I’m even more confused…

So today, the Capital is overrun with anti Israel protestors.

The Capital Police are calling this a First Amendment thing.

These protestors are obstructing the business of congress, and have apparently caused the suspension of some congressional activities.

Which leads to my confusion…

How is this any different from the events of Jan 6th? Is it only an insurrection when people are protesting about an election? I’m pretty rule based and if I don’t understand the rules I get mighty uncomfortable.

Some of this protest appears to have been incited by incorrect information about the hospital in Gaza that was damaged by a malfunctioning Hamas rocket that was aimed at Israel. As it turns out, the majority of the damage appears to have been in the parking lot of the hospital, not as many reports led us to believe that the missile had destroyed the hospital.

But there are tons of protests occurring all around the world too, again based in / or fueled by this false report.

I really do wonder if our country is already gone. Did the corrupt politicians manage to cut Americas throat while we were distracted by COVID? Just how much of our country have these fuckers sold or given away?

Wow! The other half had a lot of musical scores in digital format.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have much of a filing system for either Paper or Digital scores.

Screenshot 2023 09 30 at 7 29 50 AM

I’ve been trying to collect up all the music (Digital and Paper), and sort it with the intention of making sure that it got to the people that could use it and who would appreciate the effort.

I’m using a 32GB thumb drive now and unlike previous attempts will hopefully not run out of space.

I’ve also been finding a lot of duplications. I suspect that is in part due to the lack of a filing system and in part it might be further evidence that he’d been “off” for a while and was doing a damn fine job of hiding that fact from me.

No, I’m not angry about it. I’m just a little sad. He did his life, his way, as do I. We called “Shotgun” on each other’s journey through life and rode together for a long time. It’s cool, even if I am a little sad about the way things went from time to time.

As an aside, I have no clue how music is supposed to be catalogued, or indexed, or anything else.

I’m just doing what seems “Right” with the music much the same way I’ve done with every other curveball that’s come my way over the past 10 months.

In addition to the actual musical scores, some of which are only identifiable by opening them. (I’m fixing that slowly but surely.) I’ve also run into actual recordings where he was playing and recording into GarageBand either via a MIDI connection or he was using a microphone. Hearing him play has been somewhat jarring because I recognize his style and technique. It’s okay, but I’m still prone to crying over stuff like that, because the memories of him practicing a particular piece come flooding back. 

I’ll be a little sad over not being annoyed and hiding out in the office as he played the same measure over and over again trying to get it just right. In a way it was like RAP with Classical music!

I hate RAP!

As I typed that, I was smiling through misty eyes.

I’m sorting the music as best I can. If something has Hebrew characters in it, then it’s obviously going into the Jewish music folder. If it’s written in Russian It’s probably a fair bet that too is going to be Jewish Music. That is also true of German and Spanish.

I’m so out of my depth!

I’ve been looking for keywords in the scores. If I find anything that is recognizably Hebrew or Yiddish I know where to file it.

Christian music is a little easier because there I only have to scan for “Jesus” or Holy Ghost or Father, Son and Holy Spirt. You don’t find those kinds of references in Jewish Music.

Things start to get dicy when there are no lyrics, only the musical notation. If the title isn’t obvious, then I’m in a bit of trouble. 

If I can sound it out and recognize the roots or the rhythm of the piece  then I’ve got a shot at getting it in the right place. Some music is instantly recognizable as Jewish when you hear it.

I recognize the names of many classical pieces, or at least the composer so those scores go into the Classical Folder.

But wait! There’s more…

The harp music, the organ music, the piano, harpsichord, and even accordion music is all in one big assed digital pile.

For him, this presented no problem. He’d open an arrangement and know exactly what instrument it was for just by looking. Hell, I think sometimes he didn’t care what the score said the instrument was supposed to be. I think he’d just figure it out on the fly. That’s what a classically trained musician can do. It’s a skill built up over a lifetime and it’s amazing to watch in action.

