Ahh Bread and Circuses!

What a stupid mess!

I’m so sick of Trump, and of the Democrats & Republicans.

I weep for the state of justice in this country and fully expect, any time now, for assassination to become the de facto method used to settle election irregularities.

One thing that the Democrats can be very proud of, is they’ve silenced everyone with fear and law fare.

Remember, “If you see something, Say something.” Now that the IRS whistleblowers are looking at possible arrest and criminal charges BECAUSE they blew the whistle on the Hunter Biden investigation. It pretty much means that no more whistleblowers will come forward.

I guess the phrase now is “See Something, Say NOTHING!”

In other words, the corruption will be allowed to grow and will do so without opposition.

Lawyers who are in many cases useless, will now be even MORE useless because they’ll be afraid of the government using RICO statues and insurrection charges.

We’re going backwards. With just a few more iterations of corrupt law fare. We won’t have a presidential election. We’ll have WarLords being “Elected” via a Thunderdome process.

That would be interesting… No debates, just a fight to the death to determine who leads. Go ahead, laugh. It sounds outlandish, but lately the most outlandish theories often turn out to happen.

Remember when Ivermectin was a dangerous Horse Dewormer? (That assertion was an outright LIE!) Well guess what? Ivermectin is back in the WHO list of wonder medications for humans, and there’s also a recent peer reviewed study that says flat out Ivermectin is also an effective treatment for COVID.

As recently as 1 year ago saying something like the paragraph above would be shouted down as a DANGEROUS CONSPIRACY THEORY. I’d have been banned from Twitter & Facebook. I’d have been canceled and written off as a lunatic nut job.

Well bucko what are you going to say now? Still going to cancel me? Do you still feel the need to silence the freaking truth? A truth I might add that a very few courageous Doctors fought to bring to the public’s attention during the pandemic. A truth that in some cases cost them their careers?

Where is the outrage about that? When will we see conspirators in THIS LIE, appearing for booking at jails?

Oh and you jackasses in Sacramento… I haven’t forgotten that you were trying to pass laws that would strip a Doctor of their license to practice medicine if they had the temerity to speak out against the politically controlled narrative. You know, if they spoke about real science instead of manufactured bullshit designed to make a few people extremely rich, while terrorizing the general population.

Doctors, don’t think I’m defending you in general. I have a bone to pick with a bunch of doctors at a particular hospital. But those bastards and their incompetence are protected by law.

It’s another one of those situations where Right and The Law do not, and never will intersect.

I’ll never trust a doctor again. I’m even of half a mind to never let someone put me under a general anesthetic again. I want to be able to check the surgeons work. Just a reminder, if a doctor can not explain their diagnosis, and proposed course of treatment, in plain simple English, find another doctor! Because the SOB you’re dealing with, buries his mistakes, probably often.

I’m jumping around because the circus going on Georgia is part of the same bullshit. It’s the same show trial as the Jan 6th committee, the same as the impeachments, the same as Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation, the COVID vaccination will prevent you from getting COVID… Oh wait, the COVID vaccination will make COVID less severe, Oh wait… It’s the same circus that had President Biden threatening the American people with “get a vaccination OR ELSE! “

I’ve had enough of this endless stream of runny bullshit. I know that I’m not alone in having reached my maximum.

Much as I hate to think of voting anymore in California. I’m so angry and disgusted I’d vote for a clone of Hitler at this point.

The thing about all this bread and circus shit is that I am personally embarrassed for my country. This is humiliating on the world stage and all these shitty politicians have no shame whatsoever. They should! I’d be all for bringing back Stocks in the public square.

Unfortunately I don’t think there’s enough rotten fruits and vegetables to pelt our feckless politicians, and lifelong bureaucrats.

I’m tired of TV and Movies with few exceptions. I think I’ll get back into video gaming. At least the puzzles and stories are entertaining and mentally stimulating. Maybe I’ll pick up a PS5 bundle I saw at Costco. It’s pricy but all the game consoles are pricy. I think the Costco bundle includes some additional and useful items.

