Letter to a wayward child

I don’t understand.


I treated you as an adult, I stayed out of your affairs, I offered advice sometimes unasked but only because I thought you could use a different point of view. Was I not fair? Didn’t I welcome you into my home? Didn’t I treat you well?

You used my vehicle, you were an equal.

You repaid our kindness by breaking the few rules we have in the house. You were always late with your part of the rent… and I said nothing.

I even asked if you had enough cash to be able to cover your part, if you’d ever said no… It wouldn’t have been a problem. I’d have handed the rent check back. I was more interested in making sure that you had what you needed.

I made myself available to you… all you ever had to do was call and I’d have been there. If you were too tired to drive, I’d have come to get you.

In the end you weren’t even bothering to text anyone to say you were ok. Another rule broken… It’s not like you couldn’t, you & your girlfriend were texting each other 50 times an hour.

You were never where you said you’d be, certainly not when you said you’d be there.

I teased you about it but wasn’t upset by it, you’re young and sometimes being young means that you forget things. You’re easily distracted by the next new thing or experience.

Then I realized you were lying…

The realization began when, one day you asked me what my mailing address was . I innocently gave it to you. Later when I asked what you needed the address for, you told me you were updating your address book. I took you at your word.

A few days later, you asked me if I’d checked my mail… I said yes, thinking you were offering to make the post office run.

A week or so later, when a certain piece of mail showed up. Everything was clear… You’d used me. You’d been sneaky, and you’d facilitated someone else’s sneakiness.

In the bargain, you’d placed me in the middle of whatever was going on and you’d done it without any consideration for the position you’d put me in.

I waited for you to ask about it, I wanted a few minutes to talk with you about it. Instead, you were like trying to capture lightening, I couldn’t get enough of your time to even find out what you were doing much less have a conversation. Then there’s the question… Did you really think I wasn’t going to notice what you’d done or question it? Really?

From then on… I watched you more closely.

I listened very carefully to what little bits of information you let slip as you breezed through on your way to your next destination.

More and more often your stories didn’t match up. What you said about where you were and with who changed with each telling.

How many times when you said you were camping were you really camping? How about those times when you said you were staying at your Dads place?

Given the nearly 10,000 miles (As a conservative estimate) you put on the truck… I’m inclined to believe you were doing a lot more than just driving around the local area.

I came to the conclusion that I simply couldn’t trust you. I was going to ask for the keys to my truck. I wish now that I’d installed a tracking device on my truck because I suspect it would be very interesting to find out just where you’d been.

Then you announced you were moving out immediately.

Again breaking the rules…

The rental agreement said you were supposed to give 30 days notice. When you get into the real world and aren’t living with your girlfriends parents I expect you’re going to learn a lot of nasty lessons very quickly.

Honestly though, it was a relief. I am glad to have nothing but the tail end of the drama to deal with. I’m glad to have my house back.

Don’t get me wrong, you could have stayed here till the cows came home, I wouldn’t have asked you to leave. I’d made a commitment to you and I was going to honor it. I’d have simply made sure that everything was secure when we weren’t around.

I would have continued patiently trying to show you that being an honest, honorable man, and doing the right thing is important and valuable.

These are the same things your father taught you, but for some reason you don’t seem to have learned the lessons.

I thought you were just lying to me.

As you were moving out I found out that you’d brought the potential for trouble right to my door. I believe that you were going to leave without even warning me.

I finally connected all the dots, when I spoke with your Dad this week.

After you moved out, I discovered that you’d been lying to your Father, Me, and I can’t even imagine how many other people.

Your Dad was pissed off at me, because he thought you were asking me for advice and I wasn’t letting him know you were making bad decisions. You knew this, yet you never said a word.

UP to this point I was annoyed, and hurt. Because I thought it was just me you were lying to.

After hearing your Dad, I was flat out pissed off!

All the times I asked you if you’d talked with your dad, and you said “Yes”, you were lying.

Those times when I gave you my opinion of a situation and suggested that you also get your Dads opinion, you just blew me off.

You never once spoke with your Dad. When I asked, following up about your dads opinion, you lied to me again.

You have no place here.

Your keys won’t work, you can’t even access the WiFi anymore. I can’t trust anything about you. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to trust you again.

In time, I may be able to forgive you. But I’ll never be able to forget it.

I hope that your Dad and I can put our friendship back together, I honestly don’t know at this point. What I do know is that it’s going to take a LOT of work, Thanks for that by the way…

You need to consider the collateral damage you cause. I touched on this briefly several weeks ago when I told you you were jamming us up not by what you did… but by not doing what you said you were going to do.