I’ve been trying to sort the Harp and keyboard music into separate folders. Some of the folks that will be looking at this are classically trained musicians, but others aren’t.  Some of the amateur choir members can carry a tune and read music, but I know the other half curated very carefully what he gave to the choir.

It wasn’t about him disrespecting them, it was about not wanting to frustrate them with super busy scores. Sometimes he’d sit down and manually do choir only notation as a new file that he’d print here. Then we’d assemble the choir books if he wanted or needed my help.

I was probably next to useless because I didn’t read music. But I could follow instructions, run the printer, punch holes in pages, and we’d be spending the time together.

I know I could just hand all of the over to “Real” musicians instead of a hack like me. One reason that I don’t is because also mixed in this big pile of musical scores are receipts, and medical evaluations, and all the usual documents that one accumulates. So I have to be the one that filters all of this stuff out. 

Some of the pieces of music where he’s actually playing are in Apple only formats. Not a problem for me… But the Synagogue and Church are Windows based. So I’m letting my super fast computer handle processing the music into something universally playable. That takes time. Not much in the way of computer time, but time listening to the various edits and editions to determine which one is most likely to be the “Final” version that he’d want distributed.

Perhaps I’m doing all of this as much for me, and the other half, as I am for the Synagogue and Church.

It’s tedious, and time consuming. But I’m hoping to construct something that he’d be proud of. 

Whew! We dodged that bullet!

Kamala Harris has been appointed the Biden Administration’s Gun CZAR. She’ll be leading President Dunderhead’s  new federal office of gun violence prevention.


Of course President dumbass would create some new office of blah blah blah. Of course his administration would take aim at the 2nd amendment. After all his administration has already tried to trash the First and Fourth amendments.

His administration is also engaging in destroying the justice system so the American Citizen won’t have any legal recourse to recover their rights…

Fortunately for those of us who believe in the 2nd Amendment, President Dullard, appointed perhaps the only person more incompetent than himself. Kamala Harris!

With her at the head of this anti-gun push, we’ll all be able to own .50 Cal Machine guns by Christmas. If we’re really lucky we’ll be able to have patriot missile batteries on our front lawns by New Years! That assessment is based on her stellar performance as the border CZAR. 

The gun control lobby must be apoplectic. They know they’re screwed but they can’t say anything about it because to criticize the Biden/Harris administration is heresy of the highest order!

That part makes me laugh! It’s nice to see them get a little of what average law abiding citizens have been putting up with since President Doofus, “bump & goed,” his way into the Oval Office, and honestly a long time before that in California.

(I never noticed how many denigrating terms started with “D” before.)

There was a reason that no one in California voted for Harris for President. It wasn’t that she was a woman, or a woman of color, or that she couldn’t keep her legs together. It was that she was a SHITTY Attorney General for the state, and a shittier Senator.

Putting her in the Senate meant that she wasn’t in California to keep screwing up the state. Beware all you lockstep Democrats… The people of California might send Gavin Newsom to Washington as President so we have time to undo his colossal fuck ups here in California. Yeah, think about that for a minute! Maybe the dumbasses we send to the House and Senate, we send not because they’re good but so that we can limit the damage they do to the state.

In Kamala’s case no one ever imagined that she’d be considered for Vice President. Then along comes President dipshit!

(There really are a lot of “D” words…)

I heard that President Dummy said, “If you need an 80 round magazine, you shouldn’t own a gun.”

I thought that was funny too. An 80 round magazine just means you can bag your hunting limit without reloading!

On the other hand, if high capacity magazines are measures of how good a shot you are, or should be, then perhaps we should limit the capital police to single shot weapons in time for the next insurrection.

It would be interesting to see the capital police and maybe the D.C. police defending why they felt it necessary to have 15 round magazines in their Glocks, in contradiction to President Dweebs assertions.

Fellow patriots, we can all rest easy! Cackling Kamala will be as effective in the Gun Control sphere, as she has been in every position the Biden administration has put her in. 

