Well, I Never!

This election is tearing our country apart.

I’ve spoken with a few acquaintances who shockingly said, “Anyone who voted for Trump in my enemy.”

That sentiment is astounding to me. Frankly, I have zero desire to have people like that in my life. Regardless of who I voted for or not. That kind of vitriol has no place in my life or my country.

People voted for who they voted for due to a variety of reasons. Some just plain hate Trump, others saw Biden as a return to “normal”. I think a lot of people who voted for either candidate were actually voting from an emotional level against the other guy.

A vote for Trump may simply have been a vote against Biden, or more properly Harris. Similarly a vote for Biden may have been a completely emotional choice based on 4 years of Trump bashing and Trump’s bombastic nature.

Either way, for me someone determining the the status of their relationships based on political party or who they voted for is completely insane.

While Biden is a known commodity. He’s also probably not going to serve out his term. As Trump and conservative media pointed out, Biden has been in office 47 years, 8 of them as Vice President, and now suddenly he’s got a plan? He’s a career politician but has done little of note.

I’ve personally not been impressed with Biden as a politician over the past decade. Harris is mostly unknown. She couldn’t carry her home state of California in the Primaries and it wasn’t about the fact that she is a woman or that she’s a person of color, it was about her character, she didn’t resonate with the voters.

After the Primaries she had some pretty harsh things to say about Biden and then she turns around and accepts a VP slot from him? There were many rumors about her climb to power and then in full view of the American people she did exactly what the rumors claimed. She compromised her expressed beliefs and metaphorically climbed into bed with someone she excoriated on multiple issues only months before.

I was very disturbed about the Hunter Biden laptop as well. The main stream media was sweeping it under the rug prior to the election. The conservative media was rightfully asking questions about the veracity of the photos and emails. Some of the photos I ran across were shocking. A video I saw, less so, but I’m convinced it is actually Hunter in both. Now the mainstream is reporting on Hunter’s laptop. For me, what they’re reporting is “old news”

I’m certain, if one of Trumps boys had a laptop turn up we’d see 24/7 news coverage and demands for his resignation.

For me, this begs multiple questions.

Why / how is the media so biased? Isn’t the media supposed to be simply reporting, and to the extent possible, verifying the events?

How does this double standard stand in America? We are supposed to be a country of equal opportunity which means, good or bad, no-one gets a PASS.

In the face of a spectacular amount of evidence, how did Hunter avoid prosecution to date?

Loosely associated with the Hunter question is what appears to be fraudulent voting. In 2016 voter fraud was the democratic party’s explanation of Trumps win and Hillary’s loss. In 2020 there are multiple reports of more ballots being counted in states than were sent out. There’ve been affidavits filed legally in courts across the country detailing sworn eyewitness testimony to voting irregularities. But we’re being told that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Throughout 2020 we’ve seen protests that turned violent. The media has painted the violence as the responsibility of white supremacists and extremists. The media has also told us that rioting and looting wasn’t widespread. We’ve had politicians telling us that ANTIFA is an idea nothing more.

Yet we have ANTIFA crowing about their conquests. Then directing their followers via social media to disrupt scheduled peaceful rallies supporting issues, which ANTIFA condemns. We have police officers standing by watching looting, arson, and violence, yet doing nothing.

For me collectively, this suggests that the law no longer applies.

So when someone says, “Anyone who didn’t vote for Biden is my enemy,” I wonder what that really means.

What happens if that sentiment is extended? Anyone not wearing a mask is my enemy, anyone not taking the vaccine is my enemy, anyone not carrying a BLM sign is my enemy, anyone who is not gay or transgendered is my enemy, anyone who is black, brown, yellow, white, is my enemy.

The problem with drawing those kinds of lines, is that if you mean it, there’s no end to it.

If “Selective Law Enforcement” gets added to the mix, then logically you could murder someone an claim they were “the other” and get away with it.

Kinda like NAZI Germany.

So, am I a man without a country?

I hoped that Trump would remain in office.

Somewhere deep in my core I knew it wouldn’t happen. I can’t blame those who voted for Biden, even though they actually voted for Harris. Biden will be out quicker than you can say communism.

