Good Golly, It’s almost April!

I’m losing time. It’s time for me to bite the bullet and get a massage. I don’t want to spend the money but having my lower back in spasm every other day is just not cutting it.

It’s not new damage it’s just spasms to the point of inflexibility. It’s also been taking the wind out of my sails when it comes to doing anything. I swear sometimes lifting a coffee cup is painful.

The last couple massage folks were nice, but I failed to make a connection with them. I’m not sure if that was because of them or me. Meaning I never let my guard down with them. The other issue is that I have to drive to LA or to Palm Springs and then drive back. Either option is a pain in the ass due to traffic and the general stupidity associated with traffic.

I’m going to have to do something soon. I’m tried of being in pain.

Speaking of pain…

I believe that I’ve finally collected up all the necessary tax documentation for the accountant. I’m not looking forward to dealing with the tax crap. I know it’s gotta be done, lest the unbridled raw power of the State and Federal governments be unleashed upon me.

I hate like hell, the thought that I’m going to have to write these fuckers a check. Why, when I’m unemployed, forced into retirement, and living on only what’s in the bank + SS should I give these morons what little I have so they can spend it like drunken sailors in Singapore?

One of those questions you’re never supposed to ask is, “What exactly do I get for my tax dollar?

I’ve never been alone in asking that question. Regardless of the party in power, the people have always believed taxes were too high and the politicians have always found ways to spend beyond the available budget, then raise taxes to fund shitty pork filled bills.

Usually, the government, (State or Federal,) has failed spectacularly at performing their basic tasks. In the midst of failure, the politicians are asking for more money to fund non-essential tasks which they also fail at doing.

I’ve always believed that if a legislative body (State or Federal,) couldn’t pass a balanced budget, the entirety of the body should be flushed. I believe that would light a fire under their asses to do their damn job… If they wanted to keep their job.

There is no accountability, and no recourse. The feds talk about impeachment of this idiot or that idiot, they censure each other, they badmouth each other, but at the end of the day the same idiots are still sitting in their fancy offices, collecting their obscene paychecks, and doing nothing but growing fatter like a tick that’s found a sweet spot on a dog.

Yet, we all keep writing the checks. Or they keep deducting from our paychecks and we have no way to stop them. I’ve been feeling like we re-entered the, “Taxation without Representation,” phase for a long damn time.

Sure, we have elected representatives, but when they get to the state or federal capital they don’t represent the people that elected them anymore.

Instead, they represent themselves, and are willing to sell their grandmothers to a Chinese sweat shop for $5, and their sisters to a whore house on the Barbary coast for $2.

Hmm. maybe the whole tax thing and my back hurting have been why I feel so damn hopeless these days. I thought it was the endless bullshit over the upcoming presidential election.

That’s one of those things that I wish would just shut the hell up. Drop the damn bombs, kill us all, just fucking STOP. Biden, Trump, Al Sharpton, or the idiot brother of your second cousin who’s also your uncle.

I don’t fucking care who’s President anymore.

Absolutely NOTHING will change.

Hmm, I felt exactly the same at the end of the Obama Administration.

Disillusioned and hopeless, wondering if there was another country I could to move to, where I could enjoy a functioning government that wasn’t always in a state of chaos and scandal.

That may be a pipe dream.

Russia? At least there you know the rules.

I have to admit that I like their style when it comes to dealing with criminals, as exhibited by their handling of the terrorists that shot up the concert hall killing 140 people.

Cutting off ears, electrodes on testicles, beating the fuck out of a prisoner to the point his eye “falls” out of its socket?


If we had some of that kind of law enforcement here, I have to wonder if we’d have less crime, less corruption, maintained roads, and a generally peaceful society.

Hell I’d probably be more willing to pay my taxes too. At least then I’d be able to see what my “protection money” buys.

I wonder if we’d have problems at the border if we were known for fucking up lawbreakers?

As we hurdle on towards banana republic status, I suspect these questions will never be answered.

