After being chastised for too much techno-drivel I choose current events for $800.

I’m not sure what to write about…


How about the 160,000 people that will be losing, or have lost their insurance in California due to the implementation of Obamacare? Yes, Yes, I know it’s actually called ACA now that  The President is trying to distance himself from the controversy.

I note that he called it Obamacare in at least one speech…

Of course that was when he was still telling us all that we’d get to keep our current healthcare coverage. That was when he was trying to be a salesman instead of The President.

How about the controversy over the Governments website? Or the fact that there are so many out of work QA people like myself who’d have loved to have jobs testing the code.

Oh, right! The government was so sure that their code was perfect they didn’t bother to test it until the last two weeks before going live.


I suppose I could comment on the hearings about the website, and that the insanity you’re hearing or reading about is totally normal in almost ANY government contract. 

No one in government has a good idea about what the “Current” technology looks like.

The government tends to write contracts such that even if you have a better idea, or more current technology that is faster, cheaper, and works better, you can’t implement it.

Why???? Oh my dear boy… it’s because the contract can’t be changed without a review and the review will take at least 6 months and have to be voted on by some committee or possibly even Congress.

So this means that HTML ver 2.0 was used instead of the later version that is better, faster, and potentially more secure.


Or that the CPU used in a particular piece of hardware that used to cost $20 when the contract was finalized, will cost $2020 in runs of 10,000 by the time the contract actually is completed.

The cost increase for the CPU is because the CPU is obsolete and now has to be custom manufactured.

It’s this kind of insanity that causes lots of companies to actively refuse government contracts.

Which inevitably leads to specialized government contractors who will do exactly what the contract says. Even when they know what the government has specified will not work.

After all why shouldn’t they?

There’s no real upside in suggesting changes to the contract.

In fact while the changes are under review the government won’t pay to keep employees assigned to the contract, this is called a stop work situation.

Then when the changes are approved the people that were working on the project are no longer available. Those people have been reassigned to other projects or they’ve been laid off and found employment elsewhere.


The upside for these government contractors is reworking the project for years and billing the government to do it.

But boys and girls… this is the way things in Washington work and to some extent it’s a direct result of a government that is too big and bloated. For all the hand wringing and yelling in any of these hearings…

Nothing will change.

You have got to be kidding me…


I saw some video of the person trying to ram the gate at the White house.

It didn’t look to me like she tried to ram anything.

It looked a lot more like she’d made a wrong turn and was trying to figure out what to do next when the DC police and Secret Service responded with shouting and waving a whole lot of guns at her.

That video is not available on the web yet…  And it may never be because it makes the DC police and Secret Service look really bad.

I think she decided to just get the hell away from all these crazy people and their scary guns, who then started shooting.

Images 1

This led to a police chase where our “evildoer” hit a cop car practically destroying it, then sped on to her final destination.

Really? Crown Victoria vs. Lexus and the Lexus is drivable? While the Crown Vic is totaled. Really?

I think it’s far more likely that the cop driving the Crown Vic hit something else or was hit because you can see the front of the Lexus in some of the photos.

Unknown 1

This one for example.

The front of the Lexus doesn’t look nearly as screwed up as I’d expect after seeing the Cops car.

The initial news reports were that the Woman had started shooting at the cops.

As it turned out she was completely unarmed and had a 1 year old child in the back seat.

I can easily imagine a Mother getting freaked out because she was lost or made a wrong turn then was suddenly confronted with 20 or 30 men with guns all shouting at her and she decided…


I’m getting my child and myself away from these crazy people who aren’t listening to what I’m saying.

I’ll grant you it probably wasn’t the smartest move.

Honestly if I was already stressed because I was lost and then turned into an area to consider my options, then looked up and saw a bunch of guys pointing guns at me and screaming at me… I’d be very much inclined to run.


These cops in the first video are obviously cranked beyond any reasonable notches. The gate in question is quite some distance from the White House.

That these folks were cranked tighter than a Meth addict coming down hard is something we as a people and a country should really take a good long look at.

A couple of weeks ago NYPD shot innocent bystanders because some nut job was running around in traffic.

The police missed the nut job they were shooting at.

Last year I believe NYPD shot 13 or 14 people in a similar incident where they only grazed the actual criminal but did a lot of harm to innocent bystanders.

Now it looks as if the DC police are just as amped up, stupid and irresponsible as NYPD. 

