Sometimes you get involved because it’s necessary…

In the process you see things that you wouldn’t have normally and you learn things.

Case in point.

Hotel Cleaning staff have a tough job. When you walk into that shiny clean hotel room take a moment to think about the cleaning.  The bed linens will typically be clean, the bathroom is clean and everything is to some kind of specification set by the hotel.

That’s a lot of work and the cleaning staff does a lot of lifting & toting. You don’t fully appreciate what they do because you as an individual don’t clean on the same scale. I personally hate making beds. Lifting mattresses and fighting with sheets that invariably poorly fit the mattress make it all the tougher. Either the fitted sheet is too deep for the mattress or the fitted sheet won’t stay on the mattress because it’s too shallow. 

Either way you’re fighting to get the sheets on the mattress and it’s akin to putting a condom on a pissed off rhino.

Note to sheet manufacturers, there has to be a better way…  Note to mattress makers, If you’re making a King Size pillow top mattress how about putting some indents in the super thick area under the pillowtop as catch points for sheets that don’t have a depth of 24” ? Just a thought…

I learned just how much work is involved in hotel maintenance, over the weekend because I offered to help a buddy with an Air B&B rental. He needed to be out of town and he also had people checking in. I said sure, “I’ll take care of it”.

Cleaning a two bedroom one bath cabin in three hours is a heck of a task. I’ve never cleaned my own home in that short a period of time. I learned that you need a plan and you need to execute to the plan. No variation, no breaks you gotta move and if the place you’re cleaning is unfamiliar the task is even harder. I missed my 3 hour window I did it in 3:45. Well Shit! I wasn’t wasting any time I was in motion without break for 3:45.

I’ll grant you I might not have been moving my fastest…

The reason for that was a trip to the ER the night before. 

Nope I wasn’t hurt but one of the people living in the cabins I was there to clean, slipped on some ice and broke their arm, severely.  This is a person who’s at least late 60’s and has other health issues. Okay, as a human being, you can’t leave someone hurting and unable to get up, laying on the ice. But I thought about it…

Damn my upbringing. I was built to protect! I could no more walk away than I could stop breathing.

Sooo, I get the person up, immobilize the arm as best I could, and get them into the car.

My loaner car… The one with no chains on the tires… The car that made it up the mountain while temps hovered above 34F but it’s now 27F and the streets are cold enough that they’re icing over.


To the persons credit, and also as a way for me to note if they have a concussion they were able to give me concise directions to the hospital ER. (I was in another mountain town and don’t know my way around very well.) As a side “bonus”, with the situation being what it was, I left the house I was staying at without my glasses. I only realized that, when I noticed I couldn’t read the street signs and we were two blocks away. (Sigh.)

We walked into the ER to complete pandemonium. The place was as packed as the local restaurants with longer wait times. I had my phone, the person had their phone and ID.

So we check in, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.

Emergency Rooms do not work on a first come first served basis. They work on a triage system meaning that the level of need dictates how fast you get served. Broken bones that are not bleeding are lower on the priority list than heart attacks.

This ER waiting room was full of people that were coughing & hacking up who knows what, One guy was coughing up blood… great! One kid had a concussion and was vomiting, A pregnant woman appeared to be in early labor. Several people were brought in on gurneys and all I wanted was to go to sleep. We arrived at 9:30PM. The person I brought in was seen at 11:30PM. Xrays were taken and it was determined that the arm was broken in several places. You know it’s bad when a doctor describes a break as, “it’s a mess in there.”

12:45, I’m hoping for the person to be admitted and I can go to sleep. Nope! There’s no beds available, and surgery is needed to repair the break. However since there are no beds, The ER decides to cast the arm, pending review of the X-rays by an orthopedic specialist.

I head back out to the waiting room. I sit down in the only seat available across from a black woman. She’s sitting next to a well dressed black man and they’ve been there since we came in. She’s looking at me with daggers. 

I’m not sure why she’s apparently angry with me, I can understand that she’d be angry in general sitting and waiting for such a long time.

