I am in shock that PC bullshit has gone this far.

Laura.jpgThe American Association for Library Service to Children has removed Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name from one of its awards. They’re changing the name to Children’s Literature Legacy award. Read the article Here

For those who may not know that name, this is the Author of The Little House on the Prairie series of books. You know, an American Classic. The books are considered semi-autobiographical. 

This is being done because in the books she implies Native Americans were not people, and later describes African American people as “Darkies”. 

Laura Ingalls Wider was born in 1867. The books were published between 1932 and 1943. 

Since the books are semi-autobiographical in nature, it is not surprising that they might contain some racist stereotypes. From the perspective of the author, these stereotypes would have been a normal part of her lexicon and she wouldn’t have seen anything wrong with using them.

Once again the PC police are subjecting classical literature to the standards of today. Who’s next? Mark Twain? After all, his writings speak of a black man who was a slave.

I honestly don’t see the point. Why waste the energy to rename awards? In the words of a famous politician, “What does it matter at this point anyway,”

Fahrenheit 451 6I read about stuff like this and think Fahrenheit 451,  or the book burnings of Nazi Germany.

Authors create snapshots  of their times and environment. Without those perspectives from more or less “average people” I feel we risk losing something of ourselves. This is especially concerning if we continue moving toward editing our past just because our current standards are rightfully different from those of our past.

Maybe I’m worried over nothing, in fact, were I in my twenties reading this, I’d probably give it no thought. But one benefit of age is perspective.

It’s not about looking back fondly on older times. It’s the realization that one of the best ways to mark progress is to look at where we’ve been. In that, literature gives us a view that we might otherwise not have. A first person narrative while biased, allows us to see what was normal and contrast that with what is normal, for better or worse.

NevilleC_Hitler.jpgAppeasements typically don’t work, ask Neville Chamberlain. If you don’t know who that is, look him up. He & Hitler had an interesting relationship.

This kind of renaming and whitewashing of history is nothing more than appeasement. In the long run, one incident isn’t significant, but when the appeasements add up well, Poland gets annexed.

Even if you don’t agree, give it some thought and figure out where you personally would draw the line. 

Another Day, more SJW assholery

As I’ve said before, “Social Justice is neither.”

The “Warrior” part is anything but warrior. These people are warriors in name only. They are nothing more than chicken shits hiding behind their catchphrases, hashtags, and computer screens. I know, opinionated much?

These are the adults who were the kids on the playground that no-one wanted to play with. Everyone knew that the least little breach of rules, decorum, or over competitiveness, would be reported to the Principal in gory exaggerated detail, so everyone got into trouble.

These people were the kids that were picked for sports AFTER the Goths and Nerds! Even then they were never picked, they were assigned by the teacher because everyone had to participate.

They weren’t hated, everyone just tried their best to ignore and avoid them.

You know, the super unpopular kids!

I read an article this morning that was talking about SJWs assaulting the realm of Science Fiction and succeeding in having some authors removed from bookstores in Canada. Why? Because the authors participated in a protest against the SJW crowd where the Hugo awards were concerned.

I’m not sure that you’d call it a protest. The non-SJWs simply took a page from the book of the SJW crowd and used the same block voting technique for the Hugos, as the SJWs used in previous years.

Apparently, this outrages the SJWs because after all, when non-SJWs play by the same rules and win, something must inherently be unfair.

Still demanding their pound of flesh, the SJWs are engaging in a “Whisper Campaign” against those who’ve drawn their ire.

Nothing new, if you can’t win fair and square then be Machiavellian, poison the reputations of those authors who’ve offended you with unverified accusations that that author believes in or uses any of the “ism, or obic” words that you can think of.

Imply that bookstores carrying non SJW-Approved books will be boycotted.

Does any of this sound familiar Comrade?

Do you hear the ring of Fascism? Does it occur to you that the definition of fascism need not include a government component?

How about this little tidbit of history? Degenerate Art forbidden by the Nazis

Lets not forget the way Islam reacts to things they don’t like even if these things happen in another country or state. 

Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy

Charlie Hebdo

Garland Texas

Yes, I see very little difference between SJWs, Fascism, Nazis, or Sharia.

I can tell you that I react very negatively to any person or group that seeks to tell me what I can see, read or hear.

Leave me the hell alone and go live your own life without interfering with mine!

Trouble is, these people absolutely believe that they, (AND ONLY THEY) have the corner on what’s best for everybody. Trying to convince them that they are wrong is like convincing a rock that it’s not a rock.

And it’s only going to get worse…

Ya know, If this keeps up we aren’t going to have any police

After all why in hell would anyone want to become a police officer nowadays?


When I was younger, I was taught that the police station, or being with a police officer was a “Safe Space”

The police I knew were, in general kind and helpful. They were good guys who wanted nothing more than to BE good guys, protecting those who couldn’t protect themselves.

Crime existed, as it always has, but the police were trusted. They came to my schools, they handled crossing duty on the busy streets and they’d wisk you to the hospital if you had a bad bicycle accident.

They’d stay with you until your mom or dad got to the hospital and miraculously by the time you got back home with your parents, your bicycle would be waiting for you, damaged but there in your driveway.


