I’m getting more Retro

God knows there’s a lot of convenience having our schedules on our phones and all of our contacts and “ToDo” lists in the cloud. Our online calendars make sure that no matter where we are, we can add a doctor, or car service appointment or know when our next meeting is.

I’ll admit it’s really nice and for many years now I’ve relied almost exclusively on these modern conveniences.

I’ve noticed that my handwriting has gone absolutely to hell. My handwriting was never beautiful either cursive or printed. Both looked like I’d strangled a palsy stricken chicken then dipped it’s feet in ink. My writing was so bad even doctors had a tough time reading it.

Now days, my writing is worse. Much worse! I’d bet that a future Archaeologist, upon discovering anything of mine that was handwritten, would assume they’d discovered another type of writing for which there was no Rosetta Stone.

I’d been aware of the degradation for many years. Last year it all came to a head when I’d written some notes during a phone call and found that I couldn’t read them an hour later.

At the time I was annoyed at myself. After ten or twenty minutes I was able to decode my chicken scratch and make sense of it. The problem wasn’t spelling it was formation of the characters themselves. I immediately recognized the problem as one of fine motor skills.

Without actually writing by hand, I’d begun to loose fine motor skills, not due to any malady, but due to lack of use. I proved this hypothesis by writing large on a piece of paper, then scaling the size of the characters down to fit in a single ruled line. (And yes, I was wearing my glasses!)

For those of you old enough to remember learning to write letters in grade school this is why all of us, as children started out with paper ruled in 2” lines. It wasn’t that our vision was terrible, it was that we needed the space to train the fine motor control in our hands.

I’d also noticed some other effects of the loss of fine motor control. Chief among these was soldering . I used to be able to solder the finest circuits by hand. If I made a repair on a board, you had to look really hard to see it. Cold Solder joints? Not on my work!

Now… Not so much.

A year ago, recognizing the problem and its cause, I dusted off my old Franklin Planner. I cleaned out the 10 year old notes and calendar, then wondered if Franklin Planners could still be purchased.

A quick web search reassured me that Franklins were in fact, still a thing. There wasn’t nearly as wide an array of page designs as there once was, but Monticello, (an old favorite) was still available. I placed an order and was pleasantly surprised when the package arrived two days later.

So I began writing by hand again. My penmanship has improved over time as a result. (I’m still not going to win any awards!)

I still receive digital Calendar invites and my household still uses common shared ToDo lists. But I transcribe the Calendar invites into my Franklin. Yes, this is redundant but it keeps pushing the ball forward on improving my penmanship.

Now when I’m on the phone scheduling something I’m noting it in my Franklin daily notes. I’ll add the event to the Franklin first, then move it to the Online Calendar if needed.

Admittedly, it’s hard to switch back to Paper and Pen. Digital services are cloyingly seductive. I’m willing to eschew the ease and convenience in trade for penmanship.

Another benefit of the trade is that my soldering ability is coming back. It’s not the quality it used to be, that’s something you acquire by doing it 8 hours a day 5 days a week. But it’s improved to the point that I’m not ashamed of anyone seeing my work.

This year’s Franklin refill arrived Monday. It’s not the old standby “Monticello” this one is something new. It’s clean and elegant with a bit less visual “weight” on the page. I noticed when I placed my order that there was a larger number of design variations on the Franklin web site.

I wonder if more people like myself are going “Retro” as a way to keep old skills?

As I mulled this over, an article notification popped up on the phone about a sitting congressman being served a warrant by the FBI for his phone.

According to the article, The congressman was traveling with his family and all the FBI wanted was his phone, this struck me as odd. Then I recalled that almost every “High Profile” FBI search and seizure over the past few years has also included seizing the person’s phone.

Thinking about it, I realized of course they’d want his phone. His phone would have a log of all his calls and their duration. The FBI would have access to all of his private text messages including those between him and his wife or children. His entire Calendar would be available as would his contact list. The phone would even have a GPS log of places that he’d been recently.

That single device provided the FBI with anything and everything the FBI could want and it’s 1000 times better than the old McCarthy era tactics which required your friends or colleagues to serve you up. Your contact list could provide the FBI with 100 or more additional people to investigate due to “guilt by association”.

I rarely have more than 100 contacts in my phone. I just don’t interact with that many people. Folks I haven’t heard from in a year or so… I delete. My Calendar, Text Messages, Photos, and ToDo list are another matter. There are literally years of data in those systems. The GPS issue isn’t much of a problem because I delete that log whenever I think about it.

I wondered, “Why don’t people execute a remote wipe of their phones when the FBI seizes them?” (I would just for spite!)

All of this got me to thinking. Will the handwritten word and perhaps day planners experience a renaissance?

