Not to beat Roe v. Wade into the ground, but…

As the media, Hollywood, and politicians continue to bang on about just how awful overturning Roe v. Wade will be and their shrill demand My Body My Choice echos through the land. I got to thinking…

If they really mean “My Body My Choice” then shouldn’t they also condone prostitution?

Would all these Neo-Feminists be so keen to preserve Roe, if the ruling also said Prostitution is legal in all 50 states?

Is it fair that a woman can be arrested for renting her body? After all, a prostitute is still exercising autonomous control over her body isn’t she?

It’s hypocritical on its face that many of the same women demanding abortion be Federal, not in the hands of the states, typically take a very dim view of prostitution.

I’m not even going to point out the hypocrisy of those same women becoming screaming “Karens” demanding everyone get a COVID vaccine.

Then there was one shrew on a show saying that all boys should be subject to mandatory vasectomies when they reach reproductive age.

Her reasoning was “It can be reversed”. But that’s not entirely true in all cases. Norplant and IUDs can be reversed too, again not in all cases. However, she wasn’t calling for mandatory Norplant or IUD implantation.

Nope, for this particular shrew, it was only men that bore the responsibility for unwanted pregnancy. She completely ignored the fact that while some rapes result in pregnancy, the vast majority of abortions are performed on women who consented to sex.

Both men and women bear the responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy. Birth control is readily available to both genders.

Or are we to infer that women are too emotionally weak, inflamed by their passions, or irresponsible to tell their sex partner, “No, not without a condom,” when they know they’re not using birth control themselves? Where is the concept of My Body My Choice here?

I can’t remember if the shrew was Sunny Hostin or Joy Reid nor can I find the exact quote at the moment.

(I’m looking for it. I’ve been shocked at how many threads there are demanding forced sterilization of men. One could infer that women think forced sterilization is perfectly fine as long as it’s a man, and only women have the right to “My Body, My Choice“)

I wonder how they’d feel if Roe was modified and codified into the US Constitution as All Americans have the same right, “My Body My Choice,” allowing prostitution and the right to refuse any medical treatment, regardless of the situation.

How would they behave if, in the spirit of equity, the law applied equally to Women and Men.

Then there’s another hypocrisy surrounding the issue. I’ll grant you it’s an outlier but think about this. If an unmarried couple find that they’ve created a life. The woman in the couple under current law, can have the baby aborted without the male partner’s consent.

However, if the woman carries the baby to term, the father of record, is legally obligated to provide child support and pay all the fees the court may decide to saddle him with. Regardless of his desire that the woman abort his child. He might also be denied the right to visitation. This, even if the couple has broken up and the woman has found another wealthier partner and married him.

I’m not meaning to open the can of worms about child support per se, but I do ask the question; why in this scenario does the man have absolutely no choice?

Well, he does have a choice… There’s the phenomenon of solo sexuality.

This is where normal healthy young men chose to tend to their own needs exclusively so that they don’t risk being trapped into fatherhood or anything else by a vagina owner.

This logical response by men who wish to avoid complications, or entrapment, is technically under attack with anti-pornography laws. Laws which oddly are billed as protecting women from exploitation. Is it exploitation when the woman is exercising “My Body My Choice” and she chooses to perform in a pornographic film?

The anti child pornography laws, I’m totally on board with.

Young men who have made this particular choice are often viewed as abnormal by society.

Which is it ladies? You say you’re afraid of rape, unwanted pregnancy, toxic males, and all the other bullshit. But at the same time you seek to deny other women the right to sell their services either directly, or on film, and seek to deny men a non-toxic sexual outlet.

The last I read about the solo-sexual phenomena, it seemed that it was mostly confined to large urban environments and the young men in question were educated and had decent jobs. They’re simply making a choice that does not involve risking the rest of their future for a few minutes of pleasure.

After dealing with the Neo-Feminists at work over the last 10 years or so, I understand their point.