What choice did people have? They’ve heard nothing but how awful Trump is for the past 5 years. They’ve been told in a never ending, mind bending drone what a shitty president he is. Most folks never stop to think, analyze, or question what the news media tells them.

Now any failures of the new regime will be blamed on former president Trump’s policies. The continuing rioting will be blamed on him, (and of course angry conservatives… A.K.A White supremacists even though they’re not.) There is no margin for discussion.

Dissent with the approved narrative will be silenced with even greater zealotry. Social media, their censorship, and the all too willing lapdogs in the main stream media will drown out any opposition.

Biden will raise our taxes, (He said it.) and re-engage the processes that had been eroding our way of life for decades. This isn’t about change, this is about destruction. Reverse racism (which doesn’t exist) will be commonplace. (We’re already seeing that on the streets). I suspect that we’ll be in some form of Middle East combat again. Or their wars and troubles will be visited on our shores.

Well known Media darlings, some senators, and many celebrities have called for retribution against anyone that had the temerity to vote for Trump over a senile old Trojan Horse and potentially 12 years of president Harris who is quite possibly among the most corrupt people in politics today. Incidentally, she couldn’t get more than 5% of the vote in her liberal home state of California.

Due to the blatant illegality seen in this election, it’s obvious that our nation is doomed. The illegality on full display with Hunter Biden’s laptop. The lack of prosecution in the cases of ANTIFA and BLM riots and the tacit approval given those actions by various politicians. All combine to say there is no law and order anymore. Or rather, there isn’t equal law and order.

This leaves me wondering if I even have a country anymore. Is my passport worth anything? Does America even exist?

If I am a man without a country does that mean I’m a refugee? Can I go to Europe, get a job, and live the remainder of my life in peace?

Some days I’m just too dark.

mockingtodo20201014.pngThere it is, the “Perky” reminder in my ToDo list saying that I should write something at least in my blog.

It’s overdue too.

Go on you little bastard, mock me!

I’ve tried a couple of different tangents. Trouble is, every time I try to put something on paper it takes a path leading straight to the bowels of hell.

I suppose I’m sick of everything! Although the salacious pictures of Hunter Biden do pique my interest. I’m curious about that 12 minute video… 

By nature, I’m a voyeur so my prurient interest shouldn’t be surprising to anyone.  

Way back in the day I was entirely fascinated by a grainy poor quality video of a 3 way staring a young actor (now famous) that made the rounds on videotape. Even today, the only porn that I can not look away from is of the home grown amateur variety. Much of today’s stylish, scripted, professional porn has become “ho hum” and unfortunately predictable. But the lighting is always awesome!

Along those same lines I’m curious to know what Hunter’s email, video, and pictorial evidence will do to his father’s election chances. 

Oddly enough, I don’t think it will matter one bit.

Joe Biden is under investigation in the Ukraine, has been accused of sexual harassment by Tara Reed, has been caught in at least three other lies where what he claimed was not in fact what was recorded in the public record, and now if the emails found on this computer hard drive are proven to be real he’ll be literally at the center of another scandal.

It won’t matter. He’ll never be subpoenaed, he’ll never be brought to trial, he’ll never answer for any of it.

Hence the blog takes dark turn. Any Republican politician would have already issued the requisite humble apology and been forced to resign. Captains of industry have been destroyed for less. We have police chiefs forced to resign for something their wife tweeted.

Against this backdrop of cancel culture and outrage how can Joe Biden still be a viable candidate? What happened to equality?

If specific targets (Conservatives) can be “Canceled” for these offenses, then everyone can and should be “Canceled” for similar offenses.

There is the crux of it for me. Patent, (dare I say systemic,) inequality. 

Either we are all bound by the same standards, rules, and laws, or none of us are.

If none of us are bound by these things, then why am I wearing a mask in public, not shopping in person, obeying stay at home orders, not looting, or any of the rest of it.

We already have anarchy. I should be out enjoying myself!

See, that’s why you’ll see me skip a few days blogging. It’s actually for your protection…

We’re all in this together!

After 7 Months…

The car saga is finally coming to a close.

I’ll call it done when the check has cleared!