Eventually it occurs to me that she might be thinking, “white privilege,” since we arrived later than her, and yet we were seen before her. I’m tired, thirsty, and hungry (the vending machines were not working).

So I’m starting to get just a little annoyed at the angry glare. I finally say, “ The person I brought in is late 60s, fell on some ice, couldn’t get up, and I don’t know them. They’ve got a really bad broken arm, and apparently some other health issues, but since I couldn’t leave them laying on the ice, I’m here. How’s your day going?” The evil glare stopped. Her friend said something to her in another language and she went back to looking at her phone. Racist much lady?

3 AM, 19F, 3 Helicopter landings later, I’m in the car warming it up. I have no idea if the loaner is configured for these temps, at my house it’s in the garage but here it’s out in the open.

I’m trying to keep the engine warm enough from residual heat so that I don’t have another problem. I’m also tired of sitting in what is clearly a germ ridden petrie dish, I figure the cold air will do me good and maybe sterilize my sinuses and outer surfaces. Probably a false hope but hey, I needed some hope.

3:30 AM My charge is getting into the car and we’re heading back to the cabins.

I fall asleep sometime around 4:30.

9:30 AM I wake up, get a shower and start the day. I’m not hungry, and I’m working on things to hopefully make the tasks ahead easier. I’m exhausted, what sleep I got was not enough for me to fully recharge.

I manage to get the rental cabin cleaned up but I took too long, I gotta get better at doing that.

A couple of times during the day I tried to check on the person with the broken arm. They didn’t answer their door and once I was done with the cleaning and new guest check in, I tried again.

Still no answer, okay now I’m getting worried. But rather than pounding on the door, I grabbed my snow shovel and started working on the ice that had caused the problem in the first place. I figured me banging around in front of the house chipping ice away would be enough noise that it would attract attention.

Having cleared the ice flow, I texted my friend asking if he’d heard from the person. 

The answer was yes, and that I hadn’t checked on them. Uhhh no, they hadn’t answered the door. I head back over and voila now the door is unlocked and they’re responding. I take the dog that is partly responsible for the whole fiasco outside & tend to their food and water. 

And then as one last favor, I end up driving to the CVS to drop off an RX. Then I come back to the cabin and seriously consider just staying the night. But I figure my friend is going to be exhausted, if it were me I’d not want to have to be a good host. I do the dishes, and clean up the place so he can come home and just crash.

I creep down the mountain behind the skiers who are out of their damn minds. I buzz across the lowlands and come back up to my mountain. I make it up and into my driveway at 9:30PM and I’m more tired than I’ve been in a long time. I’m pretty much just running on autopilot. 

I eat something, watch an episode of Archer and hit my bed.

I’m asleep within seconds and don’t wake for 9 hours.

So What have I learned?

Hotel Staff should always be treated with kindness and courtesy.

You have to help people even when it’s the last thing you want to do.

Skiers and Snow players are unbelievably dumb, I saw people on the way up the mountain on Saturday afternoon allowing their kids to get out in traffic, play in the snow, then run to catch up to their vehicle when traffic moved. Aside from the stench of dead bodies in the spring, perhaps we should allow Darwinian rules to apply.

A Boomer’s Reflections

Sometime between 2017 and late 2019 the term “Boomer” went from being a descriptive about the generation in which you were born to being an epithet.

Simultaneously, “Millennial” and “Gen Xer“ also became hurled as insults.

This illustrates the divides in the generation war very clearly. The generation war isn’t new. It has been going on for a very long time.

As a Boomer, I recall thinking my parents, grandparents, and all elders were too old to understand much of anything. Due to cultural constraints I didn’t vocally call out my elders as is done today.

As a Boomer I mostly muttered under my breath, generally kept my opinion to myself and then after weighing the risk of being caught… Did my own thing anyway.

I’m old enough to remember watching the Fall of Saigon, and Richard Nixon famously resigning the Presidency. That forever tainted the Office of the President and “Proved” that the children of the 1960s and 1970s had been absolutely correct in their mistrust of anyone over 30.