I’m very glad that I’m partnered and that I’m more gay than bi. Don’t get me wrong, a mentally mature woman that knows herself and takes responsibility is sexy as hell. Unfortunately, they’re becoming exceedingly rare.

Generally, the women I’ve encountered in the workplace have convinced me that:

1) I will not seek a hetro relationship if my current one ends. (For that matter, I’ll probably not seek a homo relationship. Gay men are often just as nuts as Neo-Feminists.)

2) If I find that I’m jonesing for the company of a woman, I’ll fly to Vegas and rent some professional time.

3) A lot of the women I’ve encountered in urban settings, are not people I want to combine my DNA with. There are tons of drop dead gorgeous women, but intellectually they’re not up to snuff. I’d be better off importing an uneducated farm girl from some 3rd world cesspool to make babies with. At least they’d be strong, healthy, have practical comprehension of the real world, and common sense. We all have an inherent duty to make better offspring, not doom the planet to idiot children who can’t command fire.

4) Avoid at all costs any woman with a goofy dye job, weird shitty tattoos, and so many piercings they can’t get through a metal detector. Think of them like brightly colored animals or insects. Typically if a creature has some kind of wild coloration they’re toxic. Think Arrow Frogs, Lionfish, Blue Ring Octopus, Gila monsters, or Coral Snakes.

5) Spanking the monkey is a much more efficient and pleasurable use of my time. To this day, nobody does me, like I do.

The problem with solo sexuality is that it’s likely to lead us to life imitating art.

If only the dumb, or irresponsible, are reproducing then we’re going to end up like the movie Idiocracy.

If you’ve not seen the movie, give it a whirl. Call it a dark comedy. Sadly, I think the fictitious president and cabinet from the movie displays more intelligence than our current administration. That’s another story…

A Neo-Feminist reading this post will probably have her head explode and fire off some diatribe about me being misogynistic.

Before she gets completely spun up, I’d ask her to consider this… I am exactly what you have made me. You have no right to complain. Take responsibility and change. It’s not just your body your choice, it’s also your mind your choice.

I’ve been amused that a lot of the main stream press photos of young protestors demanding Roe v. Wade are people, (Male or Female,) that I personally wouldn’t ever sleep with. No matter how much alcohol was involved.

Many of the females are so visually unappealing to me, I doubt they’re likely to see the inside of an abortion clinic.

As a man who respects himself, I can’t imagine being so desperate that I would risk putting my penis in any of them. I suppose there are men who don’t have my standards for potential reproductive partners. That’s totally on them, and god help us!

Saturday 5/14/2022

So now these people are protesting in front of Supreme Court Justices homes. Oh for fucks sake! First of all that’s illegal since there is part of the legal code that says attempting to intimidate a Judge, Witness, Juror, or officer of the court is punishable by 1 year in jail.

Peacefully Protesting in front of the Supreme Court building is. one thing. Disrupting the lives of an entire neighborhood and the life of the Justice by protesting at his or her home is another thing entirely.

These people in some of the videos are calling for mandatory vasectomies for BOYS! while at the same time carrying “My Body My Choice” signs…

Can you say hypocrisy?

Oh, wait, “My body My Choice” only applies if you’re a woman. But what is a woman these days? We seem to be unable to define that!

You men marching in solidarity for Roe v Wade… The minute you hear mandatory vasectomy for boys, it’s your fucking duty to switch sides or shut that shit down.

That vasectomy bullshit isn’t about abortion rights. It’s only about beating all men into submission and if you’re supporting that, you deserve to be castrated.

On it’s face that statement says women want to be in control not only of their reproduction rights but they want to control yours as well. If you’re that stupid, you probably shouldn’t reproduce anyway.

These harridans scream about bodily autonomy and in the next fucking breath say let’s subject all boys to un-necessary surgery. It sure feels like they’re trying to treat males like dogs.

“Oh look Marilyn-Moonrock, little Johnny is coming of age, pretty soon he’ll be marking the furniture… Better get him fixed as soon at possible!”