How weird is that? I’m in my 60s and I’ve been reading a lot more, trying to avoid the news, not too interested in TV or current movies. Hulu is useful for me to sample movies and TV, I usually don’t make it though more than 15 mins of anything new. Here I am, contemplating a new game console. My Xbox 360 is pretty tired and the games I’ve enjoyed most on Xbox are from independent studios who also produce their games for PlayStation. The only Xbox game I’ll miss is Halo.

There is an advantage in the PlayStation. It’s Apple TV streaming capable, has a BluRay drive and therefore could serve as an “All In one” solution if I end up in an apartment for a while. I’ll have to do something interesting for a sound system. But that’s a bridge I’ll burn when I get there.

I’m still batting the issue around.

Big Yawn!

Ohhh Georgia indicted Trump and a bunch of other people.

Bored now!

But I can say this, Georgia is completely off my list of potential states to move to. Not just because of this indictment, but because of Stacy Abrams, their crime & violence, and their tax structure.

Then you add this weak ass indictment, and guess what? Obviously, they don’t have any damn common sense either.

Even if I was to find a place well outside the Crime zones, how long would it be before some moron like Stacy Abrams got into office and did all the usual shit Democrats do? Increase Taxes; Income, Retirement, Property, Registration, and provide absolutely NOTHING in return for my dollars? I doubt I’ll live long enough for some moron in power to weaken all my constitutional rights, as California has managed to do. But I’d hate like hell to live to be 90 and find myself having to move at that age.

Georgia I never thought I’d see the day when you were as stupid as New York City. Yet here we are…

So, and I say this from the bottom of my heart. Georgia, aren’t you just precious?


This Just In!

New allegations and indictments against Donald Trump have just been released by the Grand Inquisitor Jack Smith.

The new charges are as follows;

Donald Trump was supplying the cigars to the Clinton Whitehouse.
Donald Trump has been confirmed as one of the Watergate Burglars
Trump was the man on the grassy knoll.
Trump provided the financing for The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand leading to World War I
Trump was in fact the Roman soldier who stabbed Jesus as he was being crucified.
Nancy Pelosi has subpoenaed Vatican records and discovered that Donald Trump was the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
In sealed secret testimony, God has confirmed Donald Trump is Satan. God is unavailable for comment because he’s in hiding, apparently afraid of MAGA Republicans.

NONE of the pervious statements are true!

(Apologies to God… You made me, you’re not surprised.)

But I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to hear a news person seriously reading any of them. This is because the Democrats have spent the last 6 years going on and on treating equally ludicrous statements as absolute truth.

I’m still waiting for the irrefutable evidence Adam Schiff claims to have seen proving Trumps guilt.

Uh Huh… Crickets! We know that California is doomed because the voters in Adam Schiff’s district keep that lying moron in office. I digress…

At this point Donald Trump could murder someone in full public view and no-one would believe it.

This constant witch hunt has got to stop. I truly believe that even if Trump is guilty of something… No-one outside Washington D.C. would believe it or care. Stop pissing away our tax dollars on this bullshit.

And for the record. Joe Biden, will likely never be impeached. Although God knows the evidence supporting impeachment is a hell of a lot stronger than what was used to impeach Trump TWICE!!!!

So please can we just get back to running the country into the ground with Bidenomics, or perhaps by some miracle maybe our politicians can actually do their fucking jobs…

Just a thought.


Thank you ever so much for breaking the API between Ulysses and your publishing mechanism in your wonderful lemon fresh update. Oh and by the way… When the hell are you going to make Tags and Categories have the same selection mechanism on the web creation page??? Or is that too freaking logical for you bozos.

Thank you for screwing me out of being able to easily create something on my iPad without having to be ONLINE. What? do you have stock in cellular data plans or something?

