While we’re all locked down

I have a suggestion, watch some things that challenge your beliefs. 

Find a documentary that you’d never watch and give it a go.

Since a lot of these documentaries are available as freebies on your streaming services, what have you got to loose?

If it offends you turn it off and move on.

I’ve done a lot of this over the past few weeks and there have been some that for one reason or another I couldn’t watch to the end. 

Some cases were that the subject matter just didn’t hold my interest. Others were boring beyond belief, monotone narration, and subject matter or conclusions that were akin to an Ancient Aliens episode. Don’t get me wrong, watching Ancient Aliens is fun when I’m in the mood, but a steady diet comes up short.

Here are a few of the documentaries that actually kept my interest.

Hillarys America documentary film posterHillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party – Amazon Prime: This one is interesting because the film-maker Dinesh D’Souza tells the story from his first person viewpoint. He was convicted and sent to jail for an illegal political contribution. Then he begins an re-examination of how he, an immigrant thought about America. I’m sure that some of the film is apocryphal, nonetheless it was thought provoking and served, as art should to make the viewer re-evaluate their beliefs.

HoaxedHoaxed – Itunes: I’ve been questioning the veracity of the media since before Trump. I was questioning journalism during the Bush administration. I believe that journalism shouldn’t be editorial or opinion printed as fact. When I started noticing that there were two truths depending on what your news source was, I had questions. This was especially true for me, when the “Truths” were diametrically opposed.  Mike Cernovich explores the dichotomy from a conservative and personal perspective as well as the perspectives of other conservative journalists or film-makers who have been on the receiving end of journalistic inequity. The most interesting piece was the story of Documentary director Cassie Jaye.

KeepandbearKeep and Bear – Amazon Prime: This one is interesting. It’s the story of a California family who moves to Idaho. Once there, the director Darren Doane discovers that most of his neighbors have guns. From there Doane decides to learn more about the gun culture and discovers that it’s not what he thought it was.

Pandemic: How to prevent an Outbreak – Netflix: This is a timely series. I’d started watching it about a week before the Wuhan Virus gained national Pandemic new on netflix january 22ndattention. This is a docu-series. It details the precautions and research that’s always ongoing to prevent influenza. The people in this series are heroes and they put a lot of their lives into trying to predict where outbreaks are likely to happen. It’s worth watching because most of us never know what’s going on behind the scenes when we get our flu shots.

ChasingCoralChasing Coral – Netflix: This is a documentary that follows researchers looking at the effects of oceanic warming on reefs. It’s got beautiful scenery of coral reefs with a before and after juxtaposition that’s jarring. Ocean warming and pollution does a lot of damage to reefs. Most of us don’t notice because the reefs are in places that we can’t reach. If this film makes you pay more attention to reducing your impact by recycling, extending the lifespan of something you own or properly disposing of chemicals it will have served its purpose.

I don’t necessarily agree with all the claims made in these documentaries I think that each of them makes good points and is food for thought.

I’m not really that much of a documentary kind of guy. Generally speaking I find them boring but every once in a while I’ll happen upon something that keeps my attention. These did the trick and also helped me fight some of the lock down boredom.

Give ‘em a whirl if you’re of a mind. Draw your own conclusions and think for yourselves.

Okaaayyy This is one of those really weird trains of thought.

imagesI was scanning the year end news. I know… BAD Idea!


Black Lives matter has made their presence known all over the place.

Many of the folks in the group and their leaders have been published saying stuff that paraphrased reads like “Kill the white devils!”

The Knock Out game is still being played in cities across the land. Victims are usually white. All the victims have been hospitalized and many have died. In the news rooms around the country the sound of crickets is the only sound of outrage to be heard.

If you want to see outrage, have a black person CLAIM to have been called the “N” word by an unidentified person driving by in a truck.

The President wants to import Syrian refugees, BUT Daesh has said they’re going to pepper the refugees with extremists with orders to do violence here in the states. Terrorists  are already well entrenched in the West and are not only threatening violence, but have committed horrific acts of terrorism in western countries.

Then I thought, I will not submit to EITHER of these groups. I will not bow, I will not convert. I was thinking i need to find a WHITE only country. A place where I could feel safe.

nar-sealThen it hit me.

We are well and TRULY FUCKED when the NorthWest Front starts to look good!

Section one of their proposed constitution turns me off immediately.

Yeah, I read it, and wow! There are a couple of things in their document that I actually agree with, but, and this is a big BUT so much of it sounds so very much like the Hitler’s NAZI party, that I can’t even begin to feel like they’re any kind of alternative.