Knowing what I know now… I would and perhaps should have let you leave your Dads house for some of the less savory options you were planning.

God knows it would have been a lot easier, and my home wouldn’t have been disrupted by the constant drama.

I was trying to be a decent person… You used that against me.

I was acting to protect you and your Dad, I didn’t what to see him brokenhearted if you followed in the footsteps of your siblings.

I hoped and prayed that you were different and for a time I believed you were. I actually believed that given some time you’d move back in with your Father and everything would work out, especially when it became obvious that you had no intention of trying the military again.

I can’t believe that I was so very wrong in so many ways about you.

You really should consider a career in acting. You’re good at it. Then again, so are sociopaths.

Now A lot of people are broken hearted and I know none of us will ever know the whole truth about anything about you.

Who are you really?

Do I want to know?

Probably not…

It’s been a month since I killed Facebook

Honestly I don’t miss it at all.

I’m finding myself shutting down or simply ignoring other social media sites where I used to be very active.


I’m not missing those sites either.

What does that say?

That perhaps I prefer the company of real people instead of the infamous “Hi”?

I’ve written about the annoyance of “Hi” elsewhere in this blog.

Perhaps the quality of the conversation isn’t nearly as stimulating over chat, email, instant messages as having to defend my position IN PERSON.

You will notice that I have an iSpQ badge to the left…. Hey, video chat and perhaps even a nasty video chat is still fun! I’m not doing social media but I still like to be an exhibitionist!

Today I closed or severely minimized all the rest of my social media accounts.

I guess I’m just flat out over it.

Talk about a time suck! Then there was the whole bullshit thing about people wanting to meet and be friends. Yeah, RIGHT!!!!

I guess I got sick of being jerked around feeling like I was somehow obligated to answer people that I really don’t know and who despite my best efforts I wasn’t likely to meet.

Perhaps, I’m a little depressed about the fact that I’ve been making a good faith effort to reach out using the tools at hand to make healthy friendships. But in reality… I’ve come to believe that you’re better off planting your ass on a barstool in your local sports bar. Than trying to get anyone to actually meet somewhere… even if the meeting place is a sports bar.

I’ve also noticed that I’m really sensitive to comments made after news articles and I even burned someone down on an Apple discussion group the other day.

This person had previously in the thread corrected other peoples spelling… and been generally an asshole, then they replied specifically to me about a little piece I’d written.  I posted the piece intending to help the discussion group get around an issue in some software.

I simply wasn’t in the mood to deal with this persons snippy ass comment or the fact that they’re obviously still under the delusion that Apple can do no wrong. So… Flame ON!

I don’t typically read the comments after any news article. The rampant moronism displayed in such comments is actually painful to read.

I’m recognizing elements of cabin fever and depression. Neither of which is helped by being stood up for simple things like coffee or having demands placed on me by trying to keep the conversation going over social media.

So I’m disconnecting from those sources of annoyance. I’ve been thinking that perhaps I’d be better off going to a Starbucks with my computer and trying to write in a new environment. 

I will keep on blogging…


What was that maniac drinking?


That maniac was me.

Have you ever noticed that the light, the morning after is all fuzzy?

Oh wait… that’s my contacts that I forgot to take out!

Went over to some new friends house last night. 

It’s been a while since I was… well drinking and more than a little tipsy.

Last night I exceeded my personal drink & drive limit by at least three or four drinks.  

This morning Coffee is the elixir of the gods.

I’d walked where I was going so driving wasn’t remotely going to be an issue.

I know there is some regulation about being drunk in public, however walking while intoxicated doesn’t have quite the same legal, moral, ethical, or dangerous consequences as driving while intoxicated.

Walking under the influence, just means the journey is uhhh, more interesting!

No matter how plastered I am, I’m typically not one of those loud sloppy obnoxious guys. Well, not any more than usual…

I also remember pretty much everything the next day. 

So in that strange fuzzy light of morning…

The Blackmail can begin!

I had a really great time, nice conversation and let my hair down a little. Then I did the typical Southern thing… I came home drunk and screwed. Hey you can take the boy out of the South, but you can’t take the South out of the boy.

I knew I was at my house because my key fit in the lock and the dogs recognized me. So I didn’t screw anyone that I wasn’t supposed to.

Wait… when did we get a new couch?

Happy Thursday.

Now off to get the chores and other stuff done.


