Holy Shit! 72 hours later…

I know there will be people reading this who will disagree with me. That’s okay! 

There are people who will even say these things were underway and just came to fruition coincidentally 72 hours after the election was called in Trump’s favor.

Regarding Ukraine & Russia there are people who will say that the sudden change is because Putin and Trump are boyfriends.

Okay, the folks that believe those things are more than welcome to continue to believe them.

July 2024 kamala harris joe biden podium getty 640x480.But regardless of the reasons, it may be that Trump’s win, and let’s face it, this was a drubbing of Democrat policies in general, and the policies of the Biden/Harris Administration in particular, has catalyzed a lot of nice things happening very suddenly.

One of those things that I find most amazing is that the American people didn’t just speak, they roared.

Had the Democrat party been paying attention, and adjusted their approach addressing the concerns of the people, I doubt that so much of the country would have voted red.

Look at the map. There were counties in deep blue California that flipped to red. That’s almost unheard of. Except that the entire country is clearly pissed off.

I honestly don’t think it was only about Trump’s messaging. The media kept up their attacks, Kamala, Biden, Obama, and the rest of the Democrat Machine kept up their badmouthing and misrepresentation. If anything, all that side of the equation was constant.

Orange man bad, Nazi, Racist, Misogynist, Felon, Rapist, Dictator, blah blah blah. And all his followers too should be in camps! (Honestly, the Democrats sounded a lot more Nazi than the Republicans.)

Trump isn’t much different than he ever was. He might be a little more humble but I’m not sure.

So it comes down to 1 of 2 factors. Kamala was a terrible candidate or Americans believed their lying eyes and not the gaslighting about the economy or how much better their lives are under the Biden/Harris Administration.

It’s maybe a bit of both.

The media is saying that suddenly the whole damn country is misogynist, and racist. I think that’s funny as hell because even after getting stomped, the media is still trying to prop Kamala Harris up and completely missing the point.

I don’t believe the American people give two shits about her race, her gender, or anything else aside from she said she couldn’t think of anything she’d do different from Biden, and that she’s deeply flawed and unlikable, she could not or would not address the concerns of the people.

I believed that Kamala would win anyway because it could be argued the Democrat Party and the machine in Washington demonstrably hate the American People.

What better way to demonstrate to We The People that our voices fall on deaf ears than to saddle us with a blithering idiot like Kamala Harris & lying buffoon like Tim Walz, coupled with crippling debt that serves other countries interest but not our own?

I believed that Harris/Walz would be installed regardless of the voting results and that would be the end of our nation. I was envisioning the decline of Rome. A string of mostly shitty leaders who frittered the wealth of The Empire away.

Trump being elected has given me some hope. It sounds stupid but I’ve been in a depression, closer to despair, that I had attributed to Jerry’s death.

Now I wonder. Since the election I’ve been smiling more, I’m feeling lighter and more positive. 

I can see the possibility of being employed again. Things aren’t so dismal. My need to work on projects isn’t quite so daunting. Hell, I wasn’t paying attention and found that I’ve cleaned the garage.

Monday, there’s a representative from a new church coming to pick up at least some, if not all of the boxes of music that Jerry had stored but hadn’t touched for a decade.

The thing is, I was smiling most of the time I was moving things around, sweeping floors,& making sure that Jerry hadn’t stashed important papers amongst the music. I wasn’t sad, it wasn’t drudgery, I was content moving boxes and re-stacking them for easy loading.

It’s progress born of hope rather than “going through the motions” not wanting to extend myself or expend any physical or emotional effort because “Why should I? Some faceless nameless fuck will just come along and tax me or steal my work.”

California has made me feel like this for a long time, but California plus an overarching federal government that appeared to be capricious and arbitrary too, was right on the raggedy edge of too much for me to bear.

At first I thought this was strictly about my own issues. That I was taking it all far too personally. That I’d never recovered from the “Lockdown” mentality. All these things are probably true in some measure. With gas & food prices what they are, I don’t go places often. I’ve gotten out of the habit, and I don’t enjoy sitting in traffic.

