The Death of Twitter

Twitter has become synonymous with censorship. Facebook is running a close second. Both services have been called to testify before congress and it’s quite possible that one or both have lied under oath. Both services enjoy (Non-Publication) status and both are now drawing the ire of the Senate and some members of the House.

“Lucy, You got some splainin to do!”

Recently due to Twitter’s incessant shadow-banning of Conservative people expressing opinions that are not in lockstep with the established narratives, (Orange man bad. Protests peaceful, etc.) Folks are seeking other alternatives. Their most recent permanent banning of Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer (R) FL, and attempt to prevent the Trump campaign from using their service. has created an exodus from Twitter.

This has been amusing to watch. As conservative voices leave, the leftists find they’re bored with Twitter. After all, if you want to have a conversation, you don’t necessarily want to have it with yourself in an echo chamber.

I still have one Twitter account open, mostly so that I can watch the implosion. Okay, I also look at some of the nude images that are posted daily. Which is funny because supposedly those images are against the Twitter TOS, given that they often show full penetrative sex acts of various stripes.

It’s funny in many ways that saying, “abortion is murder” may get you banned, but images or video of a restrained woman being forced to submit to orally, anally, and vaginally to three men at the same time is okay.

Saying something like, “putting prepubescent children onto hormone therapies to change their gender, is wrong.” will get your account suspended for a while.

If you ask Twitter why, they’ll tell you that you violated the TOS (Terms of Service) by posting hate speech. While at the same time representatives of CAIR can specifically state that they hate all Jews, and call upon the faithful to murder Jews whenever and wherever they can. Similarly BLM and ANTIFA can outright say, “Kill White People”

It’s this kind of one sided enforcement that has driven conservatives specifically, and even moderates away from the platform. Either you’re really all about free speech or you’re not. More people are realizing that Twitter is not about free speech or equality and while they may have been at one time… That time has passed.

There was an article yesterday describing Twitter’s consideration of a subscription model. Several days prior another article noted that Twitter’s earnings were down. That same article also noted that Twitter’s new user count appeared to be fairly consistent while the number of actual users appeared to be dropping.

There is even some feeling that Twitter is attempting to skew the election. I don’t know if there’s actual evidence, or if it’s just hearsay. I can only opine that from personal experience and observation; Twitter is highly biased toward Democrats & Liberals, and against Republicans & Conservatives.

Over at Parler, (another social media platform) they’re having a tough time keeping up with new subscribers and their site is occasionally showing the strain of hundreds of thousands of new users weekly.

Parler, is pretty free and you can say what you like. There are limits of course. Threatening to kill someone will get you booted. But other than egregious things that you shouldn’t put out on a public forum anyway, Parler doesn’t seem interested in silencing the free exchange of ideas, regardless of whose ideas are being espoused.

It’s very much the digital equivalent of carrying your soapbox to the local park and announcing your ideas.

Oddly, there are a lot of liberal lefties showing up on Parler too. (I guess they got tired of screaming in an echo chamber on Twitter.) The conservatives and liberals on Parler do interact.

The liberal left screams about Trump, Abortion, Transrights, or whatever, on Parler and sometimes they’re challenged but most of the time they’re blocked, not by Parler, but by individual users who have no desire to deal with the ranting. Most conservatives and moderates have heard it all before anyway and aren’t likely to change their minds.

Again, similar to the soapbox in the park. No-one is forcing you to stand there in the park listening to the rantings of someone you think is a lunatic. Once you’ve heard enough, you walk away. Walking away is the physical equivalent of blocking someone.

I’ve blocked a number of individuals who were rude, demanded that I validate their position when clearly I didn’t, or who were simply disagreeable to talk to. I’m sure that I’ve been blocked by others, in a similar fashion and for similar reasons.

After all, you gentle reader, know that I’m an acquired taste.

The funny thing is that the liberals are upset when no-one pays them attention and more upset that Parler refuses to take their side in silencing views that they disagree with.

I’ve been watching the diversity of users drop on Twitter and suspect that it will go the way of MySpace or the old computer BBS systems. After all, without at least a little disagreement all conversations get stale and pointless.

I welcome Twitter’s death. It’s time for the little bluebird to crash headlong into the nearest skyscraper.

There was a time when Twitter was open and free. But then some people started getting butt-hurt that they got to read things they found offensive. That started the whole censorship train on Twitter and has brought us to Twitter’s graveside.

Facebook will probably experience something similar in due time. Even Parler at some point will probably follow the same arc. I hope not, but I won’t be surprised.