There has to be something somewhere in the middle. Something between sanctioning an angry permanent victim class, and excluding people based on sexual, religious, behavioral, or racial differences.

This isn’t the country I was built to live in and I don’t want to live in a country that’s heading in the direction we appear to be going.  I thought that we’d have gotten past this kind of stuff by now.

Apparently not.

Thank God I didn’t see this live

There are times when you just have to appreciate the bluntness of a military man.

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters didn’t mince words Monday when asked about President Obama’s strategy on tackling and destroying ISIS — and was suspended by Fox News for it.
– via Guns.com

When I watched the video and Lt. Col Peters delivered his comment I’m very glad that I wasn’t eating or drinking anything. I’d have choked to death!

“Look, Mr. President we’re not afraid we’re angry, we’re pissed off, we’re furious,” Peters said. “We want you to react, we want you to do something. You’re afraid. I mean this guy is such a total pussy, its stunning. And, you know, we want — we the people, the American people, whom he does not know in any intimate sort of manner, we want action. We want action against Islamic State and then — then, when the president is telling us he is going to destroy ISIS.”
– via Guns.com

Here is the video, Enjoy it.

I found it interesting that the Fox Anchor didn’t stop the Lt Col. until the Lt. Col. called the people in Ferguson, MO “Thugs”.

Sometimes I think about stuff that I probably shouldn’t


Lately I’ve noticed that the APRs and most especially the Penalty APRs on credit cards have been rising. 

The next time you get a statement from your credit card issuer take a good hard look at the fees and the penalties.

What caught my attention was that many of those penalty APRs are damn close to 30%

Creditscore Propaganda

The credit reporting agencies and the banks consistently tell us that closing credit card accounts is bad for our credit rating.

I think losing your job and being late on a credit card is a lot worse for your overall quality of life (screw the credit rating) because at 30% penalties you’re quickly thrown into bankruptcy. Even a relative low 10,000 combined balance on various cards could screw you six ways from Sunday.


Think about it, that’s 3000 a month the banks are going to increase your debt by, every month, because you’re being punished by a shitty economy.

The way the text reads, the banks can increase the interest on the entire balance to 30% regardless of whether you return to making payments on time or not.

$3000 is a house payment in some places. For other folks, that’s their entire monthly take home pay.

It makes me think that I don’t want that kind of exposure. Even though I pay the bills, and have been paying the bills like clockwork, I’m uncomfortable with that kind of exposure should I fall on harder times than I’ve already fallen on.

BUT the banks and credit agencies keep scaring us about damaging our credit scores. So we keep on using credit cards and our balances keep creeping up and we all know in the back of our minds that it’s an addiction.

I find myself wondering if the damage done to my credit rating by closing accounts would be worse than missing a payment.


Then you look at the way the banks calculate your credit worthiness and you realize it really is a scam designed to feed an addiction.

Banks and credit reporting agencies say you have a better credit score if you’re using less than 30% of your available credit. 

You can do this by having a single card where you don’t use more than 25% to 30% of the available credit, or you can have multiple cards where you use less than 30% of the combined available credit.

This incentivizes you to get more cards with higher limits, increasing your exposure to major problems if you lose your job.

Most Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck and are less than one month from late payments on a variety of debt. Even if they’re eligible for unemployment benefits, they still won’t be able to pay for necessities much less credit card bills.

So in less than 2 months, someone can fall from the middle class to homelessness and have debt accruing that will in many cases destroy them even when they’re lucky enough to get a job again.

What about the case where you have NO credit cards, a house, and money in the bank?  Guess what? You any not have a credit rating, or if you do, it’s a poor one. 

wad o cash

You’ve opted out of the addiction cycle therefore you must be punished with a shitty credit rating.

It’s even possible that you could have a couple hundred thousand in liquid assets BUT you might not be able to get a cable TV account, because you don’t pass credit muster.

This, in my humble opinion, is a seriously screwed up way of living.

I’m planning to un-addict myself as soon as possible. I realize that switching to a cash economy will also mean that the government will be taking a closer interest in my banking.

After all If I’m using cash… It follows that I must be a criminal doesn’t it?

Last act of defiance

I was thinking about the way I used to live before I had credit cards and bills and all the rest of it. I’ve realized that I’m over the credit economy. I really prefer spending real cash, knowing where I stand, and not worrying about credit scores and all that crap.  

I guess I’ve reached the point where I’m willing to opt out of continuously being terrorized by an arbitrary numerical rating of what is essentially measuring my honorability and honesty.

