Deleted Parler Today…

Update: 3/5/2021

While Parler is indeed back. Apparently they’re Hotel California. I checked the site today to answer the question, “Why haven’t I gotten an email saying your account is canceled.” The answer to that question is that my account hasn’t been cancelled.

Turns out that going through the “Delete your account” isn’t working for me. I click on the button, enter the password and … nothing. The site just loops back to the page you were on. This isn’t unusual because lots of pages on the site do that right now but even though you’re on the same page with apparently no changes having been made if you exit the page and come back in, you’ll see the changes.

Evidently, the same is not true for the “Delete my account page”

So, for the time being, I’m still on Parler. I still have the same number of followers I had but all of my messages have been deleted. Sigh…

What I really want is for the entire account to be gone. I’m trying to be completely done with social media and all that encompasses. For now, I can check out of Parler, but I can’t leave.

Looks like they’re finally back.

Good for them.

Since Parler was the last of my social media accounts, when Amazon, and the Democratic Party (make no mistake, they too were complicit) took Parler away I was suddenly without any Social media.

After the initial shock and withdrawal, I found I was fine. After a week I didn’t care anymore, Whether by hook or crook, the Democratic Party won the day. Bitching about it, or reading others bitching about it, serves no purpose.

I don’t fear being labeled a conservative anymore. If the government wants to harm you, they’ll find a way. The people in power have demonstrated the lengths to which they’ll go to remove anything or anyone they find disagreeable. They’ve amply demonstrated that no abuse of power is too much.

At this point I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if the DOJ assaulted Trump’s home in Florida in full on Waco or Ruby Ridge style. That is the legacy of the 2020 election for me. While I’ve always harbored a certain mistrust of the government. Now, I don’t trust our government or electoral processes at all.

The line, “Follow the money,” is more true today than ever before.

Couple corruption with the almost unbelievable stupidity of so many Americans and well… what you get, is plainly evident.

I’m not just speaking of the stupidity of America when it comes to questioning voting results, but the stupidity of well educated Americans in basic things like knowing how or why things work, (or don’t as the case may be).

Elements of our technology might as well be magic and fairy dust for far too many people. Apparently even the use of fire is beyond some people, as is evidenced by so many people suffocating in their homes across the South during this very cold series of storms.

Fire is not new, it’s been around since we lived in caves. We decry second hand smoke, but don’t think open a window? Uhh yeah, right! There’s gonna be a ton of “Darwin Awards” come springtime. Perhaps that will ultimately be for the best.

I’ve lost interest in Washington. For that matter I’ve lost interest in COVID, politics, social justice, cancel culture, sports, entertainment, and anything else that is not directly putting cash in my pocket, gas in my car, or food on my table.

I suppose, this is the new reality of many people. We’re all just tired of the bullshit. I know, I’ve got better and more important things to do.

Social Media doesn’t rank in the top 100 for me anymore.

The Storm

So the storm was everything the National Weather Service claimed it would be.

Wind, rain/sleet, and snow. Lots of snow. About 16 inches at my elevation.

The front deck 1/29/2021

It’s not all that unusual to get snows like this here. What is unusual is that we’ve had essentially 3 back to back over the course of a few days.

The street. which was clear down to the pavement on 1/28/2021 and is buried again on 1/29/2021

The problem with our street is that it’s not county maintained. Meaning the residents have to clear it ourselves.

So we all pull out shovels, snow blowers, and one of the neighbors has an ATV with a snow blade on the front. Unfortunately, in the last snow he broke a shear pin and is waiting for the replacement which is on it’s way from MN via the USPS. He’s thinking that he won’t get it until spring.

The snow mound that is my front yard.

So after a full day of working, resting, & working again I can see most of the driveway again. One of the neighbors is at the far end of the street running his snow blower. What usually happens is all the neighbors fire up their snow blowers at the same time and the begin a carefully choreographed series of passes on the street.

That doesn’t begin until driveways are cleared otherwise we end up losing track of the driveways and have to do more work to find ’em and clear ’em. Something you don’t find out until you’ve regularly used a snow blower is, after you’ve blown the snow with a snow blower, it tends to compress into ice. So if you bury someones driveway sometimes the only solution is a pick and standard shovel instead of the traditional snow shovel.

One other really nice thing is that if one of the neighbors is away, and there’s a snow storm those of us who are home clear their driveway so they have a place to park when they get back. It’s not something any of us have talked about or agreed upon. It’s just a nice unwritten rule of kindness.

The other rule is that if the storm was really bad and your driveway isn’t cleared yet, you park in one of the neighbors drives until we get to yours. That rule is also unwritten and one of the nice things about our street.

