The weekly roundup…


No War! (Well, no additional war)

The Syrians claim a victory. The Russians show diplomacy, The Americans show??? What?

I’m still amazed that the possibility of us going to war, (regardless of what the White House says it would have been a declaration of war to bomb or fire missiles in to another country during their civil war) over what was clearly an internal conflict was ever a matter of discussion.

I’m glad that cooler heads prevailed. I’m somewhat stunned that the cooler head apparently belonged to Vladimir Putin. But I’m glad nonetheless.

Apple announced new iPhone

Wallstreet unimpressed. Microsoft takes advertising pot shot at Apple and demonstrates yet again that they are completely disconnected from the real world. As an ancillary point they demonstrated that their sense of humor is somewhat childish.


Windows Surface? How’re those sales guys? I saw Microsoft is offering a $200 trade-in for iPads if you purchase one of their tablets. Talk about not being able to give ’em away.

iPhone 5c phones have not sold out during pre-order. That’s a bit of a first for Apple. I find myself wondering if the smartphone market is saturated. None of the smartphone offerings from any manufacturer have been particularly dazzling.

I take that back, Samsung had a dazzlingly bad, perhaps embarrassing is a better term for it introduction of the galaxy s4.

But the smartphones in & of themselves have become somewhat homogenous.

Yes as I’ve mentioned, I’m probably going to go iPhone, but this time around it’s not because its an iPhone, but because I’m heavily invested in Apple tech and it’s just a lot easier to have a single environment to deal with.



Colorado in addition to the flooding also recalled two politicians from the state government over gun control.

Whats amazed the hell out of me in this is that Twitter came alive with Gun control discussions but very little was said on either side of that discussion about the flooding or loss of life.

This re-ignition of the gun control discussion is rather like an endless repetition of a bad Gilligans Island episode. The discussions have begun to bore the hell out of me because they’ve become formulaic.

Gun Control Advocate: Guns are bad, there are too many children dying, guns don’t make us safer, the 2nd amendment is dated and no longer relevant, we need more gun control, no-one needs an assault rifle that can spray bullets to kill people, Only the military needs guns… on and on they regurgitate the same tired and more often than not erroneous sound bites that the media and politicians have spun to reinforce their position on gun control.


Pro Gun person: Criminals are bad guns are not, yes there are too many children dying but it’s not because of responsible gun owners. Guns do make you safer if this were not so why then are “Gun Free” zones also places with the highest national crime rates? Existing Gun control laws would be sufficient IF the state & federal governments would enforce the laws already on the books. Define assault rifle. So called assault rifles do not “SPAY” bullets they are not machine guns, the fire one bullet with each pull of the trigger. The 2nd amendment is not outdated, The 2nd amendment was about providing the ability of the people to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. And on & on until the cows come home.

In point of fact gun related deaths are by the FBIs & CDCs reports overall down. The CDC report really disappointed the Obama administration because it took the legs out from beneath their arguments for stricter gun control.

But since the CDC report refuted the “Collective Wisdom”, very little media attention was given to the CDC conclusions. And the beat goes on…

There’s a saying… don’t confuse someone with the facts.

I’ve gotten bored with the whole gun debate because it’s not a debate. It’s one side misrepresenting one set of facts and the other side trying to refute specious arguments.

At this rate, the politicians will remove the 2nd amendment provisions while no one is looking and screw us all for a couple hundred votes.

Then they’ll wring their hands and rend their clothing when the whole country has a crime rate like Chicago’s and ask what went wrong. I’m sure at that point we’ll hear calls for stricter penalties, laws and god knows what else.

In other Gun News…

The idiots in the California legislature have sent a bill to the Governors desk that would ban kits designed to make rifles look like assault rifles.


Yep, you read that correctly. It will now be illegal in California to BOLT on plastic or metal bits designed only to make a legally owned rifle LOOK like an assault rifle.

They’d have done more of a public service making people with face lifts gone wrong illegal in public.

This does nothing but demonstrate how almost incomprehensibly stupid the people running this state are. Or it demonstrates that these people do actually understand the difference between and “Assault Rifle” and a regular hunting rifle and have an agenda to remove both from the hands of the public.

NewImageThey’re also after removable magazines, I have no doubt that they will broaden their focus from rifles to pistols leaving the only legal option for Californians a revolver.