Thank you for forcing me to use your shitty web creation form. I know you have some BS mobile application. I dumped the app when it looked like you were wanting me to pay for something or some other service to be able to use it.

And MOST OF ALL, Thank you for flushing 4 blogposts that I’ll now have to recreate in your shitty web form.

Oh sure I can maybe copy the text from Ulysses and paste it into your web page but doing so creates a wonderful editing task where each block has to be cleaned up by hand and stripped of all of it’s formatting then reapply the formatting. I’ll probably run it through a straight text editor to flush all the markup then copy plain text into your web POS.

What’s the matter WordPress? are you miffed that more people are creating content with applications that don’t rely on your web or God forbid that crappy mobile WordPress app?

Maybe instead of getting upset that people don’t like your editing or creation interface, you should take a hint…

Well that’s continuing a theme!

Called AAA to get a tow truck so that I could have the Chevy towed to a repair facility. It’s nothing big, something isn’t working right in the cooling system. It shouldn’t be any big deal to get the problem fixed.

I started this process at 8:15am. AAA wants to know what the problem is, “Does the vehicle Start? Is this just a jump situation etc…”

I tell them It starts, and why I need a tow to have it serviced. I think nothing of it. The pickup is scheduled for 10:00 am. I pour myself another cup of coffee.

AAA Sends me a text message saying that the car will be picked up at 10. Okay… Then I get a text saying they’re going to be here at 9:04am/ Okay…. I hop in the shower, I get dressed and I’m done by 8:55. 9:04 blows by, then another text, 9:37. Okay. The time blows by then another text saying 10:30. Okay… That time blows by. Then another text saying 11:00.

Now I’m annoyed!

I have some plans that require I be someplace at a specific time. You know. Like an appointment! Where you’re at a place when you say you’re going to be…

I’m considering canceling the whole deal when low and behold the tow truck shows up.

I’m thinking, “Good we can finally get this show on the road…”

The tow truck driver blocks the entire street and partially blocks the cross street. Okay I’m thinking, “we really need to get this show on the road.” The tow truck driver calls me as I’m heading down the stairs ….

REALLY???? You’re 1 or 2 hours late, you park like a deranged chimpanzee, and you’re too lazy to get out of your fucking truck to actually come to the address you’re supposed to be coming to?

Then he sees me and hangs up the phone. Gets out of the truck and says “Your car won’t start???”

I say, “Uh no the car will start but we need to get moving.” He gets pissy, and throws me attitude! OH NO YOU DID NOT!!!

I tell him I’ve got an appointment and he says, “I’m just the driver” I’m thinking, “Then you better fucking drive!” I’m trying to maintain my calm, so I don’t say anything.

Then I think about it and say, “What’s going on? You rescheduled 3 times. “

Then he gives me that “I’m just a driver,” bullshit again.

I say I get that. Then he says, “Call someone else!”

My brain didn’t even reboot. I said, “Good idea! I will.”

I stomped back into the house and immediately LIT UP AAA! While I’m on the phone with AAA I can still see this asshole tow truck driver blocking our street and part of the main cross street.

I tell AAA that they are never to send anyone from this Phelan Towing company to my address again. I tell them he’s still sitting out there playing with himself while I’m talking to them. I also tell them that I haven’t been quite this mad in years! I even said thanks cause now I know I’m alive!!!!

I cancel the call and will deal with it tomorrow.

I hop in my other car and take off. I have to pull around the idiot tow truck driver who is now blocking a different area of the cross street.

I make it to my appointment, hit the grocery store afterward, and also stopped by the Sheriffs office to ask how we need to handle the escalating situation with Crazy Pants and all the trashy people living there.

I got home about 1:00PM finally was able to eat something. I kept putting off eating because I knew as soon as I’d prepared something for breakfast the tow truck would be here and I’d waste the food.

Again, how about actually showing up when you say you’re going to?

Let me fucking guess… Being on time is racist????