What’s next? Wait until a boy is 12 or so, take him in to surgery snip him, and circumcise him at the same time? That would cut down on the pubescent masturbation wouldn’t it? What will they call for after that? Mandatory, yet unnecessary surgery on boys genitals WITHOUT Anesthesia, a sort of pre-punishment for any ills the male might commit?

Then these… There is no other term for them, Vile Bitches could completely control all aspects of what coming of age as a male is.

From constantly telling boys they’re testosterone poisoned and violent, drugging them into submission in schools, complaining about their poor grades because they’re drugged into submission, then denigrating them for being stronger or wanting to test themselves, to making them ashamed of their natural development.

Good plan you vicious cunts! You know, a little female genital mutilation might also go a long way toward negating the need for abortions. Just sayin…

Figure 30 years of mandatory vasectomies, and we’d have women bitching and complaining that they can’t find a man committed enough to go through the surgical procedure to reverse the sterilization process. After all a man isn’t likely to want to relive the childhood trauma a bunch of nasty women imposed on him. I could just see that, a man telling a woman who wants children, “No, My Body My Choice.”

If this is what the majority of the liberals are like… I want absolutely nothing to do with any of them!

Joy Behar suggested recently that women go on a sex strike.

Guys… here’s a thought. Stop dating, or if you date, make sure the women pays the fucking tab.

If you end up in the bedroom, Make sure you wear a condom and demand that the woman has a diaphragm and spermicide in place. You can’t trust her if she says she’s on the pill.

Oh and to top things off… When you’re done, don’t worry about her orgasm. Pull your pants up and leave, dispose of the condom after you’re out the door.

Trust me a few months of that, and all the nice women, the good women, the kind women, the women you’d want to make a family with… They’ll hunt down and rip these liberal bitches limb from limb.

The liberals are very quick to call a man a misogynist…

I suggest to them, if you wonder why men seem more misogynistic…


I’d sooner get my jollies with rancid road kill than be intimate with most liberals

I know I sound pretty pissed off, and I am. The blatant hypocrisy these Neo-nazi, Neo feminists are displaying really fires up serious anger.

How about teaching fucking responsibility? Hey, there’s a concept. Oh right, no-one is ever. responsible for their own actions.

Yeah, I call bullshit!

I’m thinking it might be time for me to shift some of my retirement account into lifelike sex dolls… I think I see a ready to boom, business opportunity.

Well I guess the establishment Democrats were really spooked…

After all, what better way to make sure people vote Democrat?

I’m speaking about the SCOTUS leak.

1979 was the last time a leak like this occurred. This time, the leak couldn’t have better timing.

The other half, a former cradle Democrat, (Now a confirmed Independent,) still gets emails from the Democratic Party. In recent weeks, the number of emails has gotten to the point that it’s “Select All” and “delete” every morning.

Every single one of these emails is asking for 5 bucks here, 10 bucks there, help as much as you can, even a dollar helps, and not one of them mentions volunteering to help the Democrat Party. It’s all about money and the emails always say the same thing.

“Our Democracy is under threat.” Doom and gloom. “If the Republicans win the House and the Senate, our way of life is over…”


I think the other half said there were 15 emails like this yesterday. Most of them asking for support of candidates from states other than the one in which we reside.

My question is how can anyone donate to a campaign for a candidate which they don’t know, haven’t heard of, with no information other than a (D) after their name?

That’s not informed donation. That’s donating glitter to make the best posters for a Prom Queen or King for a high school you don’t attend.

But it explains how politicians throw obscene amounts of money behind a shitty candidate. Then when the candidate demonstrates they’re a vapid moron, the politicians can say, “This candidate was backed by popular opinion and money, they had the support of the people…”

Yeah, right!

I gather in this case, the fundraising wasn’t going as well as the Democrats wanted. They needed the big guns, and the leak of a draft decision on Roe v. Wade was just the kind of thing that would turn on the money spigot.

We’re already seeing the reporting decrying this ‘Horrific assault on Women’s rights’ and yet more calls for packing the court. Protests in front of the Supreme Court have started, barricades are going up, chaos ensues.

