Yeah… OK it’s pretty

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Got home finally.

Last night was a learning experience… I’ve got a new backpack and forgot to move essentials into it.

You know, stuff like Aspirin, Tums, contact lens case and saline, toothbrush and toothpaste, condoms, all the stuff that you need if you get stranded… or lucky!

I admit the snow is pretty, and the hills and mountains are very serene. Last night however after spending so long on the freeways to get home I was very, very, cranky.

In the light of day it was obvious why things were so slick. There was about 1/4 inch of ice under the fluffy layer of snow.

So the moment the car lost traction in the fluffy snow, it was spinning on a layer of ice.

It was probably for the best that I gave up trying to get home and bailed to a hotel.

I have to admit as long as the road was not on a steep incline, the car was doing damn well in the mess last night. I suppose it is unrealistic to ask the car to do a 35º incline on ice.

This morning when I got home I was greeted by happy puppies who immediately wanted to know where the hell I’d been.

I think their inquisition might have been a bit over the top. I’ve been sniffed, leg humped, and presented with various toys and the pitiful “Play with me” looks.

I’m fortunate, the dogs love me even when I’m an ass. I’m also fortunate that the other half was able to get home, otherwise I’d be looking at some very unhappy dogs.

As I write this both dogs are watching me. I don’t think they’re going to let me out of their sight for a while.

I suppose it messes with their retriever programming when I disappear.

They think their job is to keep track of me and it’s humiliating for them to think they lost me.

My closing the bathroom door is even cause for great consternation.

Snow & dogs is always a hoot to watch. They’re in for a surprise today. They’re going to a late appointment at the groomers for a quick nail trim and brush out.

Since they usually go to puppy spa day early in the morning this should really mess with their concept of the world.

When they get back they’ll be all clean and pretty for Santa.

I don’t know if they’re getting coal or puppy toys for Christmas.

Being retrievers, they probably wouldn’t care what they got, as long as someone tossed whatever it was, out in the back yard.

Now off to finish Christmas cards! The cards are done… it’s the addressing the envelopes that I’ve been remiss about.

That is I’ll get to the cards after trying to clear the rest of the ice out of the driveway, Yipeee!

Time for the Christmas Tree

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Today is the traditional date of the Christmas Tree decoration.

As I work on this today, I’m thinking of my Mom and all the fun she & I used to have at this time of year.

Sugar Cookies, in happy holiday shapes. The infamously alcoholic fruitcakes that Mom always made. 

Popcorn and construction paper chains for decorations around the tree and the house.

The joy when a new package materialized under the tree and wondering what to get Mom. 

See for a number of years it was just Mom & I. Sure on Thanksgiving or Christmas we’d have the relatives over but mostly it was about us. 

We had a ball!

Ornaments, memories, Black & White TV. 

I remember the address to the first house I lived in.

When I google it, it’s all different. The house got modified at some point in the past 35 years the owners enclosed the carport making it a small one car garage. The trees that I remember tending as saplings are all gone, as is a larger tree that used to be in the front yard. The grand old oak in the backyard is still standing. From the Street view I can see the room that my parents occupied for a time.

The neighborhood is, of course all different now.

One constant is that I can find using Google is the elementary and the middle school. Both were attached to each other via a common lunchroom facility so they occupy a large chunk of space that’s easily visible. 

I remember navigating home from both of them. I walked across a golf course and usually with a group of friends. Unless I got detention. Then I’d be walking alone. 

Both the schools look the same as they do in my memory.

There’s something comforting in that.


Happy Birthday USMC!


Happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps!

Yes, you’re 238 years old today… but you look simply marvelous!

With profound thanks to all Marines past, present & future for your service, and allowing me the luxury of sleeping soundly at night.

You guys attending the Ball, have a blast! Drink and be merry, if you drink too much… call someone to drive you home. Your life is way more important than leaving your car in a lot over night.

To the Marines in my world, who’ve shaped my life for the better… 

I love you all. 

Any of you that know me, You know I’ll come pick you and your buds up & make sure you’re safe while you sleep it off. Call me if it comes to it.

Semper Fi, my friends.

My Favorite Holiday


It’s Halloween, one of my all time favorite holidays.