We also have a common bag of various sized snowblower shear pins, unfortunately, none of us had anything big enough for the neighbors ATV snow blade. Dang IT!!!!

A shot of the house after clearing the road

In the picture above, the dark streaks are where the new guy on the block ingested some of the dirt from my yard. Ooops! No matter, the yard will be fine, but his snow blower was very unhappy for a couple of minutes. This picture isn’t super pretty but it gives a good reference of ground level and the relative depth of the snow.

Fortunately, we haven’t had to contend with snowplayers today. They have a bad habit of turning onto our road then freaking out when the realize 2 important things. 1) It’s a dead end. 2) It’s very narrow and there isn’t anyplace to turn around unless there happens to be an open driveway.

Usually they end up having to back down out onto the wider county maintained road. Which is also full of snowplayers trying to get up that road to its dead end, or it’s full of those who have found out that there is no way through and turned around.

This is why we don’t like snowplayers up in the neighborhoods. There are lots of little roads that dead end. Lots of these people come up here thinking the whole town is a snow/ski area, and they refuse to read signs that are clearly posted saying that a road is a dead end, or following the larger and equally clear signs that point to the designated play areas, and ski resorts.

They get tired of crawling along on the main, and well maintained road and tend to turn onto the first side road they see. Then the police get involved and start running them out of the neighborhoods, writing tickets, and towing vehicles.

Us locals, stop with a smile and present our drivers licenses (to prove our address and get waved on through police checkpoints). Sometimes we’ll provide thermos refills for the officer on duty. Especially if we notice an officer who hasn’t had a break in many hours working in the cold.

I’m afraid that tomorrow (Saturday) will bring a ton of rude, giddy, idiots, which will make all of the neighbors weekends a pain in the ass. We tend to take turns shooing the idiots off our lawns, out of the streets, and out of the reforestation project(s).

Then we spend Monday and Tuesday picking up all the trash. Broken plastic sleds, paper, dirty diapers, gloves, shoes, face masks, and the amazing detritus of human beings.

I am amused by the irony as well. These are the same people who would scream at the top of their lungs against pulling out of the Paris climate accords, but think nothing of trashing a pristine mountain town.

After all, they don’t have to actually clean up the mess. They don’t have to call the forestry service to help sick wildlife. They don’t have to worry about anything do they? It’s someone else’s problem when they drive back down the mountain.

Following are some pictures that illustrate the point really well.

A local creek about 10 miles from home. This picture was taken 15 year ago before the road to the creek was paved.
The same area about 4 years ago.
There is a creek under these uprooted trees. People were climbing the trees and then using their weight to pull them over. Seems the people wanted a bridge so they could cross a creek that has at best 10 inches of water in it during the Summer.
Filthy Humans!

If I sound harsh about people. It’s because I see the kind of wanton destruction and disregard all too many people have for the “Natural” surroundings that I live in and appreciate.

Ironically, lots of these people come to these wilder places to, “Get away from the city,” Unfortunately, they bring all their bad habits with them and just expect it to be magically cleaned up every night.

Before anyone talks to me about Climate change, the Green New Deal, Carbon taxes, or my gas powered car. They better have a simple appreciation of what’s happening every day in their local wilderness.

Cause if they don’t… I’m going to eat them for lunch!

Sorry, I digressed…

I’m not a traditional tree hugging Eco-Warrior. I’m just a guy who likes nature and gets really mad about the hypocrisy of people who are willing to pay stupid taxes and force everyone else to do the same, terrorizing us with dire warnings about Climate Change.

Too many of these people have never in their lives spent a day carrying a big trash bag through a forest picking up other people’s trash. Or tending a trampled sapling, or scrubbing graffiti off of rocks, or looking after an animal that ingested something left behind by a thoughtless person.

I do all of these things, and for the record, I’m not part of any organization. There’s no-one taking pictures. The big garbage bag ends up in my trash or recycling bin which ever is appropriate. I do this because I believe it’s the right thing to do, and should be done for no other reason. I’m the human walking in the forest seeing all the mess. Rather than tut-tut about it, I’ve got two hands, and a backpack with at least one trash bag inside.

Leave no trace. Leave a place better than you found it. That way the next person on the trail can appreciate the beauty and hopefully they’re operating on the same philosophy.

I’m a big believer that until you tend to the local issues you can’t really address the global ones. I also believe that if everyone simply tended to their own local issues, the world would be a lot prettier and healthier.

After all anyone can write a check, or click “Like” and feel smug about it. Put some skin in the game if you’re really serious.

Just my two cents. What I’ve said may not be right. It may not be right for you in particular. But It’s right for me and given that I do have skin in the game I’m not going to apologize if what I’ve said offends anyone.