DC police killed this woman in front of her child. 

This lady was unarmed, obviously afraid, and we will never know what her intention was.

The one thing that we can be sure of and that we need to dial way down is living in fear.

The media, bloggers, Twitter, and god only knows what other media sources seem to thrive on filling us up with fear, of living.

It’s unnecessary and it leads to police over-reaction to common every day events.

What ever happened to an officer approaching the vehicle and saying something civil like “Ma’am you can’t park here you must move along.

How about the civility of “Are you lost Ma’am and can I help you?

Instead because DC is freaking out, the response was probably something like;


Then there’s the very real possibility that if you don’t move fast enough or you move too fast you’re going to at minimum get beat to hell and at maximum you’re going to be shot.

Given that choice I’d probably opt to stay in the car and make a run for it. At least I’d have a cocoon of steel around me.

We need to take the fear mongering down several notches. 

Not everyone is planning to do congress or the president harm. If congress and / or the president are that fearful, maybe some introspection on how they are doing their job is in order.

Sometimes people make wrong turns. Sometimes people veer onto side streets trying to avoid an accident, then have to figure out how to get back on course. It happens every day in every city in the US.

They killed an unarmed woman… 

Will she be mourned and venerated like Trayvon Martin?

Surely her life was important and she was worthy of a police officer listening to her.

It’s painful to live in fear

The reports this morning are even more bizarre. This lady suffering from post partum depression loads up her child, drives from Connecticut to Washington DC and tried to ram a barricade at the White House? Was the child the Presidents?

None of it makes any sense and honestly given the spin that the DC police and the media are putting on this event. I am for the first time in my life fearful of the police and my government.

The behavior we saw yesterday and the police now trying to imply, if not outright say this woman was a threat to the security of the White House is ludicrous.

The internal investigation of this incident will be covered up. The police will be found completely blameless. The Secret Service will continue to claim they acted properly. 

Meanwhile the woman’s name will be slandered and her child will be without a parent.

The handling of this incident makes me want to vomit.

The truth of the matter will never come out. If we were able to keep track of the officers quitting the DC police department over the next year I wouldn’t be surprised to see a huge turnover.

I don’t think the officers leaving would be bad cops, rather I suspect they’d be the cops whose morals and ethics wouldn’t let them continue to work for a department that clearly has no moral boundaries.

Ahhh Bliss…


I turned off Twitter, the TV, and am not reading or looking at any “News” sources.

After watching President Obamas brief speech this morning I simply couldn’t take any more.

The silence has been very nice. The more I’ve heard over the past week the madder I’ve gotten. After a couple of hours of peace & quiet I’m feeling much better.

I have been thinking it’s funny that the tin foil hat wearing crowd may have been vindicated!


I’ve also been enjoying the thought that the most rabid of the Democrats must be twitching in apoplectic fits that their “Savior” seems to be at the center of a maelstrom of  scandals.

Somehow thinking of those Democrats (including one who told me I was a moron in my own home after accepting my hospitality) drinking themselves into a stupor over all of this, is somewhat satisfying.

Make no mistake. 


The last Republican administration wasn’t any better. 

But the haughty arrogance that so many of the Democratic representatives have exhibited and that their rabid constituents have leveled directly at people like me, is deserving of a humbling.

More often than not I happen to agree with the Republican stance on issues.

I don’t agree with the Republicans about DOMA, and didn’t agree with them about DADT. I have a serious problem with the ultra fundamentalists injecting God into the government and then being shown as hypocrites when they’re caught with their pants down porking or being porked by some sweet young congressional page. I’d love to tell the hypocritical Republicans that Defense of Marriage starts at home. If they can’t live up to their vows, then how can they possibly be defenders of the institution.


I most often don’t agree with the Democrats, about anything. I don’t think endless government agencies and intervention is the way. I don’t think that outrageous spending is going to help do much of anything except put our country further into debt.

But I work pretty hard to see both sides of an issue. 


I can honestly say I’ve never told someone I disagreed with on twitter “Fuck off”, “I hope you get cancer”, “I hope you get shot”, “I’m sure that the natural disaster that has leveled your town is karmic payback for your beliefs.”, “Gee you seem like you want to learn perhaps you should go to a real school and learn the right information.” 

All of these curses/comments have been leveled at me for no other reason than I didn’t agree with the Democratic perspective. Or I committed the horrific affront of asking for facts. Just because I don’t drink the Democratic Kool-Aid doesn’t mean I’ve been smoking the Republican bong.