During the California lockdowns, you didn’t know if you were going to be arrested for surfing alone on an empty beach. Or when the next insane Karen was going to accost you in a parking lot because you hadn’t put your completely useless chin diaper on. Or finding shelves empty because our transportation infrastructure was a useless mess, I got into the habit of not wanting to go anywhere because I just hated and loathed dealing with the insanity.

One thing that I did notice during the COVID / Biden / Harris years was that going to Florida,  Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, and Alabama were pleasurable because those places were not treating their citizens like prisoners in their own homes. Oddly, their shelves were pretty damn full too in addition to gas costing about 1/2 what I paid in California.

All of which is why I was pressuring Jerry to move. I really wanted us to enjoy our golden years  someplace that was calm and comfortable. We never got the opportunity.

We put up with the lockdown mentality. I kept beating my head against the wall employment wise, and Jerry kept working all the jobs he’d been working for years. We settled into almost a Stockholm syndrome way of living. We were prisoners and we couldn’t see any way out of the prison. Things were as they’d always been and they weren’t going to change. 

The world was a uniform grey of rules, fear, regulations, and not wanting to deal with anything outside our four walls more than we had to. When Jerry died, for me, the grey got a lot darker.

I stopped correcting people who needed to validate their COVID terror, by saying Jerry died of COVID. In a way that is true, not because he contracted the virus, but because he wasn’t able to get the medical care during COVID he needed.

Doctors here in California made it so very difficult to schedule appointments plus it was questionable if the appointment would be kept dependent on the doctor’s staff testing positive for COVID or not. After a while Jerry stopped trying. His schedule had far too many moving pieces to accommodate the doctor’s office calling to say, “tomorrow?  Next week??? Maybe in a month?”

A lot of these were wounds that I didn’t realize I was carrying. I knew I was burdened, but you get used to the weight and after a while you don’t notice it at all.

Donald_Trump_32758233090 768x512.jpg.optimal 3278148077.Since Trump’s election I look at the stock market soaring, I see Hamas saying they want to stop the shit. I look at Putin & Zelensky publicly stating that it’s time to stop their war, and the middle east countries who suddenly have decided it’s not a good idea to harbor terrorist groups and kicking them out. Look at the most recent migrant caravan suddenly reduced to 1/2 its size because the message is out, the free ride ,in the United States is over.

So perhaps it’s not just me, that feels like I’m seeing the sun for the first time in a long while. Sometime in the last 3.5 years, I wrote in this blog that the Biden Administration “Felt” a lot like the Obama Administration. At the time that was a “one off” comment. 

Looking back on it, and the Obama Administration, I wasn’t happy either. About a year or so into Obama’s first term I felt profoundly betrayed.

I’d voted for the guy and he wasn’t who or what I thought he was. I felt relieved when Trump won in 2016 even though I didn’t vote for him or Hillary.

I realize now that even though I was attempting to ignore politics, on some level I was very aware of the political machinations. I was seeing the effects on my life and worried about how I would be affected by nameless faceless bureaucrats.

I’d had a taste of what could happen under the Clinton administration when he closed military bases in the local area. Our local economy tanked, there were layoffs, high unemployment, our home’s value dipped underwater and we were very concerned that we’d lose our home altogether.

The Bush II years were slightly better. At the time, I was not happy with the Republican Party at all, hence my voting for Obama and “Hope & Change”. I was willing to risk a Democrat Administration because I looked at Obama and thought “He’s a younger guy, he’s going to understand the working class. The Democrats are the party of the working class so things will be better off.

Except they weren’t. Scandals, mismanagement, & misuse of the DOJ, IRS, and other government agencies plagued Obama. Even Jerry, a lifelong Democrat, turned away in disgust from the Democrat party toward the end of Obama’s administration.

Both of us rolled our eyes at Trumps 3AM Tweets. Neither of us voted for Trump in 2016. Jerry thought I was nuts when I came around to Trump. I could see the advantage of a Businessman’s practicality in the Presidency. In 2020 we both voted for Trump and were both disappointed when Biden was installed.

We both had many questions about the election and thought that it was a bad idea to switch Presidents with the looming COVID crisis. But all too soon we were locked down. Shortly thereafter Biden was mandating vaccines, as a condition of employment, even if you never left your damn home, because you were working remotely.