It does make me wonder if she’s any good in the one venue that has supposedly  propelled her to the top of the political arena. Is she well versed in the bedroom, or is it just easy to get her legs open?

Good for Rumble!

Rumble, a YouTube alternative did a couple of things I like. 

I’m sure there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth in woketard land.

As you may have heard, Russell Brand a UK comedian is accused of rape and sexual assault charges.


Russell CROPPED 919x1030

I accuse President Biden of corruption, selling our country to China, and shitting his pants. Does that mean that president Biden should be removed from office without trial? Uhhh NO. My accusation is, by the way, as valid as the accusations against Russel Brand.

But accusations, are not guilt. Accusations are, if credible, the foundation for investigation, factual discovery, and decision making, to determine if there is enough evidence to proceed with due legal process.

Many of these processes after accusation were not done with former president Donald Trump in the matters leading up to his impeachment(s).

Part of the investigation process after accusation is determining what factual evidence is present and uncovering it, not repeating the accusation over and over again.

But our society no longer engages in any of the follow up steps after an accusation. We jump directly to the punishment phase of a trial which has not happened.

This is exactly what has happened to Russell Brand.

YouTube, a Google subsidiary. Cancelled Russell Brand when the accusations came to light. Since Mr. Brand makes his income in part from YouTube, the cancellation effectively damages his ability to lawyer up. 

Cancellation isn’t just about sweeping someone off the public stage, cancelling is about utterly destroying their ability to prove their innocence, mount and maintain a defense, or ideally continuing to live.

The cancelling mob wants blood, and would be quite happy to see their victim blow their brains out or immolate themselves on the court house steps.

The cancel mob would then use either event as an opportunity to enact gun control or discuss how gasoline should be restricted in the name of climate change.

The cancel mob does not, would not, and never will, care about the damage they cause. It’s not just the person who has become the object of their ire, it’s that persons family too. The cancel mob refuses to stop until they have laid waste to every aspect of their target’s life.

The cancel mob isn’t just a bunch of blue haired fat ugly undatable women. (Well more properly, they could be ‘mopeds’. An easy ride but you don’t want your buddies seeing you on one.) The cancel mob consists of people in the UK government. That is a major problem for the folks of the UK.

But it’s also a sign that every western government has probably been infiltrated by a nasty fungus. And yes, Uncle Sam probably has jock itch too.

Conservative MP Caroline Dinenage, the chairwoman of the UK Parliament’s Culture, Media, and Sports Committee wrote a formal letter to Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski suggesting that Russell Brand should no longer have the ability to monetize his video content on the Rumble platform. 

Arts debate 800x445

The letter says in part;

“While we recognize that Rumble is not the creator of the content published by Mr. Brand, we are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform,”

the letter goes on.

“We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is able to monetize his content, including his videos relating to the serious accusations against him.”

“If so, we would like to know whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr. Brand’s ability to earn money on the platform. We would also like to know what Rumble is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims of inappropriate and potentially illegal behaviour,” Dinenage continued.

This kind of thing should make your blood run cold. There is no due process here. This is roughly the equivalent of seizing Russell Brand’s bank accounts, or de-banking him. Either of which the UK government is all too willing to do. Where does the punishment begin or end? I was always taught the punishment started after you were found guilty in a court where the actual evidence was presented before a jury. In that regard, the UK and the United States are / were similar.

Apparently that’s no longer the case.Well I guess in the case of two tiered justice as we see it here in the United States, it might still be the case.

If you’re Hunter Biden, or super wealthy and a friend of one political party, your punishment is deferred until after the trial,  but if you’re “Little People” you get thrown in prison for years AWAITING Trial. As in the case of the Jan 6th Detainees.

I thought there was something in the American Constitution or Bill of Rights about a speedy trial. I guess speedy is a matter of interpretation and convenience. I’m not sure if there’s a similar clause in the foundational documents of the UK. 

