My GOD! I hate Bureaucratic little despots!

The saga of the solar panel installation may be coming to an end.

That’s a good thing. I’m really kinda over it. As in losing my ability to give a shit!

This morning, the final inspection is supposed to take place. The representative from the panel installation company has been out. He’s doing some final tweaks which is a good thing.

But first thing this morning he hands me a clipboard with a a county form on it asking me to sign to attest that I have smoke a CO2 sensors in my house. The paperwork also wanted to verify that the water heater is grounded. It’s natural gas, and the pipes in the house are copper going to ground. So uh yeah! The water heater is freaking grounded!

I ask him what any of this has to do with the dang solar panels on the roof.

He’s not sure, it’s just something The County requires.

I look at the form and tell him I’m going to get my glasses to be able to throughly read the document he’s handing me, so that I know what I’m actually signing.

When I come back, the first thing I notice is that the documents have someone else’s name and address on them. So I ain’t signing shit.

But it got me to thinking.

The invasiveness of regulations has been a royal pain in my ass since this house was rebuilt, and even before then.

When I bought this house, there was a fire suppression system installed. This was mandated by the County when the house was originally built in 1992. For 15 years or so, I paid $300.00 every year to have someone come out and inspect the system. This was to prevent the antifreeze from draining out of the suppression system back into the main water lines.

When the house burned, the fire alarms worked, the fire suppression system didn’t. One of the inspectors had left the dang valves closed so that fancy assed fire suppression system was offline. (That’s what comes from constantly fiddling with something. The possibility of mistakes increases.)

When we rebuilt the house, the county mandated that he have 6 CFB fixtures built into the ceiling of the house (This was more lights than we had total in the house prior to it burning.) Supposedly this was to make the house more energy efficient. I asked the building inspector how having more lights in the house made the house more energy efficient. Those lights still pulled, (at the time 40W). 

Five years later someone in the State of California noticed that compact fluorescent bulbs contained mercury vapor. Fluorescent lights have always contained mercury vapor. That’s how they work. OMG! These bulbs if improperly disposed of can be environmentally dangerous! 

A few years after that, someone else realized that as these bulbs age they can emit high levels of UV, which might be hazardous. Again, DUH! It’s not rocket science. Pass a current at a specific frequency through mercury vapor and it emits UV light, coat the inside of a glass tube with a fluorescent material that glows when exposed to UV light and you get visible light.

It’s simple science. Pity we apparently don’t teach Science anymore.

At the time I was laughing because it was another case of unintended consequences due to petty bureaucrats deciding they had a good idea with absolutely zero knowledge of the underpinning science and therefore no understanding of the potential consequences. I also had a good laugh at the sudden plethora of UV sensors that hit the market to make sure you were safe from the evil older CFBs the State demanded you put in your house.

My sensor, was my glasses. Yeah, my Photo-chromic eyeglasses. See, they darken due to UV light so if I suspected that a CFB was aging or the fluorescent coating was getting flaky, I’d hold my eyeglasses near the bulb. If they got dark, I knew it was time to change the bulb.

Again, if you know how things work at a basic level, you can save yourself $29.95! Unfortunately, retrofitting the fixtures to LED costs a lot of money. Although, all of the other lights in the house with standard A26 screw in sockets have been updated to LED and if those lights are on full blast they use less power than the fluorescent fixtures. 

Move forward a couple of years and the County comes through telling us that we have to remove plants at the very edge of our property line from our landscaping because these plants can burn. Uh yeah sure, but the plants in question have been in that position on the property for 20 years. Oh and they survived the actual house fire that burned the house to the ground. Not to mention that ALL plants can burn!

Another expense, due to bureaucrats. I just know one day these morons are going to figure out that native Pine Trees can burn and demand the removal of trees from my property.

FYI, some of these trees have been here since before the house was. I also water them regularly because I happen to like trees. That’s becoming more difficult due to water restrictions in California, however I’ve adapted.