Just to be clear, over at least the past 24 years our government has been degrading. I don’t believe this degradation is party specific, it’s about lowering the bar, turning a blind eye toward crime, corruption, a “not my job” attitude on the part of elected officials, and government departments filled with unelected bureaucrats.

I wonder if Russia would allow an old fart like myself the opportunity to have a small house in the countryside with my dog for my last years.

Harvard isn’t what it once was

And now I have a partial explanation for how COVID-19 became what it was and how vaccines that don’t work came to be foisted on the world as “Safe and Effective” when apparently they are neither.

An ars Technica article is reporting 37 questionable studies at a Harvard affiliated cancer research center.

For goodness sake. 

What the hell happened to data integrity? 

Anyone incorporating these research papers into their own research might be led down a research dead end not because their original theory was incorrect but because they used “facts/proofs” from these papers. 

That wastes time, money (in research grants) and potentially, lives of desperate people participating in clinical trials.

I suppose this is how we end up with snake oil being sold by “real” Doctors. I suppose it’s also how “real” Doctors can stand by, knowing that the “approved” treatment protocol for a disease, (For example COVID,) was doing more harm than good.

It’s how we get scientific “Consensus” that is almost entirely incorrect about a wide variety of things. Obviously, it’s not just medicine. The spooky thing is, if this is happening in medical research, where the highest level of diligence next to nuclear bomb research is supposed to be in place, then it’s probably everywhere.

Is current geologic research just slap dash and missing the signs of a 9.0 earthquake in Northern California where Mt St Helens, and the Yellowstone super volcano all blow at the same time? Are those signs being missed because the actual observation data doesn’t fit a shitty research paper, or papers and is being thrown out?

Have we missed new energy sources, or warp drive, because of some copy / pasted incorrect data dampening a brilliant mind that perceived an anomaly but decided not to research that anomaly because the literature said it’s an instrumentation or computational error?

SCIENCE is about truth! Above all else. 

Science is observing and recording what is. Science is using those observations to predict behavior of the natural world and once that behavior is understood, science can tweak the input variables to change the outcome.

Science is also about understanding and accepting that when we’re on the boundary of the “known” sometimes science can go no further. That road block is not failure, it’s a sign that either we missed something fundamental, or our tools aren’t sophisticated enough to proceed. While the initial data is checked, the sophistication of the tools increases and the road block turns out to be only temporary.

If so called scientists and researchers are willfully fucking over the integrity of data and disseminating false results, then the basic underpinnings of science and scientific process are contaminated and at risk. 

It is possible that Academia has sunk this low, and failed humanity in selfish pursuit of money over knowledge?

A reasonable question to ask at this point is:

Is the lack of integrity and principals confined to Harvard?

I strongly suspect that it’s not due to the competitive nature of grants and donors.

Can anything MIT, Yale, the entire UC system, Stanford, or in fact any “Top” research center or college publishes, actually be trusted?

Sadly, I think not. I say this with a heavy heart and ask you to consider the following.

Can we trust the climate change folks, or the climate deniers? We know that a large percentage of the “Climate Change Data” was falsified. The simulation used to claim the planet had 12 years left was rife with errors and inconsistencies where the data was manipulated to produce a dire outcome.

The reason for this appears to have been more research money, fame, & fortune! But it spawned the “Consensus” bullshit on the one side and the “Climate Change deniers” on the other. 

The impact is that instead of having real data that was as good as it could be, presenting that data to the people of the world and using it to become better stewards of our beautiful planet. Really good and accurate research was thrown out with the contaminated data by 1/2 the planet.

There are a few people like myself who think we each should do our best to limit our long term effect on the planet. At the same time, we must intelligently assess and balance human needs versus planetary ecology. We should also be able to place our faith in our advancing technological capabilities, because if we’re all thinking about using our resources wisely then our “mistakes of necessity” today can and will probably be mitigated by technology of tomorrow.

That only works IF SCIENCE is indeed TRUTH.

There’s danger in bad or politicized research too. Look at COVID. We were actively shutting down scientists, real scientists who had actual data describing the dangers of mRNA. They weren’t blue skying or theorizing. These scientists had actually used and in some cases abandoned mRNA because of its inherent instability.