16 Years later we entered Desert Storm and have been involved in some military action or other in the Middle East ever since.

But in the time between, there were many other events.

The fall of the Berlin wall, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the fall of the Shah of Iran and an absolutely astonishing level of technological innovation.

As a gay man, there were other things in this period. I came of age, dated, and slept with a variety of women and ultimately discovered love and happiness in the arms of another man.

I was a “Deviant” at the time. “Going to Hell” as the religious folks loved to tell us, Often, Loudly, and with great hostility.

Politicians liked to marginalize Gay people (We were all One people at the time) LGBT folks were ALL painted as deviants and it wasn’t uncommon for Queers to be institutionalized.

We could be arrested and jailed under sodomy laws that were common in almost every state. We could lose our jobs, homes, and families easily after being convicted. The worst thing someone could call you was Fag, or Dyke. The merest suspicion could literally cost you everything. Slight proof could even cost you your freedom and damn you to a drug induced existence punctuated by electro-shock therapy signed off on by your family.

After all you weren’t right in the head. You might be a danger to yourself. You practiced the love that dare not speak its name. Putting you in an asylum was best for everyone. Especially your family, since you were an embarrassment and they were doing the right thing trying to get you “Help”.

It must be noted: Young LGBT people today face some of the same issues. It’s not uncommon for young people to be kicked out of their homes by their parents for simply being gay. In some states, jobs and housing can still be lost or denied if it becomes common knowledge that a person is LGBT

There has been progress.

The flash point that sparked that progress, catapulting the LGBT community into the public eye, may have been Stonewall. But gay people marched in Selma with Dr Martin Luther King, as did Jews and Christians of all stripes.

Gay people, as we came to find out, had always been around and it wasn’t as abnormal as puritanical America would like to have believed.

In the late ‘70s and early ‘80s I thought I wasn’t “right” even though I knew I wanted to have sex with men. Then I thought I had only a binary choice. I had to be either this or that I couldn’t exist being both.

I was wrong, and it took a long time to realize that I could be both and be comfortable doing so. In that way too, the younger generations have a better world. I suspect there are a lot of mostly “straight” men and women who are breathing a bit easier too.

All this came to mind today after witnessing an exchange on Twitter where a younger person (37 by their own admission) was fighting with an older person and said that us older folks didn’t know what it was to shed blood for the “Gay” fight. Later this person said something to the effect that Us older folks were responsible for the HIV epidemic, I’m paraphrasing but couldn’t help but respond.

To set the record straight: It was our generation(s) that wore out suits going to funerals of our friends. It was our generation(s) that was responsible for the adoption of safer sex practices within the LGBT community. It was organizations like ACT-UP and our participation in them, that forced changes which accelerated research and quicker release of drug therapies that significantly extended the lives of infected people. Not to mention how many people depend on those advances today.

It was our generation(s) that started the major push for equality for LGBT people.

We suffered the disappointment of Bill Clinton caving in to the religious right and back burnering his promises of equal rights and the institution of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

We did these things at a time when it was still acceptable for Gay men to be “Fag-Bashed” or Egged around the only safe spaces we had (Gay Bars).

Everywhere else we were targets and often ignored victims. The police had little or no desire to prosecute someone who beat up a little faggot cocksucker. In rare cases they’d offer the faggot cocksucker a ride home, for a blowjob. Yeah, that happened too.

Still we rose up and pressed for change and fought for every inch of the rights the younger generation now enjoys.

We were not necessarily heroic. We were mostly selfish, narcissistic, and stupid. But more than those things, we were pissed off.

We were pissed because so much of the society was willing to “write us off”. We were “Defective”, an un-necessary and undesirable element in the society. We were getting God’s just wrath, and so what if faggots and drug addicts were dying in alleyways, or our homes, or in quarantine wards in hospitals. It was common to conflate LGBT people with IV drug addicts. After all, “They want to die anyway right?”

There were even people on the left and right who were saying LGBT people should be rounded up and sent to camps where they could butt fuck each other to death.

