This is gonna be unpopular with some folks…


How about giving a little love to your local law enforcement?

Living in the mountains and dealing with skiers and snow players, plus recently spending time in another larger mountain town, (Big Bear) I’ve seen what Law Enforcement has to put up with.

They have a very tough job and it’s dangerous to boot.

In the past 3 weeks I’ve seen Officers directing traffic in 25F weather standing in the snow to make sure that skiers and snow players get safely into and out of resorts.

I’ve seen more than one near miss where some idiot almost hit an Officer because they were in a hurry.

I’ve watched people giving Officers a rough time because the Officers were telling them to move along, you folks know you can’t park on a public road with no emergency lane to play in the snow. All the people behind you can’t get to their destination with your vehicle in the way.

Let’s not forget about the ambulance that cannot get to the accident 3 miles up the road or the skier who’s got a compound fracture and is bleeding out on the slopes.

And to you young social justice warrior hipsters, with tattoos which are not artful, or ironic, but which instead look like the tattoo “Artist” was on speed and vomited ink all over your bodies…

If a uniformed Officer walks into a coffee shop and gets waved to the counter ahead of the line. Shut the fuck up! That Officer deserves a little accommodation.

They’re working and they’re probably on a break, you know like your strictly enforced 15 minute break at your fast food job? It’s not going to kill you to wait 1 additional minute for that Officer to get a cup of coffee and leave to go back on duty.

I’ve rarely been as angry as I was the other morning when a bunch of you vile young “Social Justice” types started expressing how “Unfair” it was that the Officer was waved to the front of the line.

Cudos, to the cashier who told that bunch of self absorbed 20 somethings, “This Officer is out there insuring your safety and I’m going to serve them first so if you don’t like it, FIND ANOTHER coffee shop!” 

I’d love to see a cashier at a Starbucks do that. Then again I rarely darken the door of a Starbucks anymore, so Hell will probably freeze over first. As I’ve stated before, all I want from my coffee shop is coffee not a lesson in ultra liberal politics.

As I was standing in line waiting to get my coffee, I thought, “I wonder if it would be appropriate to swap my place in line with an Officer, or if it would be appropriate to just buy the Officer’s coffee?” I don’t know if that would be considered Bribery or just Kindness.

For the record, I left a nice tip in the bucket at that place.

Any LEO is welcome to give me an answer in comments.

As you might have gathered, I support LEO. I know there are some “bad apples” but generally speaking these people are drawn to serve the public good. A little kindness & respect toward them might go a long way in reminding them that not everyone is a criminal and that they’re appreciated.

So Back the Badge

At the same time if you see a “Bad Apple” report it. We live in a system of checks and balances. Our duty as citizens is to provide the balance.

In the category “No good deed goes unpunished…”

So my ER escapade continues.

The person that fell last Saturday evening was overly worried about their dog. 

Apparently several people have said due to the dog’s behavior, (Young, undisciplined, large, and very strong) that the dog was going to cause the person to fall and break a hip.

I didn’t know anything about this, walking into a situation as an innocent. 

The person is trying to say now (to protect the dog) that I slipped and grabbed onto them causing their fall.

Anyone that knows me, also knows that I have an almost feline grace and the odds of me falling, much less falling, first are exceedingly remote.

My friend was taking this person to the hospital and heard how the story had changed. He called me and asked me to tell him how this person fell. I related the story again to him exactly as I’d told him the first time, (it’s really easy to tell the same story again if you’re telling the truth.) When I was done, he said, “Thank You, I’ll call you back.”

When he did call me back, he told me the other persons version of the story which was completely incorrect. He also told me that he’d “Lost his Shit” on the other person because he’d noticed their story changing from moment to moment, and after my confirming my recollection of the events to him he was sure that my recollection was more accurate.

According to him, he reminded the other person that I’d gone over in the first place to make sure everything was alright. This all started because I saw a tow truck pull up to the other person’s door and had gotten out of bed, gotten dressed, and walked over to make sure that everything was okay.

He also noted that the injuries sustained were far more consistent with my recounting of the events than with theirs. The fracture was too severe to have resulted from a simple fall, there was momentum involved. 

