It’s the puppies that will undo Fauci.

The evil little troll with the Napoleon complex will not be undone because he lied to Congress.

He won’t be undone because he permitted funding of Gain Of Function research in China, when he knew such research was forbidden here in the United States.

He’ll never be called to account for helping unleash a pandemic that upended the global economy, and forced, what can only be described as subjugation to the state in many countries.

But he’s pissed off PETA now. I’d imagine that the cancel culture will be coming for him with torches, nooses, and pitchforks.

It’s recently come to light that the NIH drugged sweet innocent puppies and then allowed insects to devour their heads… ALIVE.

Aside from the monstrous nature of this $400K “experiment” in cruelty. Is there any legitimate experimental data to be gained from this horror?

I’ll grant that knowing how rapidly insects consume dead bodies has given forensic scientists better ability in gauging time of death. There’s actually a place in this country where dead bodies (willed to science) are laid out to observe and investigate the process of decomposition.

Decomposition is a natural process and there are lots of moving parts in the process. Predation by animals and insects, bacterial breakdown, even fungi & plants get into the act. By knowing the stages and the environmental conditions, forensic scientists can pretty accurately determine when someone died.

Key point here, the person, or animal was already dead.

What I cannot fathom is what purpose allowing insects to feed on living, (drugged into submission) puppies serves.

This sounds like something you’d read in transcripts of the Nuremberg trials. This is Dr, Mengele level shit. Yeah, Dr. Mengele experimented on living humans in the concentration camps. But before that, Mengele experimented with some other really sick shit too.

Fauci may have brought depravity to entirely new heights.

There’s been another experiment mentioned where the NIH fed monkeys psychedelic drugs and then terrorized the monkeys with their natural enemies. You know, a high as shit monkey suddenly confronted with a snake.

What the hell kind of study is that? Lets see if we can get the monkey to commit suicide or self harm? That is some seriously fucked up “science”. What’s next on the agenda Fauci? Grab some orphan children to see if your results are the same?

This monster is the fucker in charge of our COVID response. Isn’t it time that we started asking a lot of very hard questions? Isn’t it possible that some members of Congress have been right all along, no matter what the news media has said.

I know Fauci will escape punishment and judgement here in this world. How could he not? He’s part of the same government that apparently seeks absolute control over us.

I can only hope that his punishment in Hell fits his crimes. Maybe he and Mengele can share a special little spot together.

I’m sure that Mengele could make a lovely lamp shade out of Fauci’s paper thin skin.

I’m beyond disgusted… I’m super Pissed!

The bodies of our soldiers (needlessly killed) aren’t cold in their graves yet and the administration is trying to turn the page metaphorically.

I’m not one to rend my clothing or wander the halls weeping, but “come on man”. Can we at least take a week to allow their families to grieve? How about putting off the ‘turning the page’ until after the 9/11 anniversary?

Is that so much to ask?

How about a dignified speech acknowledging these last victims of an ideology that is nothing but a death cult. Something like, “these young and valuable members of our brave military will be the last to die by a fucking suicide bomber.”

How about a speech wherein the American flag waving on some kind of big screen dissolved into live bomb feeds of the destruction of every major city, water & power station, internet nexus, cell phone tower, opium field, and infrastructure items like bridges and roads, in Afghanistan being destroyed. Then as a final touch, salt the ground with depleted uranium, or nuclear waste water.

Probably too extreme. I guess I’m a little more pissed off about the Afghanistan debacle than I thought I was. Please pardon the outburst.

That’s not the way a civilized human being is supposed to act or think.

I can assure you that is exactly what the Taliban, ISIS, ISIS-K, or Hamas would do if the roles were reversed. I can make that statement because these fanatics are driven not by the here and now, they’re driven by an image of absolute forgiveness in the afterlife where all their woes & cares will be attended to.

All things in the service of Allah are forgivable. Lie, cheat, steal, rape, murder, burn… even sex with animals and small boys is just fine. After all a warrior of god shouldn’t have to beat his own meat. Besides, if little boys grow up liking cock, they can be gang raped again then thrown from the nearest tall structure.

I’d love for us to show these animals exactly what we think of them.

Christianity had a similar phase. The crusades, the inquisition, the destruction of countless native tribal cultures in North & South America and on many islands in the Caribbean and across the Pacific.

Three to six hundred years ago, I’d have been advocating for the Annihilation of Christianity too. It’s possible for a religion to be essentially a good thing, but for its practitioners to be so completely evil that they taint everything else about the religion.

