I was looking for a new keyboard, but…

Maybe a month or two ago I ran across a nifty computer keyboard in some publication. At the time I thought, “It’s really nice, I like that it’s mechanical, It’s cool that you can order it with switches that are firm, medium, or light, which allow you to have a keyboard that is exactly what you want, but dang that’s really expensive,”

So I moved on to the next thing and forgot the manufacturers name. After all, the 8 year old keyboard I’ve got works just fine and I’m used to it.

Then yesterday, my reliable old keyboard started missing space bar presses and occasionally other keys as well. I considered the problem and admitted that it might be time for me to pony up the cash for a new one. I tried to go back and find the article in my Apple News History. I haven’t found the article I was looking for but did stumble across the Alec Baldwin, George Stephanopoulos interview where Baldwin tearfully claims he didn’t pull the trigger.

What a load of runny horse shit!

I was able to let the statement of the Armorer from the production “Someone must have put a live bullet in the gun,” go because that statement was so stupid it required no comment.

Had I commented at the time, I’d have said, “No Shit dumbass!

But Alec Baldwin crying and saying he didn’t pull the trigger?

Oh hell no, I can’t let that one go.

The gun reportedly used in the crime, (Yes, it was a crime!) was a period specific Colt revolver or a replica of the venerable Colt revolver. This gun, as are most guns, is a purely mechanical machine. There are no batteries, no electronics, no circuitry, and no software.

Guns in general are relatively simple machines that exist in the real physical world and require real physical actions to operate. They can’t be hacked.

The person holding the gun is the power source and the directing intelligence.

As you can see from the diagram, (Thank you Nichols Ranch), There are approximately 24 components in a revolver. (24 in the diagram, there could be fewer in other models) The last two components in the diagram above are the Bullet and its shell.

Functionally, you could loose the grips and the logos, possibly the ejector rod and spring, and the cylinder cover, and still have a functional weapon. It would probably bruise your hand if you fired it without the grips but the weapon would still work as designed.

There is no magic here. This is simply an elegant mechanical system.

To fire the assembled weapon requires the following steps.

Open the cylinder cover
Put rounds (a bullet and its shell) in at least some of the chambers of the cylinder. In this case a maximum of six chambers can have rounds inserted.
Close the cylinder cover
Cock the hammer.
Take aim
Pull the trigger

Repeat the last three steps as necessary five more times, then start at step one.

Note there are three inherent safety mechanisms present.

If rounds are not loaded, the gun is not ready to fire
If the hammer isn’t cocked, the gun is not ready to fire.
If the trigger is not pulled, the gun will not fire, even if rounds are present and the hammer is cocked.

I’m not a gunsmith, but if I’m looking at the diagram correctly, it appears that the action of cocking the hammer is what causes the cylinder to rotate, moving the next round to firing position.

This mechanical simplicity is why the revolver and integrated shells & bullets revolutionized guns.

Prior to the revolver, the choice was a cap and ball pistol, which basically gave you one shot, then you had to spend a minute reloading before you could take a second shot (think about a cannon). That’s probably why everyone carried a sword with their pistol.

For close to 200 years, the revolver has been around, it’s well understood, reliable, and has undergone some evolution but not a whole lot.

There is a variation of the revolver where pulling the trigger also cocks the hammer.

This is why when handling a weapon you never put your finger on the trigger, and you never take anyone’s word for it, that the weapon is not loaded. You always check!

Even then if you need to pull the trigger (as in you’re checking proper function,) you always aim in a safe direction. You do not pull the trigger unless you are sure that no-one is downrange.

Given the simplicity of the revolver that Baldwin was probably using, for him to claim he didn’t pull the trigger is a bald faced lie. He may not remember pulling the trigger, but he sure as hell did.

The only other scenario that has a remote possibility is that he partially cocked the revolver when he pulled it from the holster. In that scenario though, it’s far more likely that he would have had the weapon fire the moment it cleared the holster.

I rather suspect that in that scenario Baldwin would have shot himself. I also suspect that the mechanism that rotates the cylinder would not have brought a round into correct firing position since the hammer wouldn’t have completed its travel.

That being said, if the weapon was worn or had been abused it’s a remote possibility.

However there wouldn’t have been enough of a delay for Baldwin to have brought the weapon to a firing position for the view of the camera. (They were rehearsing, the assumption is they were trying to frame a shot.)