Many of us learned a deep unyielding fear. Fear of being found out, fear of being punished, fear of sex, fear of life.

Fear like that leaves a mark, and while I and others of my generation smile and support the young, we also long to have had the freedoms that the young now enjoy.

We can’t truly embrace those freedoms, because we incorporated that deep fear into the core of our being. We have no choice, but we’ll gladly look on from the sidelines and take some comfort in the knowledge that we, for our part helped make society accept the LGBT community. We take pleasure and pride in helping to make a place where the youngsters can fearlessly dance and play.

That’s the job of the elder generations. The job of parents is to make the world better for their children. For the Gay elders it was our job too, even if only by proxy.

None of this is to imply that there aren’t still battles to be fought and won. None of this is meant to imply that the battles the young are fighting are any less important or to minimize their achievements. We, and those before us, laid the foundations, it’s up to each subsequent generation to build beauty on those foundations.

And yes, we made mistakes. So will the younger generations.

To say that our generation was responsible for the HIV/AIDS epidemic is beyond wrong and patently unfair.

When HIV/AIDS got to major population centers, it was all but unknown. In the ‘60s & ‘70s there was no STD that couldn’t be cured with penicillin. How were we to know?

Yes, the epidemic occurred on our watch. For at least 2 to 4 years we didn’t know what was killing us. We called it the Gay Cancer. I sit here today HIV- and alive because a friend who was in the medical profession told me;

“We don’t know what it is. We don’t know what we’re looking for. We’re pretty sure it’s not bacterial. We know it’s attacking the immune system. We don’t know what the transmission method is. In my opinion this is sexually transmitted because some recent data indicates the spread is following the same models as syphilis and gonorrhea. So, my sexy little lamb, use a barrier. Don’t let a guy cum in your ass or mouth, no wet kissing. It won’t be as much fun or as free and easy as sex has been; but maybe, just maybe, you’ll not be infected.”

Mike, God rest your soul. I wish you’d taken your own advice, you handsome loveable furball.

A year later, condoms were on the counters in bars. Guys were reminding each other to play safe. The doormen of some bars were checking to make sure guys had condoms when they left the bar together and reminding those guys to use them.

Home grown advertising was in every gay bar coast to coast. And yet, there were straight couples having unprotected sex and many of those men had secret male lovers or dependencies on shared needles and the drugs they contained. To some extent the “Straight” community ignored the problem until they started to die too.

It wasn’t that the LGBT community wasn’t warning them. They chose to ignore those warnings because they apparently believed that they were “blessed by God,” and invincible.

The LGBT community of the time knew all too well that there were “Straight” men who, like today, want to have a bit more variety than simple missionary sex.

At the time, it was common for a straight man to preserve his professional and community standing by spending a few hours in a bath house with his legs in the air rather than to admit he went both ways. Straight men wouldn’t even confide in their doctors this fact, and insisted they got AIDS from a toilet seat.

Once straight people started dying, the government got interested. The religious right pumped up their power using LGBT and prostitute deaths to lump both groups together implying that sinners die, the righteous live, and mobilized an honestly damaging conservative movement that ACT-UP fought valiantly against.

An interesting side effect was that many straight men now sought out gay men for blow jobs because their “Righteous” wives wouldn’t perform that function in the bedroom. There’s probably no data to indicate if this had any effect on transmission rates.

What I can say from personal experience is that a straight man would often “Sell” having a gay man blow him by assuring the gay man that he was clean by virtue of his being straight. “Oh, I only have vaginal sex, it’s only that my wife won’t blow me, so you can swallow. Really, it’ll be fine.”

Then there were the friends who were so very sick. They became pariahs. Folks afraid to touch them. As the disease progressed, they began to look like photos I’d seen of prisoners in Auschwitz. Grey, emaciated, skeletal. In the right light, sometimes you could still catch a glimpse of the person they were. Their eyes told the tale of the battle they were losing.