In the case of Christianity, it grew a conscience and simultaneously realized that entire generations were being sacrificed for no real gain. Had it not, Islam and quite possibly Judaism would be dust in the sands of history.

Sadly, Islam continues to be a wasteful religion of a backwards people.

In this very blog I have said that we shouldn’t interfere in the internal politics of any country.

I stand by that. However, in this situation there is a continuing and growing threat to our way of life.

What kind of moron, leaves weapons in a country controlled by terrorists like the fucking Taliban? Who doesn’t see the logic of at least destroying those weapons if you can’t take them with you? I’m not military, never served, I wish I could have. Even a non-military idiot like me knows you don’t leave loaded guns in a rabid monkey cage.

I’m all for bombing them all back to the Stone Age, ignoring them for a century, and seeing how they fare in their re-evolution.

What I have described, President Biden, is payback. Not random drone strikes that are no better than terrorist activities themselves.

Let them hear and see the entirety of our air force darkening their skies. Let them hear the approaching destruction as the bombs fall. Let them make peace with their deities and then let them die.

Any survivors can record their history on goat skin, Stone Age people don’t need cell phones, computers, banking, or communication systems.

I have also said in this blog, that we cannot deal in a civilized way with uncivilized people. We must communicate in a language that is unequivocally understood.

The message should be simple, “Leave us the fuck alone, and we’ll do the same.” End of message.

No cash, no reparations, no rebuilding, no negotiations, nothing at all beyond the message.

Perhaps then 20 years of blood, sweat, tears, and pain, would mean something. At least our dead would be avenged.

It wouldn’t do away with Islam, but it might give some of the other terrorist fucks something to think about.

We wouldn’t have to know their names, just where they came from. Obliteration of their home, or just the village they were operating from might be enough to have them put their shit down and start dealing with their own problems.

This isn’t entirely hate on my part. A very large part of this is blind rage. I watched the towers fall 20 years ago. I heard every word released from flight 93. I pounded my fists bloody on the floor in front of my television. I didn’t then, and don’t now, give one runny shit about the why of it, or any of the apologists explanations.

In the 20 years since, that white hot rage had cooled to a more reasonable dull red. It sparked up with every IED or Islamic asshole murdered some innocent. It gets a lot brighter every time I see or read some bullshit from Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, or Rashida Talib. I’d like to see all three of them dropped into Afghanistan with the Arabic equivalent of “WHORE” written on their forehead. Let’s see how they like Shira Law then.

Generally though the rage had died down to a manageable level until the Biden fuck up.

Coming as it does, so close to 9/11, I’m 20 years back in time and the white hot rage is as hot as it was then. (Maybe a little cooler, since at the time I was for nuking the entire muslim world and letting Allah sort it all out. Carpet bombing Afghanistan and salting the country with radioactive waste not withstanding, at least it’s not the entire Arab world! That’s progress isn’t it?)

In my life from now on, a “Biden” will always be shorthand for epic next level fuck up. In that, Obama was completely right. Biden can and will fuck up beyond recognition, everything he touches.

On the plus side, I’m pretty sure that he’s fucked up Kamala Harris’s political career too.

We all know he’s not going to last through his term. He’s obviously ill. Even Lady McBiden with all her Bene Gesserit machinations can’t keep him propped up forever. (Like the Dune reference?)

Frankly I’m surprised that Lady McBiden has kept him functioning on whatever drug cocktail this long. It must be taking a hell of a toll on his body. Kamala will end up being President for a time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Pelosi has a turn in the big chair, when Kamala proves completely incompetent.

I’m betting that in 2024 the Democratic Party is going to be cheating super hard to keep Kamala or Pelosi in office. Regardless of what may or may not have happened in 2020, they’re going to have to mess with voting in broad daylight to keep any Democrat in The Office of the President.

Yep, The Afghanistan debacle has really pissed me off.

It’s gonna take me some time to cool down, maybe another 20 years!

What happened to “Herd Immunity”?

Caught this article.

This is one of the more disturbing things I’ve read. Yeah, today is my news day. There are times when I wonder why I even look. The dumpster fire that is my country today is revolting.PeteParada1 640x480

The short version of the article is that drummer Pete Parada for the band Offspring has been fired because he cannot take the vaccine. Really, he can’t, his doctor recommended against him taking it because he has Guillain-Barré syndrome.

