I made it through another anniversary

Two years ago last night, Jerry died. So did a big piece of my heart. Oh, he was a pain in my ass, I suppose I was a pain in his as well. I guess that’s part of relationships. We loved each other and I miss him.

I was a little emotional through the day. I walked the dog, finished de-christmassing the house, made dinner, poured myself a drink and listened to music. I went to bed about the normal time and slept soundly. I do remember some fragments of dreams but nothing coherent.

I didn’t drink to excess. I woke up more or less in a decent mood. 

I haven’t gotten anything much done today. I played on X too damn much. I’m willing to forgive myself for that.

I need to settle down, and to apply for a bunch of jobs. I doubt that I’ll get much if any response. But I feel like I have to try.

As I said, the Christmas tree and associated decorations are all put away. I was able to dispose of a box through consolidation. Going through the decorations was bittersweet.

I have sweet memories of the Christmases Jerry & I spent together.

Each ornament is special and since many of them were saved from the house fire in 2008 there is a greater significance to each.

The house is clean, (except the office,) the amount of stuff remaining to be tossed feels never-ending but I know I’m making progress.

The living, dining, kitchen, and master bedroom are less cluttered. They could all use more de-cluttering but these areas are lighter and more airy. I like it this way.

There is still much to do, and much to get rid of, but where I’m at and the direction I’m moving feels right and good.

The point is, this year while a bit rocky was better than last year. I’m better now and while I still miss him, it’s not the kind of pain it was. I’m stronger and somewhat optimistic.

Perhaps I’m trending toward happy?


None of us should be surprised.

We all knew that he’d do it.

Some people are losing their shit over Biden Pardoning Hunter.

Joe biden hunter inside zoom 1df4b7c6 a6a4 4aac 9355 825ee2676955.Not sure why there’s any surprise about it.

Biden is a father, Hunter is his son, and no father is going to let his son go down if he can stop it. This is especially true if the father in question might be implicated in the son’s illegal activities or maybe directing those activities.

I suppose that people are freaking out because Joe Biden, less than 6 months ago, said that he wouldn’t pardon Hunter. I guess folks are looking at it as Biden lying again. Which is true, Biden has once again very publicly contradicted himself.

Much as I dislike Biden, in this, honestly I can find forgiveness for him.

I choose to put my faith in Karma. I think that punishment will come swiftly to the Biden’s.

Joe will continue to spiral into dementia. Hunter is not going to be welcomed back into the circles that he once moved in, and capitalized on, simply because he has nothing left to sell. Hunter may finally harm himself beyond medical science’s about to help him. Another tragedy waiting to befall the Biden family. The most fortunate person in the Biden’s extended orbit may be Hunter’s un-acknowledged daughter. At least the stigma of the name Biden won’t stick to her.

Jill, in propping Joe up the way she has, destroyed any possibility of them being able to spend his remaining time at a beach in peace. Had she let him retire, he’d have been the former Vice President declining quietly on the beach with national respect for his 40 years service to this country. Lots of folks, myself included, think that she has acted reprehensibly, perhaps to the point of committing elder abuse. I believe she did it for her own vanity, she wanted fame.

Joe’s presidency may well go down as the most epically bad presidency in our nation’s history. This administration has certainly eclipsed Carter. 

I feel sorry for Joe Biden. It’s possible that some good may come out of his presidency. He inadvertently underscored the depth of corruption extant within our government. Trump had called it out but no-one believed him. No-one wanted to believe him. Joe Biden’s bumbling might ultimately have saved us from a level of corruption that was growing in the shadowy netherworld of Washington DC backroom deals and politics.

That’s something for historians to write about a few hundred years from now. By then there should be enough distance to be able to see if the highlighted corruption was eliminated once the people saw it, or if it persisted and grew.

I disagree with Joe pardoning Hunter. That doesn’t mean that I don’t understand it.

I think this underscores the hypocrisy that the Biden administration has running through it. It also makes a much stronger case for the rejection of Kamala.

With this historic move Joe Biden may have put the final stake in the heart of the Democratic party.

Okay, Not how I planed to spend this week.

As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, there are multiple fires burning in Southern California.

Tuesday afternoon I got an evacuation notice on my phone. Then, there was a helicopter flying overhead announcing mandatory evacuation. Then there was another evacuation notice on my phone, and finally there was the sheriffs department driving up & down the streets announcing evacuation on their loudspeakers.

Hmm, says I, they must want us to leave.

I suspected it was coming and I’d already planned to stage stuff in the event there was an evacuation. I didn’t get a chance to execute my cunning plan before the evacuation was upon me.

So I grabbed some stuff, put the dog in the car and away we went. 

By the time we left the house, it looked very much like somehow the neighborhood had been relocated to Mars on a very bad day.

Jesse was freaked out and would not settle down.

I was annoyed by that and of course the usual California driving skills or more properly lack thereof.

I made a brief stop, or what was supposed to be a brief stop at a storage locker where I unloaded a bunch of stuff in an attempt to give the dog more room to lie down & relax. This as it turns out was an error.

While I was able to offload, I wasn’t able to get back on the damn freeway. Either the exits were closed, or they were blocked by the aforementioned Excellent California Drivers. Many of whom wouldn’t allow a change of lanes. At least one of whom used the emergency lane to “get ahead” and forced me out of the lane so I was unable to get on the freeway safely. 

Mind you by this point we were 15 – 20 miles away from the evacuation zone and in no danger whatsoever. This was just normal California assholery. It is also the kind of behavior that begets freeway shootings.

I figured “Screw it” and stopped for gas. Then I found a whole string of entrance ramps blocked off forcing me to take surface streets parallel to the freeway until just before Pomona.

Once on the freeway it was a simple matter to get to Orange County and stay with some friends. It’s good to have great friends that will put you up in a pinch. It’s even better to have friends that will put you and your big ass dog up when they have a lovely pet free home and it is pet free for a reason.

My friends have gone above and beyond in this instance and I truly have no idea how to thank them.

At this point I know the firefighters are doing all they can do. I know that there’re no guarantees but I hate not knowing what is likely to happen. Is my house going to burn? Is it not? If it burns, then I have a clear direction. If it’s not going to burn, I’d really rather be home and not imposing on my friends like this.

In an attempt to minimize the mess and stuff that a dog invariably brings into your life, I had Jesse groomed today, while I was at it I had my car washed and my hair cut too. My hope with Jesse being groomed was that he’d shed a little less and wouldn’t be in any way offensive in terms of dog stink.

He’s been sleeping since we got back and I know I’m going to have to take him out on at least one, maybe two more walks tonight.

I don’t really think about it, but having a fenced in back yard is super nice. Their yard is not fenced in, so I’ve been walking Jesse on his leash a lot. Normally Jesse & I go for our morning walk, then I leave the sliders open so he comes and goes as he wishes the rest of the day.

If I move off the mountain, either because of the house burning down, or just because It’s time for me to move on, I will be looking for new digs that have a fenced in back yard after this experience, I’ve decided that is a must have.