I like Halloween because it’s not too cold, not blazing hot and that time of year has a great set of childhood memories.

Thanksgiving and Christmas also have good memories but those holidays are rushed and chaotic because of the obligations of family.

Halloween was always a little simpler and honestly more relaxed.

It was the one holiday you didn’t have Aunt Edna holding her Bourbon and Cigarette in one hand pinching your cheek off your face with the other, saying “Hello you cute little thing” and demanding a full mouth kiss!


I can remember hiding out at Thanksgiving and Christmas, until called for dinner. I was thankful that I was sitting at the kiddie table too.

Usually, by the time dinner was ready, Aunt Edna was too smashed to care if she’d made all the children sick to their stomachs.

It’s not that she wasn’t trying to be a nice person, she just didn’t get that most of us didn’t want to kiss a boozy ashtray.

Amazing how we kids adapted.


We’d go so far as to rat out the older cousins and / or siblings who were notably absent.

Then we’d be sent on the mission to find the cousins and siblings with orders from our parents to return home to greet all the “Aunt Edna’s” in the family.

Somtimes it was hard to find the cousins and even harder to find the siblings. We’d have to look for “hours and hours”, sometimes we might even have to play a game of touch football.


Of course if Dad was the one giving those orders he’d usually wink and we knew that meant come back in an hour or two… or when dinner was ready.

Then he’d pour Aunt Edna a stiff drink, all the while she’d be protesting how much he’d poured in her glass.

If you looked carefully, Dad would have the number of fingers that corresponded to the time dinner would be ready, hooked around the doorjamb.

Less than 15 minutes later Aunt Edna would be asking for a “freshen up” of her almost empty glass.

But we kids were free, and Dad would make the excuse that his work kept him far too busy to drive 60 miles to Aunt Ednas trailer park for a visit.

Halloween had none of that.


Halloween was about the costumes, the candy & in my day the tricks.

Not everyone had candy to give. Sometimes they’d just forget to buy some and instead we’d get the change from the bottoms of their pockets or purses.

A nickel or two in a treat bag could keep the tricks at bay for a year. (Thats why I understood the “Protection” schemes of the Mafia! Or maybe we learned it from the Mafia…)

Woe be unto those sitting at home trying to ignore us…

Our parents would check that we didn’t leave the house with toilet paper… What they usually failed to notice was that the toilet paper had been spirited out of the house in the 2 weeks leading up to Halloween and was now safely ensconced in one of several treehouses or forts around the neighborhood.

These places were the first stops we made. Then we went ’round the neighborhood collecting our treats and exacting revenge on those who’d earned our wrath.


Masks in place we’d settle scores accumulated during the year.

Old Mr. Barker who always shortchanged us on our newspaper routes and our lawn cutting. He’d claim that we’d lost the change he paid us for our paper routes.

He somehow thought asking “Do you have a hole in your pocket?” Or changing the terms of the deal AFTER we’d mowed the lawn in the hot Florida sun, made everything alright.

Mrs. White whose home was fenced in with 8ft tall fencing. Every Halloween she locked the outer gates to keep us “Little Hellions” off her property.

Her chihuahua could be heard patrolling the fence, but if you tossed it a chunk of hamburger it would let you pass.

Pass we did every year.

Her house was a personal challenge and soaping her windows, TPing her trees and cutting the locks off of her gates was looked forward to by most of the kids in the neighborhood. Each child leaving his or her distinctive marks.

None of those marks permanent and often the very kids who had the axes to grind were the same kids she end up paying to clean up the mess.

Unless your handiwork was too distinctive, then you’d be cleaning the mess up for free, under the watchful eye of your father and his ever-present belt.

In general halloween was a peaceful and wonderful holiday.

We were safe, it was our turf and the neighbors were all watching out for all the children, not just their own. The 7-eleven would give us free mini-slurpies and our pick of 5 pieces of nickel candy.

This was back when the guy who owned the 7-eleven lived in the neighborhood and respected his place and was respected in the fabric of the local society.

This was someone who knew if your Mom didn’t like you drinking cokes and would tell you to go put the coke bottle back.

He’d sell you Gatoraide, milk or orange juice without question. Once every week or so, he’d “forget” and you got a coke. On those days you’d be on top of the world, like the luckiest kid on the planet.