Back in November 2019 I had a little “boo boo” driving home form Orange County. At the time I thought it was just going to be an annoyance. If I’d only known…

Short story, car sits in repair shop for a month. I get tired of the fighting between the body shop and the insurance company and tell them, “Just FIX the damn thing, I’ll pay the difference.”

December 31 I pick up the car and drive it home. 1st week of Jan 2020 I call the insurance company to have a discussion with one of their adjusters and the adjuster agrees that they should have paid for all of the repairs not just the portion they did pay for. He says he’s sending a check. I think hurrah!

Check never comes. I call the insurance company and they tell me the check has been cashed. I ask by whom? I’m told by the shop…

I call the shop and ask them to send me the amount owed.. At the time I’m thinking, “No big deal.”

Here begins the saga.

The insurance company hasn’t paid everything the shop thinks they should have. So they’re holding onto the money. Eventually the shop stops returning my phone calls and emails and I think they’re just hoping I’ll go away.

They don’t know me very well.

I keep trying to be reasonable, and they keep blowing me off. This goes on for months, until I happen to need some things from the dealership.

While I’m there, I ask to speak with the General Manager of the Dealership and explain the situation. I’m polite, I’m reasonable, and I tell him that I, as a customer shouldn’t be embroiled in their insurance battles or their personnel issues. Those things are none of my concern.

He agrees and says he’ll look into it. Shortly thereafter I start getting notices from the insurance company that supplemental claims are being opened. Knowing what little I know fo the way the process works I figured that it’s just the shop and the insurance company’s way of dealing with the disputed amounts and ignore the notifications.

Again, that’s none of my concern.

Yesterday afternoon I get a call from the insurance company asking where my car is.

Hmmm. It’s in my garage last time I looked.

The very sweet lady is clearly confused. I explain what I believe to be the truth of the situation and direct her to scans of the final invoice, and email communications where I’d done the math and explained what I was expecting from them. She reviews the documents and says first, that it’s nice that I’d sent all the supporting documentation to them. Usually, it’s a situation of “he said / she said”.

I tell her that I’m all about keeping everyone in the loop and that this way the insurance company knows that I held up my end of the bargain, (paying my deductible and covering additional expenses that I’d authorized). I tell her that what I’m looking for is to extricate myself from the machinations of the insurance company and the shop.

She agrees and laughs when I tell her, “I just want to tap dance away from the mess.”

She thanks me for explaining it to her, and says that she’ll see what she can do.

I hang up the phone as I have many times thinking, “I appreciate her efforts, but doubt anything will come of it.”

About 20 minutes later I get a notification that I have another email from the insurance company. It says that a check has been issued. I’m thinking, “Huh, that’s neat but I’ve been here before.”

5 Minutes later the sweet young lady calls me back and verbally confirms that the check is being mailed and that I should see it in 5 to 7 days. I thank her profusely for her efforts.

10 minutes later there’s another email notification saying that another check is being sent to me. This one is for a lot less so I’ll have to see what the insurance company is sending and why.

Hopefully, this will put an end to the whole mess. I will go in for routine maintenance (It’s a different branch of the business) But I’m not going to be having any body work done by that shop in the future. As to additional cars… the jury is still out on that.

Next on the agenda is the donation of two dead trucks for a tax credit.

Trust me you don’t want to know that story!

Who knows? Maybe I’ll just find an old used pickup truck, pay cash for it and drive it into the ground. It would be a lot easier to “Mad Max” a pickup. The way things are going that might be the best option.

The moral of the story is: Be tenacious. Have the documentation. Be certain of what your goal is, and that you’re correct.

Funny, our politicians could learn from item 2 and 3 couldn’t they?

“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it?”

“That’s what is to be a slave.” – Roy Batty Blade Runner.

Now we’ve all had a taste of it. What have we learned?

The vast majority of people in the USA haven’t actually been slaves. Yet there are a lot of folks who’d like to enslave us all. These people don’t care what your skin color is. They want you enslaved in a system. Their System.

These are the people that want you to be dependent on their largess. They offer bright baubles of technology, healthcare, entertainment, etc. then make us feel “less than” if we’re unable to afford those baubles.

