Poor Fauci

Victimhood doesn’t look good on Fauci.

I was reminded of this quote:

“A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.” ― Frank Lloyd Wright

Fauci has been backpedaling a lot in recent months. Most recently, in an interview discussing the China lockdowns, his statement, “You use lockdowns to get people vaccinated so that when you open up, you won’t have a surge of infections, because you’re dealing with an immunologically naive population to the virus, because they’ve not really been exposed because of the lockdown.” Has been the subject of a lot of misrepresentation in the non-mainstream press.

(Hey there, I just became a fact checker.)

Yet in an interview earlier in the year Fauci claimed that he “didn’t recommend locking anything down” at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr Deborah Brix’s book appears to confirm that Fauci wasn’t on board with the lockdowns but then changed his mind.

In more recent interviews Fauci has admitted understanding that extended lockdowns would have wide reaching collateral damage.

I get that at the beginning of COVID-19 there was a lot of data coming in and that as you get more data you are inevitably going to change your approach. What has annoyed me about Fauci is that he always seems to be mealymouthed and hedging his bets.

I admit that I’m biased. I don’t like the man. I don’t trust him, and I wouldn’t let him near me with any sharp objects. I need to be able to trust a Physician. Fauci makes me question his motivation.

The GOP swears “for real,” that they’re going to investigate him. I’m not holding my breath for any substantial outcome of that investigation. 

The White House is saying that Elon Musk changing his pronouns to “Prosecute Fauci” is inciting violence and places Fauci at risk. 

I don’t buy the White House line. In elder times, the villagers would be marching on Fauci’s house with torches and pitchforks, screaming burn the witch! People are not matching on Fauci’s house. Demanding investigations or prosecution is not inciting violence. 

Fauci has in fact buried a lot of his mistakes. Thousands of HIV positive men in fact. There are probably few who remember that it was him who opposed promising experimental treatments, then approved a series of experimental treatments he had direct interest in, whose expense was so burdensome that many people died in poverty or homeless because they had hope a cure would be found before their insurance and bank accounts gave out.

I think it may have taken an act of congress to force Fauci and the FDA to allow other experimental treatments that Fauci didn’t have control over. Fauci is not the hero of HIV research he’s reinvented himself to be.

But like most failed doctors, he was able to bury the majority of his mistakes. The dead have no voice, there are rarely accusations from the grave.

Again, I understand that in ongoing research data changes, and new information forces scientists to rethink their approach or abandon it entirely. This is no doubt true of HIV research too.

The moment I saw the word, I knew this would happen

The word is PureBlood.

This is a term that some unvaccinated people are using to identify themselves. These folks are specifically referring to the COVID vaccine and while they’re probably vaccinated against other common childhood illnesses they’re drawing the line at the mRNA vaccines.

In a way it makes sense. Unvaccinated people were demonized as pariahs. Many of them lost their jobs, some of their children are being denied the opportunity to attend school (in person or via remote learning), our military is still dismissing trained soldiers who have requested and been denied religious exemption. Latest reports I’ve read, put the number of unvaccinated at a little north of 30% of the population.

The story of the COVID vaccine has shifted over the past 2 years. First it was, “you won’t get sick,” then the storyline morphed into, “you won’t get as sick”. The story in the beginning was that if you got vaccinated you’d not spread COVID, now data is suggesting that you can still spread it and that may be worse because you might be asymptomatic. Therefore spreading it unknowingly, although this is no different from unvaccinated people who are asymptomatic so that’s probably a wash.

The shifting winds of the efficacy and repeated boosters have not lent a lot of credence to the narrative presented by the powers that be.

President Biden said COVID was a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Then went off and got COVID after being quadruple vaccinated. It’s interesting to note that President Biden’s entire Presidency seems to have been about identifying and then demonizing “The Other”. First it was the unvaccinated, now it’s MAGA.

Fauci suffered the same embarrassment over vaccinations, He still got COVID, and later suffered a Paxlovid rebound.

Through it all there were people that chose not to get the vaccine. For some, it was a matter of religion, for others it was a matter of their particular biology which resulted in the vaccine being contraindicated. Still others had COVID early on and saw no need to be vaccinated against something they’d already had and survived. Others just didn’t trust the government and their mistrust only grew as the government brought force and shame to bear.

But one aspect has been fairly constant. Demonization. The unvaccinated were “Dirty”, “Unpatriotic”, “Selfish”, and “AntiSocial”. There were media pundits that suggested putting the unvaccinated into camps.

None of this would engender compliance for people who made their own decisions and were willing to live with the consequences.

Some of the unvaccinated believe that the mRNA vaccines will cause long term health issues and reproductive harm. Fauci himself admitted in an interview that abnormal bleeding and irregular menstruation, post vaccine, needed further study.

It seems that a lot of the unvaccinated also believe that the vaccines alter the DNA of the person. I’ve seen interesting justifications both pro and con in this stance. I don’t have sufficient information about genetics or the interaction of RNA / DNA to comment nor is there any need for the purposes of this post.

The point is, PureBlood is being used to describe in a broad sense unvaccinated folks. The unvaxed are owning it instead of covering it up. Now they’re making dating and mating choices based on their status.

There are PureBlood dating sites. 

In a way it makes sense. If you’re a PureBlood and you believe that reproductive harm is caused by COVID Vaccines, then you’d want to date and perhaps marry another PureBlood in order to insure that your children had the best shot at a healthy life without genetic abnormalities.

The added benefit is that you’re more likely to share similar political or religious beliefs.

Lots of people on the internet are sneering and making nasty comments about these sites. Why they’d bother? I have no idea. The unvaccinated are probably not going to be interested in them, and they’re not going to be interested in the unvaccinated. But the internet at large seems to NEED to find fault.

For the unvaccinated, it’s just more of the same.

Some of the younger unvaccinated males have made interesting responses. The best was a guy responding to a particularly nasty thread saying, “Don’t worry ladies, my sperm will only cost you 10K a vial when your man finds out he’s sterile and you want a kid. You have no worries that I’d ever put my dick in your diseased cooch!”

I read that, and blew water out my nose. (I should learn not to drink when I’m scanning comment threads.)

The responses from some of the nastier women were very unladylike. Most were generally along the lines of, “In your dreams you racist, misogynist, transphobic, homophobic, piece of shit, better the species die out than have to carry your seed in my belly”

His response was, “Yeah remember that when you’re begging to jerk me off.”

Funny thing to me, (aside from his responses,) is that so many really nasty women put in the time to search for the site, and then took the time to raise a vitriolic stink by writing comments. They could have done what a lot of “Normal” people do, not bothered!

As I was reading about these sites, and there are a growing number, I wondered how long it would be before small enclaves started. This could be the seeds for the next Waco or Ruby Ridge type commune. 

A lot of the unvaccinated seem to think that the vaccinated will die off. I’m not sure where that belief comes from. There are statistics from other countries that suggest a higher than usual mortality due to all causes over the past two years. The numbers seem to be increasing.

I think that this is probably due to people not getting in to their doctors for routine checkups. By the time folks did get to the doctor, things had progressed too far to be stopped. In other words, I think the unvaccinated folks belief may be due to coincidence instead of provable fact.

Again, I’m not a doctor, biochemist, virologist, or anything in the medical field so this is just my opinion.

It struck me that this is how religions and / or cults get started.


I wonder if the President’s next speech will attempt to demonize white supremacist PureBloods.

I have to admit, hearing something like, “The PureBloods are dangerous to us all, they’re evil!” has a lot sexier ring to it.

With a little PR I’ll bet you could make PureBloods out to be practitioners of blood rituals and satanic rites aimed at the destruction of democracy.

I probably shouldn’t give the spin doctors any ideas…

After all, I too am a PureBlood.

For those of us old enough to remember…

There’s a chill wind blowing.

Way back in time there was this thing called AIDS. (Yes I know it’s called HIV now and it’s still around.)

In the early days it was called AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. In those early years it was most prevalent among gay men.

The Christian Right danced a happy jig because those “Filthy Fags were getting Gods righteous vengeance shoved up their asses” Those Christians were totally happy to see what they perceived as the Sodom and Gomorrah gays being wiped off the face of the earth.