No matter what. In this situation Alec Baldwin was the person holding the weapon. Baldwin was the person who violated gun safety protocols. Baldwin is the person who clearly still has no idea how guns work.

Ultimately, Alec Baldwin is the person who shot two people, one fatally. Alec Baldwin is therefore the responsible party and must answer for his negligence.

Update: I was just reading another article on Baldwin’s interview.

Baldwin said, “So, I take the gun and I start to cock the gun. I’m not going to pull the trigger,” he continued. “And I cock the gun, I go, ‘Can you see that? Can you see that? Can you see that?’ And then I let go of the hammer of the gun, and the gun goes off. I let go of the hammer of the gun – the gun goes off.

Was the gun cocked Alec or was it not? In this type of gun if you’re holding the trigger down and you pull the hammer back then release it the gun will fire. You’d know that if you’d paid attention in any of the on-site gun training you’ve no doubt received during your many years of movie making where you were handling guns. You’re essentially describing that you “fanned” the hammer.

Stephanopoulos stated, “There are some who say you’re never supposed to point a gun on anyone on a set no matter what.

Baldwin replied, “Unless the person is the cinematographer, who’s directing me at where to point the gun for her camera angle,” Baldwin replied. “I didn’t point the gun at her, and she said, ‘Hey, man, don’t point the gun at me.’ I pointed the gun in a direction she wanted.”

Is it me or does Baldwin’s reply sound like he was trying to blame the victim?

Do you feel guilt?,” Stephanopoulos asked.

No. No,” Baldwin said. “I feel that someone is responsible for what happened, and I can’t say who that is, but I know it’s not me.

What a piece of Shit Alec Baldwin is!

He goes on to describe how he has dreams and emotional distress. Trying to paint himself as the victim.

Really? Alec Baldwin, you are filth! I cannot even describe how reading your responses has sickened me.

I hope the family, the members on set, and everyone in the production sues you into poverty. I hope the police, the district attorney, the judge, and a jury throw the book at you. I hope you end up doing hard labor in a prison in New Mexico for the rest of your miserable life.

It’s one thing to have this be an accident. It’s quite another for you to try to slime your way out of responsibility and essentially say, she was asking for it.

BTW… I still haven’t found that keyboard site!

That’s it! I want to get the HELL out of California!

In addition to all of the absolute bullshit that is California…

Traffic, Lockdowns, Abridgment of rights, Water shortages, Electricity Shortages, $500 Auto Registration Fees, Incompetence of the State Government and all the state’s government offices, State waste of tax dollars. Complete lack of planning, Crime, Outrageous Property Taxes, Outrageous Gas prices .55 on every gallon of gas really? Shitty roads, Outrageous State Income Taxes, and on and on and on…

I mean, pick literally any subject and then look to California to see how to do it exactly wrong.

I hate this place and everything about it.

There was a time when the benefits outweighed the hassle. That time is long gone.

This is a losing proposition any way you cut it.

That’s not to say that there aren’t some good people here and even some good Representatives in the Legislature. The problem is there are too few people with any common sense and those numbers apparently are dwindling.

The straw that has broken this camels back is EDD.

I don’t think there’s ever been a more incompetent government entity short of perhaps the last of the Roman Empire, maybe King George III’s tax collectors or court.

First EDD screwed up their modernization of their computer systems. They contracted with, and hired a bunch more people to actually do the work. Apparently the work not only didn’t get done, but they bought a shit ton of equipment that sat in its boxes until the warranties expired. Then the equipment sat for another few years until it was literally obsolete and had to be scrapped.

They were completely unprepared for the number of unemployment claims that were being filed when the pandemic hit. How did they address this? By putting more people on the phones supposedly to answer phone calls, which of course still didn’t get answered.

Oh yeah, there were hearings and excuses and in the end, after the uproar died down nothing was done. No heads rolled, and EDD went right back to its usual incompetent self.

They screwed up who was being paid during the pandemic. Turns out they paid a lot of people that perhaps weren’t eligible for benefits.

What? You mean they threw taxpayers dollars at people that shouldn’t have received benefits??? Yep… in at least the hundreds of millions of dollars range if not billions.

Now, EDD is sending out stupid emails that demand the people who received benefits prove they were eligible to receive those benefits and they’re threatening to charge 30% penalties on those benefits.

But of course the email they send you provides links to the EDD website that frankly is a hot steaming pile of shit. So even if you want to comply with their demand the odds are you can’t since the site sucks so bad.