It’s been 10 days or so since Parler was taken down…

I’m sad to see it go, but I was able to go cold turkey from social media.

I know the good folks at Parler are working hard to get the site back up, but I’m questioning if I’ll return to any social media.

I maintain Linkedin only for job stuff and don’t interact on the site too much. I’ve never been comfortable with HR departments searching for social history, and Linkedin just makes it easy for them to judge you based on an arbitrary set of nebulous criteria.

I’ve been enjoying my HAM radio much more than social media anyway. There was a gentleman the other day who described HAM as the original social media and I think he’s right. The focus is much more local (although with radio sometimes you can get astounding distances, depending on conditions in the upper atmosphere.)

I’ve been catching up on local events in my immediate area. Figure about 100 miles or so. There are ways to get much farther reliably due to a network of specialized radio systems placed on mountains throughout the country or countries across the planet.

These systems are not funded by government, they’re generally free to use, and are funded by the good will of HAM operators and HAM clubs. Sure, using them is a little more difficult than clicking “Tweet” on your phone, but it does provide a bit of a barrier to the riff raff.

Since Parler was taken down, I switched on my radio and discovered there’s a mountain lion wandering through the town I live in.

Social media on a global scale wouldn’t have necessarily warned me about that. The lion has been seen in multiple locations and appears to be looking for food. The general warning is to make sure that you keep an eye on dogs, cats, and children, even in a fenced yard.

That’s good to know! Especially since Jesse and I sometimes take early morning walks and we’re generally on trails in the forest.

Were I in most any state but California, it would be appropriate for me to be armed while out on a walk in rough areas. Most of those other states would look at being armed as a prudent precaution. But California is so damn twitchy about guns, they’ve made it so that you can’t defend yourself against apex predators, (Human or Animal).

In my local area, there are bears, bobcats, coyotes, rattlesnakes, and as stated, mountain lions. Any one of which could attack if it perceived you and your dog as a threat. This is particularly so if you were to come around a boulder or through a stand of trees and surprise them.

California would prefer to clean up the bloody mess and airlift your body out, rather than allow you to have a fighting chance. Many Californias would shake their heads and tut, tut, your foolishness in being out of the oh so safe, city.

Many of them would say you got what you deserved for being in the wilderness in the first place. That’s one of the weirdest things about living here. Lots of Californias ask, “why would someone have been out in the forest?” I ask, “Wasn’t the person armed and prepared?”

Californians live under the constant threat of sudden destruction from an Earthquake, or a fire, but they are astounded that anyone would want to live where hurricanes or tornados may occur. I actually prefer hurricanes or tornados because you can see them coming and get the hell out of the way. Earthquakes provide no such warning. Fires, you can avoid if you know where they are.

I guess it’s just preference.

Oddly, social media rarely provides any real time useful data about disasters. It’s almost always after the fact. I’ve always assumed that was because of internet outages.

That is why I took the time to get the HAM license, and with recent events, I’m considering taking my license to the next level. This would open my ability to communicate on a wider range of frequencies legally.

Note I said legally. I could talk on those frequencies now, but I’m a law abiding citizen and believe in obeying rules which have a logical purpose and provide a clear benefit. Radio rules typically fall into that category.

There are a lot of other rules that I disagree with because they don’t seem to have a basis in common sense, logic, or science, and simultaneously don’t provide a clear benefit.

Parler was uncensored. Twitter and Facebook are very censored and not in a consistent way. Parler was/is about protecting the First Amendment. Twitter and Facebook say they are proponents of the First Amendment but demonstrably are not.

Parler was taken away from all of us by people that don’t believe in free speech and had the will and capacity to effectively silence a large percentage of Americans. If some people choosing to use Parler were offended by what they read or saw, they had the option to never go back to the Parler site.

But these people, who choose to be perpetually offended couldn’t abide differing opinions. They demand conformity of thought. I suspect that in time they’ll demand conformity of race too, since everything in their world revolves around racial identity politics.

On the radio there is no race. Only the content of your words. If you’re not good at putting your thoughts into words there’s no-one that will stop you from saying something but you might find yourself talking to dead air. Other people listening may simply find another channel, you know, old school… Don’t like what you’re hearing turn it off…

More people need to learn that.

Our house has been remarkably quiet over the past 3 weeks. We both tired of the news, we got tired of Hollywood celebrities shooting their mouths off in hateful tirades about Trump and frankly it’s made it so that watching their movies aren’t that enjoyable. Even music is only turned on when we want to listen to something particular. It’s tougher to relax or suspend disbelief so you can just enjoy the music or movie.