For the moment, I’m enjoying that Twitter is suffering. I look forward to them declaring insolvency the layoffs, and Jack Dorsey making impassioned pleas for his users to return.

Wow! I just wrote a blog piece that was too harsh…

Even by my admittedly low standards.

I think I’m going to let that one ferment in the drafts folder for a while.

I guess I’m just sick and tired of all the B.S.

I’ll consider what I wrote and decide if it’s something that can be saved, or something that shouldn’t be said.

I hope you all have a nice day.

See, I do have a filter…

Finally! Who’d have thought it would be a Michael Moore production?

My brother sent me the link to this film.

Watch it soon, there’s no way of telling how long it will be up on YouTube especially since it blows the hell out of the New Green Energy deal.

I’m sure YouTube will find something in it that violates their terms of service, and take it down.

I watched it all. It’s an exposé about how so called green energy isn’t actually all that green. To make batteries, and solar panels, you have to mine and refine rare earth elements.

A lot of folks may not know that solar panels come in varying efficiencies. The most efficient (hence expensive) panels only convert about 20% of the light falling on them to useable electricity and that is at maximum. Add some clouds, haze, or if sun isn’t striking the panels dead on, and the efficiency drops. Solar panels also degrade over their life and have to be replaced.

Here’s a personal example, I have a portable 20W solar panel. It does indeed produce 20W in full direct sunlight if it is angled so that the sun is striking the panel at 90 degrees. But that requires realigning the panel about every 15 minutes or so.

Realistically my 20W panel in normal operation produces 7  to 12 watts. That’s enough to recharge my phone or iPad directly from the panel. It’s not enough to charge my computer. So I connect the panel to a battery pack. The panel charges the pack and the pack charges my other devices.

However, you’re almost always in a diminishing cycle. You’re pulling more power from the battery pack than you can replace.

One solution is to get bigger panels.

Yep, I can connect my 20W panel to a 30W panel and between the two I can charge my battery pack in a shorter amount of time, or if it’s overcast I can charge the pack in 6 – 12 hours. What I can’t do consistently is charge devices and the pack.

It’s a rare day indeed if I can stay on the positive side of the charge curve. It’s not that big a deal since this rig is for camping. I’ve not even talked about camp lights.

My point is this. It takes a large solar surface area to generate power. And that power generation is only working when the sun is out. At night or on a dark rainy day you’ve got no power generation.

In my case with proper energy management this solution works fine for camping. After all I’m camping to get away from technology right? The problem is, it’s not really all that scalable.

I can say this because I’ve actually experienced the process.

I’d guess that a large percentage of the population hasn’t actually worked with a solar panel and because of this, they simply believe that solar power is a 100% solution.

It’s not the average Joe’s fault that they don’t have experience.

I can hold the rabidly Green Deal people to account because they should have actual facts before preaching at the rest of us. (Greta, I’m looking at you.)

When you start doing the math, it becomes obvious quickly that you need a large array of solar panels in an area of the country where you get sun 99% of the time and you need some kind of very efficient storage medium (battery) to store what you don’t use so that you can use it later.

For instance, the roof of a house provides a large surface area and can give you a big array of panels. Without storage, at night you’re going to be dependent on the standard electrical grid.

That’s how most of the home solar installations work. In daytime the roof panels power most, if not all the house needs. At night the house switches over to the normal electrical grid. After all you don’t want your fridge, or heater not running at night or inoperative during the winter. 

The practical upshot of this is you’ll always need to have a big generator running at a public utility somewhere.

Don’t get me wrong, I think houses should all have solar, if for no other reason than it would allow the reduction of power demand on the power plant, meaning overall, less power demand would mean less pollution.

It should also be pointed out, research into solar panels is ongoing and at some point we might be able to get panels with much higher efficiencies.

However, this comes at a cost. Solar panels are made of some pretty exotic materials and creation of panels means mining and processing those exotic materials.

Guess what? There are some really nasty chemicals involved in solar panel, computer chip, and battery manufacture. Not to mention the strip mining, pollution, and deforestation required to obtain and process those raw materials.

Solar is not a complete solution and it may never be.

Wind turbines have essentially the same problems, they don’t produce power if the wind isn’t blowing. With turbines you also need a very large amount of space.

As an aside, I personally enjoy pissing off the smug, rabidly green electric car owners. I do it with a simple question, “How is the electricity you charge your car with being produced?”

The ensuing conversation is often a wonderful demonstration of faulty logic, and lack of understanding about science, or how things work.

