December 1st ????

This year has flown by!

Pretty soon it’s going to be snowy again.

I guess it’s not really surprising. Time seems to slip by faster as we get older. (At least I’ve noticed it more.) I’ve had a lot on my mind and been working through a bunch more emotional stuff. With those kinds of distractions it was easy for the time to slip  away.

On the plus side of things, Over the past week or so, I’ve been feeling lighter,  while I’m still unsure about a lot of things I don’t feel as weighted down or crushed as I have for the past year.

This isn’t just because we’re in the “Festive Season”. I haven’t even decided if I’m going to do the tree thing this year or not. It’s just me and the dog and Santa isn’t likely to come down my chimney.

I think there’s been enough time pass that there’s distance between Jerry’s passing and right here, right now. I miss him but it’s not the sharp dagger that it was. 

I make no guarantees about how I’ll feel mid January. But this first year of holidays and seasons changing has been hard. Two more to go and I’ll have survived them all. 

I’m not trying to rush the season, but I feel like making it to mid January is a milestone and somehow after that, I’ll be less burdened or sad. I have no proof that will be the case but it “Feels” that way.

It’s time to bust out the Die Hard Franchise, and Lethal Weapon just because they’re Christmassy I know Bruce Willis would disagree but Die Hard has been such a tradition for years I can’t resist.

It’s getting easier for me to toss things in the trash. It sounds stupid but after spending years worrying if I was throwing something of the other half’s away that was important. I was having a tough time getting over the habit. Nothing of his is important to him anymore, the only important any of it has is that which I assign to it.

I’m noticed I’m happier because the house looks less cluttered. There’s still a long way to go but it’s better and improves my general outlook on life too. 

I’m moving in the direction that I want to go. Whether I keep this place, or pack everything up and move, I’ll still need to be free of tons of useless stuff. Long range, my plan is to clear enough of the garage out that I can move my stuff from a storage facility up here. That will save me some cash monthly, and allow me to sort, sell, or trash stuff I don’t want or need.

If I’m going to move, I want the moving truck to be as small as possible.

Hmmm. Interesting, and they wonder why we don’t trust them…

REVW0406So this cold is annoying enough that I was thinking about getting some over the counter cold remedy. Then I thought about it and seemed to recall seeing something about the FDA doing a study on cold medications and discovering problems with them.

Off to the internet, Boy Wonder! CBS Reports this

Ahh, there it is:

Advisers to the Food and Drug Administration voted unanimously on Tuesday against the effectiveness of the ingredient found in popular versions of Sudafed, Allegra, Dayquil, and other medications sold on pharmacy shelves.

“Modern studies, when well-conducted, are not showing any improvement in congestion with phenylephrine,” said Dr. Mark Dykewicz, an allergy specialist at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine.

So here’s the deal, these medications use phenylephrine. They used to use pseudoephedrine. Pseudoephedrine worked but was taken out of the normal OTC medications because it was possible to convert it into Meth.

Phenylephrine was grandfathered into use without much in the way of testing for efficacy by the FDA. It should be noted that there are tons of drugs, and products that are grandfathered like this all the time. Some of these grandfathered products are later found to be, at best ineffective, and at worse harmful.

The cold medications appear to be simply useless if they’re not using Pseudoephedrine. But it does beg the question, how many other medically approved products are nothing more than Placebos or as it was said in the past “Snake Oil”. Placebos have their place in clinical testing, because they provide a baseline to determine if a drug under test is doing anything.

In the past, purveyors of  Snake Oil may have been tarred and feathered and run out of town, if they weren’t hung for hurting and swindling people. The FDA was created to provide a measure of safety to the public because of the prevalence of snake oil and quacks.

Yet here we are, the FDA having been complicit in cold remedies that don’t work, a.k.a. FRAUD! The cost of a box of these cold remedies is /was  $10 to $15 and were sold to millions of people. The fraud generated billions for drug manufacturers.

I’d like to have my money back! I looks like I’m due a refund from 1980 forward??? I’d have to find when Pseudoephedrine was swapped out.

On the plus side, we all got over our colds pretty much naturally! This also might explain the apparent conflicting data between the folks who swear by natural remedies versus Doctors recommending OTC remedies. It’s possible that the natural remedies actually performed better because these remedies survived and were handed down based on centuries of accumulated observational data.