After all a revolver is “old timey looking” and therefore not nearly as dangerous.

They’ll be forced to legislate more when they realize that a .357 magnum is a revolver that contains 8 rounds. Or that a .44 magnum is a revolver too and it contains 6 rounds.

Harry Callahan: I know what you’re thinking, punk. You’re thinking “did he fire six shots or only five?” Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow you head clean off, you’ve gotta ask yourself a question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?

The point is, much like a Ferrari vs a Hundai, it’s not so much what the gun looks like… its how it performs.

Our legislators don’t understand this.

Condoms in Porn

These have been some back page articles.

Another porn actor has been diagnosed with HIV. And the CONDOM heads are all a dither pointing to this as reason that their NewImagecondom law in pornography should be extended from just LA to all of California.

What they didn’t point out is that the two porn performers recently diagnosed with HIV 1 man , 1 woman were romantically involved in their private lives. Also not mentioned is that the porn industry required medical screening turned up the HIV before these folks had a chance to spread the infection on set,  and that the screening is routine, broad spectrum (looking for HIV and other STDs)

LA County is noticing a drop in the number of permits for Porn film shoots as well.

While surrounding counties are noticing an increase in permits. Additionally more porn studios are filming completely outside California.

Miami, Phoenix, and Las vegas seem to be popular destinations.

Other studios are noticing that condom porn isn’t necessarily affecting their bottom line. However for aficionados of bareback it’s likely bareback production studios will be leaving LA if not California.

For that matter other studios may simply leave the state “preemptively” anticipating onerous laws and regulations. After all why NewImagespend money on permits, in California when you can go to Phoenix or Las Vegas and do your filming unimpeded.

Then there’s this, while you can force condoms to be used in a film… you’re not going to be able to force people to use them in their personal lives. So are these laws really doing all that much good? Or are these laws nothing more than a renewed puritanical movement?

The actors themselves are pretty free to choose how they engage in sex.  I know of several male actors that do solo shows only. The same is true of using condoms or not.

I find myself questioning again and again how many laws like the LA Condom law are about “public safety” and how many are simply about puritanical squeamishness.

So that’s it folks.

These are the odd bits of news that penetrated my thoughts this week. On the plus side I managed to miss all of President Obamas speeches. On the minus side… HEY! There is now down side to that!

Weird Nightmares & Dreams…

I wish I dreamt like Dali or even Picasso. At least then I could easily tell that the dream wasn’t real.


I mean really, how often do you see clocks melting & running down the wall? 

No, I’m not that lucky. I have full color vividly real dreams. Oh I know if I see Godzilla I’m dreaming, but usually my dreams are mundane and completely real. There’s not a detail that’s inconsistent within the context of the dream or nightmare.

Oh, the overarching theme of the dream / nightmare might be somewhat unbelievable but there’s a consistency within, and lets face it that’s where we tend to be during the dream. The same could be said of reality too. 

Remember 9/11? I seriously thought I was dreaming. I kept waiting to wake up, safe in my bed feeling sheepish for paranoid “Irwin Allen” fantasies. Except that I was awake and burning buildings were a part of our collective memory forever.

This past week I’ve had disturbing dreams every single night. (Or Morning… since some research shows we dream only in the hour or so before we wake up. Sometimes it’s just minutes but as we all know the dream can seem like hours.)

This past week, I’ve dreamt of the collapse of the US several times.

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In one of these dreams I’m hiking through rugged terrain with a backpack. (that I actually own, I guess thats why it feels real) I’ve got a standard recurve bow, an ample supply of arrows and my pack just has the essentials. A few clothing items, a jacket that handles 4 seasons and packs small. My tent, (another item I actually own).There’s a GPS and compass, maps, and tools for cleaning and cooking food. Nothing fancy with the exception of the GPS and a radio there’s nothing electronic. I’ve got a solar panel to recharge the radio & GPS batteries. It’s strapped on the outside of my pack.

My hair is long, as is my beard. I’ve been out for a long time.

Then suddenly, I see a uniform (Nothing like military or police we’re familiar with. It’s more like an Nazi SS uniform). I’m commanded to stop. With no other warning or explanation the uniforms are firing on me.

