates that were against the old guard or the mafia you were automatically a criminal and imprisoned.


I asked, “Didn’t the people object?”

She puffed out a cloud of smoke from her Marlboro with a smile “Sure, and they went to jail too. If anyone in their family objected  their whole family went to jail. Their sisters and Mothers were raped and their Fathers & Brothers beaten and crippled.”

She said it so matter of fact it was so commonplace there wasn’t any emotional impact to her.

In my Amerocentric brain, I was trying to convince myself that this kind of thing could never happen here. Eventually I succeeded in convincing myself that all was well.

Our conversation was in 2000.  

This is the kind of thing that scares the hell out of people like me. Because stuff like this happens all the time in various countries all over the world.

We believed it could never happen here!

My how things changed…

A mere 13 years, a few terrorists attacks, and 2 wars later, and we’re faced with the possibility that in fact it could happen here. 


All it takes is fear.

All it takes is the belief that the ends justify the means.

All it takes is time. Time for the people to forget how things are supposed to be.

Our government tells us that they’re protecting us and to do that better they need to curtail just a few of our rights. We willingly give up those rights in the name of safety, even when the threats  are not being removed.

How many people who are here on expired student visas has our government not hunted down? How many enemies of our  country that we don’t know about are here?

How many more of our rights, how much more of the constitution will we allow to be thrown away?

California has recently taken steps toward exactly the situation in Belarus.

In past weeks California representatives have essentially tried to make people with a wide variety of firearms criminals. They’ve done this with the stroke of a pen.

Under The Patriot act and subsequent anti-terror acts, all it takes for you to be investigated, searched, wiretapped, detained, or  imprisoned is for you to fall under a guideline that someone in Washington has decided means you’re a terrorist. 

But as we move on we see that abuse of power is expanding.

From the Sargent in TX who was arrested because he was “Rudely” carrying a rifle in a rural area with his son. To the parents of a Maryland child whose home was searched after their child had spent 2 hours or more being interrogated in the principals office because the child had brought a cap-gun to school.

Sure, right now you say “well it’s about the guns.”

You’re thinking what about Sandy Hook?

We have to protect the children…


Remember this… There is no law in TX that says you can’t have your rifle slung over your shoulder. There is also no law against cap guns. The common thread is that in both cases the 2nd and 4th amendments were left trampled in the dirt. 

But wait, it gets better. 

There’s a guy on twitter who had his home searched because he’s a vocal critic of the Obama Administration. The Article is here

I want you to understand that I as a rule don’t like The Examiner.

In this case it was the only place I could find remnants of the original piece. I couldn’t locate Mr. Francois blog as of this writing. I was able to locate this article which quotes some of the blog piece I read a day or two ago.


Short version.

This guy is very critical of the Obama Administration.

He Tweets about it, blogs about it and generally gives his First Amendment right a workout. This led to his Fourth Amendment being stomped on.

He opens his door to people claiming to be the police but who were in fact the Secret Service. I suppose they are law enforcement, but I would have expected them to identify themselves properly in the first place.

They didn’t have a warrant, Mr. Francois granted them permission to “Have a look around” because he didn’t want his house trashed while they looked for something that wasn’t there. Besides they could have gotten a warrant with a phone call.  As he points out, then they’d have been pissed and that would have made things worse.

As they leave, one of the SS agents says, “better stay in line”

Then after the secret service was done at his house, they went to his daughters.

This all because someone in power figured that the Constitution doesn’t really matter.

The First, Second, and Fourth amendments have all been violated by the examples listed in this short bit of writing. 

Are we heading for a Police State?

Wikipedia defines Police State as;

police state is a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state.[2]

Is any of this ringing a bell, Sounding familiar, Grabbing your attention? I hope to god we’re waking up. This isn’t a bad dream, it’s a bad reality and one that we need to stop. 

We don’t want to see it, we don’t want to believe it. But it sure looks like our country is heading down a very dark road.

Our refusal to see it, is providing opportunity to those who have given us the recent spate of scandals all of which lead more or less right to capital hill.

Take this Saturday Morning to make your voice heard.

Please write your representatives. Let them know you’re not pleased with their performance, remind them that you can and will vote them out of office. (Perhaps we should vote them out of office anyway just for good measure) Put them in their place and remind these people 1) They work for us, 2) we’re watching them. and 3) we’re not going to take anymore.

I was thinking about the slippery slope

I’m beginning to think that this concept isn’t taught anymore by parents or by our educational system. While it may be a somewhat fallacious argument, as a thought experiment The Slippery Slope can be a cautionary lesson too.

After all it does not necessarily follow that equal rights for everyone, will result in bestiality, paedophilia, and the end of civilization. Althought there are those who would construct that argument.

I personally believe that in the realm of ethics an exploration of the slippery slope is a worthwhile exercise.

