Pretty good morning job searching…

Dollar signOf course it’s only sending out applications. But at least there were companies requesting the applications.

The proof will be if any of these applications generate follow-ups.

I’ve also taken a look at creating a personal web site to augment the job search. Many companies seem obsessed with their employees having a social media presence. I’m not into social media, so I’m thinking that perhaps a website would be a way to split the difference. 

I’ve noticed that most recruiting sites have places to link your personal web page. So I figured I’d give it a try.

I don’t really like social media because it’s a time suck. In order to have a robust social media you have to have been at it for a while or send updates at minimum daily. I don’t have that much interest or time. Generally speaking, I’d rather be actually living keeping my phone in my back pocket instead of fiddling with it all day long.

It’s interesting that many people with my same model phone often complain about the battery life, while I have no trouble at all with the battery in my phone lasting almost 2 solid days. The only difference is that my phone is usually in my pocket instead of lit up all the time.

I like technology and I use it, but I don’t live on it.

I don’t think it’s an age thing. I think of it as a values thing.

Ugh! Monday!

Not that I have anything much to do.

Job Search of course, but that’s feeling more and more like beating a dead horse.

FYI. Typically, beating a dead horse isn’t going to make the horse move any faster. In other words… It’s a pointless exercise. I know there are a lot of people out there that have no idea what a horse is. Perhaps the phrase should be updated to beating a dead electric only Prius?


Got the plumber here, taking care of some long overdue plumbing issues.

As an aside, I don’t do plumbing! It’s not that I can’t, it’s that no matter what I buy at the hardware store, it’s always the wrong whatsit. I’ll leave it to the professionals. Now I know why plumbers always have big assed trucks, it’s to hold all the wrong whatsits until they’re someplace where the part actually fits.

Thus far today, I’ve paid bills, updated & balanced the checkbook, taken out the trash, vacuumed, showered, shaved, started an automated process on the computer to back up files to other storage, and currently I’m looking for a new job. (Albeit writing this blog isn’t looking for a new job, I’m using this as a break from depressingly unfruitful job search.)

I’ve also scanned the news. Another depressing endeavor, the headlines tell the tale, and it’s not a happy one. I’ve purposely avoided the impeachment stories. However, every once in a while I do get sucked in. 

One of the things that has made me sort of say huh? Is that some of the testimony appears to lead back to the Bidens and potentially the Obama administration. If that is the case and the Biden family is drawn into the investigation, doesn’t that mean that Joe Biden is not a viable Presidential candidate?

PE4EM.jpgAfter all, If Trump was involved with the Russians and he’s bad. Then by extension if Biden was involved with the Russians he must also be bad.

Which begs in my mind another question. If the Democrats are so enraged that they’re willing to burn down their own party to get at Trump, do I really want them to have control of the nuclear football?

Where would they stop to end Russian collusion? How far exactly would they go?

Trump only has one more year in office. It’s taken Democrats three years to even get to an impeachment hearing at this point… Let the American People decide in November 2020.

This kind of wasted time and taxpayer money is exactly what the American people don’t need. 

The Democrats would be far better served by providing a reasonable candidate instead of what we’ve seen thus far. Provide someone who is so far and away better than Trump, that the American People all say, “YES! That’s the person for the job.” 

That’s what happened in 2008. Hell, I voted for Obama because I believed in his message.

In 2016 I didn’t vote for either candidate. Hillary had too many scandals and / or bodies around her. Trump pretty much had the same problem.

Bernie was right out because living in California, I know all too well what his kind of government would be like. Since I want out of California precisely because of that kind of governance I certainly wasn’t about to vote for it nationwide.

It’s a lot harder to leave an entire country behind.

IPARedTape sitepostLARGE v1 061516 APAs an example, my CAR registration for next year is $543. I’d have no problem paying that amount if California had the finest roads in the country. But California’s roads suck donkey balls! Potholes, trash, rough broken concrete, flooding in the rain, and top that off with some of the highest gas taxes, and the inability to import gasoline from refineries other than those that make the “California Blend” and you can see why I might think that amount is excessive.

IMG 9809Oh and by the way, there’s a move afoot to divert the registration fees to mass transit and other “Public works” projects neglecting again the decaying roads, which most of the population is reliant upon to get to and from work, so they can pay the taxes that aren’t being used for their intended purposes.