So I was screwed. My system doesn’t react well with RNA inhibitors so medically speaking a modified RNA vaccine was out of the damn question.

Until Tuesday, I’d given up even looking for a job except for once every two weeks or so. I am white, old, male, don’t have a degree, and while I am gay, I’m not much into the pronouns de jour, or worrying about how someone identifies if they’re wearing genderfuck drag. That was the employment environment. Why bother wasting time looking?

That seems to have been the recurring theme for me over the past 4 years. Why bother? Why try? The obstacles and impediments are too high. After all, I’m a racist, disease carrying, misogynist, uneducated, illiterate, nazi, garbage, existential threat to democracy, transphobic, domestic terrorist, worthless useless, male piece of shit. I don’t deserve to be able to have a job, or to even exist… According to Biden, the sitting President of the United States.

My sole usefulness was to pay taxes.

Words matter. 

Negative messaging and name calling is destructive.

Perhaps that’s why Donald Trump fills stadiums. His message is one of we’ve got these problems, here’s what I plan to do about those problems. We’ve got a few nasty people in power who are not listening to all the beautiful voices of you good people. I appreciate that you folks have taken the time to come hear what I have to say.

It’s possible that I and the rest of a weary nation heard him and thought, “That message is a better one than we’re hearing from the other side.”

Hearing that the country had elected Trump in both popular vote and electoral college vote was heartening.

It represented a possible end to the slog through hell we’ve experienced for the past 4 years. That the House and Senate were also red provides a mechanism wherein Trump can implement his plans without a lot of static.

That made me happy. I can see an end to the shit. I feel like trying again. I look forward to the future and want to contribute again.

All of which is to say, If you see me and I have a goofy grin. It’s because I’m happy for the first time in 4 years…

Sorry, I’ve been a little cranky.

I’ve hurt one of my knees again. When I say hurt, I mean chronic stabbing pain.

Jesse has been very sweet on our walks and is putting up with “old man slow”.

It’s messing with my sleep and making me really tired. So tired, that doing anything is an almost insurmountable chore.

On the plus side it’s getting better and each day, the pain is dialing down a bit, or maybe I’m just getting used to it.

I’ll be doing okay minding my own business, then I’ll catch some stupidity in politics, the government, or the talking heads & think I’ve had a stroke or something because the news and sound bites are just plain insane.

M113 Salt Creature.I actually dreamt I was watching Kamala Harris on TV and she was in a super diverse room of people. It was an interview, (about what I don’t recall.) Each person that asked her a question was obviously ethnic in some way. Kamala answered in their accent.

The crowd didn’t like her answers so they started firing questions at her all at once. She tried to answer each person in their local accent and it kept going until not only was Kamala changing accents, but her face was mirroring the characteristics of the person she was focused on. It got faster & faster until finally she didn’t look human anymore.

Then, where Kamala had been standing at a podium there was suddenly this creature panting from exhaustion. (I just realized It was the old salt monster from the original StarTrek.)

The reporters didn’t miss a beat and called the transformation, “a regrettable makeup malfunction”. Then began painting the event as a trick of the light, combined with MAGA digital interference from the internet, being injected into their live television stream.

That’s when I woke up.

I think that in one way or another for the past 10 years politics has been permeating all our waking lives. There was a time when we could pretty much ignore the stupidity. A) The level of individual human stupidity hasn’t changed. B) The concentration of truly stupid people in our government has.

It’s reached a kind of critical mass, it’s no longer about one idiot in the House asking if putting a large naval base on an island will cause the island to capsize. Although watching that Admiral choke back his first, second, third, and fourth responses while maintaining a poker face was amusing.

Now the number of truly idiotic people elected to government offices has tipped the balance such that the outliers are the sane and reasonable suggestions, and the normal stuff coming out of any office in D.C. is batshit crazy, short bus stupid, or some ugly combination of both. 

Which brings me to my point. It’s become literally impossible to ignore the buffoonery and it’s become normalized, even if you’re not crazy, you feel like you’re crazy.

That “background noise” has a habit of keeping me low level cranky most of the time. At that level, I’m usually in pretty decent control but when you add sharp stabbing pain, well the control slips. And I tend to fire off rants, screeds? without much filtering. 