Before you say, “Well it’s in England…”

Be completely aware that the mob, works the same damn way regardless of which side of The Pond you’re on.  There is zero insulation or time delay for an idea to appear on one side of the Atlantic and be tried on the other side of the Atlantic.

BLM riots in London? ANTIFA, #METOO, The trans bullshit, pick anything that has disrupted western society in the past 10 years and tell me there was more than a 30 minute delay one side of the ocean to the other. Go on… I’ll wait.

Rumble’s response to the scold MP Caroline Dinenage was heartening and appropriate;

Today we received an extremely disturbing letter from a committee chair in the UK Parliament.

While Rumble obviously deplores sexual assault, rape, and all serious crimes, and believes that both alleged victims and the accused are entitled to a full and serious investigation, it is vital to note that recent allegations against Russell Brand have nothing to do with content on Rumble’s platform.

Just yesterday, YouTube announced that, based solely on these media accusations, it was barring Mr. Brand from monetizing his video content. Rumble stands for very different values. We have devoted ourselves to the vital cause of defending a free internet – meaning an internet where no one arbitrarily dictates which ideas can or cannot be heard, or which citizens may or may not be entitled to a platform.

We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK Parliament would attempt to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or to earn a living from doing so. Singling out an individual and demanding his ban is even more disturbing given the absence of any connection between the allegations and his content on Rumble. We don’t agree with the behavior of many Rumble creators, but we refuse to penalize them for actions that have nothing to do with our platform.

Although it may be politically and socially easier for Rumble to join a cancel culture mob, doing so would be a violation of our company’s values and mission. We emphatically reject the UK Parliament’s demands.


The Rumble letter makes me think that perhaps there is hope in the alternative tech world. That made me very happy, and that Rumble published the letter from the MP tickled me pink because there’s no way for this slimy bitch to deny it.

Rumble published an image of the letter on X I’d have included it but X wasn’t cooperative. When I tried to link to the X posting, the image was so small that it was unreadable so I did the next best thing.

Here is the full text of the MP’s letter. Apologies, the formatting is not 100%:

Chris Pavlovski

Chief Executive Officer


20 September 2023

Dear Chris,

l am writing concerning the serious allegations regarding Russell Brand, in the context of his being a content provider on Rumble with more than 1.4 million followers.

The Culture. Media and Sport Committee is raising questions with the broadcasters and production companies who previously employed Mr Brand to examine both the culture industry in the past and whether that culture still prevails today.

However, we are also looking at his use of social media, including on Rumble where he issued his pre-emptive response to the accusations made against him by The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches. While we recognise that Rumble is not the creator of the content published by Mr Brand, we are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform.

We would be grateful il you could confirm whether Mr brand is able to monetise his content, including his videos relating to the senous accusations against him. it so, we would like to know whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr Brand’s ability to earn money on the plation.

We would also like to know what Rumble is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the plattorm to undermine the wellare of victims of inappropriate and potentially illegal behaviour.

Yours sincerely,.


Dame Caroline Dinenage DB BMP

Chair, Culture, Media and Sport Committee

She actually says it outright there in the letter, “We are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform.”


This bitch is essentially saying, we’re willing to allow the accusations to be made in print, The Sunday Times and on video Channel 4 but we don’t want him to be able to respond to the accusations via similar media, nor do we want him to be able to profit so that he may have the funds necessary to be able to defend himself.

This is the reason people like myself and other more intelligent and vocal people have been screaming about cancel culture, censorship, and the fact that no-one seems to notice.

You can’t allow the censoring or cancellation of one person without risking the same for everyone. This is why the poem The Hangman resonates so strongly with me today. 


The Hangman by Maurice Ogden

Into our town the hangman came, smelling of gold and blood and flame. He paced our bricks with a different air, and built his frame on the courthouse square. The scaffold stood by the courthouse side, only as wide as the door was wide with a frame as tall, or a little more, than the capping sill of the courthouse door.