This is an autoimmune disorder wherein the patient’s own immune response attacks their nerves.

Given that there have been cases of Bell’s Palsy associated with some of the vaccines it is completely logical that Parada’s doctor would recommend against the vaccine in his particular case. You know, under the rule “Do No Harm”, or how about “The benefit of taking the vaccine is outweighed by the risk”

But it gets even better. Parada has already had COVID. He had it last year and has been immune for longer than all these newbies with their vaccinations. Technically he has the GOLD standard of immunization.

Not that it matters to the people in power. Managers, Booking Agents, Hollywood, Politicians, or the Media.

This constant push on the part of the media and our government for everyone to take the vaccine is very strange. There was a time not too long ago where moms would arrange playdates for their children with another child who had measles or chickenpox.


By todays standards, that would have Child Protective Services right up your ass.

But there was method in this apparent madness. Moms could plan to have and care for a sick child. The child had superior immune responses and were extremely likely to get a little sick, get through it, and have lifelong immunity to chickenpox or measles. THE BENEFIT greatly outweighed the risk and inconvenience.

Before there was a vaccine for mumps, it was preferred that all children acquire the disease prior to entering puberty. This avoided much more serious complications of mumps, such as sterility.

As awful and potentially deadly as smallpox is (was) a large majority of people survived it. The vaccine simply was a scientific method of preventing someone catching the disease or being scarred by it. Not everyone in the world today has been vaccinated against smallpox, yet it’s generally accepted that smallpox is a disease of the past. That’s what they call herd immunity.

In the case of drummer Pete Parada if he’s the only person on stage who has not been “officially” vaccinated and all the other members of the band have, what the hell is the problem? He’s going to be at the back of the stage, away from their adoring fans, and  is unlikely to spread COVID.

When did we become a people driven by fear not logic? How is this in any way scientific (following the science) when we are disregarding over 100 years of established medical science. Further since the medical establishment (At least the vocal government sanctioned part of it) has started pushing vaccinations for even people who have already had COVID, how can anyone be surprised at vaccine hesitancy or conspiracy theories popping up?

Suddenly, in 2021 decades of medical information spoon fed to us by the medical establishment is being tossed aside and EVERYONE must take an experimental vaccine. Is it any wonder that Grandma and Grandpa out on the farm might be asking questions?

Then there’s this lovely item in The Atlantic

Juliette Kayyem 640x480Juliette Kayyem writes:

The White House has rejected a nationwide vaccine mandate—a sweeping suggestion that the Biden administration could not easily enact if it wanted to—but a no-fly list for unvaccinated adults is an obvious step that the federal government should take. It will help limit the risk of transmission at destinations where unvaccinated people travel—and, by setting norms that restrict certain privileges to vaccinated people, will also help raise the stagnant vaccination rates that are keeping both the economy and society from fully recovering.


This is from a former assistant secretary for Homeland Security under Obama.


Elsewhere in the piece she does make a point about limiting the spread of COVID via travel restrictions from other countries. I’m sure she called Trump racist and xenophobic when he stopped incoming flights from China.

Now though, she is suggesting a no fly list for the unvaccinated! This is anti-American and once again unscientific on its face.

If you’re vaccinated then you have taken appropriate steps to minimize the transmission of COVID either by you getting it again, (you shouldn’t since you’re vaccinated,) or spreading it because once again you’re vaccinated.

Therefore a no fly list for the unvaccinated is completely UNTHINKABLE, because it’s INSANE.


The vaccine isn’t working like other vaccines have in the past. But do we really know either way? On the one hand we have this oft repeated quote:

…remarkably safe, effective vaccines are widely available, at least to adults.

Yet we have increasing reports of “Breakthrough” COVID infections among the vaccinated. So which is it?

With every passing week, the government attempts to assure the public that vaccination is the ONLY way to go, but then spokespeople from that same government, or those held up by the press as, “People in the know” are undermining that message by their words and actions.

All the Texas Democrats that “fled” Texas to Washington DC were vaccinated. Yet after they met with Vice President Harris, 6 came down with COVID. Then VP Harris ran to Walter Reed for “A routine checkup”.

The VP is vaccinated right?

If she was exposed to some kind of “Breakthrough” variant there’s not a lot that Walter Reed could do. If she was worried about it, she should have quarantined and not exposed everyone else to a potential variant to go to her “routine checkup”.