Just connecting to their web site makes me and my computer morons. The intellect draining capacity of California’s EDD site should be harnessed and used to combat hackers and cyberterrorists the world over.

Come to think of it, the EDD site could be used as a firewall. It’s amazing at creating endless loops of login after login.

The funny parts of EDD’s demands are that they seem to think; A) The criminals who gamed the system are going to send documentation. B) That they’re going to get the money they threw away back from criminals who gamed the system.

Hey California EDD, NEWSFLASH Those people are in the wind and you’re not going to find them!


But for people who had legitimate claims. We’re having to jump through hoops to clean up EDD’s fuckup.

When you talk to EDD they predictably absolve themselves of responsibility by saying the Federal Government is who is requesting this information.

That is probably true, however EDD should have all the data. They should not be asking for tax returns. After all if EDD approved a person for unemployment benefits that presumes that EDD knows who your previous employer was and verified that you were eligible for benefits in the first place. RIGHT?

It gets better, the EDD representatives are apparently unsure what exact documents you need to provide. Do you need to provide the entirety of your tax returns or just a copy of the W2 or will pages from your California Tax return suffice? They’re not sure.

It’s the Federal Government that’s asking, it goes into a computer to determine if the document is right…

Uh huh.

Having spent some time working for a Federal contractor, I can tell you that the Feds are pretty damn specific about what they want to see.

But wait, there’s more! EDD told a representative from a legislator’s office yesterday that they’d called me, (they did). I wasn’t available to take their call so they went to voice mail. This same person told the same legislative representative that they’d left a voice mail, (they did not). I sent screen shots proving the point to the legislators representative. So I have a little bit of a trust issue with EDD.

I have a real problem with providing EDD documents of this sensitive nature.

They’re incompetent, they’ve reported at least one data breach if I recall correctly. I’ve caught them literally lying to a California Legislator’s office.

Given their incompetence and Laissez-faire attitude about what they seem to need I’m concerned that by providing these documents in an electronic format I’m just setting myself up for identity theft.

After all what better hacking target than an organization with a proven track record of stupidity? Just imagine all the wonderful identities that will suddenly be available for the picking.

EDD appears to be auditing the citizens. EDD needs to be audited by a totally independent source. Maybe a group of accountants from Texas or Florida? Someone who’s not likely to sweep things under the carpet in the interest of not embarrassing California.

They made this mess. Why should the citizens be hassled, threatened, or further annoyed to help them clean it up?

I believe, California’s corruption and incompetence goes from the top all the way down to the local level.

I’m sick of it.

Voting is pointless because the people who’ve created this fucked up system greatly outnumber the people in this state who demand fiscal responsibility.

With that realization, I choose to work to get my ass out of here.

Even if that means divorce after 33 years and leaving the house and everything else behind. Honestly at this point I’m thinking about cutting my losses and doing anything to be free of this third world shit hole.

At least in another state I might have a shot at a job where I don’t have to worry about skin color quotas and layer upon layer of politically correct bullshit!

Fuck California!

p.s. In case you had any doubt… I’m not in a very good mood today.

Well this will make things easier…

Ran across this on Breitbart. There’s a link to the paper in the article as well.

The upshot is that another of Biden’s nominees has some questionable theories.

Saule Omarova puts forth in the paper, what looks like a plan to make the Fed, The Bank of the people.

That would certainly make the IRS’s job easier when they have to monitor our bank accounts for all transactions over $600.

Instead of messing about with paperwork and reporting structures from 100s of banks, they’ll just be able to link their computers to the Federal Bank and bingo! Every citizens transactions will be available and taxed real time.

No more worry about filing your taxes either. The IRS would know how much you made, from what sources, and they could just take their percentage of your earnings right off the top. (Pretty much like today…)

I could see an initial run on banks if this nominee is approved. The secondary run on the banks will be if the US government put her theories into practice. There’ll be folks who move their money into offshore banks as well but not everyone has the cash to make that a viable option.

I’d be right there demanding all my money from the bank, my retirement fund, and my small pension too. Then I’d do my best to convert all of it into some kind of durable goods that could be exchanged. The barter system is looking better and better all the time.

Imagine the chaos if something like a centralized Federal Bank suddenly made all your private bank accounts illegal.

It would make your life ever so much easier. Get a ticket, don’t worry it’s automatically pulled from your one single account.

Need to pay your ACA bill? No worries That will be taken out of your account before your mortgage. Oh, and about your mortgage… well the Federal Bank has determined that you’re not actually eligible for that mortgage, so you’ll have to move to lower cost housing.