I lost count of how many times I was asked, “If you were going to kill yourself, how would you do it?” That’s when I knew they were at the end, and I probably wouldn’t see that person again. I’d always answer them, having chosen my path out of life were I to get sick.

My friends knew that I would answer. I wouldn’t give them platitudes or false hope. They knew I’d have analyzed the problem and come to several possible solutions, each solution weighted by factors such as opportunity, availability, probability of success, and practicality. After the discussion, I’d kiss them, & hug them, often for the last time.

To the young man who said to us elders, we boomers, that we hadn’t bled for the cause…

Here are my wounds. Here is my blood. Here are the shreds of my soul.

In all this though, I am not a victim. I am a survivor! All those who are not with me here today physically, are remembered and loved. I live on, and live well because that is what they would wish for, and expect of me. I’ll see them again. They’ve got a bar tab running and a glass with my name on it.

I say this sincerely young man. May you never have to endure losses such as I have endured.

In my time, there was Interferon, then the first of the cocktails, then second and third generation drugs to keep HIV at bay. Each one extending the lifespan of those infected and leading to a greater understanding of HIV and other viruses. But all of these drugs came at a price to the user’s overall health. Some became toxic over time. Others simply stopped working.

Now we have PREP.

But not a cure.

Still, it’s progress.

This same young man implied that Boomers were also responsible for increasing HIV rates.

In point of fact HIV infection rates were dropping. But they’ve now seen an uptick because the disease has become fashionably manageable.

I’ve been present in several public situations where beautiful twenty something young men were asking to be fucked unprotected by HIV+ men.

Their reasoning in making this absurd and insane request was that they wanted to be able to have unprotected sex without fear of HIV since they’d already be positive. Then they could get on a cocktail and have as much unsafe sex as they wanted to. They said literally, “We just don’t want to have to worry about it.” At which point, why bother to purposely get infected? It’ll happen in due course if you play unsafely.

The most recent occasion went like this: Upon hearing their request, this was at a cocktail party not an orgy… I wondered if they were going to be able to leave without being skinned alive (metaphorically) by the elder men in the room. These youngsters didn’t even grasp their error. They had no clue why suddenly the elders in the room were visibly angry. The elders were comprised of about half who were HIV+ and half who were HIV-.

One of the elder men who is HIV+ took these two youngsters aside and began explaining to them why this was such a bad idea. He explained side effects, drug interactions, and just how careful he had to be with diet and exercise. He explained that it was expensive. In his case insurance didn’t fully cover the drugs he used and that he’d give anything to live a “normal” life. The younger men would not be dissuaded and were finally asked to leave.

I have no idea if they found someone to grant their wishes. I hope they didn’t.

So again, to the young man stating that increasing HIV rates are the responsibility of “Boomers” I call bullshit.

The increase is to be laid squarely at your generation’s feet, all wrapped up with a pretty sparkly bow.

In other words son, own your shit! After all you’ve demanded nothing less of my generation.

Chicken Wars

Chick-Fil-A.jpgChick-fil-A may close it’s first and only shop in the UK because the shopping center it resides in will not renew their lease. This is due to a horribly belated LGBT xyzmhdfslmnop protest over the comments of one man and his pursuit of his beliefs. By the way, his beliefs are no more or less important than anyone else’s.

It remains to be seen if Chick-fil-A will relocate. The article says they’re going to close, but perhaps the franchise can find a less PC shopping center in which to do business. If not, well…

UK don’t want no chicken, UK don’t get no chicken.

It goes deeper than a chicken stand. It sets a precedent and proves that the Empire is completely, irrefutably dead.

I ask you UK, what will you do when rage culture and protest devolves further into tribalism?

What will you do when certain factions protesting on behalf of the planet demand that cars be abolished for the good of the planet? Will you go back to horse and buggy?

What about cows and sheep? Surely their flatulence is an immediate threat to the wellbeing of your nation. Will you force your nation to veganism, walking, and taking sailing ships across the channel so that your citizens are totally green and must therefore go to Paris to fly to other destinations?

Will your butcher shops be closed due to the Vegan movement? Will you allow your people to be subjugated by vocal minorities, espousing the myriad beliefs fueled by two minute internet searches? How about the Church, surely they are guilty of participating in the horrific patriarchy that has so doomed the world.

Demonstrably, Religion is responsible for the destruction of indigenous people, incredibly biased actions against LGBT people, the crusades… I could go on.

Will you outlaw all religion for its past global sins? Will you demand the razing  of St Peters?

The CEO of Chick-fil-A was opposed to Gay Marriage in the United States. HE LOST. Marriage is now legal. He said his piece, supported his beliefs with his money in 2012, and lost.

The company is family operated and continues to donate to fundamentalist Christian organizations, that is their right and regardless of your agreement or disagreement they are acting in good faith to their stated charter.

How about directing your rage at the Middle East where LGBT people are commonly being thrown from buildings. How about boycotting gasoline from OPEC and demonstrating in front of middle eastern embassies? Yes, LGBT folks, using petrol is supporting the torture and subjugation of your LGBT brothers and sisters. 

LGBT people in the US go to Chick-fil-A today. Hey, It’s pretty good chicken at an okay price.

We have a saying in the US, “People vote with their wallets”

Perhaps you should do the same. No-one is forcing you to eat the damn chicken. There are people in your country that might enjoy it or it’s entirely possible that the chicken isn’t going to please the UK palate.

The LGBT community in the UK must have better things to do with their time and energy. Oh that’s right, you’ve allowed your country to be strangled by political correctness. You cannot say anything about the real problems you have, because those problems might offend small groups. And your government has systematically abridged your right of free expression. 

I’m fully aware that here in the US, we too are allowing erosion of those same rights. It’s not lost on me that the finger I’m pointing at you, has three fingers pointing right back at me. 

My point is, you’re wasting your time and energy. You’re only hurting yourselves, and looking pretty silly in the process. Choose something more relevant.

I’d suggest that the LGBT community in the US do the same thing. 

At this point the LGBT community is whining about so much and so often that they risk becoming nothing more than background noise. When viewed against the much larger concerns of the entire planet, is a chicken stand closure anything but a Roman Circus, or Pyrrhic victory?

Ya know… I’m gonna go be an alien hunter

Yep, I’m going to go start hunting Aliens.

Not with the purpose of proving that life exists on other worlds it probably does, and who cares, but with the purpose of Spaceship jacking the little bastards!

Greta1It’s time for me to get the hell off this rock and maybe check back in a hundred years or so. By that time perhaps most of the jackasses will have offed themselves or each other.

I’ve decided on this course of action because in part, of the following:

  • Panicked tearful women talking to presidential candidates saying, “I thought I was gonna die when he was elected…”
  • Hyper emotional Children scolding the impotent fucking UN.
  • Sourpuss sore losers making grandiose and hollow gestures to impeach a President
  • Crazy fuckers blowing each other up over, of all things religion?
  • Endless demands/hearings for answers about how we came to be in a myriad of situations, instead of fixing the situations. Who cares how/why we got here? We learned it was a mistake, now change direction and move on. 

170302 nancy pelosi mn 1820 a91099034828eb04d939d6458129588b nbcnews ux 2880 1000You have got to be fucking kidding me, this is what humanity has come to? Well fuck this!

Better to die in the silence of interstellar space than continue to read about, or be visually / aurally assaulted 24/7 by what has to be the stupidest shit in the galaxy. 

If I’m able to jack a spaceship…. Then I can perhaps find a nice planet where the inhabitants are more evolved. 

BomIf in fact we were “Seeded” here by an advanced alien race (as some ancient alien researchers believe), when they come back you can bet your ass they’re going to sterilize the planet and start over.

“Well Humans, you had your shot… you fucked it up and now we’re gonna end this failed experiment and try again. Yeah dumb asses, Earth is nothing more to us than a petrie dish and we’re going to flush this mess.”

RwUzgWtThen they boil the oceans, flame all the land masses gamma sterilize the planet, and come back in 100,000 years, with better genetic material to try again.