I find myself wondering if it is time to move my data out of the cloud. Is it time to memorize important phone numbers and addresses again? Does Thomas Brothers still make their excellent Thomas Guides?

I’m not guilty of anything, I’m not likely to have my phone seized by the FBI. It’s a matter of privacy and principal. Why make it easy for them, or for any other 3 letter department of whatever?

It occurs to me that true protection of privacy is only possible if everything is in your brain. Anything and everything put on the ‘net lives forever. Has it come to the point that the only way to ensure our privacy is to disconnect?

The FBI these days looks more like an enemy of the people and the enforcement arm of a socialist/communist government than law enforcement.

That is a chilling thought. Perhaps my switching back to writing on actual paper in my day planner is a good thing.

I can burn the day planner. I can write notes that only mean something to me in it. I can refuse to decode those cryptic notes. I can choose to not clearly recall details, I can invoke the fifth amendment.

My digital devices, not so much. They can only do as they’re commanded. My devices have no concept of Constitutional Rights and no ability to determine if they should obey valid commands or not. (I’m not even sure that I’d want them to have that ability) There are some things only a human mind can, or should do.

Have the powerful little bricks in our pockets become a liability? I was reminded of Blade Runner.

Will someone in the near future be visiting Apple and having an exchange like this:

Rachael: It seems you feel our work is not a benefit to the public.
Deckard: Replicants are like any other machine – they’re either a benefit or a hazard. If they’re a benefit, it’s not my problem

I’m going to be thinking about stuff like this for a while. In the meantime, I’m going to be using my Franklin a lot more.

America’s Fascism at its finest… In Texas? In Freakin Texas?

The San Marcos Daily Record published a very troubling article on Sunday July 17th.

The headline read, FBI Raids Retired San Marcos Couple’s Home

At first you might miss the significance. I thought to myself, “What could a retired couple possibly have done to warrant the FBI raiding their home.

The thoughts that went through my mind were, Human Trafficking, Drug manufacturing or sales? Were these folks involved in organized crime? Had the FBI found some fugitive who had escaped and managed to live quietly for years in an average community?

All of which would be good reason for the FBI to raid a place.

I was completely wrong.

The article is linked to the headline above. Click on it, I dare you!

This couple was raided for nothing other than having been part of a peaceful protest in Washington D.C. on Jan 6th 2020. They were not inside the capital, they were on the other side of the Capital from where the crowd, (was Invited in, Stormed the Capital Police, Broke into the Capitol Building,) that seems to depend on whose narrative you’re reading.

For my part, I tend to believe the eyewitness accounts of many of the protesters themselves. They all describe a very chaotic confusing scene. Each of them saw things slightly differently. But there are commonalities in their narratives. The doors were open, many saw people walking through the building, many thought it was okay. The Capital Police were talking with protestors on the steps. Then everything went to shit. (I suspect the trigger was the gunshot from the Capital Police Officer who killed Ashli Babbitt. I could be wrong…)

I believe the vast majority of the protestors really had no idea that they were doing anything “wrong” and that would be somewhat supported by the remarkable lack of destruction in the building. Compare Kenosha with The Capital Building.

Burning cars? Nope! Fires inside the building? Nope! There are pictures of people inside the building next to vases, portraits, and fabrics, mind you, all intact.

Pictures of protestors inside The House Chamber, and Nancy Pelosi’s office show that the room and indeed most of the furnishings were remarkably untouched. For there to have been such horrific violence you’d expect there to be a lot more damage. I’ve seen barroom brawls that did more damage than the so called Inserrection.

This is counter to what The Jan 6th Committee would have us believe.

Reviewing photographic evidence of the, “Mostly Peaceful Protests,” in cities across the nation reveals a rather stark difference.

Billions in damage, whole neighborhoods razed and yet we’re to believe that somehow The Capital riot was worse?

We’re to believe that The Capital riot was on par with Pearl Harbor, or 9/11?

I’ll quote Ilhan Omar, “Some people did some things…”

The troubling aspects of this FBI raid in Texas are many.

Unmarked cars?
No sirens, or lights?
The homeowner directly requesting to see a warrant in accordance with his Fourth Amendment right being responded to with flashbang grenades?
Drones & Planes circling overhead?
Excessive force, 20 to 30 vehicles, perhaps 100 agents, and an armored vehicle?

What precisely did the FBI think was going on? All this to not arrest two retired law abiding citizens?

All of this to confiscate a couple of cell phones, and Trump memorabilia?

You’re probably thinking, “But the man was on his front porch with gasp an Assault Rifle!”

First, it’s Texas! Second, since the Biden Administration has opened the border. People rolling up on your home in Texas, unannounced and unmarked could just as easily be a bunch of Cartel Thugs looking to take your place over as a base of operation. Third, Texas has a stand your ground law that includes your property, (in this case all 7 acres). Fourth, an older man in his underwear greeting intruders on his property before dawn with a rifle isn’t at all surprising.