Again don’t take this the wrong way, electric cars are great. They’re fast, zero emission, and quiet. In cities they’re probably the best way to reduce air pollution and contribute to the overall health of the folks living in the cities, especially, in the case of those folks with respiratory problems.

But the solution isn’t perfect. Somewhere, there is an electric plant burning something to spin generators to make the power to charge that car.

Somewhere there’s a strip mine that’s produced the lithium used in that car’s batteries. At the end of the batteries usable life, there’s going to be a toxic dump stacked high with battery packs that no-one wants.

Most of us notice our phone batteries start not lasting the whole day after a couple of years. Imagine that in your car. What happens when you can’t make it to the grocery store and back on a full charge? You either get a new car, or new batteries. Either way, something is going to end up in a dump someplace.

I’ve always asked, “Just how green is that?”

I tend to keep cars 10 or 20 years. I maintain them and drive ‘em until they fall apart or are totaled by some idiot driver hitting me. I tend to keep my cellphone for much longer than other people. Though not as long as some of my friends. 

For me it’s about cost versus return on investment, and factored into that is also responsibility. Do I need to have a new car, phone, computer, or TV, every 3 years? Do I want to add something substantial to the pile of waste?

Usually, I find myself saying nope, and I’m good with keeping my good old reliable stuff for another few years.

I’m not even particularly Green. I’m simply a guy who thinks we shouldn’t be wasteful. Call it a philosophy of trying to live my life like a backpacker. Pack out your trash… Leave it as you found it.

Many electric car owners are smug and often self righteous about “being green” until you point out where the components and power come from. They get really pissed off when you point out that all they’ve done is shifted the problem to another part of the country or world.

It’s not that these people are mean or stupid, they’ve just never connected the dots. They’ve bought into the illusion that green energy is reducing pollution. A lot of these folks are content to live in an “out of sight, out of mind” vision of the world.

When they do connect the dots, they’re usually pissed off and never look at their 65K electric car in quite the same way again.

That’s why I was pleased to see a movie like Planet of the Humans, it’s probably not all 100% accurate, but it points out that shifting the issue isn’t solving the issue.

I really enjoyed the part about biomass.

Somehow that group thinks that burning wood is better than burning oil.

On its face that makes no sense!

One need only look at the energy density of wood versus oil to see that we’ll deforest the planet in short order, maintaining our current energy output with wood. 

Ask yourself this question. What is oil?

Oil, in its purest sense is concentrated biomass. So theoretically burning oil efficiently is going to be better than burning wood to generate power.

I’ll admit that I thought the biomass generation plants were burning stuff from landfills. If that were true then every kilowatt from that source is a win. (Assuming there was no increase in toxic chemicals being released into the air.) But if you’re cutting down trees to fuel the biomass plants then you’ve lost your mind.

There was one glaring omission from this movie. Nuclear power.

I know that all the green activists, and even those who are not so green are opposed to nuclear power. There are indeed risks with nuclear.

That being said, I’d suggest that you watch Pandora’s Promise with an open mind before you categorically say no to nuclear power.

I saw this on Netflix a while ago, It’s currently available on YouTube for rent, and Amazon Prime.

Planet of the Humans, indirectly suggests that population control is the only way out of the climate problem. There is one person in the movie that mentions we think technology will save us. Then the movie kind of brushes past the technology issue.

Pandora’s Promise presents another option. It may not be the best option but it might be a viable one that could substantially reduce our consumption of, and reliance on fossil fuels.

There’s another type of reactor that essentially uses the waste materials from the reactors we’ve been using for decades. Guess what? They may have the potential to help solve the problem of spent fuel rods that are currently in storage around the world.

These spent rods are radioactive and hazardous. Wouldn’t it be better to get rid of them, generate power doing it, and not have to worry about leaking fuel rod storage? Just asking…

In a perfect world, we’d feed our nuclear warheads into these reactors and metaphorically beat our swords into plowshares. Again, just a thought…

I should mention I’m not convinced that Climate Change is anything under our control. For me, these issues are more about clean air, drinkable water, and living in a beautiful world.

Let’s face it we’ve been teenagers leaving our shit all over our room. I think it’s time that we grew up and recognized that a clean room, house, or planet, is simply a better way to live.

That belief doesn’t require you to agree with any political agenda or pick any sides. It’s a belief that probably most of the people on the planet can agree to without any coercion.

Give it a thought. You don’t have to agree…

Have a great day.

I suspect we’re about to become dogless.

IMG 0210The last of the dogs is OLD, I mean really old.

He’s had by my count 2 big seizures and with each one he gets weaker.

On the plus side, he’s had a good life, at least since he came to live with us.