Of course the minute a huge assed starship parked in high orbit above the planet, all Humanity would stop their petty bullshit, look up in fear & wonder, then demand answers from their politicians about why this was allowed to happen.

Based on evidence right here on planet Earth, mass extinction events happen and guess what? The planet spins on! Dinosaurs, assuming any of them became self aware, (Raptors sure look like they were heading that way) must’ve thought they were hot shit, then they were gone. 

This planet could be hit at any minute by a Gamma Burst from a dying star, all life would end in a twinkling.

2 10 14 WVPA Clean Water HearingA billion years later, life would probably start over. That’s the nature of life, it’s happened before and will probably happen again. So what the hell do you do about it? Live in fear or prepare?

We don’t know which direction Climate change will take us, we only know the climate is changing and it’s such a big chaotic system that our predictions over the past 40 years have been laughably incorrect.

So what do you do? 

Blue Debuts at Raptor Encounter in Islands of AdventureOne thing at a time… reduce your personal pollution. Make changes where and when you can. Make preparations to accommodate short term issues like flood, fire, earthquake, and be responsible for yourself. Pass from this life with a clear conscience that you personally did your best to live without leaving a mess, and that you did your best to clean up messes as you encountered them. Whatever the global climate does, when you draw your last breath at least know that you minimized your impact on it.

We know our political system is a mess, we know that our representatives (Globally) do not represent the interests of the average person. We know for a fact that people in power will always do whatever it takes; (including, but not limited to, riots, massacres, war, or economic collapse,) to remain in power. That includes religious leaders, by the way… so get physically involved. (Not Facebook or Twitter involved) Oh yeah, twerking in the middle of the street doesn’t count either. The only people you’re annoying by doing that are the very same people that you want on your side. Uh newsflash, they’re not likely to be on your side if you make them late to work, or piss them off with your stupidity. You want to make a point? Vote! Initiate recalls of shitty politicians. If you must twerk, try it in the capitol rotunda. Then it’s more likely you’ll be inconveniencing the people whose attention you’re after.

What you absolutely don’t do is live in fearful apoplexy. In fact, put aside the fear, put on your big human panties and get your shit together!

There are literally tons of issues to work on. Pick one! But don’t be an asshole about it.

So get to fucking work!  Try something new, come up with a better plan. Make things better instead of whatever the hell we’re doing now.

Full0001My plan is to spacejack the first Alien I encounter and hoist the Jolly Roger!


We’re All Looking for something…

Lately I’ve been dealing with isolation.

Due to my work schedule, I’ve been cut off from non-work interactions for about 3 years. In truth it’s probably been longer than that due to commuting long distances to previous workplaces.

This has led to a sense of profound loneliness and disconnection from the world. Most people are troublesome to begin with because they’re wrapped up in their own issues. I know first hand how tough it is to look beyond your own stuff and think of a bigger picture.

Inside my workplace, there seems to be a calculated effort to make sure that no personal connections are made. So at work, I tend to feel alone in a crowded noisy room.

Being as old as I am, I don’t recall that it was always this way. I have memories of knowing my neighbors, even if I wasn’t talking with them every day. I recall clearly knowing that culturally speaking it was ok to go “borrow a cup of sugar” and have a nice conversation with the neighbor next door. I clearly remember just walking up the block to help a neighbor with a project. You knew that you’d be fed for your effort and you’d have company, good conversation and the sense of accomplishment that goes with finishing something.

As time went on, people became more mobile and honestly it was easier to isolate yourself from the community around you because that saved you the heartache of goodbye.

Technological advancements have made it easier to be isolated from the community you actually live in, while at the same time giving you the illusion that you’re part of a community online. The thing is, most of your online “Friends” have no skin in the game. If you’re having a rough time in your life, it’s unlikely that someone you “know” from a thousand miles away is going to show up at your door with a plate of cookies and warm conversation.

So in the midst of my rumination, and trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. The book Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastian Junger was recommended.