Scandal logos

What I really want is that simplest most elusive of Human states. Freedom!

I want to be free from religion, interference, hatred, hostility, and rhetoric.

I want to marry who I want to, and be left the hell alone to live my life MY WAY without 10,000 busybodies telling me that I’m wrong or trying to control every moment of my existence.

What I want is to tell Washington, and Sacramento;

You’re not living my life, I am. You don’t have a fucking clue about what’s best for me so let me marry the consenting adult of my choice, get your hands out of my pocket, your regulations out of my face and keep your noses out of my business.

And one more thing Government… 

I look at our relationship as a contract. One that you’ve not delivered on… If I were to have broken a contract as thoroughly and intentionally as you have, I’d be in jail.

Time for you Government, to realize you’re not above the law, you’re as bound by it as I am. 

So Start acting like it!

Dang! This is amazing to me.

There’s a lot of people who are obviously upset about the scandals keeping the Obama staff up at night.

I stumbled across these pieces yesterday and I was honestly gobsmacked. (I love the British… some of their terms are so colorful.)

The first piece I found was this one from Representative Jim Bridenstine

The next piece was from Mike Kelly

The last piece is Paul Ryan rebutting comments made by McDermott that implied the victims of the IRS targeting were somehow deserving of IRS abuse.

Honestly, I haven’t seen a President disparaged on the house floor since Nixon. I don’t remember if Clinton ever had anything so directly said against him during his hearings.

As to the IRS Scandal I honestly can’t believe what I’m hearing.

This is not a partisan issue. That the IRS has been implicated in this kind of corruption is frightening to the American people.

It should have the members of both parties quaking in their boots. After all what happens when the Republicans are in control? Payback is a bitch and the Republican party has a lot of axes to grind with the Democrats.

Instead of sniping at each other, and instead of the Democrats apparently circling the wagons concerning themselves only with this Presidency they should be hopping mad at being forced into this awkward position in the first place.

Both parties should be demanding that heads roll from the top to the bottom of the IRS. They should be working together to ferret out the corruption no matter where it leads.

Oh I’m not deluding myself, they wouldn’t be extinguishing corruption for reasons of Country, Oaths of Office, or The People. No they would be hunting down the corruption for no purpose other than enlightened self interest.

Whoever started this mess was sloppy. That can’t be tolerated… It hurts the Members of Congress chances at re-election. Heads on platters from the White House Staff, on the other hand would play very nicely in the 2014 & 2016 election cycle.

Cynical? Hell Yes! Plausible? Pragmatic? Expedient? Yes, Yes, & Yes!

The saddest part is that the members of Congress are so short sighted that they can’t see it. Given that shortsightedness can we really rely upon them to run this country?

Sorry, but in my book the answer is Nope.

Here we go again

It’s that wonderful time of year… The time when the Gas prices shoot through the roof.


This year they’re starting earlier than usual. I guess the Oil executives have to pay for their Christmas yachts somehow…

Of course the local California media is asking Why? They’re also promising a full investigation.

Investigate? How about just looking at the facts.

The problem is as simple as this. California only sells gas that is refined in California.

So if there’s the slightest glitch at any of the refineries, the oil companies get to put a hot poker up all our asses.

This isn’t a smart way to do things. Anyone in manufacturing knows that sole sourcing isn’t smart.

California isn’t the only state that has regulations forcing fuel being sold in the state to have been refined in the state.

I pick on California because it’s the state that I know the most about being one of the people raped at least twice a year by the oil companies. Although in recent years it’s looking more and more like 3 times a year.

As I’ve said before, it’s stuff like the refinery is being maintained, or the refinery needs a bit of paint. Opps, one of executives passed nasty farts. In short, any little excuse to simulate an emergency and thereby jack the prices up.

I’m not driving un-necessarily. I suspect that no-one else is either. Here in my household we’re planning all our trips very carefully and we don’t go anywhere we don’t have to.

This means, no movies, no dining out, no shopping, no bar hopping, in short no luxuries.

If a lot of people in California are adopting similar strategies then pretty soon the California economy will dip.

This means that any layoffs in retail, or food services can be laid squarely at the feet of the oil companies. And they should be!

Crude Oil prices are lower than last year. Brent Crude is about the same. So why the run up?

Can you say Greed???

Good! I knew you could…