The person had turned so that their right arm was extended toward their left hip while gripping the dog’s collar. When the dog lunged at whatever it saw at the end of the driveway it spun the person like a top. This meant that as they went down their right arm and right portion of their head smacked into the side of their car at speed.

I was also 3 feet away from them because the dog was trying to jump up on me. Meaning that even if I was slipping and falling on the ice I couldn’t have reached them.

In fact the only time I had any slipping what trying to get them out of the car was when we returned to the cabins, because they outweigh me by 50 pounds and grabbed my arm before I was set, trying to get them out of the damn car.

Even then I didn’t fall, I just barked at them to wait because we were both going to end up on the ice if they continued to pull me off balance.

My friend is right, without proper training that dog is going to cause the person severe harm.

I’m in the clear I think provided that this person doesn’t decide I have money.

Maybe the Inuit people had it right… Maybe the old and infirm should be put on ice flows and sent out to sea.

Ahhh Well, I’ll see what happens. No use worrying about it now.

Trump Impeached!

PelosiBig Deal! So What!

Trump is still The President, Mike Pence is next in line. By the time the House gins up enough to impeach Pence, it’ll be 2 years into the NEXT President’s term.

So no, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton will still NOT be President.

Trump is 3 years into a 4 year term. Given the speed with which the House & Senate act, this impeachment process could last beyond Trump’s presidency. 

America, this has all been a dog & pony show. Produced and staged for your amusement to divide the country. 

TrumpDon’t we have bigger issues?

Isn’t our expectation of Congress that they work on governing the country?

Have our expectations dropped so low, or have we become so self involved that we don’t see the fundamental failure of our politicians to do their jobs.

Have the homeless been helped?

Has our healthcare system been made affordable?

Do children in our country go to bed cold and hungry?

Have problems in our primary and secondary educational system been addressed?

Do some families of our military still rely on food stamps to make ends meet?

Does our legal system work uniformly and with equality for all of our citizens?

Do we have a good accounting of just where our tax dollars go and a balanced budget?

Have our power needs, and infrastructure repairs been addressed?

These are the very basic issues our government is supposed to address. Have they been?

Nope, not really.

Instead of our politicians addressing these fundamental issues with intellect and creativity we’ve been distracted and deluded by the “Show” in Washington. 

How much has this cost us? You know “We the People” and for what? What value did we get for that investment? We impeached a President that is 3/4 of the way through his term. Big Deal!

The one truism of any organization, including the US government, is that delay in addressing problems makes the cost increase exponentially over time.

That is what our government has done. They’ve delayed addressing the basics for nothing more than political aggrandizement. Pelosi et al. have won nothing, achieved nothing, and provided no tangible value. 

I point at Pelosi, but the truth is the Republican party is just as much to blame.

The one thing I agree with President Trump about is that the swamp in Washington needs to be drained.  All of it!

There are too many backroom deals, and too much money changing hands that is not in the interest of the American People. The kind of corruption we’re seeing now is like a cancer and it’s spreading.

Washington dc swampWE the People need to pump industrial strength bleach into our government. That is done simply by refusing to vote for the incumbents who have consistently and with, dare I say… Malice, encouraged or allowed the corruption to stand.

No Representative or Senator needs to be in office for a lifetime and we have exactly that situation.

This leads naturally to “back scratching” that shouldn’t be part of our government process.

So when you’re presented with the opportunity to vote in this next election. Vote your conscience not necessarily your party.

The people you vote for should have to earn your vote. Not with promises they’ll never fulfill but with actions, honesty, and integrity. 

In a “cancel culture” such as we now have it should be pretty easy to figure out who’s in politics because they have no other marketable skills.

If the candidate you’re considering is a lawyer who’s never won a case, or a businessman that’s never had a successful business, they’re probably not someone you should hand the reins of the country to.

Just some food for thought.



So we all know we have to have insurance, be it auto, home, rental, or health.

The problem is, that insurance costs keep going up and the quality of their services keeps going down.

Case(s) in point. 