Instability mind you, that made mRNA unsuitable for their research on rats.

The world censored them, and ignored their real world experience in the matter. That’s like ignoring the man with the charred hand telling you that fire is hot.

Our society did exactly that. This is not to say that at some point in the future mRNA therapies won’t be safe, stable, and effective. However, right now we just don’t know enough to call mRNA therapy Safe. The scientists warning against the use of mRNA weren’t saying it should never be used, they were saying that it wasn’t ready to be used, YET.

What about CERN? Those folks are playing with stuff that could really go awry, can we trust that they’re not faking data, or worse yet unknowingly using falsified data in their experiments? If they are using bad data, where might that lead given the nature of their investigations and experiments? I’m not in the “CERN will create a black hole that destroys the world camp.” But there’s a whole lot of energy CERN uses, and directs, I’d hate to think their math is wrong. 

I think that no scientist should be censored, and the politics has no place in scientific endeavor. I also think it’s time for cut / paste researchers or Phds to pay a price for their deceit. I believe they should be tossed out of their field and never allowed to work or teach their subject of study again. 

I know that’s super harsh, but the consequence should be so terrible that no-one would risk it. Mistakes are one thing, actual deceit for a grant is criminal.

It’s the only way I can see to restore the integrity of science.

My, My, My, The DOJ finally authenticates Hunter’s Laptop

You know, the importance of this isn’t so much that the laptop is Hunter’s. Nor is it that the laptop contains some of the filthiest videos I’ve ever seen, (and that’s saying something!) Even the fact that the laptop contains business communications between Hunter and various foreign entities where it’s clear that Hunter is selling influence isn’t the issue in my mind.

All of these points are important, but not as important as the fact that the way this laptop has been investigated and dealt with, demonstrates breathtaking corruption at the highest levels of our government. 

Once respected institutions that the American people looked to for justice, are now as befouled and besmirched as a diseased whore’s bedsheets.

Russian Disinformation? HA! How many times over the four years of the Trump presidency did we hear that stupid shit?

51 Intelligence officers confirming the laptop was Russian disinformation calls into question their competence.

I’m not an intelligence officer but as I peeled through what I could of the disk image I noted a consistency that any computer professional would have seen. That told me back in 2019 the laptop was real and not Russian Disinformation. I wrote about it on this very blog.

So clearly, I’m better at data analysis, than those 51 intelligence officers and should have their job.

The FBI and DOJ calling into question the computer repair shop owner’s honesty and integrity after he turned the laptop over to the FBI, then later Giuliani, was obscene.

This guy was just trying to collect on a bill. Then realizing the stuff on the laptop was freaking nuclear he gave it to the “proper” authorities. When the FBI did nothing, said nothing, and left him without any instructions, he turned the disk image over to Giuliani.

Yeah, it was a disk image. Hunter took the MacBook Pro to the repair shop because it had water damage. He wanted the computer repaired and the data recovered from the drive. In these situations the computer might be totaled (water and electronics don’t really mix), but the data on the drive is often recoverable, after all that’s what you’re interested in right? You can move the data to another computer.

Here, you have an honest businessman trying to do the right thing and absolutely no-one from the FBI or DOJ gave him any guidance or instruction. Isn’t that kind of their job?

Instead, after the story breaks, he can’t even go to work because the media frenzy created by the whole Russian Disinformation claim made it look like he was the bad guy, a Russian Spy, a nefarious operator looking for a million dollar payday.

The Authorities, our FBI and DOJ willingly destroyed this man, his life, and his business.

Now some of the 51 Intelligence officers admit they signed their letter not because the Russian Disinformation claim was true, but because they hated Trump.

What happened to Honor? What happened to Truth being the highest principal? 

Those 51 individuals dishonored their respective agencies, and themselves. They, the FBI and DOJ, I believe  should all be punished severely for their part in what can only be described as a bloodless Coup d’état.

The so called January 6th insurrection was a logical consequence to people realizing that the Coup had already happened. The march on the Capital was in fact We The People demanding redress to grievances. 