And we wondered whenever we had the time, Who the criminal? What the crime? The hangman judged with the yellow twist of knotted hemp in his busy fist.

And innocent though we were with dread, we passed those eyes of buckshot lead. Till one cried, “Hangman, who is he, for whom you raised the gallows-tree?”

Then a twinkle grew in his buckshot eye and he gave a riddle instead of reply. “He who serves me best,” said he “Shall earn the rope on the gallows-tree.”

And he stepped down and laid his hand on a man who came from another land. And we breathed again, for anothers grief at the hangmans hand, was our relief.

And the gallows frame on the courthouse lawn by tomorrow’s sun would be struck and gone. So we gave him way and no one spoke out of respect for his hangmans cloak.

The next day’s sun looked mildly down on roof and street in our quiet town; and stark and black in the morning air the gallows-tree on the courthouse square.

And the hangman stood at his usual stand with the yellow hemp in his busy hand. With his buckshot eye and his jaw like a pike, and his air so knowing and business-like.

And we cried, “Hangman, have you not done, yesterday with the alien one?” Then we fell silent and stood amazed. “Oh, not for him was the gallows raised.”

He laughed a laugh as he looked at us, “Do you think I’ve gone to all this fuss, To hang one man? That’s the thing I do. To stretch the rope when the rope is new.”

Above our silence a voice cried “Shame!” and into our midst the hangman came; to that mans place, “Do you hold,” said he, “With him that was meat for the gallows-tree?”

He laid his hand on that one’s arm and we shrank back in quick alarm. We gave him way, and no one spoke, out of fear of the hangmans cloak.

That night we saw with dread surprise the hangmans scaffold had grown in size. Fed by the blood beneath the chute, the gallows-tree had taken root.

Now as wide, or a little more than the steps that led to the courthouse door. As tall as the writing, or nearly as tall, half way up on the courthouse wall.

The third he took, we had all heard tell, was a usurer…, an infidel. And “What” said the hangman, “Have you to do with the gallows-bound…, and he a Jew?”

And we cried out, “Is this one he who has served you well and faithfully?” The hangman smiled, “It’s a clever scheme to try the strength of the gallows beam.”

The fourth man’s dark accusing song had scratched our comfort hard and long. “And what concern,” he gave us back, “Have you … for the doomed and black?”

The fifth, the sixth, and we cried again, “Hangman, hangman, is this the man?” “It’s a trick”, said he, “that we hangman know for easing the trap when the trap springs slow.”

And so we ceased and asked no more as the hangman tallied his bloody score. And sun by sun, and night by night the gallows grew to monstrous height.

The wings of the scaffold opened wide until they covered the square from side to side. And the monster cross beam looking down, cast its shadow across the town.

Then through the town the hangman came and called through the empy streets…my name. I looked at the gallows soaring tall and thought … there’s no one left at all

for hanging … and so he called to me to help take down the gallows-tree. And I went out with right good hope to the hangmans tree and the hangmans rope.

He smiled at me as I came down to the courthouse square…through the silent town. Supple and stretched in his busy hand, was the yellow twist of hempen strand.

He whistled his tune as he tried the trap and it sprang down with a ready snap. Then with a smile of awful command, He laid his hand upon my hand.

“You tricked me Hangman.” I shouted then, “That your scaffold was built for other men, and I’m no henchman of yours.” I cried. “You lied to me Hangman, foully lied.”

Then a twinkle grew in his buckshot eye, “Lied to you…tricked you?” He said “Not I… for I answered straight and told you true. The scaffold was raised for none but you.”

“For who has served more faithfully? With your coward’s hope.” said He, “And where are the others that might have stood side by your side, in the common good?”

“Dead!” I answered, and amiably “Murdered,” the Hangman corrected me. “First the alien … then the Jew. I did no more than you let me do.”

Beneath the beam that blocked the sky none before stood so alone as I. The Hangman then strapped me…with no voice there to cry “Stay!” … for me in the empty square.

By the way, Hitler didn’t suddenly rise to power. He ascended to power step by step, brick by brick. Those bricks were laid at his feet by people believing they were special and righteous. They thought they’d escape his evil and the horror he was going to unleash by serving him or his ideas about demonizing specific groups of people.


So remember that, all you blue haired scolds. The freedoms you so willingly steal from those whom you dislike, will one day be taken from you.

On that day, eating my watered down gruel, I’ll look up and laugh as you “Karens” are led past my prison cell…

Now I think I’m going to look into becoming a content creator on Rumble, and perhaps Locals.

I’m not sure that I want to mess with X since it may be going to a full subscription model, and even then you still can’t say what you want.

Twitter is dead, X is an echo. Maybe FaceBook will follow, and hopefully someone will think to point at people like Dame Caroline Dinenage DB BMP, Chair, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, & all the other nasty scolds who sought to end free speech, due process, and senses of humor, to lay blame on.

I doubt it, humanity’s memory is about as long as a fruit fly’s.

OMG! I don’t know… I’m so conflicted…

A CIA whistleblower has come forward describing payola to 6 analysts to change their findings about the origin of COVID-19. 1226905 Wallpaper2

It’s the freaking CIA, Can you say “Bay of Pigs?” How about Vietnam? Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? How about shitty intelligence in every single war we’ve been involved in.

Can I have any faith in what the CIA says? They’re renowned for lying. 

Okay, maybe I”m being harsh. When the CIA gets it right, they leave no trace so we, the public, wouldn’t ever know what happened, or why, or how the CIA was involved.

My examples above are simply epic failures. I’d like to believe that the CIA is actually pretty efficient. Notice I said I’d like to believe

My problem is that over the past 3 years we’ve all been told so many lies! We’ve been told that even when we had it right, we were wrong, or conspiracy theorists.

To be clear… COVID-19 came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. COVID-19 was engineered, created by man, and released into the wild possibly by accident, or perhaps by design. That whole “Wet Market bat meat to pangolin to human,” evolution story was absolute bullshit. 

Those of us who called it bullshit were labeled as disinformation spreaders. We were called rabid MAGA racists. We were deemed dangers to society. We lost our twitter accounts, we lost our Facebook accounts, we were de platformed, our income streams were damaged… But we were FUCKING RIGHT! 

We’re all too intelligent to hold our breath for any kind of apology.

It begs the question, where are my reparations for the PTSD our lying government and media gave me?

LighteningWhen the hell is Anthony Fauci going to be dragged out of his home at 5AM by 25 FBI agents brandishing M-16s?

We know that will never happen!

St Fauci of the mask will never see justice for what he did to the American People.

Either on the front end, when he was financing illegal research into gain of function, OR when he lied for years about the source of COVID-19, the efficacy of masks, the efficacy of the vaccine, and lied to congress under oath when asked about his involvement in the destruction of colleagues careers who had dissenting opinions about how to address the COVID-19 crisis. Or indeed his direct involvement in the creation of COVID-19.

I know there will be no justice. One can only hope that Fauci is struck by lightening on a golf course.

Of course, the Russians might be pissed enough about Fauci having a hand in the creation of COVID-19, and the damage done to their economy to give him a polonium enema. In which case, I’d call it justice done!

Yes I know, they don’t give it as an enema. Polonium can be injected, put in a drink, or a small pellet can find its way into the victim. The Russians have used this method of poisoning quite effectively. It’s not quick, it’s brutal suffering until the victim is begging or praying for death. There’s no cure.

In Fauci’s case someone like me could torment him with a potential cure but remind him that double blind placebo trials had to be executed before the experimental cure could be given to him. I say like me, because I’m evil, and that little gnome deserves punishment. 

I look forward to what happens with this next if anything. I’m sure this news, like all the news that paints the COVID response as anything but reasonable, will be buried as quickly as possible. 

Maybe the D.C. machine will indict Trump for jaywalking as a distraction.