All of which is to explain that this blog might be a lot more random than usual. It might also be a little more pithy than usual. So buckle up buttercups, it might be a bumpy ride.

And I apologize in advance.

We might come full circle…

Western Electric Rotary TelephoneI was having a text conversation with my Sister and our Aunt, this morning. In the course of the conversation, I realized my Sister was using dictation to compose her text messages.

Shortly after the conversation, I thought to myself, if she was dictating her text messages, then why didn’t she just call me? I mean, if you’re speaking out loud, why not actually have a telephone conversation?

I realize that she was including my aunt and myself in the text message.That being said, she could just simply have conference called us. We all have FaceTime, she could have turned it into a video chat.

I keep thinking to myself we’re gonna come full circle anytime now. People are gonna realize that actual voice communication between two individuals might be a lot more productive than going through the sterility of a text message.

Once that happens then we’ll figure out that the nuance of the human voice is far more precise than just getting a text message and wondering whether or not the person was angry or sad or depressed or happy or just simply distracted. All of those things we can instinctively determine by hearing a person’s voice.

It’ll probably take another 20 years and I won’t be around to see it. But wherever I am, whatever I am, I’m probably gonna be laughing my ass off, when the kids discover this new thing called a telephone conversation.

A couple of days ago Governor Newsom signed some free speech bills

These two bills are not the end of the First Amendment. But if they’re allowed to stand, they could begin the erosion of the First Amendment.

I believe these two bills will have a chilling effect on political memes within California and I’m not sure how these will play out in situations where the host servers are not located in California.

The problem I see is that if California is allowed to prosecute memes regardless of where the creator lives, then defacto censorship is likely to extend across the entire nation. I honestly wonder about the longevity of this blog.

I’ve expressed some pretty strong opinions about our political candidates and even created one or two memes that are very unflattering to several presidents, vice presidents, and governors.

Will I be arrested? Will I have my First Amendment rights stripped from me? I’m a little guy, I can’t afford to mount a legal defense against the deep pockets of the State of California.

So until I understand the ramifications of the new laws, I think I’ll not be posting anything of a political nature.

Let’s think about this for a moment.

Due to uncertainty, and fear of unfair prosecution, I’m self censoring. This is exactly what these laws seek to do.

I’ll be reading these laws very carefully and looking at the details of what precisely they’ll prohibit. After I understand the law I’ll return to making political comments. I’m willing to bet there will be other people that just stop talking.

I happen to believe that if people aren’t allowed to speak… okay, bitch, and complain. Then like the boiler with a broken pressure relief valve, the pressure will just build until until what would have been unflattering speech will become something far worse.

The first read of these bills looks like they’re targeting memes, and videos that appear to have the subject political figure saying something they didn’t say. A.K.A. disinformation.

The “Very Fine People Hoax” for example is the one that pops to mind instantly. Biden and Harris have both kept that hoax alive even though it’s been throughly debunked, and disproven. The news media cut the video of Trump in such a way that it appears he said Nazis were very fine people. He didn’t. A shit ton of people still believe he said it.

Mark Twain said, “No amount of evidence will ever convince an Idiot.”

Turns out if the TV says it, It’s gotta be true.

Under these new laws, would California seek to prosecute Joe Biden or Kamala Harris?

Who decides what is dis-information anyway? The Nazi Party had quite a division to make this determination and sent authorities to arrest those believed guilty of creating or spreading dis-information.

Is this the America we want to live in? Do we want to have a Nazi-esq group of jack booted enforcers kicking down doors because some of us forwarded a picture of a dog looking up at the camera with a concerned face., and a caption, “I know we’re visiting family in Springfield, don’t let me out of your sight,” because it was funny.

It doesn’t matter if Haitians are literally eating cats & dogs or if it’s meant as a slur. The humor is visual, and conveyed by the dog’s expression. We as a people, used to be able to see humor without being so sensitive that it traumatized us.

I loved the Washington Post fact check on Trump when he said, “we had hamburgers piled a mile high.” They said, “at 2 inches high, 700 hamburgers wouldn’t be a mile high”

Duh! Really? You don’t say. It was an exaggeration. A figure of speech, no-one in their right mind actually thought Trump had stacked hamburgers 1 mile high.