I could see a situation where we each had only one credit card with percentage rates based on your Government loyalty score. BTW your credit line is decreased the older you are because… well your life isn’t going to be that long, and you’ll need to repay your debt before you die.

I know I’m being somewhat reactionary, but come on folks. When has our government ever not taken advantage of the citizens?

Why the heck is it that all of the administration’s nominees appear to be complete whack-jobs?

At first I could excuse it, because I thought that they were trying to get their feet under them. But now? How is it possible that nominee after nominee has some kind of weird questionable, perhaps anti American philosophy? One or two I could let pass, but now it’s starting to look like a systematic plan to screw everyone over.

The thing is, if only one or two whack-jobs were appointed we could keep an eye on them. But when so many are being exposed in the nomination process, I have to wonder how many have been installed in the halls of government without undergoing some kind of congressional approval process.

I’m not intending to suggest that there isn’t room for change or improvement in our banking systems, or in fact any other systems. I’m saying that when you talk about changing things, perhaps a lighter touch is necessary.


Since I wrote this, it appears that 5 Democratic Senators have announced they will not support Saule Omarova’s nomination for the position. That pretty much causes this Biden nominee to crash and burn.

It does beg the question of who Biden will nominate next. Given his history of nominees, I wonder if he’ll choose someone only slightly better, or will he nominate the corpse of Mao Zedong (forgetting the Mao is dead)? I guess only time will tell.

To-Go California, You can order your meal but you’ll never eat.

Consider this a bit of a PSA.

I stumbled across this article in The Wall Street Journal about some new regulation for fast food and dine-in restaurants no longer providing plastic utensils with your order, unless you specifically ask for them.

Gone are the days when you can blow through a Taco Bell drive through and be assured that you’ll be able to eat all your meal.

You’d think, “No worries, I’ll use my hands.”

TRUE you could, but then you’ll find that the napkins you assumed would be in the bag, AREN’T.

Not to worry though, It’s not like you’ll have hot sauce in the bag either because those too you’d have to ask for.

So, Taco Bell, and other fast food options will kinda be a no option without a checklist. I’ll attempt to help by providing my personal Ordering checklist. I’ve got it on my phone, but I’m thinking a post-it note stuck to my car dashboard might be better.

Fast Food ordering:

  1. Food
  2. Drink
  3. Condiments (Ketchup, Hot Sauce, etc.)
  4. Straw
  5. Napkins at least 5 (More depending on type of food)
  6. Necessary utensils (Spork, Knife, etc.)
  7. Pull up to window. Pay.
  8. CHECK that meal is correct and necessary Utensils, Napkins, and condiments are present.
  9. IGNORE HONKING of impatient people waiting behind you!

Yet again The State of California is working to make your life better, through unintended consequences.

Most of the time, If you’re a working stiff, perhaps hourly you’ve maybe got a 30 minute lunch. If the company you work for is exceptionally generous you might even have 45 minutes or a whole hour!

With traffic in most areas around California industrial parks, for a working stiff, it works out like this;

5 minutes to get out of the building, 5 minutes to get out of the parking lot (due to everyone else trying to leave for lunch) 10 minutes to navigate the rest of the lunch hour traffic from all the other companies in the industrial park.

5 minutes at traffic lights and turning into the nearest strip mall or gas station parking lot.

Pull into shortest line for for one of the fast food places, (Wendy’s, Mac Donalds, Taco Bell, Starbucks, Panda Express, etc) wait in line 5 to 10 minutes (By which time you’re already late if you’re on a 30 minute lunch.)

Place your order, 5 minute wait for food, then mad 10 minute dash, (You’re late at this point if you have a 45 minute lunch,) back to the industrial park.

5 minutes waiting at lights, 5 minutes to get into parking lot and find parking space, 5 minutes to get back into building. (You’re on the raggedy edge of being late at this point if you have an hour lunch.)

You get back to your desk, ready to resume work and eat your meal while you’re working…

You open your bag of cold soggy burger & fries or tacos that started out as crunchy but which are now, anything but. Voilà you discover that the whole exercise was pointless because even though you could eat without the condiments, or perhaps even the utensils, you have nothing to wipe your hands with.

Your lunch sits in the bag, not getting any fresher until finally it smells disgusting and ends up in the trash. Thereby contributing to food waste and spewing CO2 into the air, in the dash to get lunch that was also a pointless waste of energy.