The Christian Right was positively giddy about it. Anita Bryant became their poster child and the Televangelists across the country used their pulpits to suggest all gays should be left to die. (Hmm, that sounds similar to something a Washington politician said about those refusing the COVID vaccine.) Some went so far as saying all gays should be put into camps where they could fornicate themselves straight to Hell.

In the early years, the medical establishment wasn’t even sure what was causing it, or how it was spread. They had many suspicions, some of which were eventually borne out. There was a time when a lot of people (including Doctors) thought AIDS was transmitted by touch. Some thought it was airborne. Universally, though AIDS was a killer and an ugly way to go.

Eventually Researchers discovered it was apparently a virus. Then they concluded it was sexually transmitted. Oral sex to completion was off the table. Anal sex was the most likely route of infection, due to the potential for blood / semen contact.

It was a dangerous and dark time to be gay. Bathhouses, popular with some of the gay community, were closed by local government decree. Gay bars closed, and gay bashing, (always a popular pastime,) became more prevalent. “Bash a Fag for Jesus!

By that time a whole generation of gay men were infected, and most of them died. Check out photos of the AIDS quilt.

The media spin was; Gay men were pariahs. Unclean, deadly, high risk to have in your home or in your office. Gay men were a health insurance plan nightmare and many companies cut their losses by summarily firing gay men. There was no protection against an employer terminating a gay person. In fact some employers terminated anyone diagnosed with AIDS regardless of their sexuality.

That only changed when straight people started getting AIDS.

Then a similar disease that had confounded Doctors in Africa was identified as AIDS. In the African nation, it was primarily a straight disease, and the narrative of gay men being the root cause began to wane.

COVID reminded me of those dark times. Not the disease itself but the media narrative and messaging. “Get vaccinated for others”, “Wear a mask to protect yourself and other people”, “The unvaxxed are pariahs who want you to die”

All of the narrative was just too eerily familiar.

Now we have Monkeypox!


Some in the media are asking if this is the next pandemic and others seem to be trying to cause a new panic using the same tropes that were so successful with COVID.

A big difference is there is a conflation, intentional or not, of Monkeypox and Gay.

There’s this report from NBC News

Once again, the Gay community is ground zero and once again the media is making sure that everyone knows this outbreak seems to have started in the Gay community.

The most recent example is the two toddlers on opposite sides of the US who have monkeypox. The media has pointed out that both cases appear to have Gay parents.

Conservative Christians are already using this as fodder to promote that Gays are bad parents, apparently due to their “Unclean and sinful lifestyle

One Washington politician, (I can’t remember who and I don’t want to give her any more press,) went so far as to ask, “How is it that children are getting a sexually transmitted disease?”

She with that one question demonstrated everything you need to know about her. Her implication is that the gay parents are having sex with toddlers.

One can also infer that she’s woefully uninformed about how monkeypox spreads, and probably is someone the gay community should keep a very close eye on.

The other thing I found interesting is there’s already a vaccine for Monkeypox. So the fear mongering is completely unwarranted.

This miraculous vaccine is called the Smallpox vaccine.

Read the box closely.

A lot of the recent pictures of vaccine vials have been edited to show only the word monkeypox. You can tell they’re edited image because a real vaccine vial typically has the manufacturer, the dosage, and information about the suspension the active component of the vaccine is delivered in.

Interestingly, the start of the smallpox vaccine was based on observations of milkmaids. There was a sharp physician dealing with a smallpox outbreak and he happened to notice that milkmaids were never among the smallpox victims.

When he investigated, he discovered that milkmaids would catch something they called cowpox. It was a one time annoyance and when it cleared from the milkmaids hands, they never got cowpox or smallpox.

Observation, led to innovation. Can you say anecdotal??? Thank God that sharp physician didn’t subscribe to the beliefs of St. Fauci of the Holy Mask. If he had, people would still be dying from smallpox.

Smallpox was eliminated from the developed world in the 1970s and upon the declaration that the scourge of smallpox was eliminated, routine smallpox vaccinations fell by the wayside.

For those of us born prior to the mid 1970s monkeypox is probably a minor concern. For my part, I’ll run it by my doctor to find out if I should get a booster.