They were respected and trusted individuals and more often than not they were our neighbors, we went to church with them. Their children were friends, and sometime cohorts in typical childish mischief.

In less than 45 years suddenly they’re targets and treated with suspicion or even outright hatred.


I’m sure that those officers who can retire are beating a path to the HR departments to get the hell out. 

The police are people. There are good officers and bad officers, generally more good than bad. We pay them to keep us safe so we don’t have to live in fear of an element that has always been in every society. Bad guys go to jail. Bad guys get their comeuppance and since we have a country of laws, they enforce those laws. After all, we agreed to live under those laws didn’t we?

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Many of the basic laws we hold to be true, are found in the ten commandments. Yep, that pesky religious thing again.

Thou Shalt not Steal

Thou Shalt not Kill

Thou shalt not bear false witness

Just to name a few 

So if you’re shooting at an officer, or you’re throwing bottles and rocks at officers there are a couple of things you should remember.

These men and women are your neighbors, They’re also your employees, and all humans regardless of uniform, race, or beliefs have the inherent right and more importantly instinct for self preservation.

Strip away the uniforms and training and you have a human. Why is it so surprising that cops shoot or fight back? 

Why are we surprised that the police are perhaps angry? After all they’re being betrayed by the very people they’ve sworn to protect, sometimes at great cost.

There have been moronic activists calling for and end to police in their communities. Lets give that a whirl… I’d love to see Chicago after a month of zero police.


The same activists calling today, for and end to police would be lamenting the unbridled bloodshed and rampant crime.

I can just imagine the change in tune:

I can’t leave my house for fear of being robbed, raped, pillaged, or having my house burnt to the ground by someone that had a grudge against me. I DEMAND Protection…


Then the national guard would roll in, who wouldn’t come from the area.

They’d be from all over the country and would have zero interest in supporting the community. Instead they’d be there to restore order, by force.

Chicago would be a wasteland. Picture Berlin after the blitz! But in that wasteland there would be peace.

I’d bet that if you asked any officer who’d been fired on in Dallas, if they saw the color of the shooter’s skin, they’d say, “No, all I saw was the muzzle flash from the rifle.I dove for cover and targeted the flash.”

If black lives matter cartoon

If we impose rules on the police that say,

You can’t shoot a black person even if they’re armed and shooting at, or threatening you,” then we’re going to have a lot of dead or wounded police, or just a lot fewer police. 

Oh and a little side effect is going to be that the police that remain will become hard & cold, no longer giving a shit about the community or much of anything else except survival.

That pretty much translates into a lot of shoot-outs at the OK Corral.

So to all you moronic activists out there…

Deal with your communities problems, check your anger as you have so often told everyone, “check your privilege,” engage with your police force and help them put a stop to the crime, welcome these dedicated men and women into your neighborhoods, greet them at church, and …


Just my 2 cents.

OH for the love of God! It’s a crime to be male and famous.

You have to be kidding me.

18 years later, asshole femnazis called UltraViolet are demanding Peyton Manning’s hide for an incident while he was a college kid.

By the way ladies, I think you’re guilty of copyright infringement. UltraViolet is the trade name of a streaming video service. Uh oh, you’re diluting their brand, and I can’t wait to see you whine when they slap an injunction on you.

Peyton Manning nfl

The issue was settled in 1997 for 300K cash and everyone apparently went their separate ways.

More about that case is available here

Apparently things were mostly quiet until Peyton became a target for the rabid SJW crowd.

I hope Peyton sues the ever living SHIT out of the women’s groups and his sponsors if they terminate his contracts.

What are we going to have next?

Will the SJW crowd go back to men’s kindergarten classes and then fuck up our lives because we showed a girl our pee pee when we were five?

This shit has to stop.

If I can’t sue my former employers for sexual harassment visited upon me by women, because the statute of limitations has run out… SJWs shouldn’t be allowed to screw someone over and destroy their livelihood for something they did almost 20 years ago. 

The thing that really sucks about all of this is that Peyton and Eli Manning’s philanthropic foundations are threatened too.

If the SJW’s manage to take Peyton down, they’ll probably indirectly harm all the disadvantaged kids that the foundation helps.

So thanks a lot ladies and fuck you all.

Yeah, I’m sick of the whole SJW thing.

How long will Germany put up with it?

Swimming pool 2 640x480

This Blog post started when I saw a headline meant to SHOCK “Immigrants BANNED from pool in Germany

It’s not until you get well into the article that, almost as an aside, the author mentions that one of the immigrants was molesting a 3 year old boy. 

Up to that point the author appeared to be writing as a proper SJW, implying that the “Mean Germans” were denying immigrants pool time.

The author of that piece (which I can’t find now) didn’t mention all the other incidents at the pool, OR any of the incidents at other pools throughout Germany.

New information is coming to light about the behavior of Middle Eastern immigrants in public places. And indirectly how this information is being suppressed.

There was a leaked report to Bild (the link takes you to the article,) which in part, explains the decision to close the historic Johannisbad baths in Zwickau, Saxony.