The miserly manner in which unemployment insurance, that we’re forced to pay for is administered. In California, they literally have a don’t call us… we’ll call you, policy. The only way to reach them is via their web page. Then they’ll call you if they feel like it, when they feel like it, and god help you if you’re unable to answer the call. You know it’s bad form to interrupt a job interview to answer a call from EDD. But you’re going to pay for your insolence… 

I recently got a quote from a healthcare provider for $795 per month. SAY WHAT?

That’s more per month than any single doctor’s visit including labs and prescriptions. A single month of insurance costs $100 more than my yearly prescription cost. I see a Doctor only once a year typically. My prescription cost has dropped since I am paying over the counter.

Yeah, figure that one out… the cost of my prescription over the counter is less than what I’d paid when I had insurance.

Doing the math, why in the living hell would I pay that kind of money?

Well here is a possible explanation.

It’s simply to make us, you know, we the people, totally dependent on some kind of government entity. Under Covered California I’d pay $77.00 per month for the same damn coverage.

The State picking up the remainder of the cost. If I go on Medi-cal then I have full coverage at no cost. Of course, the moment I get a job, or I make over a certain amount of money, Medi-cal disappears and I’m back to paying under Covered California.

This, during a time when My unemployment check isn’t covering anything more than the bare basics. Thank god I put some money away otherwise I’d already be homeless, jobless, carless, and living on the streets of San Diego, LA, or San Francisco.

But the point is this; What is the real fucking cost to insure me? You know damn well that California isn’t paying $718 a month. I’m not worth it to them. I’m the wrong fucking color and speak the wrong language.

But obviously the State is using this mechanism to create dependency on their supposed largess. I’m not generally a conspiracy theory kind of guy. There are things that make me wonder though.

In this case I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the state is paying something. They’ll call it “Negotiated” but there is no negotiation involved. I think the more likely case is that there has been some back room bullshit where the State (meaning from a federal level all the way down to the State government has figured out that they can create and maintain a dedicated pool of voters for one party or the other.

If everyone is dependent on some kind of subsidy then voters will vote for whoever is going to give them the most. Or rather, whoever promises the most.

Medicare for example is totally protected by a rather substantial voter block and a pack of lobbyists. But it’s the tax payers that foot the bill.

I’m not suggesting that we flush Medicare, what I am saying is that it’s a sacred cow and any politician can swing that voting block their way by promising, not only to protect Medicare, but also to expand the coverage.

Consequently, medical costs go up, prescription costs go up, and the care remains the same or substandard. This creates yet another opportunity for the insurance companies to fleece the people with supplemental care policies. These policies tap into the retirement checks of our elder population and manage to literally screw retirees until they die.

The insurance companies get richer, and the average person gets poorer.

Auto insurance is starting to follow the same model. Increasing administrative costs, leading to increasing costs of repair. The cost of parts to repair your vehicle (the RAW cost) probably hasn’t increased by the same factor as the cost to insure our cars.

But the administrative costs, the repeated phone calls, the repeated appraisals on the damage, etc are driving up the cost to repair our cars. 

This has led to a philosophy on the part of the repair facilities of “Your Insurance will cover it” leading to jacked up costs and the Customer being caught in the middle.

The insurance company doesn’t want to pay, the repair facility want’s to clear your car off their lot and nobody can do anything until some appraiser gets their ass out to look at the damage. But even after the appraiser hauls their ass out tot he repair facility, they lowball the cost, and the customer ends up making multiple calls to bitch about the appraisal. 

Eventually, after enough phone calls,  the insurance company relents and approves the cost of the repairs. But meanwhile the car has been sitting on the repair lot for weeks, limiting the ability of the repair facility to turn over vehicles. This directly impacts the repair facilities bottom line.

Make no mistake, the repair facility is also paying for a variety of insurance and if they’re not making money, they can’t add employees which in turn add to the amount of insurance they can pay. 

This leads more and more people to just pay for the repairs on their own, and yet they’re still paying the insurance companies for coverage that they’re not using. 

And another branch of the insurance industry gets richer.

Like ticks on a dog, they get fatter and fatter and once the dog manages to scratch them off, then the insurance company poor mouths it, telling us all how the costs are are increasing and they need another rate increase.