And in other news of Standardized Christian Hypocrisy

First of all I have to say that Christianity in and of itself isn’t a bad thing.

Fish black

Jesus had some important lessons and ideas that he taught beautifully.

So beautifully in fact that he became a threat to the powerful people of the time. By the way it wasn’t the Romans. Christianity’s threat to Rome came later.

The powerful people of the time were other practitioners of religion who simply hadn’t gotten around to wheedling the Romans into killing off all the rest of their enemies.

This is not to say that the Romans weren’t about killing, but the Romans knew if you keep the internal factions of a subjected people fighting amongst themselves… well those factions aren’t going to unite and fight you.

The Romans were many things, Chiefly they were excellent administrators.

The wealth and power of Rome was built on their imports, Trade, and tax collection. If you keep the locals squabbling and occasionally take out one of the more powerful leaders,  It’s a lot easier to collect taxes, look like you’re actually helping to keep the peace and keep the goods flowing.

This kind of duplicity is a wonderful tool when you’re managing a far flung empire. I personally think that the Christians learned all too well the lessons of Romans. Even today, it seems that duplicity and hypocrisy are the norm of many Christian organizations.

Recently, I became aware of a situation that is so classically typical I couldn’t help but write about it.

A Christian camp who shall remain nameless has a staff of young people.

For many of these young people this is their first job. For others it’s a Summer job in a foreign country. These foreign staff members hail from England, Australia, Scotland and Brazil.

Some of the staff are so-called “locals” meaning that they have homes 5 to 20 minutes from the camp. 

The rules were supposed to be;

All Staff stays at the camp while they’re on duty

All Staff rotates through the various activities so that they’re cross trained and don’t’ get bored.

All Staff would have a work schedule that was predictable and planned.

But in typical fashion

Poor management reigned supreme and then “We’re Christians”  was used as an excuse for mistreating some members of the staff and treating others preferentially.

For example, several of the “Local” staff were never given two consecutive days off. They were expected to make do with a day here, a half day there and they never had a schedule defining even those times off, which meant that they might as well have been working 400 miles from home since they never saw their families during the summer.

I know of at least one member of the staff that was never rotated to other activities, and who was arbitrarily stuck with 1/2 days off repeatedly.

The practical upshot of all this is that the kid never got to go see his mom who lives at some distance from the camp. Never was able to participate in any family activities because there was no way to plan since there was no schedule. Last but not least wasn’t able to do things like laundry or banking because the 2-4 hours they had off was on a Sunday night after 8 PM.

This kind of stuff is just plain bad management. It’s not about whether someone is Christian or not.

It’s made all the worse because the folks running the camp, knowing that they were technically abusing a couple of their employees decided to hide behind the “We’re a Christian camp” excuse. as if that would make it all go away.

What is the rationale there?

We’re Christian and we’re going to abuse the fuck out of you now but your reward in heaven will be proportionately greater?

What about “Family Values” aren’t Christians supposed to be about family? Or is it that they’re only about Their family?

This is one of the reasons that I and many people I know avoid Christians like the plague.

Go pack the wagon Mabel

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I killed my Facebook account this morning.

I guess some people would say this is a huge step backwards. As if I’m reverting to some pioneer life and entering an unexplored desert.

I’m thinking it’s more of a step forward.

Like getting through that teenage phase where you’re on the phone for hours and hours with your best buddy or that heart wrenching first love. At the time you can’t believe how important it all is.

Once you’re through the phase you can’t believe how trivial it all was.

Of course Facebook didn’t want to let me deactivate my account without a few questions… “everyone loves social media” 

I answered their questions and went so far as to explain my reasoning in the little box they provided.

I doubt that anyone will ever read what I wrote, but at least I tried to tell them why I wanted to deactivate the account.

It’s nothing personal, I just was getting creeped out by the whole deal. There were a lot of “Friends” that live within 40 minutes of my house that I never see. 

It’s not that we try to get together and our schedules are too hectic…

We don’t even try. No phone calls no casual “how are you?” nothing but the occasional message via Facebook.

This led me to wonder are these people really friends? 

If they are friends and start calling on the phone because they can’t reach me via Facebook then obviously Facebook is having an opposite effect on society than was intended.

If on the other hand I never hear from them again… then they weren’t friends in the first place.

Either answer is acceptable. 

I’ve decided that I really do want a life that’s “real” not some simulation of life and friends on the internet.

So if you want to talk… call me, or email me. 

Just don’t look for me in your Facebook timeline… I’m not there.