Isn’t that what the rest of America has been told to do? If you’ve been exposed, self quarantine. I seem to recall something like that over the past year and a half. Even my Doctor said if I’d been exposed to please reschedule my appointment and there’d be no penalty.

That’s my doctor! When have you known a doctor to waive charging you for a missed or late appointment?

Just sayin…

This kind of chaos is not helping to motivate those with vaccination hesitancy, nor is it doing anything to assuage the fear of COVID. All this is doing is deepening the divides between the American people.

We have quite enough division to work through, we don’t need Vaccination status to fracture us further.

And Here it is Folks!

New York has rolled out a vaccine passport. The Article is here.

Yes, at this point it’s only New York. But the plan is to roll this kind of dystopian nightmare out across our country and across the whole planet.

I’ve got just a few questions…

How the heck does anybody think this is a good thing?

At a time when a law requiring a citizen to produce ID to vote is “racist“, and has been described as akin to Jim Crowe. It’s apparently it’s A-Okay to require someone to produce proof that they’ve been vaccinated so that they can enter a venue, or shopping center?

At a time when the stratification of our society is by far, worse than it’s even been in my memory (figure 50 + years), we’re fine with saying some people are not able to enter some buildings, shops, etc?

What happened to equality? Not everyone will get the vaccine for various reasons.

Some people literally can’t take the stuff. They’re to be excluded from participating fully in society? Shopping, Travel, Sporting events, concert halls, you name it, all due to a quirk in their biology?

One could easily describe higher or lower quantities of melanin in the skin as a biological quirk.

Will we see “Vaccinated” and “Un-Vaccinated” Water Fountains?

Will we be okay with “Vaccinated” and “Un-Vaccinated” Subway trains, or Buses?

Will we be more okay with marginalizing a segment of our society for supposed “Bio-Hazard” reasons instead of racial reasons? What does that look like?

People in tattered clothing with a pink Bio-Hazard label on their lapels?

Homeless, destitute, hungry, but otherwise completely healthy people, excluded from society? Will we force these people into the bowels of our cities to work in filth (regardless of their intellectual ability,) becaus they’re presumed to be; diseased, carriers… expendable?

Or will we just opt for leper colonies that look more like Hitler’s concentration camps?

Trouble is, no matter how much you want these assumed “pariahs” to die, they probably won’t.

They’re likely to become stronger, healthier, and because they won’t have the benefits of an easy life where their feelings aren’t being hurt, they’ll be tougher mentally too. Quite likely, they’ll be much more clever at survival.

See, I have a lot of faith in biology and the adaptability of the species. Apparently a lot more faith than what passes for “Science” these days.

I reiterate, COVID-19 has a survival rate of 97% or higher.

The next question is;

Might we be over-reacting a bit?

We’re still learning a lot about this virus. New discoveries are being made, peer reviewed, and published papers, show up in reputable medical journals almost daily.

A lot of those discoveries are actually pretty good news. The human race may have dodged a bullet this time around.

Would it not be better to consider this a dry run? Learn from this experience what works, and what doesn’t, then lay down the groundwork necessary to mitigate the next, likely more deadly pandemic?

Say something like an airborne Ebola, or the Black Plague, that kills in 6 hours? (Come on… You know some insane government or military somewhere on the planet has thought about it.)

I’m simply not ready to go to a GATTACA, The Walking Dead, Omega Man, or other dystopian nightmare scenario just yet.

I don’t think it’s right or reasonable to demand vaccination records to transact business.

Politicians have been attempting to spin shame for those people who choose not to wear a mask.

What’s the saying, “You’re not wearing a mask for your protection. You’re wearing a mask for the protection of others.” Implicitly stating that you’re a selfish bastard for not wearing a mask.

The spin machines have been trying to conflate wearing a mask as an act of patriotism, when in reality it’s probably more likely government mandated virtue signaling. A way of reenforcing that “We’re all in this together…

If the shaming, spin and conflation continue to their logical conclusion. Things will be a lot worse than someone at a dog park being maced.

Picture the poor schmuck standing in line at a grocery store who discovers too late, that they don’t have the “Correct” vaccine de jour.

Crowds who believe they’re right, and just, get very ugly, very quickly.

I could see someone being beaten to death because their vaccine scan failed. (Sadly, they’d be counted as another COVID-xx death.)

Being the cynical and dark fuck that I am, the following scenario occurs to me.

Because the vaccine is essentially free, and the vaccine passport is also free I could see a scenario where the next 3 – 5 years is a period of adjustment.