We used to not have a problem with these sorts of exaggerations either. We as a people used to recognize that our leaders were human. We used to give them a pass on some silliness. We became concerned if the leader repeated the error. Then we’d ask, “Excuse me? What did you say, and what did you actually mean by what you said?” When we asked that question, we expected an answer, plain & simple. We didn’t want or expect a bunch of BS language that said nothing and never provided an answer.

This was back in the day when Americans had a sense of humor.

When was the last time you saw a good comedy routine?

I loved Netflix for their standup comedy. When there were fewer and fewer actually funny programs, I stopped watching Netflix, then I cancelled the subscription.

I digress, well, maybe not. As cancel culture became prevalent, comedians began self censoring. That might have been why the stand-up routines seemed so flat, or stale. If you can’t say what you want without someone being offended and harming your career then you start censoring yourself too.

I’m not sure I like this dark road we’re apparently on.

I don’t appreciate political parties supporting censorship because I look to the history of not only the Nazi party, but other dictators, kings, and potentates.

This is something I believe should concern us all.

it’s a super nice day in Orange County.

I’m enjoying the cool overcast from an on-shore flow. Sitting out on the porch with Jesse napping is very pleasant. Knowing the most anything I might want to go get, is literally a few minutes away could really spoil me.

I’ll admit it, I like being in civilization. 

Don’t get me wrong, I liked living in the mountains. I liked my life and my other half and there was joy in our home. There were rough times to be sure, but any issues were offset by having silence, room, and a safe home. Those perks outweighed the inconvenience of having to drive a minimum of 30 minutes or more to get to a shopping center for stuff like clothes or a Costco. There were times when It felt like I needed a sherpa and we were planning an expedition to deepest Africa.

When I was working off the hill, stopping by one of those places, or as Jerry & I often did, meeting at a mall or whatever to take care of necessary shopping on our way home from our respective jobs, wasn’t a problem. We’d have a date night, have dinner, do our shopping and head home after most of the traffic was past.

Now that I’m alone and not working off the hill, being on the mountain is a bit more of a problem. I have little reason to leave and less reason to want to deal with nightmarish traffic getting to and from the various shopping centers.

Staying here in Orange County, with friends. I’m reminded of the advantage of being closer to a real city. In this case, an interconnected web of sprawling cities where the shelves are full and not every item is locked up behind plexiglass.

Over the past couple of days I’ve been struck by the difference in rite aid here versus home. Grocery stores, four within blocks of each other versus home where there’s only 1 or 2 within 20 miles.

Yesterday for example, was interesting. I dropped the dog off for a grooming appointment, drove 1/2 mile to a car wash, drove back to the plaza where I’d left the dog. Noticed there was a SportClips, got my hair cut, walked through a Trader Joes (hadn’t done that for years), compared prices at a Smart & Final, then got a message that the dog was ready.

Out where I live, that would have been an all day affair, possibly 2 days. The local SportClips closed during COVID. The groomer is 45 minutes away. The grocery stores and pharmacy are 20 to 30 minutes. There are 3 grocery stores within 35 miles, 4 if you include the Super Target and Walmart.

It’s funny. Before I settled down with Jerry, I was an Orange County boy. I knew my way around and  literally could lay my hands on just about anything I needed, anytime of the day and night.

Living in Escondido for the time I did, I was still out of the main urban areas of San Diego and honestly, I was glad of it.

This fire may have given me some direction. (Provided it doesn’t just burn everything down.)

I begin to remember what I liked about living here in OC and can directly contrast that with mountain life.

I know that I have too much stuff.

Being evacuated, I’m traveling uncomfortably light. The house on the other hand is uncomfortably heavy. There should be some nice balance in the middle.

Likewise much as I appreciate the convenience of OC, I don’t want to deal with the dense urban environment, the excessive noise and not enough open spaces.

This isn’t a criticism, it’s simply observing that moving back into a dense urban environment probably wouldn’t be the best thing for me personally. 

I think I need to search for a happy medium between the absolute rural out in the sticks places, and easy access to the niceties of modern life.