Allow me to reiterate again because this can never be said too many times.

No Capital Police were killed on Jan 6th. The Crowd was unarmed, there were no guns, rifles, or bombs being carried by the crowd. The only weapons were in the hands of the Capital Police. They had the guns, rifles, teargas, and flash-bangs. The only person shot on Jan 6th was Ashli Babbitt, she was murdered by a Capital Police officer with a history of poor judgement regarding firearms. 

Yet somehow an unruly crowd demanding their voices be heard by their elected officials, got turned into a dangerous insurrection. The DOJ run by Merrick Garland arrested hundreds of people present at the Capital on Jan 6th, well after the fact. Many have been wrongfully Imprisoned, held without trial or bail, they are in effect, political prisoners and have been denied their right to a speedy trial, along with the rest of their constitutional rights. 

Don’t even get me started on the Jan 6th committee, and their theatrical bullshit. For all that’s holy don’t get me talking about the unbelievably unfair sentences some of the Jan 6th protestors have been hit with. 

All of which is further evidence, albeit circumstantial, that the FBI, and DOJ, are no longer about actual justice. These arms of the government have become ENFORCEMENT / PROTECTION arms of the authoritarian shadow government behind the puppet carcass known as Joe Biden. These authoritarians are the real danger to our democratic republic.

It might be that Donald Trump, because he’s a wildcard, or Robert Kennedy, because these folks may have been involved in the assassinations of his family members, and he believes that’s the case, are threats to the shadow government which is why they’ve gone so hard after Trump perverting the justice system in the process, or why Robert Kennedy has repeatedly been denied the secret service detail presidential candidates enjoy.

I know that line about Trump and Kennedy is the stuff of conspiracy theory. But at this point, when so many lies have been told and “truths” we’ve accepted have turned out to be lies…

How are we as citizens to place any faith or trust in our government or our presumably fairly “Elected” officials? 

But there’s more! 

The collusion between Facebook, Twitter, Google, the government, and media served to censor what was real and mostly accurate information. It wasn’t possible to post comments about the laptop or repost the New York Post article that broke the laptop story.

That censorship effectively put moronic Joe Biden in the Whitehouse as a figurehead to some truly evil cabal of people operating behind the scenes. Joe Biden may be “The President”, but at this point pretty much everyone I know believes he’s nothing more than an animated corpse being used as a puppet. 

In other words, the election was in fact stolen! This is born out by polling results stating that 70% of the American people who voted for Joe Biden would have rethought their vote had the information about the Hunter Biden Laptop been widely available and discussed. The margins Trump versus Biden were mighty slim. It wouldn’t have taken much to push Trump into the win. As it was, suppression of information about the laptop appears to have dragged Joe Biden into the win and across the threshold of the Whitehouse.

That same collusion between technology giants, the media, and government went on in continued disservice to the American people in particular, and the world in general during the COVID panic.

Doctors, therapies, effective medications, and real clinical data were all suppressed in favor of an irrational narrative designed to make pharmaceutical companies hundreds of billions of dollars injecting people with an ineffective vaccine that may well have long term unpredictable side effects.

Now we have the WHO speaking at Davos and the WEF meeting telling us they think there’s going to be another pandemic, (there will be, the normal cycle is about every hundred years or so.)  Except the WHO is talking about another pandemic soon… Oh? So they mean another man-made pandemic. Hmm… 

News out of China is that the motherfuckers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology have created COVID 2.0+ and yippee it’s 100% fatal in their mouse study. (Please note. The mice in question are genetically modified to express some human proteins for experimentation purposes.) Remember that the WHO is funded mostly by fucking China!

What a fucking coincidence!

The WEF, WHO, and Elites at Davos are big time depopulation control freaks. But they also like to make money so I’m absolutely sure that China will release their new “Decimator” virus and then try to sell us all a new and improved vaccine. 

Don’t make the mistake I did thinking the WEF was a bunch of pompous Europeans screwing their own countries that we didn’t have to worry about. American politicians are there too collaborating with the world Elites. We know this because Blinken’s Boeing aircraft broke down in Davos. No doubt due to diversity hire mechanics mandated by Pete Buttigieg’s DOT.