So tell me again how wonderful it is that you’ve eliminated basic necessities to protect the planet? Huuuummm?

I swear to God, all of these jackass politicians should be under mandatory orders to live with their proposed laws for six months before they can put them into action.

Not ONE of the political elites in any California city has ever had to punch a clock or be screamed at by an overbearing manager over their lunch break being 2 minutes too long.

All one need do is look at the distribution of restaurants in and around industrial parks in San Diego, Irvine, Victorville, Huntington Beach, The San Fernando Valley, Ventura, or Los Angeles to see that most of the “working class” lives what I’ve described above daily. Or they bring their lunch so that they can at least have a real few minutes of rest during their lunch break.

Now, thanks to the politician brain trust, this new anti utensil or condiment law will ultimately slow the food ordering process down even further.

Not that these Politicians give a shit. After all, if the workers aren’t spending money on fast food, after skipping breakfast to get the kids off to school, it means the workers will have more money that can collected as taxes.

Obviously the low wage earner who collects $12 a week in unspent lunch money doesn’t need it now do they?

Plus, the Arch Ministers of Public Health can chalk up a “Win” because obesity will be less of a problem. Who cares if the workers are starving while they toil away to earn enough to pay their tax burden? That just means they’ll die sooner and a whole new group can be imported from wherever.

Maybe the Politicians are hoping it’ll be mostly white people!

This picture sums up the Rittenhouse Prosecution.

This is a prosecutor in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Thomas Binger during closing arguments, pointed Rittenhouse’s AR-15 at the jury.

Thomas Binger did not check the weapon before pointing it.

Even though there is no magazine in the weapon, since he didn’t check to make sure there was no round in the chamber it could be argued he recklessly endangered the jury.

Note too, that he has his finger on the trigger. Couple this with his failure to check the chamber, had he pulled the trigger accidentally, he could have shot a jury member.

This right here is how accidents happen. (Looking at you Alec Baldwin.)

Yes, the weapon had been checked multiple times by police, by the court, and was in an evidence locker. But with any weapon, you never assume it is safe until you prove it is safe, even then you never point a weapon at anybody unless you’re looking to join Alec Baldwin in infamy.

This is why I’m in favor of every single politician, judge, and lawyer, having to attend gun training classes. It’s my opinion that most of the people who make our laws about guns, or gun ownership have no clue about guns. (I seriously doubt many of them could reliably point the business end of a gun in the right direction.) If that is true, how can they make reasoned decisions?

Remember this is the prosecution that was asking a witness about exploding bullets. I believe explosive rounds are in violation the Geneva Convention. Regardless of the legality of such rounds, you can’t go to your local Walmart and buy them.

This is the prosecution that attempted to delineate the relative harmfulness of rifle versus handgun rounds. (Hint, at close range the harm is the same. Both are pretty likely to kill.)

This is the prosecution that said Rittenhouse should have taken a beating from rioting animals. Say What??

That’s the single most offensive thing I’ve heard. When the next riots start, and they will… Maybe we should drop these prosecutors in the middle of it and loudly announce these are the guys who failed to get Rittenhouse convicted. They can take their beating like men. Right?

If these prosecutors had any knowledge of guns, or gun safety, they might have presented a stronger case. Instead of the ignorant shit show they presented.

I believe Rittenhouse is innocent of murder. He killed in self defense. That is only my opinion

That being said, were I one of the jurors… After the prosecution pointed a gun my way with his finger on the trigger. I’d vote for acquittal, even if up to that point I was leaning toward the prosecution’s case. Hell, in some parts of the country, someone pointing a gun at you loaded or not it’s acceptable to shoot first or punch their lights out. Had I been in the jury box I can tell you I’d have been pissed off enough to assault this dumbass in front of God and everybody.

At least Rittenhouse didn’t point a gun at someone who was not a threat for theatric value.

I hope the Jury returns a swift acquittal. I also realize that this will mean Kenosha and probably other cities will explode into riots. I can only hope that when the rioting begins police are there to put a stop to it.

If they’re not, my hope is that there are a bunch of folks with their hunting rifles ready to do what must be done to protect their community.

At this point, if the criminality of inciting riots comes from members of Congress, (Looking at you Cory Bush,) and the lawlessness of rioting (Arson, Burglary, Assault,) get a pass. Then leaving bodies in the streets in defense of the rights of the citizens should get a pass too.

After all, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander…