Go pack the wagon Mabel

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I killed my Facebook account this morning.

I guess some people would say this is a huge step backwards. As if I’m reverting to some pioneer life and entering an unexplored desert.

I’m thinking it’s more of a step forward.

Like getting through that teenage phase where you’re on the phone for hours and hours with your best buddy or that heart wrenching first love. At the time you can’t believe how important it all is.

Once you’re through the phase you can’t believe how trivial it all was.

Of course Facebook didn’t want to let me deactivate my account without a few questions… “everyone loves social media” 

I answered their questions and went so far as to explain my reasoning in the little box they provided.

I doubt that anyone will ever read what I wrote, but at least I tried to tell them why I wanted to deactivate the account.

It’s nothing personal, I just was getting creeped out by the whole deal. There were a lot of “Friends” that live within 40 minutes of my house that I never see. 

It’s not that we try to get together and our schedules are too hectic…

We don’t even try. No phone calls no casual “how are you?” nothing but the occasional message via Facebook.

This led me to wonder are these people really friends? 

If they are friends and start calling on the phone because they can’t reach me via Facebook then obviously Facebook is having an opposite effect on society than was intended.

If on the other hand I never hear from them again… then they weren’t friends in the first place.

Either answer is acceptable. 

I’ve decided that I really do want a life that’s “real” not some simulation of life and friends on the internet.

So if you want to talk… call me, or email me. 

Just don’t look for me in your Facebook timeline… I’m not there.

Busy day today

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Dropping the car off to have the front end repainted AGAIN!

Then off to EDD to stand in line so that I can actually speak with a human being instead of playing in their  telephone system and never getting anywhere.

I still can’t believe that after 5 hours of dialing, the best I could get was into their automated system only far enough for them to say they couldn’t talk to my right now and then they hung up.

It’s an effective system if you don’t want to deal with the public.

I’m planning to have the laptop with me so If there’s any time I’ll be trying to write. that is as long as the hives keep clearing and I’m not being driven mad by the itching.

Yesterday, there was a “Come to Jesus” meeting with the godbrat. He’s been doing shit like starting a load of clothing then saying that he’s going on an errand, Only to be gone all night leaving wet clothes sitting in the washer. It’s gotten under the other halfs skin because it’s just plan rude. 

I don’t like the saying “I’m going on an errand” which leaves the expectation that he’ll be back in an hour or two only to have him show up the next day. To me that’s on the raggedy edge of lying. It’s not fair, not acceptable, and honestly… if he was doing stuff like this at home I totally get why his step-mom was getting pissed off about it.

I honestly don’t think it’s malicious, the kid has all the attention span of a gnat. I can see how it would piss someone off because it’s essentially a cock block situation.

SO we’ll see if the “Come to Jesus” meeting has any effect.

Frankly I didn’t feel up to having the talk… I was itchy and irritated. That would have been a bad combination especially since I already have trouble knowing when to stop.

Hope everyones day is a good one.

Off to the races…

Busy bodies win

O dammah1

Friends of Animals, a Connecticut-based animal-rights organization has succeeded in Imposing their will on Texas Ranchers.

A federal court has banned the hunting of exotic animals on private land. While these moronic animal rights activists have managed to have the hunting forbidden they have doomed the 3 species they sought to protect.

The scimitar onyx is extinct in Africa and has been since 2000. But these creatures have thrived in Texas on private ranches. The Texas ranchers using their skills in animal husbandry managed to grow a population of 32 oryx into a population of over 11000.

The rarest of the 3 species is the dama gazelle Their population in 1979 was 9 there are now over 800.

The last species to be brought back from extinction is the addax. There were only 2 in 1971 there are now 5000 of them living in safety on Texas ranches.

Well they were living in safety…

The ranchers allowed hunting of these creatures. To the tune of anywhere between $7,500 to $12,500 dollars.

This extremely high cost was paid by a relatively small percentage of the hunting population. They gladly paid because they got to hunt without having to go to Africa, where these creatures don’t exist anyway.

The cash went to the ranchers and they in turn used the money to continue their breeding programs, feeding, watering, veterinary care and any number of other things required to maintain a heard of animals.

This business model makes sense!

It F1GOD00Zwas in the best interests of the Ranchers to have and maintain a vibrant healthy heard of animals that would otherwise be extinct. The numbers show that that is exactly what was going on.

Friends of Animals… Has no fucking clue. Their law suit and subsequent win has now made the herds a liability.

Given the numbers of the herds, if you had 100 taken by hunters a year then you have probably only equaled the natural predation that would have occurred in the wild.

Although if all these creatures were returned to Africa they would probably be extinct inside a year.

Their former territory has become a desert. There are literally thousands of people starving in those areas, does Friends of animals really think that starving people won’t hunt every last one of these creatures down and eat them?

And since WHEN does the federal government have the right to say to a private land owner what they can and cannot do with and on their property?

YES! Folks… these animals are the property of the ranchers. They bred them, they fed them and in that way they are no different from cows.

So they can’t be hunted anymore…

But I’ll bet they can be slaughtered and turned into meat.

And who could blame the ranchers? They have to make a living. Who’s going to pay for the maintenance and upkeep? These ranches have to turn a profit. These creatures had a higher sales price than cattle. But NOW cattle is the only option the ranchers have to be able to feed their families.


Does Friends of Animals think that the ranchers are just going to keep shelling out what must be at least tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain these creatures?

Really? Maybe Friends of animals should start  fundraising and PAY for the maintenance themselves.

How long then until FOA decides that the costs are too high?

Our country is supposedly a free country.

When I see stupid stuff like some socialist fucking morons in Connecticut who have NEVER spent a day at hard labor like the kind you do on a ranch or a horse farm, I loose my mind.