I find it doubly ironic we’re all held hostage to these numbers, especially when you consider that the housing bubble and financial implosion of 2008 was caused by people with stellar credit ratings, who were inherently dishonest as hell.

I guess I’m feeling like the mouse flipping off the eagle (or cat) in a last act of defiance.

Now This Really Pisses me off!!!


I swear the TSA and our government have got to be a bunch of idiots!

I hate being taken for a fool and god knows the TSA loves to assume the American People are idiots. Worse though is when the TSA assumes that our enemies are idiots.

Years ago, LONG before the TSA existed I got into trouble, as in “detained” for questioning the logic of the people running the metal detectors.

Back in the day, they’d have us turn on our equipment, then they’d look through the lens of our SLR film cameras and wave us on to the metal detectors.

I pointed out once that a variety of explosives are very stable, powerful, and require a blasting cap or its equivalent to detonate. Given these facts, were I someone that wanted to do something bad I’d actually want there to be power in a laptop or similar device. 

SLR Camera

At that same time I also pointed out that looking through the view finder of an SLR camera tells you absolutely NOTHING about what might be in the film compartment.  (Yes, it was WAY back in the day!)

When the nice security men & FBI finished questioning me, one of the agents asked me what on earth possessed me to cause a scene in a boarding line at an airport?

I responded:

I didn’t cause a scene, I simply made some observations… out loud.

I continued, if someone is going to inconvenience me in the name of safety then by god DO IT and be safe about it.


No-one is safe if our safety is an illusion. Simply going through the motions of insuring my safety is an insult and a waste of mine and everyone else’s time. If you’re concerned about a bomb being in a laptop then really inspect the laptop. 

If you’re concerned about explosives in an SLR camera then open the damn camera and LOOK inside.

But best of all, make us put everything through the damn X-ray machine. Then you can actually see if something looks amiss inside our computers, cameras, cellphones, backpacks, purses, and god knows what else people may be carrying onto the damn airplane.

The agent smiled.

He told me he didn’t want to see me ever again in one of questioning rooms. He told me I was smart enough to understand that, “Theater” could sometimes be a deterrent, and that I wasn’t incorrect about the stuff that could go boom.

I saw his point, at the time.

I happily flew for many years after that encounter. I also noticed that the security folks began asking all passengers to put all their stuff in the X-ray machines.

Why am I pissed off now?

Because we’ve come full circle!

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi YouTube

The difference is that our enemies have access to stuff that is more destructive, and those same enemies aren’t using bombs as a negotiating tool (as the folks who claimed they had a bomb then ordered the pilot of a plane to take them to Cuba).  Today our enemies are willing to blow themselves up and take other people with them.

SO why are we engaging in this silly bit of theater?

The DHS says they’re worried about so called undetectable bombs…


Then doesn’t that presuppose that the people building these sophisticated bombs are smart enough to build them so that powering up the devices won’t set the thing off?

Lets give our enemies credit for at least being able to use the knowledge they gained going to western colleges.

I resent the theater today more than I resented it back at the dawn of time.

Theater isn’t going to protect us from Jihadists intent on causing us harm. 

If our government is serious about protecting us, then they need to terminate all financial aid and make sure that ALL funds to and from terrorists cells in our country are cut off.

The Hamas mouthpiece CAIR should be deprived of all funding originating outside the US and should be prevented from transferring any funds out of the country. Which means preventing the French bank BNP and others from obfuscating the sources and destinations of transactions. 

(For god’s sake it’s an annoying odyssey for honest citizens to open bank accounts with piddly sums of cash. How the HELL can international banks get aways with this stuff?)

We shouldn’t be providing Syria weapons.

The Muslim Brotherhood is another organization that we have no business supporting.

We need to be depriving these terrorist organizations of their funding, weapons, and communications.

It’s interesting that ISIS is waging an impressive recruiting and PR campaign via Twitter! That needs to stop.  If that means giving the Muslim countries their dreams of internet isolation from the rest of the world, so be it.

Last, and most importantly we need to stop the politically correct bullshit. I’m not suggesting that we become a bunch of racist xenophobes, I’m saying that we need to have all the information about the goings on in our country.

That means we need to see the reports about honor killings, like those recently uncovered in NJ. We need to understand how Islam is influencing our country for good or ill. We need truth, and fearlessly honest reporting to return to mainstream news.

I firmly believe that in the light of truth, we as a people will be better able to make decisions that are in our best interests.

Make no mistake, it’s not a sin to act in your own self interests.

Even the Occupy Wall Street people figured that out.