Again, in what world would I or anyone trust the United States Government or so called world leaders?

Then there’s the question of Ukraine. My God, what the hell is that about? We know Hunter was doing something that made no sense in terms of his experience,  but was making a shit ton of money at Burisma in Ukraine. We know that for some inexplicable reason, Joe Biden as Vice President during the Obama administration, caused the lead investigator of corruption in Ukraine to be fired. (Joe Brags about it all the time.)

Coincidentally the investigator that was fired was looking into Burisma and finding dirt. Flash forward 6 years or so and suddenly The US is goading Russia into attacking Ukraine by making it known Ukraine will be joining NATO.

Vladimir putinOf course Putin is going to react.

The question to ask is why now? Why announce the NATO thing with Ukraine? 

Could it be that someone was expecting the collateral damage of a war to wipe a bunch of evidence?

Wars don’t just kill people, they kill buildings and records. Transaction records, loan paperwork, property titles, and all kinds of other things are utterly and irrevocably destroyed. 

Honestly I wouldn’t put it past the Biden’s, or whoever is pulling Biden Inc’s strings to have started a war killing thousands of people just to cover up some dirty financial dealing, or to protect their identities.

The cold hearted nature of the Biden administration speaks loudly and clearly that they don’t care about anyone but themselves. The upper class is to be protected at all costs and the lower class is completely expendable.

I’m supposed to trust the fairness and justice of our government? I’m supposed to believe that I’m equal, and have equal rights? I’m supposed to trust the Governments 3 letter organizations, FBI, IRS, DEA, EPA, FDA, DOJ, FAA, CIA, NSA, Etc?

No, I tried that for most of my life. There’s only so much disappointment a man can take. 

I’m not going to be able to have my faith restored in Government until Corrupt Officials are being shot for treason against the capital wall.

Yeah, I’m SUPER pissed off about the breath-taking corruption playing out before my eyes.

Wheee! Here we go!

California has jumped into the fray trying to remove Donald Trump from the ballot.

The Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis has written a letter to the Secretary of State asking that every legal option be explored to remove Donald Trump from the ballot.

Totally expected!

What caught my attention was this;

“The constitution is clear: you must be 40 years old and not be an insurrectionist,” Kounalakis wrote in the letter.

The problem with that statement leapt out at me from my memory of my High School American history class.

The Constitution is indeed very clear.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

It took me less than a minute to pull up the passage. Turns out I was wrong. I thought the minimum age was Thirty Six, not Thirty Five. I throw myself on my readers mercy for being a year off. It’s been 45 years since I was in school. Some data degradation in subjects not commonly used may have occurred.

That being said, I’m also not a politician, lawyer, or Lieutenant Governor of California. It concerns me when someone who is a career politician makes fundamental mistakes that I, with my High School history education from a flyover state, say, What????

I know, I know, people make mistakes. Jamal Bowman made a mistake pulling the fire alarm in the capital. Uh huh, right…

More concerning is that these supposedly well educated, politicians who misquote The Constitution. apparently have never actually read The Constitution or understood what they read.

Far be it for a hayseed redneck like myself to teach them anything. But here’s a hint. Get a real dictionary. You know, one of those big assed unabridged heavy books. Then get yourself a printed copy of The Constitution and the amendments. Not a summary, not a cliff notes version, you’ll need the whole thing.

Now, open the dictionary and look up every single word of The Constitution. Using the dictionary skills you were supposed to have obtained in Elementary School, Junior High School, High School, or College, read the definition for each word, including the older definitions of the word. Then you’ll have a shot at understanding The Constitution.

If your unabridged dictionary has dated definitions, then you can use the definitions that were contemporaneous with common speech at the time The Constitution was written.

The reason it’s important to read The Constitution being mindful of the meanings of the words in their temporal context is easily illustrated thus.

Faggots shall be allowed in small numbers within domiciles and public spaces but shall not be congregated in great numbers near fireplaces, or forges.