We’re hoping that in time as we distance from this season of chaos we’ll be able to enjoy these things once again.

In the mean time, from the radio chatter I’m hearing, we’re not alone. It appears that streaming movies and music over the fiber network here has dropped off significantly in our local area. But the Library is seeing a slight uptick in usage.

Something else I’d never have known from just social media. But it was on my HAM Radio this morning.

I’ve been listening to a bunch of local HAMS who get together every morning over their first or second cup of coffee.

They just get on the radio, and chat about local stuff. The weather, someone older who needs a little help with a project, the community center asking for books to lend, issues with snowplayers, and when the next community meeting is. The day after a community meeting, someone will summarize what was covered for those that couldn’t attend. It’s nice and somehow comforting.

Perhaps it’s time for us all to act more locally, and stop paying attention to the collective idiots who have found voice in social media. Maybe we should be more concerned about the people in our local area who are trying to do the right thing, and could use actual hands to do work that makes our community better?

It costs you nothing to comment on troubles in another state. But when you comment about something locally, there’s a certain expectation that you’re willing to put your money, or sweat equity, where your mouth is.

I suppose that too is old school…

Jan 6th

Congress was doing what they were supposed to do according to (3U.S.C. §15)

And I submit that up until the capital was breached, so were many thousands of Americans. Marching in the streets of Washington D.C. These are people whose concerns had been dismissed by all of the appropriate legal means.

These people were there to support their President (not a crime). They were there to visibly show Congress that they were not faceless nobodies (not a crime). They were people with lives, children, homes, and reasonable concerns about the election (not a crime).

It’s easy for leaders to dismiss nameless, faceless masses. It’s a bit tougher when those people are right there demanding answers.

People died. Some reports say 4 some say 5. I saw a report from the Capital Police that said CNN was incorrectly reporting one of their officers died. That Capital Police report no doubt ended up page 20 of leading newspapers. It probably never made it to CNNs news desk.

That people died is tragic. That should never have happened.

The Capital has been occupied by protestors several times over the past century, and bombed at least twice. Almost always for the same reason, citizens seeking redress of their grievances, but being ignored by the politicians.

The faux “shock and outrage” on the part of Congress and the news media over the Capital having been occupied is disgusting and disingenuous. Especially since some of the fossils currently in Congress were alive, and If my math is correct were serving in the building at the time of the previous incidents.

There’s a brief Washington Post Article here describing the history of attacks on the Capital. I’ve seen a report that a group of African Americans occupied the Capital and were armed when they did it. There was an interesting picture, but no corroborating link to the the source article.

The building has been damaged far worse in previous incidents, than it was this time.

What I find really disturbing is the spin. There are videos of Protestors attempting to dissuade others from breaking windows. There are multiple eyewitnesses corroborating the videos.

So rather than a few perpetrators being called to account, all the people supporting President Trump and indeed Trump himself are labeled terrorists?

This offends my sense of fairness. How have we gotten to a place where one kind of protest degenerating into violence is labeled “Mostly Peaceful” but another kind of protest is instantly labeled “Terrorist“?

But it goes on. People randomly identified in the crowd outside the Capital are losing their jobs. For what? Exercising their first amendment rights? Then it goes further, the conservative voice in America is being silenced with ever more draconian methods.

In some cases these folks are citizen journalists who make part or all of their living by attending these events and reporting what they actually saw. These entrepreneurs post their video and first hand accounts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, and the like.

Suddenly they’re banned on these platforms because they were at the protest, were identified in the crowd, and chose to report what they saw.

There’s no accusation of wrongdoing, no arrest, no trial, nothing…

Just Censorship. More voices silenced by what amounts to the mob.

We’ve seen this phenomenon with increasing frequency over the past few years, in online communities. Twitter “Shadowbans” and Facebook “suspensions”.

These bans happen when someone gets upset or offended by something someone posts. The offended party effectively runs to mommy (The Service) they cry and whine and get all their online friends to join in the whining and mommy summerly silences some poor person for a period of time.

It’s the online equivalent of the “timeout”. The problem is, very often the comment that caused the offense was taken out of context or misinterpreted in the first place. It doesn’t matter though because the damage is done, and the mob has been rewarded with a “Kill” so they’re self-righteous indignation continues on and on.

Where does this stop?

Reported by the today

Mozilla, developer of the Firefox internet browser, has argued that more must be done to keep Donald Trump and other “bad actors” out of cyberspace, prompting many to vow to never use the group’s services again.

In a blog post titled ‘We need more than de-platforming’, the open-source software community said that Twitter’s decision to permanently ban Trump from its platform didn’t go far enough in weeding out “hate” on the internet. While blaming Trump for the “siege and take-over” of the US Capitol on January 6, the non-profit tech group argued that “white supremacy is about more than any one personality.”