They offer us a daily dose of fear via the news, & commercials. “More terrifying moments of unrest today in Minneapolis. The President today said, ‘insert daily out of context statement here‘ does this statement mean the end of America? See our report at 11. Suffering from Kidney Failure? Are you going to die? Try our new drug, if you can’t afford it (The implication is your insurance is bad, or you don’t make enough and are therefore ‘less than’) contact us and we’ll help pay your bill.”

They keep us apart by instilling mistrust in each other. “It’s white oppression, it’s black criminality. It’s racist, that person is a Nazi. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, wear a mask as a symbol of solidarity, You should wear a mask because you never know who might be carrying a virus. Black Lives Matter=Good speech, All Lives Matter=Bad speech, ACAB (All cops are bastards), Why are the police not stopping this looting?”

With each new presidential administration, there are people who are “Right” and people who are “Wrong” the actual facts of the administration’s accomplishments or failures notwithstanding. The “Right” and the “Wrong” people flip based on how the media presents a particular narrative.

In simplest terms, we’re always being manipulated by headlines, soundbites, and glamorous ads showing us things that a great many of us can’t afford. The ads implicitly extol the virtue of working harder to make more money so that we can afford these pretty things. The thing lots of people miss is that all of us working harder, generates more tax revenue that in turn, fuels the system.

The same system that locks us in our homes, costs us jobs, and vilifies individuals who after doing the math, decide that feeding their families is worth the risk.

That same system almost deifies individuals in protests that devolve into rioting and looting. It makes a sick kind of sense. Either situation creates an “Enemy” that can be pointed to, now or in the future, to maintain the cultural division.

As long as the American people are fearful and divided, the powerful can do as they please in plain sight. Who will question the national guard being brought in to quell riots? Who will question another lockdown because of a spike in Covid-19 cases?

Social Media was supposed to help level the playing field allowing people to communicate with each other directly, expressing thoughts and beliefs freely without bias, other than those biases the people brought with them.

As Social Media blossomed, controls were put into place to silence dissent. Those controls started out innocently to prevent blatant racist and hate from spilling unbidden onto computer screens. Those controls quickly escalated into full blown censorship.

The implied reason for that censorship is that “average people” are unable (too immature, or too stupid) to process dissenting opinions without experiencing angst. Therefore it is assumed they need to be protected from free thought, instead of exercising the freedom of simply choosing not to view items which are offensive to them.

Mind you, what one may find offensive, others may find informative. With censorship instituted on social media no-one has to decide, and everyone is once again placed in a bubble of docile safety and conformity.

Safe, in that bubble, they’re not troubled by dissenting opinion and not forced to think for themselves or form their own opinions. The narrative of those in control is preserved and the correct “Group Think” is doled out 200 characters at a time, by sanctioned influencers.

How are sanctioned influencers picked? They’re approved by Twitter checkmarks and number of followers. An influencer with a large number of followers and a check mark is seen as someone “In the know“. They remain a blessed influencer as long as they maintain the appropriate narrative.

However if an influencer goes off the reservation or someone speaking counter to the narrative, (There are always a few allowed, to maintain the illusion of Facebook or Twitter’s impartiality,) becomes troublesome. Their follower count mysteriously decrements. Their coveted Twitter Checkmark is removed, they end up in “Twitter Jail” or their messages simply vanish, and finally they are banned outright. These people still have online presences, they’re just on other platforms with lower brand recognition.

Platforms like GAB aren’t allowed to post their applications on Google Play or the Apple App store. Other platforms like Parler are allowed to have Play Store or Apple App store presences for the time being.

This speaks to the tight integration between Google, Apple, and the group, or groups controlling the narrative. Not only are specific people exiled from Twitter and Facebook, their ability to be seen by the masses is limited by the corporations who provide the dominate operating systems for smart devices as well.

Isn’t it odd that nudity, violence, and graphic sex is allowed on a platform like Twitter and freedom of political messages is not? Even odder is that Apple and Google provide access to an application which can present these images while at the same time denying access to alternate applications which are largely politically conservative in nature. The only difference being that Twitter filters out comments that present dissenting political opinion?

Isn’t this exactly the kind of thing that is never supposed to happen in a free society?