What any insurance company is saying when they increase our rates is really, “We need to increase our profits.”

Like many parasites, the insurance companies are heading toward a level of un-sustainability, In living systems, this culminates in fatality for the host.

In America with insurance, we have government subsidies prior to the host death. Personally, I think we need to send a message to all of the insurance companies.

I think we all need to find a way to stop sending payments to organizations who have forgotten that they work for us and exist at our suffrage.

Dry up the insurance companies income for a couple of months and see if they don’t start singing a different tune.

A Boomer’s Reflections

Sometime between 2017 and late 2019 the term “Boomer” went from being a descriptive about the generation in which you were born to being an epithet.

Simultaneously, “Millennial” and “Gen Xer“ also became hurled as insults.

This illustrates the divides in the generation war very clearly. The generation war isn’t new. It has been going on for a very long time.

As a Boomer, I recall thinking my parents, grandparents, and all elders were too old to understand much of anything. Due to cultural constraints I didn’t vocally call out my elders as is done today.

As a Boomer I mostly muttered under my breath, generally kept my opinion to myself and then after weighing the risk of being caught… Did my own thing anyway.

I’m old enough to remember watching the Fall of Saigon, and Richard Nixon famously resigning the Presidency. That forever tainted the Office of the President and “Proved” that the children of the 1960s and 1970s had been absolutely correct in their mistrust of anyone over 30.

16 Years later we entered Desert Storm and have been involved in some military action or other in the Middle East ever since.

But in the time between, there were many other events.

The fall of the Berlin wall, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the fall of the Shah of Iran and an absolutely astonishing level of technological innovation.

As a gay man, there were other things in this period. I came of age, dated, and slept with a variety of women and ultimately discovered love and happiness in the arms of another man.

I was a “Deviant” at the time. “Going to Hell” as the religious folks loved to tell us, Often, Loudly, and with great hostility.

Politicians liked to marginalize Gay people (We were all One people at the time) LGBT folks were ALL painted as deviants and it wasn’t uncommon for Queers to be institutionalized.

We could be arrested and jailed under sodomy laws that were common in almost every state. We could lose our jobs, homes, and families easily after being convicted. The worst thing someone could call you was Fag, or Dyke. The merest suspicion could literally cost you everything. Slight proof could even cost you your freedom and damn you to a drug induced existence punctuated by electro-shock therapy signed off on by your family.

After all you weren’t right in the head. You might be a danger to yourself. You practiced the love that dare not speak its name. Putting you in an asylum was best for everyone. Especially your family, since you were an embarrassment and they were doing the right thing trying to get you “Help”.

It must be noted: Young LGBT people today face some of the same issues. It’s not uncommon for young people to be kicked out of their homes by their parents for simply being gay. In some states, jobs and housing can still be lost or denied if it becomes common knowledge that a person is LGBT

There has been progress.

The flash point that sparked that progress, catapulting the LGBT community into the public eye, may have been Stonewall. But gay people marched in Selma with Dr Martin Luther King, as did Jews and Christians of all stripes.

Gay people, as we came to find out, had always been around and it wasn’t as abnormal as puritanical America would like to have believed.

In the late ‘70s and early ‘80s I thought I wasn’t “right” even though I knew I wanted to have sex with men. Then I thought I had only a binary choice. I had to be either this or that I couldn’t exist being both.

I was wrong, and it took a long time to realize that I could be both and be comfortable doing so. In that way too, the younger generations have a better world. I suspect there are a lot of mostly “straight” men and women who are breathing a bit easier too.

All this came to mind today after witnessing an exchange on Twitter where a younger person (37 by their own admission) was fighting with an older person and said that us older folks didn’t know what it was to shed blood for the “Gay” fight. Later this person said something to the effect that Us older folks were responsible for the HIV epidemic, I’m paraphrasing but couldn’t help but respond.

To set the record straight: It was our generation(s) that wore out suits going to funerals of our friends. It was our generation(s) that was responsible for the adoption of safer sex practices within the LGBT community. It was organizations like ACT-UP and our participation in them, that forced changes which accelerated research and quicker release of drug therapies that significantly extended the lives of infected people. Not to mention how many people depend on those advances today.