“We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage has been done. Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than just the temporary silencing or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms,” Mozilla wrote.

Apparently, it doesn’t. Because for these people there is no such thing as enough. There can never be any end to their grievances. For if there were an end, these people would have to face the fact that they are in fact far worse than what they were fighting.

I don’t need protection from hateful words or ideas, I’m quite capable of ignoring or avoiding these things all by myself. I’m beginning to think that I need protection from those who would force their “protections” on me, unbidden.

Apologies if I’ve been a little rambling. Chalk it up to “Dogieous Interruptus” A young dog in the house means there are no boundaries!

Well, I Never!

This election is tearing our country apart.

I’ve spoken with a few acquaintances who shockingly said, “Anyone who voted for Trump in my enemy.”

That sentiment is astounding to me. Frankly, I have zero desire to have people like that in my life. Regardless of who I voted for or not. That kind of vitriol has no place in my life or my country.

People voted for who they voted for due to a variety of reasons. Some just plain hate Trump, others saw Biden as a return to “normal”. I think a lot of people who voted for either candidate were actually voting from an emotional level against the other guy.

A vote for Trump may simply have been a vote against Biden, or more properly Harris. Similarly a vote for Biden may have been a completely emotional choice based on 4 years of Trump bashing and Trump’s bombastic nature.

Either way, for me someone determining the the status of their relationships based on political party or who they voted for is completely insane.

While Biden is a known commodity. He’s also probably not going to serve out his term. As Trump and conservative media pointed out, Biden has been in office 47 years, 8 of them as Vice President, and now suddenly he’s got a plan? He’s a career politician but has done little of note.

I’ve personally not been impressed with Biden as a politician over the past decade. Harris is mostly unknown. She couldn’t carry her home state of California in the Primaries and it wasn’t about the fact that she is a woman or that she’s a person of color, it was about her character, she didn’t resonate with the voters.

After the Primaries she had some pretty harsh things to say about Biden and then she turns around and accepts a VP slot from him? There were many rumors about her climb to power and then in full view of the American people she did exactly what the rumors claimed. She compromised her expressed beliefs and metaphorically climbed into bed with someone she excoriated on multiple issues only months before.

I was very disturbed about the Hunter Biden laptop as well. The main stream media was sweeping it under the rug prior to the election. The conservative media was rightfully asking questions about the veracity of the photos and emails. Some of the photos I ran across were shocking. A video I saw, less so, but I’m convinced it is actually Hunter in both. Now the mainstream is reporting on Hunter’s laptop. For me, what they’re reporting is “old news”

I’m certain, if one of Trumps boys had a laptop turn up we’d see 24/7 news coverage and demands for his resignation.

For me, this begs multiple questions.

Why / how is the media so biased? Isn’t the media supposed to be simply reporting, and to the extent possible, verifying the events?

How does this double standard stand in America? We are supposed to be a country of equal opportunity which means, good or bad, no-one gets a PASS.

In the face of a spectacular amount of evidence, how did Hunter avoid prosecution to date?

Loosely associated with the Hunter question is what appears to be fraudulent voting. In 2016 voter fraud was the democratic party’s explanation of Trumps win and Hillary’s loss. In 2020 there are multiple reports of more ballots being counted in states than were sent out. There’ve been affidavits filed legally in courts across the country detailing sworn eyewitness testimony to voting irregularities. But we’re being told that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Throughout 2020 we’ve seen protests that turned violent. The media has painted the violence as the responsibility of white supremacists and extremists. The media has also told us that rioting and looting wasn’t widespread. We’ve had politicians telling us that ANTIFA is an idea nothing more.

Yet we have ANTIFA crowing about their conquests. Then directing their followers via social media to disrupt scheduled peaceful rallies supporting issues, which ANTIFA condemns. We have police officers standing by watching looting, arson, and violence, yet doing nothing.

For me collectively, this suggests that the law no longer applies.

So when someone says, “Anyone who didn’t vote for Biden is my enemy,” I wonder what that really means.

What happens if that sentiment is extended? Anyone not wearing a mask is my enemy, anyone not taking the vaccine is my enemy, anyone not carrying a BLM sign is my enemy, anyone who is not gay or transgendered is my enemy, anyone who is black, brown, yellow, white, is my enemy.

The problem with drawing those kinds of lines, is that if you mean it, there’s no end to it.

If “Selective Law Enforcement” gets added to the mix, then logically you could murder someone an claim they were “the other” and get away with it.

Kinda like NAZI Germany.