I take a few out with arrows and lucky shots, but know it’s a losing proposition. I yell at them “Why are you shooting?”

They yell back “Because you’re hunting on public land you belong in prison for defying the mandate to go to the relocation camps. You aren’t allowed to feed yourself you must be dependent on the government.” Then they start shooting again.

I’m hit several times, I fall to my knees, I’m bleeding out,  I see the blue sky, wispy clouds, and then an angry man in uniform kicks me in the head. I wonder why they can’t let me die in peace, there’s a hawk in the sky, the uniforms start shooting at it, makes me angry… Then I wake up.


Another dream is me answering my front door. There are strangers there, they look dirty, tired, and hungry. I swing a shotgun into the gap between the door jamb and the door. I point it right at this guys face and tell him to leave. He begs for food and water but I’m firm with him. 

I know they’re from LA and they’ve walked over the mountain to get here. They’re heading toward Las Vegas instead of the farmland in Central California. I know they’re going to die in the desert. They’ve got nothing, no maps, no preparation at all. They’re simply the latest of the 100s who have passed this way begging for help.

It’s help that I can’t provide. Even if I tried to steer them in the right direction, toward the farms they’d take it as softness, they’d linger, then a crowd would form thinking I had food or water to share and I’d have to start shooting.

I close the door, sliding down it to the floor. I’m crying for them, and angry that I’ve become a heartless bastard.

I wake up crying.

The last dream is one in which I’m trying to check into a hotel. 

I’m actually carrying paperwork for three other people to check myself and them into this hotel. It’s not a nice hotel and I’m NewImagestanding in a long line. I’m being patient and waiting my turn.

Then I notice that all the people standing in line are white, but the people being helped aren’t. I wonder where all these folks from other countries are getting into the line?

Then I realize they’re just walking past the line and being allowed to do it. The receptionists and the guy keeping us all in a nice neat line are ignoring the fact that all these other people are cutting in front of those of us who’ve been waiting.

I ask the man keeping us in line about this. He pulls a gun on me and shoves it into my mouth. He snarls “Shut the fuck up! We don’t want any trouble so they get to do what they want to.” Pretty soon all the rooms are full and we’re still waiting in line.

I’m very angry. 

I wake up angry and it takes me a few minutes lying in bed to calm down. It takes even longer to convince myself that I’m angry because of a stupid dream, nothing more. 

I watch the sun rise over the hills to the East.

It’s a cool morning, and the sky is pretty. I’m relaxing letting go of the tension from the anger. 


Time to get coffee, and wonder if I’m losing it.

Before you think, “Dude, you’ve been watching too much Terminator, or Mad Max, or conspiracy films.”

I haven’t. One X-files over lunch every couple of days is about it. I don’t watch the news because it never ceases to annoy me with it’s one sidedness.

I read the paper briefly in the morning but try to avoid any “back page” politics either national or local. I’ll read the front page political articles & that’s about it. Mostly I’m reading the technology & science sections.

These dreams / nightmares aren’t fun. I think they speak to my personal loss of faith in our government. No I’m not pining for the “Good ‘ol days”. I’m also trying very hard not to ascribe much meaning to any of this. Normally, I might have one or two dreams like this in a month or three. But this last week it’s been every damn night.

I suppose this may be the final inevitable death of my idealism.


I’ve held on to the belief that things over time get better in general. Sure you have dips and peaks, but I’ve always believed that the general trend was up. Like wall street and land values. My faith that things get better has sustained me in some of the darkest times of my life.

Over the past 6 years things have gotten decidedly worse for me personally and I believe for the country in general. Perhaps I’m projecting because I don’t want to feel alone. Perhaps I’m just not able to delude myself anymore. 

It’s frightening to think that the one constant, my life preserver if you will, may be fading away.

It’s not something I dwell on because It’s depressing as hell. But obviously my mind is trying to sort things out during dream time. 

I’m drawn to Native American beliefs when I have these kind of dreams.  I find myself watching for “spirit animals” especially in these weird ones.

Over the past year I’ve seen the Wolf, Lizard and now the Hawk.


Lizard speaks to agility or the need for/ability to change. Wolf is the finder new paths and teacher. Hawk is a messenger. This is according to my very limited understanding of such things.