A “New Normal” where everyone scans their vaccine passport to enter everywhere. Once people aren’t thinking about it anymore big pharma starts charging for the booster shots.

Picture the level of non political control a government or company could exercise on an entire population. “Oh, we’re sorry, you can’t cross the state line, or enter this city, or corporate office, without a booster shot. It costs $2200 for nonessential people, and we can give it to you right now if you can afford it…

If you were one of the people in control, you could create an immediate two caste system, and easily control who was elite and who wasn’t simply by controlling the price of a vaccine or booster shot. All you need to do is keep fear alive.

No bullets, no war no political systems or parties… just simple absolute control.

If that doesn’t scare the hell out of you, it should. History has shown us repeatedly that control is the goal

Conspiracy Theorists Huh?

I saw this little gem in a Breitbart post located here. I don’t always agree with Breitbart but I applaud them sticking to their guns and calling ’em like they see ’em.

For the better part of a year, We’ve been told that the COVID-19 rates were increasing at alarming rates. Indeed in some places there have been hospitals that were overwhelmed but this hasn’t necessarily been a nationwide phenomena.

When emergency hospital ships sit idle in harbors waiting for patients that never come, and tent wards costing millions are set up in parks and hospital parking lots then dismantled without ever being used, that suggests that something isn’t as the powers that be, would have us believe.

When I personally know of two emergency room nurses who applied / volunteered to help at the height of the New York hospital overflow and they were turned away with no explanation, I start thinking something smells funny.

When Doctors questioning the efficacy of tests, are silenced, when acclaimed researchers have their papers on the utilization of the PCR test as a diagnostic tool are censored, when nurses send unused tests to labs and have them come back as positive, and citizens who were scheduled to take the test for COVID-19 but missed the appointment were subsequently notified that they’d tested positive…


When everyone who asked questions or disputed the accepted narrative, from medical professionals, to the creator of the PCR test itself, to politicians, or anyone else, is labeled a conspiracy nut, then I suddenly find myself standing at the beach after a red tide. (Picture a beach covered in dead fish rotting in the sun on a still July day!)

Now, it looks like perhaps all those people questioning the PCR testing who have been labeled conspiracy nuts may have been correct.

The WHO (World Health Organization) issued an information notice specifically about the utilization of the PCR test to determine if someone does in fact have COVID-19.

Here is the link to the WHO notice .

The notice basically states that if someone shows a positive result in one test, a second test should be administered. Ideally with a test from a different manufacturer and that observation of the patient’s symptoms, if any should be used as well for a final diagnosis.

Generally speaking, if a person shows positive on one test but has no symptoms then do another test to see if the first test is in error.

Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information.

WHO Information Notice for IVD Users 2020/05

So from the comment above, they are suggesting a return to good medicine where the Doctor makes the diagnosis, not the lab and not a single hastily administered test.

The WHO also makes reference in the article to the number of iterations the PCR test is allowed to run, when they talk about manually applying the positive threshold. There are a number of reports that speak to iterations in PCR testing. It seems that if you allow PCR to run long enough you’ll always come up with a positive result. In a way that makes sense based on my limited understanding of how this test works.

So what does this mean to the average person on the street?

Well you may have been tested and you may have been exposed to COVID-19 but you may not actually know your status because the testing methodology was flawed.

In fact in the SARs epidemic they also used PCR testing but they used it then, the way they’re saying to use it now.

Funny how the WHO suddenly “remembered” how the testing should be done isn’t it?

Funny how medical professionals were censored for questioning the way testing was being done, isn’t it?

What this is likely to do is reduce substantially the daily number of cases. COVID-19 will fade into the woodwork just like SARs did. It will become a non-issue. If the testing, done appropriately starts coming back with fewer and fewer positives, all this insanity may have been a tempest in a teacup.

Normality will return, and 8 months from now people will be going on about their business with or without having been vaccinated.

But the politicians have learned just how compliant people will be in a “Medical Emergency”.

This is not to say that some people didn’t die from COVID-19 or related issues, they did. But for me it brings into sharp focus that all may not have been as it seems.

Every year thousands of people die from complications related to the Flu. We never paid it much mind, it happened and it was tragic, but generally we accepted Flu as a average thing.

This year, the Flu has been a non-issue and you’d be hard pressed to find any statistics on flu deaths this flu season.

It’s just one of those things that makes me say Hmmm.