We think he was abused and for our part we’ve been able to give him a loving peaceful home.IMG 0004

Here he’s been spoiled, cuddled, loved, even though he’s stubborn as hell, and now he’s nearing the end of his life.

It’s sad but part of nature. 

This guy came from a household that didn’t pay him any attention, and possibly may have abused him. 

In this household he learned to play and that toys were for him. He learned that people loved, and wanted him, and that he didn’t need to be afraid, even when he messed up.

He learned that printers can be barked at when they start making printer noises and spitting paper at him. He learned that his people would laugh at his antics and tell him he was a good boy.

After many years in this household he’s nearing the end of his life.

He’s gone blind, and over the past month or so, has lost a lot of weight. 

He’s learned that when he needs to go outside, his people will carry him up or down the evil stairs setting him gently on his favorite patch of the yard, or on the top deck where he can go inside under his own power. He’s learned that we’ll still tell him he’s a good boy and give him treats.

Up until the past few weeks or so he’s been his usual happy self, but now he’s sleeping a lot and not particularly interested in much. 

Sound like a Grandpa you know?

I’ve been looking for a job using my laptop in the living room so I can be near him when he wakes up.

He gets upset if he wakes up alone. I think he wakes up not knowing exactly where he is.

All I have to do is speak to him, reassure him that all is well, he’s safe, and someone is guarding him. Typically, he’ll breathe a sigh of contentment get a drink of water, and go back to sleep

He’s snoozing now, chasing bunnies in his sleep. That’s a good thing, at least in his dreams he has a chance of catching them. He was never fast enough to catch them in his youth, but he loved chasing after bunnies and squirrels.

I’m melancholy about his ending and can only comfort him. Well, that and share a bit of my breakfast bagel with him, which he highly approves of.

It’s tough letting go of someone you love. I’ve always thought of my dogs as people not lesser beings. Generally they’ve picked me to be their human, not the other way around. 

It’s been a honor to have been their person. Even in the heartbreak of losing them I’ve been happy to have had them in my life.

I’ve decided that there will be another dog or two in my life. I’ve also decided that I’m going to get rid of used rugs, (placed on the floor to keep the elderly dogs from slipping on the hardwood,) the well used dog beds, and many of the toys. That will give the new dog(s) a fresh start in their new home, a place which they can make their own.

Oh, it won’t be for months at least. I’m not going to be ready to open my heart again until it’s healed from losing Red.

A friend of mine says that your dogs that have passed will send you a new dog who needs you as much as you need them.

I hope he’s right.

Questions that blow through my mind

chinavirus.jpgChina is reporting that the coronavirus may have an incubation period of as long as 14 days. It may also be transmissible during that time.

That means that people wouldn’t know they were infected until it was too late.

So I have to ask… Has the genie already escaped the bottle?

Global travel, tourism, etc. may already have spread the virus beyond the confines of China. Indeed there are now cases reported in Orange, and Los Angeles counties, and other countries around the world. How many people do you bump into in an airport?

The 1918-1919 influenza killed 1/5 of the global population. Not to sound all doom and gloom, but with a population of approximately 7.8 billion people of the planet. If this virus were to do something similar, the death toll would be staggering.

I’m sure the CDC in this country is scrambling to learn everything they can as fast as they can. On the bright side, thus far the deaths have been relatively few versus the number of infections (at least as reported by Chinese media.) That may not be as great as it sounds. The 1918 Influenza initially has a small death toll, then it apparently mutated and in its second wave was far more lethal.

We’re not looking at a Walking Dead scenario. But we might be looking at a 12 Monkeys, or 28 Days scenario. 

China has more or less Isolated Wuhan. The question with a notoriously closed government like China’s is; What aren’t they telling the rest of the world?

Medical folks have been telling us for years that another pandemic isn’t a question of if, but when. 100 years ago, the so-called “Spanish Flu” burned across the planet.

Nature tends to work in cycles, it’s neither good or evil, Nature simply is. Who knows? Maybe the clock has ticked down to zero on a cycle and this is nature’s way of resetting the balance between resources and demand.

If this kind of thing interests you, look up the 1918 flu. It’s interesting reading, not just the death toll, but the global economic, and political, effects.

I found that it refocused my perspective. 

I’m not too worried, my apocalypse pager hasn’t gone off.

I don’t think I’ll be making any purchases other than local food for a while… Ever think about that?

When you open that box of “new shiny stuff” ever wondered what else might be lurking in the packaging? 

Just asking, and you’ll never open a box the same way again.

My gift to you…