That sentence isn’t talking about homosexual men being allowed in homes in small numbers. The sentence is talking about bundles of sticks being stored so as not to be a fire hazard.

A hayseed like me shouldn’t have to tell you educated elites this. But you’ve demonstrated time and again that you apparently missed something in school.

Almost daily, I am thankful for my flyover state education.

I hope you’re paying attention…

Since the Colorado Court decision there’ve been some interesting comments and analysis from people much smarter than me.

Most of these folks, Democrat and Republican are speaking out against the Colorado decision because on it’s face it violates due process (Trump hasn’t been charged with insurrection in any court, so how can the Colorado supreme court essentially say he’s guilty of something for which he’s not been charged or tried?) 

I’m pleased to see many of our politicians, from both sides of the aisle and presidential candidates taking issue with the Colorado decision. These people at least have the sense to understand how dangerous to our Republic this decision is, if allowed to stand.

Thus far no-one appears to be calling for the Colorado Supreme Court to resign and be replaced with justices who at least follow the law. I don’t know what’s involved in replacing a state Supreme Court, but that process should be initiated immediately. I know at this point I wouldn’t want to get a parking ticket in Colorado because I very much question if the law is obeyed in the state. Would I be sentenced to death when I signed the ticket? 

Our current President demonstrated the level of his incompetence by saying publicly yesterday that Trump was guilty of insurrection when he said;

“It’s self-evident. You saw it all. Now whether the 14th Amendment applies, I’ll let the court make that decision,” the president said during a trip to Wisconsin. “But he (Trump) certainly supported an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero.”

In my mind this underscores that Biden is unfit for the Presidency and always has been. He may well have been unfit for the whole time he was in congress if this statement is indicative of his legal scholarship. There’s also a certain level of irony in his statement because currently, He and his son are enjoying the protections of due process.

I rather suspect that if it were put to a vote today. The American people would vote that He, Hunter, and to some extent the rest of his family are guilty of graft and corruption. Were it not for the protections of due process, he and his family might all be in prison already. 

The Colorado decision does provide one ray of light in an otherwise dark situation.

It allows the American people to see exactly which members of The House and Senate need to be kicked to the curb. 

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) could be forgiven for defending the Colorado ruling since he’s Biden’s Campaign Co-Chair.

Since he’s also a sitting US Senator. I think he needs to be replaced in the Senate. Perhaps he’d be better just running campaigns.

He’s not the only Congressperson who has failed to see the problem. The usual list of authoritarians, gleeful at Trump being “Silenced” in Colorado completely fail to see that their names can as easily be removed from ballots using the same amendment and subsection, without due process. 

One could argue that AOC provided aid and comfort to BLM during the summer of “Love”.  Was BLM engaged in an insurrection against the legitimate government(s) of various states? Does AOC bailing people out of jail meet the test of aid and comfort?

Ilhan Omar has been accused of 2 counts? Of immigration fraud? She also has been accused of financial abuses and at the same time provided financial support to CAIR who has been connected to terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East. She’s done all this during the 20 years we spent in Afghanistan fighting terrorist organizations. Does this meet the standard for aid and comfort, or acting against the interests of the United States? 

Rashida Tlaib vociferously supports Hamas. A U.S. designated terrorist group currently in conflict with one of our closest allies, does this meet the standard?  She has supported this terrorist organization for years and most recently used her position in congress to endorse Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Hamas protests ultimately leading to the occupation of the U.S. Capital and interference in congressional business.

The Colorado ruling with its  leap to essentially a guilty verdict for Donald Trump on charges of insurrection which have never been filed in any jurisdiction in the country, would seem to allow similar presumptions of guilt and demands for removal from office of members of “The Squad” for their seditious activities. 

I submit that any House Representative, or Senate Member that applauds and approves of the Colorado ruling is not fit for office and should be voted out by their constituents.

Or… We can simply presume they’re guilty of something and remove them from the ballots of their states and perhaps even their congressional posts. We could imprison them all right next to the Jan 6th insurrectionists still awaiting trial after almost 3 years.

Now there’s a happy thought!