It was our generation(s) that started the major push for equality for LGBT people.

We suffered the disappointment of Bill Clinton caving in to the religious right and back burnering his promises of equal rights and the institution of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

We did these things at a time when it was still acceptable for Gay men to be “Fag-Bashed” or Egged around the only safe spaces we had (Gay Bars).

Everywhere else we were targets and often ignored victims. The police had little or no desire to prosecute someone who beat up a little faggot cocksucker. In rare cases they’d offer the faggot cocksucker a ride home, for a blowjob. Yeah, that happened too.

Still we rose up and pressed for change and fought for every inch of the rights the younger generation now enjoys.

We were not necessarily heroic. We were mostly selfish, narcissistic, and stupid. But more than those things, we were pissed off.

We were pissed because so much of the society was willing to “write us off”. We were “Defective”, an un-necessary and undesirable element in the society. We were getting God’s just wrath, and so what if faggots and drug addicts were dying in alleyways, or our homes, or in quarantine wards in hospitals. It was common to conflate LGBT people with IV drug addicts. After all, “They want to die anyway right?”

There were even people on the left and right who were saying LGBT people should be rounded up and sent to camps where they could butt fuck each other to death.

Many of us learned a deep unyielding fear. Fear of being found out, fear of being punished, fear of sex, fear of life.

Fear like that leaves a mark, and while I and others of my generation smile and support the young, we also long to have had the freedoms that the young now enjoy.

We can’t truly embrace those freedoms, because we incorporated that deep fear into the core of our being. We have no choice, but we’ll gladly look on from the sidelines and take some comfort in the knowledge that we, for our part helped make society accept the LGBT community. We take pleasure and pride in helping to make a place where the youngsters can fearlessly dance and play.

That’s the job of the elder generations. The job of parents is to make the world better for their children. For the Gay elders it was our job too, even if only by proxy.

None of this is to imply that there aren’t still battles to be fought and won. None of this is meant to imply that the battles the young are fighting are any less important or to minimize their achievements. We, and those before us, laid the foundations, it’s up to each subsequent generation to build beauty on those foundations.

And yes, we made mistakes. So will the younger generations.

To say that our generation was responsible for the HIV/AIDS epidemic is beyond wrong and patently unfair.

When HIV/AIDS got to major population centers, it was all but unknown. In the ‘60s & ‘70s there was no STD that couldn’t be cured with penicillin. How were we to know?

Yes, the epidemic occurred on our watch. For at least 2 to 4 years we didn’t know what was killing us. We called it the Gay Cancer. I sit here today HIV- and alive because a friend who was in the medical profession told me;

“We don’t know what it is. We don’t know what we’re looking for. We’re pretty sure it’s not bacterial. We know it’s attacking the immune system. We don’t know what the transmission method is. In my opinion this is sexually transmitted because some recent data indicates the spread is following the same models as syphilis and gonorrhea. So, my sexy little lamb, use a barrier. Don’t let a guy cum in your ass or mouth, no wet kissing. It won’t be as much fun or as free and easy as sex has been; but maybe, just maybe, you’ll not be infected.”

Mike, God rest your soul. I wish you’d taken your own advice, you handsome loveable furball.

A year later, condoms were on the counters in bars. Guys were reminding each other to play safe. The doormen of some bars were checking to make sure guys had condoms when they left the bar together and reminding those guys to use them.

Home grown advertising was in every gay bar coast to coast. And yet, there were straight couples having unprotected sex and many of those men had secret male lovers or dependencies on shared needles and the drugs they contained. To some extent the “Straight” community ignored the problem until they started to die too.

It wasn’t that the LGBT community wasn’t warning them. They chose to ignore those warnings because they apparently believed that they were “blessed by God,” and invincible.

The LGBT community of the time knew all too well that there were “Straight” men who, like today, want to have a bit more variety than simple missionary sex.