The thing is I know I must change. I must adapt to the new realities of my career (or lack thereof). I’ve got to put aside the anger, and the hurt at feeling thrown away.  I’ve got to find a way forward into the rest of my life. 

Right now I’m in a holding pattern. I suppose that honestly I’ve been in a holding pattern for a very long time. It’s been so long, that I’ve forgotten what I’m waiting for.

Maybe that’s what these dark dreams are telling me. Move in a direction or you’ll not be happy. 

It’s something I’ve known for a while. I’ve even written about it in this blog. It’s scary to change, it takes strength, courage, and sometimes just plain dumb luck. I’m not sure I have any of those characteristics anymore. Maybe the dreams are telling me I do and to use them. I don’t know…

So now that I’ve thought about it…


Happy Sunday


I’m cleaning up another mess of my own making.

I was in a hurry the other day and I shutdown my computer while it was “Cleaning Up” after a backup to one of my drives.

I was a “BAD BOY”. I figured “cleaning up” was just deleting old outdated files and that by executing a shutdown and letting the computer take a full minute to do so would give the backup time to write a file that would save it’s place and I could do what I needed to do. Like go try to make some money.

I was wrong… Not only was I wrong I was very wrong. It corrupted the backup and now I’ve gotta wait for the backup to be deleted and recreated. Oh Joy!

Don’t get me wrong. I actually like Apples Time Machine.

Albeit less so in the Mountain Lion version than I did in the Snow Leopard version. 

Snow Leopard just freakin worked! never a problem in 5 solid years of operation and really what more can you ask of a backup program? I mean it did it’s job, it was quiet about it, and never once failed to get me the data I needed to restore. I always gave it a 10 out of 10.

The Mountain Lion version is far less reliable.

I find myself often correcting problems that should never have occurred. As I have today…

Not really a big deal per se but annoying.

In this particular case because I’ve lost faith in the backup routine I have the system backing up to 3 different drives. Two of the drives are network drives and the third is a little USB3 1TB pocket drive from WD. 

The really annoying thing is that if one of the backups reports an error, rather that cycling to the next drive sometimes Time Machine will simply stop backing up altogether.

This results in a situation like today when I found that the last backup had actually completed at 2:45am on Thursday.

I miss the old Time Machine but this one is what I’m dealing with so I suck it up and deal with it.

I’m hoping that the next version of OSX “Mavericks” has addressed this problem and that they’ve fixed some other issues they have with the built-in email program.

I like the built-in program better than I like Outlook. It’s a usability thing for me. Outlook is just fine but some of the things that Outlook does are really not that Mac friendly.

I gotta say, I really LIKE Gigabit ethernet. The backup claims it will be complete in approximately one hour. That’s 112.46GB of data. Damn fast, by comparison to 100MB.

I’ve got to find a nice 16port Gigabit ethernet switch and replace my 100mb switch in the wiring closet. I had the house wired with CAT6 and many of the devices on my network are Gigabit capable. They’re being throttled down by the slow switch.

Tuesday is the big day.

We’ll hear and see the new iPhones and know when to line up outside our Apple stores to purchase them! I think the President is speaking about Syria around the same time.

I’ll be watching the Apple presentation.

I’m not really interested in the Presidents justification for attacking another country. Yeah the use of sarin is wrong but it’s an internal situation between the government of Syria and the rebels against that government.

It’s none of our country’s business until the UN or one of our allies asks for our help with the situation. 

I’ve said it before. If the world wants us to become Peace Keepers fine. The world should pay for our services NOT the American Taxpayers. 

Also our Military men & women should be getting damn good salaries for our peace keeping actions. You know, living wages not salaries below the poverty line.

But I realize doing what I’m suggesting would legitimize a mercenary force. And why should the UN actually PAY for services when they can get them for free?

Off to go do some other things then I’ll catch up on the news…

It’s a nice lazy Sunday here in the mountains. Hope yours is as nice where ever you are.

Welcome back to the Salt Mines



I hope you all had a nice labor day.

Just think, only 364 days to go until the next one. No more white shoes… or Serial Mom will come and find you. (Weird Movie)

Most children are back in school. Parents nationwide are breathing a sigh of relief that they’ll not come home to their kids sitting on the curb in front of the smoldering ruins of their homes.