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I guess it’s a tough concept to explain with a society that’s as fractured by special interests and the perception of special rights as ours is today.

Back at the dawn of time, I was taught about the slippery slope by my parents. My education on the subject was via philosophical discussions that my parents had or that happened during holiday get togethers.

Even in middle and high school we had discussions about slippery slopes using some of the morally ambiguous characters from literature.

My Granddad and Dad would sometime get into these discussions and it was only after many years and some information from my brother that I realized these discussions were perhaps more pragmatic than philosophical.

The Slippery Slope is at it’s core a description of how behavior becomes accepted and in the worst case even respectable due to repeated justification, excuses, and rhetoric.

Our politicians are pretty good examples. Influence peddling, favors for political contributions and the like. All of which are technically illegal, but which are often ignored because someone somewhere else is doing something 100 times worse.

You find yourself on “The Slope” when you justify an action you know to be wrong, using any variety of excuses.

Well, just this once.”, “It’s not going to hurt anybody“, “That sign only means if you’ve got bad tires.”, “They can afford it, they’re wealthy, or better off than me, or insured.

This is how you end up with a dozen people falling into a partially frozen lake.

This is how you have people believing that any imposition of law or order must obviously be racism.

This is how you end up with people more and more easily justifying that some criminal behavior is ok. 

My kids needed Christmas I only stole that Xbox for them”. ‘I wanted to watch the football game so I took the TV from that rich white fucks house, what does it matter? He’s insured.”

This is the slippery slope that so many of our leaders used to talk about.

Before you say “Yeah, well you’ve never had it rough”, trust me, I have.

I’ll tell you a story sometime if you’d like. 


My point is that we’re on a very slippery slope in our country right now.

We’ve seen the abuses from organizations like the IRS,TSA, DHS, State Department, & FBI.

We’ve seen what happens when government agencies believe they’re immune to prosecution and above the law. “Operation Fast & Furious”, Brutal & cruel screening procedures at airports, the release of Illegal immigrants from DHS holding as an attempt to scare Congress into avoiding the sequester.

Even the assault on the 2nd amendment has elements of the slippery slope. “We’re going to just take this one kind of gun.“, “We’re only going to require this, or that, or this other thing, for you to exercise your 2nd amendment right.

But the scope of the requirements and restrictions keeps evolving and growing.

NYC “We’re going to limit your drink sizes because you people can’t control yourselves and are too fat. You’ve become a health burden.”

Now we’re seeing the Mayor initiating legislation to hide cigarettes. Again this is billed as “For the good of the children, and the general health & wellbeing of the people

NYC is, no matter how you cut it, abridging the rights of the people to engage in their personal pursuit of happiness.

These slides lead us toward a destination that is radically different from the Democracy that our forefathers envisioned.

Unfortunately, like the icy hill, once you’re over the edge you can’t stop until you hit bottom.


We as Americans, need to think about how much we have to lose, and how far we have to fall. 

Call on your representatives to stop the abuses. Let Congress & The White House know that you The Citizens… (We The People) have had enough, and that Washington has your full and undivided attention.

Demand investigations, and that lawbreakers within our government be brought to justice No Matter Who the are.

If we don’t put a stop to it now, there may be no stopping it till we hit bottom.

Just a thought…

What do you use Skype for?

Alright, I’m going to come clean… Well maybe not “Clean” but clean in the sense of confession.


I’ve never used Skype for anything other than tele-sex.

I’ve never had a conversation, video conference, or chat on Skype that didn’t involve images of my naked flesh being transmitted god knows where.

I’m not sure at this point if I heard the Skype ringing sound, that I wouldn’t start stripping due to Pavlovian conditioning.

I’ve set Skype up for people and helped them test it. So I’ve been involved in non-pornographic uses but I can’t say I’ve ever had a conversation with my Mom or family using Skype.

So is this what people use their computers, high speed data connections, and those high resolution web cams for all the time?


I’ve noticed that some Televisions have Skype like cameras and internet connectivity. I admire cutting out the middle man (the computer) and I suppose that arrangement would permit pole dancing as part of your virtual sexual escapades.

I’m amazed that complete strangers will say something like hey wanna skype? 

The next thing you know they’re showing you parts of their bodies they’ve never seen and you’re naked doing the same thing.

I can’t really fault it though… 

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It’s the ultimate in safe sex.

In some ways it’s better than real sex. You know that awkward moment after sex with strangers? The “What the hell do I do now?” moment when you’re not sure if your supposed to talk, or just leave?

Well with Skype, you just hang up. It’s a lot easier than telling someone their moneys on the nightstand and to lock the door when they leave.

Oh gotta run… Skype call coming in.

Got Nothin!

Don’t know if it’s that theres’ too much to comment on or that I’m teetering on the edge of not giving a damn.

But for today… 

I’ve got nothin. My head is as empty as intergalactic space.

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