Baby ruth in the pool

I was able to find a number of references to pool closures and immigrant bans in Germany. None of them were racist. The bans and closures are for just cause.

The list of offenses is disgusting.

Masturbating to ejaculation in the Jacuzzi.  (Ok, who hasn’t had sex in their Jacuzzi? The difference is I owned the jacuzzi, so it was my mess to clean up. I’ve NEVER done it in a public shared Jacuzzi or where there were children watching)

Defecating in the children’s pools (Apparently public pools in Germany have shallow pools set aside for children.) 

Groping incidents in the saunas (when the employees tried to intervene the immigrants ignored or threatened them. So the employees closed the saunas. Then the immigrants were banging on the doors insisting that women were inside and demanding access.)

Groping of girls and women throughout the pool complexes.

What’s happened is the locals are being run out of these facilities. The facilities are having to close to clean up the mess.

The immigrants are costing the German people yet more money, while at the same time making the German people feel unsafe in their own Facilities / Towns / Streets / Country.

Then there was the 16 year old girl whose video went viral. She’s calling out Merkel asking why are the elites safe and she’s not?

TRANSCRIPT: (From Breitbart)

Hello, you can read the newspapers but this video is about the real situation in Germany. I would like to tell everyone about this on Youtube and Facebook. I am almost 16. I would like everyone to know what is going on, what I am authentically feeling at this moment.

And I am so scared everywhere. For example, if my family and I go out together, or if I see a movie with my friends. Usually I stay at home, but sometimes I stay out until 6 pm in winter, and it is so scary. It is just very hard to live day-to-day life as a woman.

I just want to say that I am not a racist. But one day, a terrible thing happened at the supermarket. I ran all the way home. I was so frightened for my life. There’s no other way to describe it.

My aunt and her friend have said you have to grow up. Why should we, children, have to grow up in such fear? It’s not just me, my friends too. You can see on Facebook, a 17 year old attacked, a 15 year old attacked, two 12-year olds attacked, so many. It is really so sad that this is happening … because of YOU PEOPLE. πŸ™

I cannot understand why they do this. But more importantly, I cannot understand why Germany is doing nothing! Why is Germany standing by, watching, and then doing nothing? Please explain, why. Men of Germany, these people are killing your children, they are killing your women. We need your protection. We are so scared, we don’t want to be frightened to go to the grocery store alone after sunset. The politicians live alone in their villas, drink their cocktails, and do nothing. They do nothing! I do not know what world they live in, but please, people, please help us! Please, do something! I cannot understand why this is happening. One day, my friend and I were walking down the street, and a group of Arabs were protesting and demonstrating. They shouted, “Allah! Allah! Allah is the one God! Kill those infidels! Allah Allah!” What should I do? Should I wear a burka? Why should I have to convert to Islam?

It’s fine if you believe in Allah, but why do you want to make everyone else believe in Allah too? I just think it would be better if there were no religion. Stop trying to make everyone else believe in your God when they do not want to.

Please, people of Germany. Do something!

When I try to tell the authorities about what has happened, they hold their hand up towards me and they say it is a problem and then ignore it. and they laugh. It is unfair. They laugh at us. They say we are dumb. They think this not only of me, but of the entire state of Germany. They don’t care about our fear. Please help us. This is an emergency! There are more and more of them.

One time in summer, the Muslims said we were sluts for walking outside in a t-shirt.

Yes, we were wearing t-shirts. It’s summer!

Another day, I was wearing this. My friend and I purchased it while shopping hehe. If we feel like wearing it, we will wear it! And you Muslims have no right to physically assault or rape us for it! God willing, never in my life. You have no right to attack us because we are wearing t-shirts. You also have no right to rape.

The life of Germany has changed because these people cannot integrate. We give them so much help. We support them financially and they do not have to work. But they only want more babies and more welfare and more money. Men of Germany, please, patrol the streets and protect us. Do this for your women and your children. If you do that, I believe that we will have a chance.

This sort of action would be wonderful. We would be so grateful and thankful. So many thanks, if steadily, more men would come to protect us. We are so scared.

I am so upset about what Merkel has done.

Thank you, Angela Merkel, for killing Germany! I have no more respect for you, Merkel. I do not think you know what you have done. You do not see how our lives have changed. Open your eyes! Is this normal? Should I, a 16-year old who is almost 17, be so scared to walk outside my house? No, it is not normal. You have killed Germany!

This is the truth. We are no longer allowed to walk outside. We are no longer allowed to wear our clothes. We are no longer allowed to live the German life. This is the sad truth.

I think it’s about time to end this video. I believe I have given a full account from a normal person. I hope others can see this and understand.

I only want to end with one message: Men, please, help your women. Help your children. I am so scared. My friends have the same fear. We are shocked that this has happened. I hope this video can convince you, and that this terrible events can stop.

I don’t think she’s just exhibiting teen-aged angst. I think she’s the canary in the coal mine.  We know what happens historically, when Germany becomes nationalistic. 

I think the question is, how much more will the “average” Germans take.

Oh and “Note to Self, Don’t go swimming in Germany’s pools right now.”