In Winter, I pile the snow up around the trees and in my yard in general. It doesn’t last the whole summer, but the trees are watered by this process throughout the spring and into early summer.

Again, not rocket science, just using the natural elements and conditions to my, (and the trees,) advantage.

It’s really common sense. 

Move forward 10 years after the house was rebuilt, and the fire suppression system FAILS, flooding my living room. Oh, we’d been having it inspected every year like usual. Guess what? While the specialized Fire Suppression contractor was repairing the system, they discovered that the system had been installed incorrectly in the first place and the petty bureaucrat of a building inspector has missed the fault. At this point in time however, I got to pay for the repair and fight with the insurance company about it.

Ahhh, my tax dollars at work!

I probably wouldn’t be so annoyed except that county inspectors kept blowing off their appointments when the house was being rebuilt. It was so frequent that about 3 months got added onto the building cycle and not one of them ever thought to apologize about missing appointments.

So here we are, trying to get the solar panels finished. Once again I’m being held up because of a country inspector who probably doesn’t have a clue about the actual power going through the cables or how the system works in detail. This is the building equivalent of TSA bag checks, or the masking controversy with COVID or half a dozen other examples of hand waving without actually doing something functional.

That’s the sad part of this, we’re trying to “Go Green,” after all. Isn’t that what gruesome Newsome & Sniffy Joe want us to do?  Note the panels have been on the roof since June 2022.

Today the solar panel company sent their guy out and he arrived on time, we’re still waiting for the County Inspector to show up. At this point that county jackass is two hours late after specifying a two hour window. The difference between a business, and bureaucrats feeding on the tax payer dime is striking!

I doubt that the panels will be operational today, and it might not be until Spring of 2023 at this point. I could still be surprised, but I’m not foolish enough to hold my breath.

I’m debating about giving the county jackass a dressing down when they get here. If you’re going to make an appointment, you keep it. If you’re going to be late, you call. It’s just common courtesy.

On the one hand that might prevent me from getting the panels online, and could subject me to a bunch more County bullshit. On the other hand, if no-one calls jackasses out for being jackasses, they’ll never change except to get worse.

The County person arrived. She was late but didn’t bother to apologize. I kept my mouth shut and went back inside the house. 

A half hour later, the solar guy says the inspection is good, and that the panels are online. 

I guess I could have held my breath! I’m calling this a good day.

Huh, World War III?

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Is the Biden Administration saying?

“Lets see how far we can push Putin.”

I honestly don’t know, but you’d think they’d be at least a little concerned that Putin is being backed into a corner.

The Biden Administration and Joe Biden don’t seem to know how to properly sabotage something. Here he is painting a target on the United States.

Even if our dumbass in chief had nothing to do with what is commonly defined as sabotage. Putin will have to look no further than President Biden’s own words, before deciding to launch his ICBMs.

Uhh Dumbass in chief, you never tell someone you’re going to fuck them except in a street fight. Saying you were going to fuck Putin on international TV is probably about as stupid as it gets. Then continuing to send billions to the Ukraine to fund your proxy war is just rubbing salt in the wound.

Putin’s Ukraine war is taking more resources than Putin anticipated and he’s suffering more losses. Now with the loss of NordStream 1 & 2, he’s strapped for cash as well. Ukraine applying for expedited entry into NATO isn’t going to calm Putin down. 

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Have you idiots in Washington ever seen an injured wasp sting itself to death? Have you ever seen a badly injured Scorpion sting itself to death? 

Have any of you ever read Melville? 

To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee; For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee.” — Herman Melville

I thought you people were supposed to be the Crème de la Crème of our educated elites. I thought you were supposed to have at least some capacity to see how one thing leads to another. Although based on your handling of the economy, apparently I’m in error.

When Hitler realized the war was lost, he killed himself. Putin has the capacity to go out in a “Blaze of Glory” and take the rest of us with him. Hitler would have launched nukes if he had them, then shot his sorry ass.

You morons in Washington need to get your shit together.