I’ve greeted police at my door late at night with a baseball bat. I’ve also greeted police banging on my door at 3 a.m. with a gun in my hand. Both times, there was a moment of tension.

With the baseball bat, I apologized and set the bat to the side of the door, then stepped back.

With the gun, (Not aimed at the officers,) I asked how we could extricate ourselves from this awkward situation. They were very polite and simply asked if I would place the gun on the table and step away. I did, and invited them in.

They legitimately were doing their duty, asking that we evacuate due to a fire. They didn’t ask for me to unload the weapon, nor did they touch it. One officer did discreetly place himself between me and the gun. I acknowledged his discretion with nothing more than a smile, he smiled back and nodded.

It’s amazing what a little civility and common sense can accomplish!

In either case, had an officer presented me with a Warrant, I’d have stood down in the same fashion. That’s called being a law abiding citizen.

What troubles me so much about this article is that it comes on the heels of high profile arrests such as James O’keefe with the FBI supposedly in search of Biden’s daughter’s diary.

O’keefe didn’t have Biden’s daughter’s diary. He’d said so publicly prior to his arrest and raid. Even if he did have it, he hadn’t stolen it. The diary was offered to, and reviewed by O’Keefe. But he chose to pass on it.

Jeffery Clark’s home was raided where the FBI seized electronics and held him outside in his pajamas until they’d finished tossing the place. Thus far, the only crime(s) Clark appears to have committed were questioning the election and working for former President Trump.

The tactics increasingly displayed by the FBI and the DOJ are nothing less than those of the KGB or Stassi.

My concern, beyond the obvious issues with our government stomping all over The Constitution, is that someone is going to get hurt. I’ll guarantee you that it’s not going to be an FBI agent. It’s going to be some local officer doing what he or she has been told to do by the FBI. Or it’ll be a innocent person or bystander

The FBI, ATF, or DOJ will call it collateral damage and use the situation as an excuse to execute someone.

These raids can only be seen as nothing other than intimidation.

I ask you. If these raids were happening at The Clinton Foundation, or Hunter Biden’s home, or Jim Biden’s home, or McCabe’s, Strozk’s, Page’s, Clinesmith’s, Sussmann’s, Elias’s, Omar, or Comey’s homes, what would you call it?

Would you say it was justice, or would you call it the weaponization of the DOJ against the players in the Democratic party?

Believe what you want. Just remember that once we’ve allowed this sort of behavior to become normal, once we’ve allowed the ruling party to forge this kind of weapon, then any ruling party can use it.

If the GOP seizes power and decides to pick up this weapon, using it against Democrats and their allies, don’t be surprised and don’t come whining to me about it.

What’s been allowed to happen at the DOJ is not much shy of a nuclear bomb dropped on The Constitution. It took a long time for us to crawl back from McCarthyism, this is far worse.

I have this theory…

It’s a theory based on experience and observation.

I’ve known a lot of men in my life. Most of them were average “normal” guys with families, jobs, the occasional night where they had a bit too much to drink, good neighbors, jokesters, and some athletic ability.

They were Police officers, Lawyers, Doctors, Heavy Equipment Operators, Landscapers, Advertising Execs, Coaches, Educators, Engineers, you get it, their professions ran the gamut.

Of all of these men, the only men I’ve known who were complete “poon hounds” were men that were troubled.

Most “normal” men appreciate beautiful women, but their appreciation usually is curtailed by the ring on their finger, or the picture of their kids on their phone or in their wallet.

Those men, have nothing to prove to themselves or anyone else. They think about the woman they’ve married, or their children and happily leave a bar to go home to them.

Newly divorced men, get a little “houndy” shortly after their divorce, then settle down again into some sort of regular relationship. I’ve always thought of it like a second adolescence/young adulthood, “Hey, I can do whatever I want… Whoo HOOO!

Then like the worker in a chocolate factory, reality sets in and they’re not trying every Bon Bon, they get more selective.

I’ve known women that do the exact same thing after their divorces. How many women started dating a biker after dumping their nice safe accountant?

It’s human nature.

The men that never seemed to get over the “poon hound” phase often had something else going on.

The guy who sleeps with any and every willing woman, or rents prostitutes every single night is trying to prove something. Either to himself or his buddies.

“Man, that Josh gets more ass than a toilet seat!”

“Yeah, but he drinks so much and snorts so much, he never remembers them.”

Eventuality the guys buddies aren’t impressed and the guy settles down, or he doesn’t.

The guys that don’t settle down, are the guys that often turn out to be gay.