Since the vaccine for monkeypox is the smallpox vaccine, and since smallpox was eradicated no-one should be surprised that there isn’t a huge supply of the vaccine. Most vaccines have a shelf life after which they’re disposed of. So big Pharma is going to have to ramp up production of the vaccine and that is going to take time.

Not to defend government or big Pharma…

But what do you expect? What’s the point of having huge stockpiles of a vaccine that is only going to sit in a freezer or on a shelf and go bad? That’s not good business or a practical allocation of resources.

So to all of you out there complaining about the vaccine shortages, sit down, shut up, and give it some thought before you light your hair on fire with one foot nailed to the floor and run in tight little circles.

Monkeypox is generally not fatal. If you get it, follow your doctor’s instructions, and move on with life.

You know… sort of like what you should do with COVID.

From the CDC

How does Smallpox Spread?

Before smallpox was eradicated, it was mainly spread by direct and fairly prolonged face-to-face contact between people. Smallpox patients became contagious once the first sores appeared in their mouth and throat (early rash stage). They spread the virus when they coughed or sneezed and droplets from their nose or mouth spread to other people. They remained contagious until their last smallpox scab fell off.

These scabs and the fluid found in the patient’s sores also contained the variola virus. The virus can spread through these materials or through the objects contaminated by them, such as bedding or clothing. People who cared for smallpox patients and washed their bedding or clothing had to wear gloves and take care to not get infected.

Rarely, smallpox has spread through the air in enclosed settings, such as a building (airborne route).

Smallpox can be spread by humans only. Scientists have no evidence that smallpox can be spread by insects or animals.

Also from the CDC

Monkeypox spreads in different ways. The virus can spread from person-to-person through:

direct contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids

respiratory secretions during prolonged, face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling, or sex

touching items (such as clothing or linens) that previously touched the infectious rash or body fluids

pregnant people can spread the virus to their fetus through the placenta

It’s also possible for people to get monkeypox from infected animals, either by being scratched or bitten by the animal or by preparing or eating meat or using products from an infected animal.

Monkeypox can spread from the time symptoms start until the rash has fully healed and a fresh layer of skin has formed. The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks. People who do not have monkeypox symptoms cannot spread the virus to others. At this time, it is not known if monkeypox can spread through semen or vaginal fluids.

According to the CDC

Monkeypox virus is part of the same family of viruses as variola virus, the virus that causes smallpox.

That being said, I’ve not been able to find an exact name for the monkeypox virus itself. It appears the smallpox vaccine is effective because monkeypox is part of the same viral family.

So in my unprofessional opinion. I think monkeypox is going to be a big nothing burger. We have a tried and true Effective vaccine. We know the vaccine is effective because it wiped smallpox from most of the planet.

We also know anecdotally that if cowpox provided immunity to smallpox, and smallpox provides immunity to cowpox, then it’s probable a pox is a pox.

The politician who implied something nefarious going on in gay households with children obviously doesn’t know how to read, or apparently how to enter a search on the CDC.GOV website.

With monkeypox we need to shut down the narrative being spun by the media, religious zealots, and the just plain uninformed.

Of course monkeypox is going to show up first in the gay community. Pride Festivals were held for the first time in two years. They are nation wide throughout the month of June, and some people travel to multiple celebrations.

These people needn’t be having sex, (contrary to the salacious news,) all they had to do is hug and kiss one another. Is it so difficult to believe that people would be ecstatic to be able to travel and see friends in person that they hadn’t seen for two years?

I do find the timing interesting.

It could simply be a coincidence, but if I wanted to test the dissemination of a pathogen I can’t think of a better way than to introduce it during pride month. Precisely because it’s a month of celebrations and gatherings where lots of people travel to various cities attending multiple gatherings.

Talk about a great infectious testing platform.

Just sayin…

I’m prone to wonder about those kinds of things.

I mean, how the hell can a pathogen that’s typically confined to a small region in Africa suddenly appear all over the world at almost the same time?

With AIDS, which also came out of a relatively small region in Africa, patient zero was alleged to be a flight attendant.

The coincidence and similarity just makes me wonder.

Call it my suspicious nature.