It’s time for you “Leaders” to stop ass raping the American people. Sit down, talk with Putin, Talk with Zelenskyy, and the rest of the world leaders and come to some kind of reasonable diplomatic solution.

That solution will involve compromise and not everyone is going to get everything they want. However, everyone walking away from the table with some semblance of dignity will go a long way toward not nuking the planet. 

Joe and the rest of the western leaders say climate change is the single most important issue facing us. Well I’m willing to bet that a nuclear winter classifies as catastrophic anthropogenic climate change. Of course the likelihood of anyone being around to give a shit might be fairly low.

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I personally don’t think Putin is an idiot, but I do think if you give him no other choice he’d launch some or all of his nuclear weapons. Logically speaking, if he launched one, he might as well launch them all because a NATO retaliation would probably deprive him of using the rest of his stockpile.

Remember the wasp, and the scorpion I mentioned earlier???? 

Are any of you paying attention?

Invite Putin and Zelenskyy to Geneva. Guarantee their safety. Meet under the old rules of Parley and instead of telling them what they have to do, ask them how we might navigate out of this insanity. 


(As an aside, Trans rights, Democracy, Donald Trump, the Jan 6th hearing, green energy, abortion, and all the rest of your pet causes, will not matter in the least if this escalates.)

Do your fucking jobs, you bunch of moronic, self entitled, inbred, loads your mommas should have swallowed!

Hmm, I guess the FBI has gone green.

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I was, on one level amused, and another level shocked, to read that Mike Lindell, (The My Pillow Guy) was served a warrant by the FBI for his phone in a Hardees drive through.

On the one hand it’s ludicrous the the FBI is following Mr. Lindell around during a hunting trip waiting for a opportunity to serve a warrant. That they should choose to do so in a Hardees Drive through is laughable.

Mr. Lindell explained to the FBI that his phone runs five businesses and also controls his hearing aids. I know the latter to be a real thing, having known several folks whose hearing aids were controlled through their phones and one of which had the audio picked up and reprocessed through his phone’s microphone prior to the sound being sent to his particular hearing aids.

Mr Lindell notified the FBI that he did not own a computer and that all of his business was conducted through the phone and that effectively they would be stopping him from conducting business. It’s been reported that he was not able to make a backup of the phone prior to its seizure.

This whole thing strikes me as “Odd”.

Why does the FBI want his phone? If they can get a warrant for his phone, they could as easily get a warrant to present to the cellphone provider for his call logs. Why take the phone? If they were after his email or messaging do they honestly think that he’d have messages from 2 years ago when Trump was contesting the election?

I don’t know about Mr. Lindell but I never have messages older than a month or two on my phone. Similarly my call logs are purged regularly. Even my email is never more than a month or two old.  Why have old ephemeral data sitting on my phone forever? It’s pointless and a waste of space. 

This leads me to conclude the FBI did this in the hopes that Mr. Lindell’s phone might have some data that would be of interest to them. This warrant, like others the FBI has recently served seems to target a phone among other things. It seems like this tactic is nothing more than harassment and / or intimidation. 

Gee Sorry FBI… I’m not going to give you my password. I’m going to the first computer terminal I can lay hands on, log in, and command the phone to wipe itself remotely. Then I’ll go buy another phone.

I seriously doubt that you’ll return my phone to me in a reasonable timeframe, even then, it’s likely you’ll have infected it with spyware of various types so that you can effectively illegally wiretap me.

If however you were to specifically ask for a particular set of documents or documents regarding a specific subject, I’d turn them over to you. I see no need to allow you to invade all of my personal matters, photographs, or whatever at your whim during some kind of fishing expedition.

I see no need to make your job easy. I will exercise my 4th amendment right to be secure in my papers and possessions against illegal search & seizure. 

Mr. Lindell apparently spoke with his attorney who advised him to hand the FBI his phone.