The OTC cold remedies on the other hand were not thoroughly tested and no better than sugar pills.

I wonder about the collateral damage during COVID-19. Most people would have initially thought COVID was a cold, they would have gone to their ineffective OTC cold/flu medication. Their symptoms would have gotten worse until they were hospitalized. Then, they would have been given more ineffective treatments because the treatments that actually worked, (as shown time and again in other countries,) were forbidden. By… guess who, The FDA!

I guess my point is why should I or anyone trust the CDC or the FDA at this point? They’re not protecting us from medical quackery, or big Pharma selling snake oil.

Why should I trust a doctor, or a hospital?

Bottom line is this.

If a Doctor or a medical person can not explain something to you, or can’t produce test information showing the efficacy of a treatment, drug, or vaccine.


Perhaps I’m being overly harsh. However as we keep finding more out about COVID, and the vaccines, and how it really looks like the medical establishment is covering up something truly evil. We shouldn’t give the medical profession the blind trust that we gave them in the past.

It’s really strange that a tattoo / body piercing shop might be a safer place than a hospital, laboratory,  or doctors office, when it comes to having needles stuck in your skin.

I gotta ask

PRI 86511250Will Susan Sarandon be fired from Rick and Morty?

She’s been dropped by her talent agency for her insensitive and possibly antisemitic remarks.

What she said is on record.

Justin Roiland.on the other hand was only accused of sexual misconduct. When it came to trial guess what? The charges were dropped.


He was kicked off pretty much every show he was working on, before he ever walked into a court room. 

He no longer voices Rick and Morty and oh, btw just to ram it home. HE WAS FUCKING INNOCENT!

Susan Sarandon voices the asian psychologist Dr. Wong. WHAT???? OMG! Susan Sarandon is a white woman. How can a white woman possibly voice an Asian character? The Horror!

Originally it was just the double standard we had to worry about. Under double standard rules Justin Roiland looses everything instantly due to an accusation.

Cas Anvar apparently hasn’t worked since 2020 when allegations of sexual assault surfaced on Reddit and Twitter. There were supposedly over 30 women coming forward saying that Anvar did something to all of them. He was fired from all of his projects, I believe his agent dropped him and since that time he’s been off the radar. In his case, the production company he was working for launched an investigation. To date, there have been no charges filed, no results of the investigation have been published, and yet… Another male actor has been expunged from the record.

Jonny Depp was unemployed and unemployable due to Amber Heard’s accusations. To be clear Jonny Depp was THE VICTIM of Amber Heard’s emotional and physical abuse. Depp, No work. Heard, still working and has the gall to bitch about her role being minimized in the latest Aquaman movie. (Has that even come out? Was it another woke preachy blunder? Is that why I don’t know if it’s out or not?)

We don’t just have a double standard anymore. Now it appears the standards are gerrymandered to inflict harm on someone to virtue signal, to whatever crowd, or cause célèbre has the most attention of the people at the moment. At least mccarthyism followed a draconian and somewhat logical, albeit cruel pattern. This, whatever it is, appears to be pure anarchy.

Perhaps that was always the way it’s been. Maybe these old eyes see more clearly, or perhaps the “standard bearers,” in this sense are less adroit at surreptitiously applying the double, triple, or quadruple, standards.

Maybe it’s a bit of all of the above.

I’m still debating spending the money on Season 7 of Rick and Morty.  Susan Sarandon appears in at least one episode.. I don’t know if I’m supposed to show my “virtue” by purchasing this season or not purchasing this season. The characters of Rick and Morty previously voiced by Justin Roiland are now being voiced by two different actors. 

They’re doing a pretty good job of mimicking Roiland’s Rick and Morty. There’s something off in the delivery and cadence that’s not as crisp. Honestly, I’m annoyed at the production in general because of the way Justin Roiland was treated, that’s why I haven’t purchased the new season yet. 

Now with Susan Sarandon shooting her mouth off in support of Palestine, maybe I’ll just wait for the season to be discounted, or pass on it entirely.

I’m wondering if Season 7 will be the last of the show.