Here in the mountains there is a feeling of the year winding up. Yep, only 4 months till 2014. I noticed a lone time ago that the sunlight changes during the year. It’s not just the length of the days or the subtle shifting of the rising and setting of the sun. It’s the color of the light itself. It’s subtle and beautiful. In the mountains here the light becomes almost golden at the end of summer as we move into autumn.

Not much happening this month unless you count the iPhone release. I’m a little excited about this. I’m looking for a new phone. My decision to stick with Android or become assimilated into the Apple Collective will be decided based on the new iPhone model.  There are advantages and disadvantages to both platforms, the weight of a feather could tip me either way. 

I am leaning more toward the iPhone, but until I see it I’m not committing.


Next month we start the inevitable downhill spiral into the holiday season. 

Yes, I know, there are already Christmas decorations out in some of the stores. I miss seeing the Halloween decorations give way to the Thanksgiving decorations and then to the Christmas adornments.

It was cool to see the decorations go up 3 to 4 weeks before a holiday and be able to mark time by their change.

Now, it’s all up at once and the last 4 months of the year blur into THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Lets face it its all about the dollars.

Now this time is punctuated by the various lawsuits filed by offended people who don’t celebrate the holidays, and the astounding thefts committed by people claiming to want to provide Christmas for their kids.


The former group, file lawsuits because they don’t want to see Christmas Trees or Nativities, or any of the trappings of Christendom. I’ve often wondered if I could file a law suit because I’m offended but Rap music and people with their pants halfway down their behinds? I find lyrics like “Fuck the white women, shoot whitey and I be killin da cops” Really offensive! I should have the right to say no to that.

The latter excuse blows my mind every single time I see or hear it. I really wan to slap those folks and point out that a Better Christmas would be had by their kids if the family was together instead of Mom or Dad being in Jail and the kids possible being in the protective custody of a Child Protective Services prison.

I guess it’s just me!

I’m figuring that Obama will give the Syrians Christmas presents in the form of Drone Strikes. I honestly hope not. I hope that Congress tells him NO and strips him of his ability to issue executive orders.

I’m not holding my breath but I can dream.


I read the news today.. OH BOY!!!!

Looks like The prez is going to lead us into war in the Middle East and he’s going to do it by touting the Syria has WMDs.


We’ve heard this story before. Where was it? WMD’s allegations of a despot gassing his own people with Sarin… Oh yeah! That was how we got into Iraq.


Wait, wasn’t Candidate Obama in 2008 talking about the failings in the Bush administration one being a quagmire in Iraq over WMDs that didn’t exist?

Didn’t we know at that time that Syria was one of Iraqs allies?

Hadn’t we seen convoys moving materials from Iraq toward Syria? And what exactly do we classify as a WMD?

Obviously Nuclear Weapons, but I’ve always considered Sarin and other nerve agents WMDs in their own right. The only thing worse than a nuke I can think is a weaponized infectious agent.

Ebola crossed with say, a cold or flu. All the hemorrhagic thrills and the spreadability of someone sneezing and coughing. Wheeeee! Now that’s a WMD!


Now we have ANOTHER president going to congress asking to start another war!

What? Two fronts aren’t enough? 

Some folks are calling this the beginning of World War III. After checking my Nostradamus Quatrains I’m looking for someone in a blue turban…

As long as I don’t see one of those I’m pretty sure that this isn’t the start of World War III. 

What concerns the hell out of me is, The President, who is supposed to be someone well versed enough in Constitutional law that he taught it at The University of Chicago law school for 14 years, is attempting to declare war on a country who has done us no harm.

This is a civil war in Syria and is an internal matter between the Syrian people and their government. This is absolutely not something that our military (Note, Not Obamas MilitaryOURS, you know, We The People) should be involved in.

If the legal Syrian government chooses to use Sarin against it’s own people we can, (along with the rest of the world)

Condemn the Syrian government for it’s actions.

We can offer humanitarian aid in the form of medical supplies.

We can work with other countries to provide refugee evacuation.

We cannot arm either side in the conflict.

We should shut off all financial support immediately . As we should have done already in Egypt.

Humanitarian aid can be continued in the form of medical and food supplies, we could also offer negotiators to help settle the conflict.

Nothing else, no money, no weapons, no troops.

We must get out of the Middle East.