It’s a quick read and is not a self help book.

It is however an interesting exploration of the differences between modern culture and our tribal beginnings. It also brings to light that rejection of “modern” culture is not a new phenomena.

After reading the book, then coupling many if not all of the concepts with my own life experience, I’ve concluded that I’m probably not as alone as I think I am. It’s also likely that I’ve been able to put my finger on what changed in my life and why I feel so disconnected.

I’m not part of any particular group, more specifically I’m not part of any special group.

Politically speaking I’m mostly an independent. I’m liberal and conservative, and refuse to drink the kool-aid of any specific political party. I choose, instead to look at issues and evaluate each one. Based on it’s merit, I may be “Pro” or “Con” regardless of the prevailing political party’s opinion.

I don’t have any particular “Cause“.

Many of the Causes today seem more fleeting than toilet paper in a stomach flu ward.

I’m for smaller government, but at the same time don’t believe that we should leave people in this country in the lurch. If anything I’m becoming anti-foreign aid. That is especially true in light of my belief that we should not provide financial aid to our enemies, That leads us down a rabbit hole of defining who exactly are our enemies.

I’m generally speaking, for a lot less government involvement in the personal lives of citizens. Because of this, my alignment with political parties would be uncomfortable at best. As a result I generally keep my political opinions to myself.

I believe Black lives matter, JUST like all lives matter. But when I look at the way in which that movement makes it’s statements I can’t help but think there’s something else going on.

I’d have a lot more respect for Black Lives Matter if the organization wasn’t bullying people in the streets and was instead teaching folks in the inner cities that violence against each other was a problem. I mean the statistics tend to indicate while there are some bad police engaging in racially fueled brutality, the incidents of Black youth shooting, maiming, and killing each other is far more prevalent than issues with police.

If BLM was addressing those issues and seeking to find peace in troubled communities I’d be far more likely to listen when they start pointing out problems with police brutality.

That doesn’t mean, were I to witness a racially motivated issue with an Officer, that I wouldn’t intervene. There are certainly officers who should not be officers and it is the responsibility of the citizenry to question and police, the police.

Antifa is another group who is completely beyond my understanding. The reason is simple. They traditionally behave in a far more Fascist manner than the people they’re railing against.

There was a time when the Gay community was also united in the same way. Gays were hated because of their “perversion”, then they were united by HIV because as a “Throw-away” subculture no-one was looking for treatment or a cure. ACT-UP coalesced to fight common enemies (HIV and Government sanctioned disposability) and were pretty successful at it.

Marriage equality was another fight that  united the Gay community. But those “Wars” have devolved into occasional skirmishes. Research is ongoing, Marriage is legal, the skirmishes mostly seem to mostly be about wedding cakes now.

If someone won’t bake a cake for you… Find another baker who will. It’s a simple fucking equation.

I mention these groups as examples of groups who have found solidarity within themselves because they are united against something they see as oppressive and overwhelming.

Individuals, by their association with specific groups have the feeling of being the underdog in a righteous fight. In that, they are united by a sense of purpose, commonality, and community.

I think about things… I’ve never been one to just go along with the crowd. Oh sure, to parties, of course. But I’m always among the first to leave if a party starts going south.

My particular problem seems to be that I’m an outlier.

Whether by nature, choice, or life experiences, I’m always on the outside looking in.  When I connect with someone I go all in. I’m curious about them, who they are, and where they’re coming from.  That intensity, (alright intrusiveness) can be unsettling for people, especially when they’ve up to that point, thought of me as reserved and circumspect. I can see their point. They wonder who the real me is.

I think I’ve been trying to answer that particular question all my life.

Am I the good guy? The bad guy? Hero? Martyr? Criminal? Immoral? Amoral? Average? Or below average? Am I all of these, trying to fuse into one individual?

Now, at this point in my life I’ve begun wondering if it’s even a question I should even concern myself with.

Perhaps the best choice is to just let myself run without constraint or worry. Maybe that’s what being comfortable in my own skin is really all about.