Which then left Mr. Lindell in a potential safety hazard depending on how his hearing aids reacted to not having the control software of the phone nearby. The friend I mentioned earlier said his hearing aids shut down completely if he got too far from the phone. 

I’m not even sure what Mr. Lindell is supposed to have done. Other than continuing to believe that the 2020 election was “Stolen”. He’s chosen to bring law suits to prove the point and accused Dominion of contributing to falsifying the election. Hey he can spend his money any way he wants to. He has a First Amendment Right to free speech. 

Since when is it a crime to express your opinion, demand answers, and if it comes to it, prove yourself a fool. In a court of law?

Stacy Abrams has been saying the same exact thing for years about her LOSS in Georgia.

Could it be that Lindell perhaps was in contact with the Nefarious, Satanic, Hitleresq, bane on all human existence, the Pestilence, the Orange Horror, the Anti-Christ, known as Former President Donald Trump?

Duh! We all know there were probably calls. SO FUCKING WHAT? 

We all know this is about the bullshit Jan 6th “Insurrection” 

FYI no insurrection in the last 200 years has been carried out without the insurrectionists having a shit ton of guns, explosives, or weapons of some kind.

Even if the weapons were nothing more than torches and pitchforks the ensuing violence left 100s of people from both sides dead in the streets.

Funny, I didn’t see any pitchforks or torches on January 6th. The only person on record that died that day was Ashli Babbitt and she was shot by a capital police officer that has been reprimanded more than once for carless gun handling. (Really dude… Leaving your gun in the mens room?)

The officer that died the day after, died of a stroke. He didn’t have his head bashed in with a fire extinguisher as had been reported. 

For the last fucking time… January 6th was not an insurrection, it was a rowdy crowd that got out of hand and devolved into a riot. A riot that was mostly peaceful if one applies the standards of the previous “Summer of Love

I am sick to fucking death hearing the over emotional reporting, and endlessly repetitive questioning by the January 6th committee. Especially since there is nothing remotely like a rebuttal. allowed. I don’t like my tax dollars wasted by a bunch of posturing junior high school theater wannabes.

Untitled design 10I’d give those congressional morons a piece of my mind. I’m absolutely certain that their contempt of Congress couldn’t hold a candle to the white hot rage and utter contempt I feel toward them…

ALL of Congress! That little (R) next to your name, Senator or House member, whatever your name is, ain’t gonna protect you. You’re all corrupt as hell. None of you speak for the people you’re supposed to represent.

In my view you’re all liars, grifters, thieves, and scum. The only one of you that has the slightest modicum of my respect is Rand Paul. At least he’s calling out that liar Fauci and trying to hold the little Troll’s feet to the fire. Where are the rest of you? Why aren’t you standing up and screaming “ENOUGH”? 

Bought and paid for, every stinking one of you!

All of this has lead me to think that perhaps the FBI really wants phones. Perhaps their budget has been cut and they can’t afford to supply their agents with these devices?

I have 3 or 4 old cellphones lying around here, I’m sure that most people have at least one or two lying around their homes. The American people would be more than willing to drop off their old cellphones at local FBI offices.

That way the FBI would have plenty of phones to use and we’d all be going “Green” allowing the FBI to recycle those old phones for us.

This also makes me think that everybody should have two phones. One that can be handed to the FBI, and the other to actually use. Think of it like a bribe.

I sincerely hope that since the FBI has been turned into a weapon, when the other party gets control… and they will at some point, I hope they turn the full force of the FBI loose on the Democrat party. The wailing and gnashing of teeth would be epic. Hell, I might get cable just to watch the raids on Democrats. I’d make popcorn, pour myself a drink and laugh my ass off.

The FBI is a scary joke. They have power, they’re drunk with it and have become dangerous. 

They were supposed to be about justice and now they’re about political gain. 

Sadly, I don’t think we can trust our government and certainly not the Department of Justice anymore.

My Dad was right. Every 50 or 100 years, we should turn off the Government, fire everyone, dump all the laws, and reboot the system starting with founding principles.