At the time, it was common for a straight man to preserve his professional and community standing by spending a few hours in a bath house with his legs in the air rather than to admit he went both ways. Straight men wouldn’t even confide in their doctors this fact, and insisted they got AIDS from a toilet seat.

Once straight people started dying, the government got interested. The religious right pumped up their power using LGBT and prostitute deaths to lump both groups together implying that sinners die, the righteous live, and mobilized an honestly damaging conservative movement that ACT-UP fought valiantly against.

An interesting side effect was that many straight men now sought out gay men for blow jobs because their “Righteous” wives wouldn’t perform that function in the bedroom. There’s probably no data to indicate if this had any effect on transmission rates.

What I can say from personal experience is that a straight man would often “Sell” having a gay man blow him by assuring the gay man that he was clean by virtue of his being straight. “Oh, I only have vaginal sex, it’s only that my wife won’t blow me, so you can swallow. Really, it’ll be fine.”

Then there were the friends who were so very sick. They became pariahs. Folks afraid to touch them. As the disease progressed, they began to look like photos I’d seen of prisoners in Auschwitz. Grey, emaciated, skeletal. In the right light, sometimes you could still catch a glimpse of the person they were. Their eyes told the tale of the battle they were losing.

I lost count of how many times I was asked, “If you were going to kill yourself, how would you do it?” That’s when I knew they were at the end, and I probably wouldn’t see that person again. I’d always answer them, having chosen my path out of life were I to get sick.

My friends knew that I would answer. I wouldn’t give them platitudes or false hope. They knew I’d have analyzed the problem and come to several possible solutions, each solution weighted by factors such as opportunity, availability, probability of success, and practicality. After the discussion, I’d kiss them, & hug them, often for the last time.

To the young man who said to us elders, we boomers, that we hadn’t bled for the cause…

Here are my wounds. Here is my blood. Here are the shreds of my soul.

In all this though, I am not a victim. I am a survivor! All those who are not with me here today physically, are remembered and loved. I live on, and live well because that is what they would wish for, and expect of me. I’ll see them again. They’ve got a bar tab running and a glass with my name on it.

I say this sincerely young man. May you never have to endure losses such as I have endured.

In my time, there was Interferon, then the first of the cocktails, then second and third generation drugs to keep HIV at bay. Each one extending the lifespan of those infected and leading to a greater understanding of HIV and other viruses. But all of these drugs came at a price to the user’s overall health. Some became toxic over time. Others simply stopped working.

Now we have PREP.

But not a cure.

Still, it’s progress.

This same young man implied that Boomers were also responsible for increasing HIV rates.

In point of fact HIV infection rates were dropping. But they’ve now seen an uptick because the disease has become fashionably manageable.

I’ve been present in several public situations where beautiful twenty something young men were asking to be fucked unprotected by HIV+ men.

Their reasoning in making this absurd and insane request was that they wanted to be able to have unprotected sex without fear of HIV since they’d already be positive. Then they could get on a cocktail and have as much unsafe sex as they wanted to. They said literally, “We just don’t want to have to worry about it.” At which point, why bother to purposely get infected? It’ll happen in due course if you play unsafely.

The most recent occasion went like this: Upon hearing their request, this was at a cocktail party not an orgy… I wondered if they were going to be able to leave without being skinned alive (metaphorically) by the elder men in the room. These youngsters didn’t even grasp their error. They had no clue why suddenly the elders in the room were visibly angry. The elders were comprised of about half who were HIV+ and half who were HIV-.

One of the elder men who is HIV+ took these two youngsters aside and began explaining to them why this was such a bad idea. He explained side effects, drug interactions, and just how careful he had to be with diet and exercise. He explained that it was expensive. In his case insurance didn’t fully cover the drugs he used and that he’d give anything to live a “normal” life. The younger men would not be dissuaded and were finally asked to leave.

I have no idea if they found someone to grant their wishes. I hope they didn’t.

So again, to the young man stating that increasing HIV rates are the responsibility of “Boomers” I call bullshit.

The increase is to be laid squarely at your generation’s feet, all wrapped up with a pretty sparkly bow.

In other words son, own your shit! After all you’ve demanded nothing less of my generation.