Don’t even talk about the water taxes that aren’t being used to build or maintain reservoirs for use in time of drought. The politicians think it’s better to ration water year round, instead of plan ahead for lean years.

We already have a Federal government that thinks the citizens are a piggy bank, I couldn’t vote for Bernie because I believed his ideas would have made us much closer to indentured servants who were still paying out of pocket for everything.

We just would have been paying more in taxes to fund a government bureaucracy that was more wildly out of control.

69-vs.jpgWhich brings us to the 2020 democratic candidates, and the party itself.

Given the circus in Washington pissing away millions of dollars, leveling forests for documents no-one is going to read, and generally distracting from the business of running the country. Is there any democratic candidate that’s worthy of my vote?

Time for more coffee. Time to turn back to job searching.

Mondays! Ugh!

Resume Rewrite…

I paid a resume service to rewrite my resume…

I was looking for something that would make it through all the HR filters and get me actually in front of a hiring manager so that the real discussion could begin.

The rewrite is a more standard (Un-Unique) resume. Not that my previous resume was all that flashy but it did have some elements designed to catch the eye and hopefully stand out a little. In retrospect those element were probably being lost anyway since the HR systems pretty much strip any non-standard elements making all resumes homogenous when they’re printed anyway.

The rewording of my experience and abilities is not comfortable for me. There are lots of words that are somewhat ambiguous and kind of “over the top”.  I realize that a resume is like a sales brochure but some of this is like the old days when software companies sold nothing but “vaporware”. 

This new version of our software with its muffler bearing algorithm will increase your accounting efficiency by 1000% when properly implemented*. (Implementation is dependent on your server being more advanced than the NSA) 

Why do we do this? Why not simply tell the truth?

I’ve got a ton of experience across a wide range of systems and topics. Obviously I’ve been around the block a few times and Generally speaking, as an older worker what I don’t know, or remember, I do know how to find or figure out.

I sent the initial copy back dripping in red-line. I paid for someone whose command of English was better than mine, so why did the initial draft need me to edit it for continuity, grammar, and word usage?

This whole resume thing is a mess anyway. We’re now writing our resumes to get past computerized filters, so that HR people can find the keywords the Hiring manager mentioned, and pass the document on to a hiring manager who is probably asking for something the HR people don’t understand in the first place.

What’s the likelihood, in this system,  that the interviewee is exactly what the interviewer is looking for? Yet HR is trying to apply exacting standards to the variability of human beings.

And as usual, the HR people really like to find your social media so they can figure out if you’re popular enough to join their team. After all we only want to hang with, or hire the cool kids right?

I’ve often thought  about creating a completely fictitious social media profile just so the HR people would have something to look at. I could do it, I’m a fiction writer after all. I haven’t because I don’t want to create and maintain a character.

In the wee hours of the night though, I’ve put the character together as a sketch that looks something like this;

  • Democrat or Bernie Sanders supporter 
  • Pro Gun control
  • Shocked and outraged that machine guns are freely available
  • Rabidly Anti Trump
  • Habitual commenter on Twitter, Facebook, and instagram. Follows the mainstream opinion, sharing outrage over the cause of the day and remarkably silent when any one of those causes happens to be disproven.
  • Social Justice warrior
  • Likes puppies and kittens, sends cutesy video clips frequently.
  • Live in a Hipster area
  • Complains bitterly about their name being misspelled on their Starbucks order. It’s Raven with a “Y” for goodness sake.

That’s just the beginning of the character, it still needs to be fleshed out.

I’ve thought that it might form a basis for an experiment. 

What would happen if you created three characters with equal qualifications and ages and the only difference between them was their social media feeds? Two characters interests overlap, differing in only, say their opinions about Trump. One is Rabid and the other isn’t actually a supporter but isn’t as much of a hater. One mentions how much they don’t like Antifa rallies and the other attends. The third character has no social media presence at all.

Would there be a measurable difference in their rate of interviews? 

If a demonstrable bias could be seen, could that bias be used to get back to a real hiring process instead of something akin to prom queen voting?

I doubt it.

Which is why I normally think about stuff like this in the wee hours of the night when I’m trying to bore myself back to sleep.

I’m thinking I’m going to tell the resume people that I’m not pleased. I don’t think I got equivalent value for the money. The more I look at this, the more it fills me with revulsion.

… improve organizational resilience, posture, and management …


However, I have gained a greater insight into why so many of the memos and “important notifications” at my previous company read like a poorly abridged thesaurus vomited on the page.