Our Country and our world would be a DAMN sight better if people kept their noses IN THEIR OWN BUSINESS!

These idiots have no clue about the level of work and dare I say it love that these ranchers have for these animals.

Yeah, the ranchers allowed hunting but they knew that typically ONLY the old, slow, blind, or otherwise infirm would be killed. That’s the way of nature… I don’t care if these animals are inside a 50,000 acre enclosure. It still requires some level of skill to track one and eventually shoot it. ( I am opposed to hunting them from vehicles. Hunt them… on foot. Pit your hunting skills against the animals avoidance skills. Be an Apex predator, and remember even the cheetah doesn’t get a kill every day.)

Animal conservatorship and husbandry is about maintaing a balance between what your land can support and the number of animals  that land can support. I don’t see any lions, cheetahs, leopards or for that matter any apex predator except man wandering these ranches in Texas. If these herds are allowed to grow uncontrolled they will eventually starve. That is a stone fact.

The ranchers now have to choose… They’re going to choose cattle.

I hope Friends of Animals is pleased with single handedly causing the permanent extinction of these three beautiful species.

I for one will be ready and able to POINT out that Friends of Animals and a socialist court system are responsible.

Nice to know that I’m not the only one…


Was at the Car Dealership yesterday and overheard a couple of conversations that had me nodding in agreement.

California isn’t just hated by me… 

I heard two separate conversations between four different men all of whom are in their mid 40s to mid 50s. In their conversation they were all talking about packing up their shit a leaving the state.

One guy was waiting for his 2 sons to get out of the house. One of them is going to be a sheriff, the other one is 23 and still at home, fighting for a job in an ever decreasing job market.

In this guys case he wasn’t too upset at having a 23 year old living with him. He rightly observed that with things as expensive as they are here, his sons really couldn’t afford to be out on their own. His strategy is to leave for Arizona when his boys have settled.

One of the other guys had just packed up his company and was having his car serviced as the last step before moving to Reno. The money his company was going to save in taxes and fees over the next year PAID for him to be able to pay for the relocation of his entire staff.

In yet another conversation, a guy was counting the days to retirement (90) then he & his wife were heading to New Mexico. They’d already sold their house and had packed up most everything which was sitting in a storage facility in NM. They were doing the minimalist thing until he retired.

His wife had been nice enough to her employer to let them know that she’d be leaving in 90 days… Of course the fuckers she worked for fired her because after all she wouldn’t be working as hard knowing that she’d be leaving… (To This I say WTF??? She could have trained her replacement and she wasn’t under any obligation to let her employer know shit! But courtesy is truly a thing from another age.)

The last guy was funny as hell because he too was heading to Arizona. He said it was as simple as the gas prices dropped 60 to 70 cents per gallon when he crossed the border out of California… He said that alone was enough to sell him on relocating. But then his wife got laid off and after searching for a job in her field for 9 months she’s decided to leave the kids & grandkids in CA and accepted a job in her field in Flagstaff. 

If the kids want to visit it’s not too crazy a drive for them, and It’s an easy drive for the guy and his wife too. When asked why drive? He replied; “Who wants to fly anymore? I know I don’t want the TSA feeling me or my wife up she might trade men in…”

The common thread is that all of these guys are middle aged, Middle to late career and they’ve had enough of the B.S. that is California.

Of course what this means is that if the trend continues… California will have a tourist industry ONLY and the dream that was once the Golden State will be just another tourist trap. 

Even the technology companies are leaving. Many of them are reducing their presence here to nothing more than small offices. They’re not even maintaining corporate headquarters here. It’s just too damn expensive…

All of this is to say, 

It’s nice to know I’m not insane or over-reacting as some people close to me have implied. 

I think I can move to another state following work in my field. After 15 years of patiently driving obscene distances I can finally and with a clear conscience put the Golden State in my Rear View Mirror

Sandusky Guilty… DUH!

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Jerry Sandusky has been found guilty by a Jury of his peers.

Sadly, the Appeals process will go on for years and in all likelihood Sandusky will spend very little time in jail and even less time in prison. That’s not to say that Sandusky isn’t entitled to the appellate process. It’s simply a fact.

After all the man is 68 years old. Realistically, how much longer will he live? 

Personally, I think he should be whisked to prison and at least be forced to be someone else’s bitch for a while. In my twisted imagination I can see a big Aryan Nation dude named Darrell saying “Down on your knees bitch… I know you know how to suck!” then the clanging of the cell door closing.

I do doubt that anything like that is ever going to happen.

Sandusky will likely end up under house arrest during the appeals process. His health will deteriorate, then he’ll be too sick to take the rigors of prison. He’ll probably pass quietly in his own bed, there will be a brief news blip about it and thats all.

Most of this is speculation on my part. I’m cynical, if he’d been anyone but Sandusky he’d already be rotting in jail. But fame does have it’s privileges.

Even Rodney King experienced how fame could mitigate punishment. After all how many times was he stopped AFTER he was beaten? Lindsey Lohan? She should have been in jail after her first defiance of a court order. Fame and notoriety may actually be more powerful than money when it comes to keeping someone out of jail.

There is another aspect to the Sandusky story. 

The victims… They’ve been living for years in invisible prisons. Their prisons are composed of shame, guilt, pain, and fear. I personally hope that they get the kind of help they need.

We all can hope that the lessons they learned from Sandusky, are lessons that they will not repeat when / if they’re ever placed in a similar situation. That’s a possible danger isn’t it? These guys having been molested, may in turn become molesters if they don’t get the right kind of counseling.

I hope that all of Sanduskys victims can find peace now.