These were days when every business, and home had a band-aid for skinned knees. I myself had band-aids applied to knee and elbow at the 7-eleven after a particularly nasty bicycle tumble.

I remember the shock I felt hearing about vandalism of the permanent kind having been done one Halloween.

It was all the talk at school and my classmates were disbelieving and sad. We knew that something had changed. We wouldn’t understand the change until a couple of years later when razor blades were reported in candied apples.

Suddenly our world wasn’t so safe and we became more suspicious.

It took several more years for the 7-eleven man to sell out, & move to the Keys.

The new guy wasn’t as “kid friendly” and always accused us of stealing from him. We didn’t. Not once did I ever see any of my friends take something without paying.

He saw no difference in kids, we were all bad as far as he was concerned. As a consequence we became exactly what he accused us of.

One Halloween we let loose our fury on him. TPing the store, his car, and the dumpsters. We also changed the sign that read;

No More than 3 children in store at one time” to “NO Children welcome in store at any time

That began a year long boycott. We’d do anything to prevent our parents from shopping there. For a solid year all the kids from the elementary and junior high school didn’t darken his door. Even in the summer we rode our bikes 8 blocks further away,  to load up on our sweets and drinks.

Eventually the closest 7-eleven closed forever. As it turned out, the guy that owned the place was nasty to everyone. He had accused children of stealing and forced kids to turn out their pockets, even when they were accompanied by their parents.

We saw the changes mounting.

Halloween now had limits. The size of the neighborhood we could roam was smaller. The time to be back was 9PM instead of Midnight. (Although we usually camped out, so there was no curfew. But even camping was eventually forbidden as too dangerous.)


Eventually we were called upon to walk with the little kids, to herd them back into the loving arms of their parents at the end of the evening.

I remember catching a glint of sadness in the eyes of the father of one of my friends as we returned at 9 with his youngest child in tow.

He remembered how it used to be, Jacks Dad remembered fondly the one night a year when it was ok to be wild.

I remember it too. Cool wind, sweets, and fun.

Me & my buddies immortal and free, always together, knowing they had my back as I had theirs.

We acted as controls for each other too. Our morals reenforced each others so no matter how wild or angry we might have been, the voice of our parents and ministers whispered in our ears. “You boys know right from wrong…

We did, and 95% of the time we chose right over wrong.

The 5% where we didn’t were learning experiences. Lessons about guilt and forgiveness, and why choosing the right way was best.

I wouldn’t trade my childhood for all the tea in China.

Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.

I still love Halloween

Now where did I hide that candy stash?



It’s funny how heartbreak affects us.

When we lost the B dog in July I was mostly quiet about it. I was hurting and sad but I focused on the S dog and worked hard to get his life re-arranged to a “New” normal.

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I guess I was a little too focused on him.

So much so that I didn’t notice how the heartbreak was affecting the other human in this house.

As I posted there’s a foster dog in the house.

While I’ve been dealing with the observations of the foster dog, (Things like obsessive behavior, aggression, eating, hip problems, sore feet, general interactions with the world, and stress level brought on by a new environment) I’ve also been observing the human.

I’m sad to say I really had missed how sad that other human was over the loss of the B dog. 

Now with the foster dog in the house it’s all about the fostering. The other human will talk endlessly about the fostering program, the needs of the dog, the upcoming vet visit and 10,000 little issues, all surrounding the dog. 

What I’m noticing is that the other human seems to be, in my opinion rushing things. Yes, the foster dog needs attention and care. I’m not implying that he doesn’t. But he also needs time to breathe, to get his bearings, to relax and sniff the air. 

Hell, the poor guy isn’t even responding to his “given” name (I personally think there’s a language barrier. His former owners were Asian and probably spoke their native language at home. Perfectly reasonable and normal!) it’s obvious that this dog has been worked with and knows how to interact with humans. He’s house broken and very polite when he’s inside the house.

The human on the other hand is being obsessive about the dog. After reading the humans initial report about the dog, which got sent to the rescue people I’m thinking that I’m going to have to start writing reports from a more clinical perspective.

It’s funny, I’m actually more concerned about training the human, than training the dog.