See, they were trying to prove to themselves that they weren’t gay.

I’ve known Marines, Army, Navy, and Air Force guys that joined the military to prove they weren’t fagots. Only to discover three years in, that they were gay and then spent the rest of their hitch worried about being found out.

A man that’s engaging in risky sex with any woman that’s breathing is trying to fuck the pain away.

The pain of shame. Of disappointing their father, mother, pastor, or church. These guys, get into self destructive habits of whores, booze, drugs, and usually fuck themselves out of a career in the process.

I’m not a psychologist. I’m just relating what I’ve observed.

When this group of men finally look themselves in the mirror and acknowledge, “Yep… I want some dick…” Their lives often start to turn around.

No, I’m not saying everything immediately becomes rainbows and unicorns, but in being honest with themselves they begin walking the path toward accepting who they really are, instead of hiding it from the world and more importantly, from themselves.

In my experience, guys who are always badmouthing faggots either were abused, or they want dick and can’t reconcile it with themselves. They scream how much they hate faggots to demonstrate that they’re not one.

Think of it as “Methinks the maid doth protest too much.

Lots of the men I’ve known who were fighting what they really were also had serious porn addictions and often filmed their escapades so that they could have visual proof they weren’t gay.

“Yeah, I put my dick in her and she loved it!”

I guess it’s a kind of feedback loop. “I fuck, therefore I’m a man, not a faggot pussy!”

There are gay men who knowing they’re gay, still feel “Less Than” and they’re much more likely to have drinking problems or self medicate with God only knows what.

I once knew a guy who’d gotten a permanent case of “Cocaine Dick,” He’d get hard, he’d fuck like a maniac, but for all his effort couldn’t achieve climax. The poor man walked around all the time with a serious case of blue balls and couldn’t find relief.

His problem was that while he was okay being gay, he couldn’t admit it to anyone. He felt he was a disappointment to his parents, and felt terrible guilt over not giving them grand children. That led to cocaine abuse, ultimately leading to his problem. Miraculously, when his parents died, (and it sounds harsh,) he got a handle on the coke, and after a few years began to have mostly normal orgasms.

I’ve known men with meth addictions that had the same kinds of problem. In addition to their teeth rotting out of their heads.

For some reason, men like these tend to open up to me. I guess I have a trustworthy face.

All of this preamble brings me to the point I wanted to make.

I theorize that Hunter Biden is gay.

He exemplifies the most troubled men I’ve met in my life.

He’s begging for Daddies approval, and attention. Who screws his brother’s wife? What is that other than saying, “See, I measure up.”

Who admits snorting parmesan cheese out of a carpet except someone that is so troubled they have to be high to live their life?

Who knocks up a stripper, while fucking his brother’s wife, while settling a nasty divorce?

Who gets, or stays, so fucked up that they leave a laptop full of self porn, with hookers, underage girls, and random women, at a shop and never goes back to claim it?

Someone in dire need of approval. Someone hoping Daddy sees the videos and says, “Good job son, that one was hot!”

Someone screaming for help. Someone so broken that they don’t know any better than to keep going back into the situation that broke them in the first place.

In short, a man whose inner turmoil is so profound that they only know one or two ways to feel good. Sex or drugs.

You can only fuck the pain away for so long. Eventually, no matter how many times you cum, no matter how many partners you have, you’re still empty inside and nothing can fill that painful void. So you can only live, drunk enough, or high enough to numb the agony.

Unless you’re really lucky.

Sometimes, you find yourself just drunk enough or just high enough, and you’re with a guy. Sometimes that guy is open to fucking around and you think, “What the fuck? I’ve done everything else. Let’s see what cock tastes like. I wonder if a guys ass feels the same as a woman’s.

Then you’re lying in the afterglow smoking a cigarette and realize, “I don’t hurt so much anymore. Something’s changed, I don’t feel so alone.”

You have an epiphany. You realize your life is yours. You understand what’s been missing.

For the first time in your life, someone… The right person, at the right time, touched your soul.

It wasn’t just about sex, it was seeing that there was another way. A way that didn’t force you back into pain. There was the potential for you to find someone that always touched your soul and it wasn’t just about your body. The physical pleasure was just the icing on the cake.

If you’re very lucky, it occurs to you that you don’t have to be one way or another. You can have it all, if you’re fearless enough and want what makes you happy. It’s the ability to start to seize your own life and make the best of it you can.

Yeah… Been there, done that.

That’s why I think Hunter Biden is gay.

I hope that he finds the right person, at the right time, and that someone can touch his soul.

Then I hope he’s fortunate enough to put the pieces together, bail on his dysfunctional family and seize control of his life.

I hate seeing someone in the kind of pain it looks like he’s feeling.

He’s still got time, unless he OD’s tomorrow.