Aren’t those protests the beginning of an insurrection? Just asking…

This morning I’ve seen some articles saying this is the beginning of an all out assault on LGBT… lmnop rights, and the rights of the poor.

What better way to weld Women, People of Color, LGBT, and Progressives, into a single voting block?

I wait with anticipation to see what the shrews on The View say. They always have something stupid to say about stuff like this. I’ve gotten in the habit of not reading anything they say while I’m drinking my morning coffee.

I’ve damn near drowned one too many times.

The really sad thing is, this strategy might just work. Hundreds of thousands of people who were leaning toward a more conservative vote may instead choose to pick their local equivalent of AOC.

The Democrats may win and hold onto power in Congress. If they do, the insanity will continue for another two years.

That’s not to say that the Republicans would be any better. Most of them can’t seem to find their asses or morals with both hands and landing lights. They’re as much part of the problem as the Democrats and the whole lot of them should be voted out.

We need a fresh start. We need people governing us who are not part of the establishment, who are not bought & paid for. We need people who know what it is to wonder if their paycheck will be enough to put food on the table.

Folks who know what it’s like to eat off of chipped Melmac plates and use free gas station glasses. We need people who’ve given their portion of dinners to their children. They’re the ones who have a direct interest is turning the economy around and making decisions that help everyone.

It’s time the governance of the country was turned back over to the common people. Those who do not have Harvard or Yale law degrees but who do have common sense, know how to balance their checkbook, and live on a budget.

I’d bet these people can propose laws that are as good, or better than the jackasses in power now. With the help of the Supreme Court those proposed laws can be analyzed for Constitutionality, modified as needed, and then passed or defeated in Congress by a group of like minded common folks.

It might not be better, but at least it would be honest and representative of the people our government is supposed to serve.

I care nothing for Roe v. Wade. I don’t believe it is, or ever was, a Constitutional right.

No matter how you cut it, it’s killing a child. I’m able to stomach abortion in the first few months, but I absolutely can’t condone late term, or the more horrific, partial birth abortion.

If I condoned those, then I might as well condone full retroactive abortion too.

What’s the difference between inducing labor in the last trimester and killing a potentially viable child, or a woman pumping out a child in a dirty bathroom, then dropping the child in the nearest dumpster? The first one, a clinic and medical staff make money. The last one, is child abandonment and a crime.

Frankly, I see zero difference, other than money changing hands.

What would retroactive abortion look like? Say up to age 18, either parent could “Abort” a child. I bet there’d be a lot less trouble in schools.

“Hey Joe, where’s Billy?”

“Oh, Pricilla aborted his ass a month ago. She caught him rubbing one out, and he got a “D” in Home Economics. She dropped a hair dryer in the hot tub after the championship game.”

“Sorry man, he was really great on the football field. You gonna make another one?”

“Nah, I got snipped about 10 years ago. Don’t want any more mistakes like the last two. Especially not with Pricilla!”

“Huh, That why you’re selling the house?”

“Yep, we don’t need the space…”

Been giving thought to stuff that pisses me off.

I know, you’re thinking, “Another one of those posts! Next!”

Bear with me. 

Implied Social Worthiness Scores.

The last company I worked for, was very concerned that I didn’t have active Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn accounts. They were also very concerned that I didn’t attend employer sponsored events such as going to the water park, dinners, or baseball games.

I asked them why my having or participating in those things mattered. 

They said It’s about being able to determine if our employees are engaged and happy with the workplace. 

I said that my happiness was dependent on my paycheck. I was there to do a job, I did the job and went home. As to the company events, I couldn’t participate and be a good employee. My schedule was 5am to 1pm Thursday through Monday. Their events typically started at 6pm on a weekend defined as Saturday and Sunday. Since I was usually in bed by 7:30 to 8:00PM, were I to attend their corporate events I would not be good at my job the next day due to tiredness.  As such I was behaving in a responsible way towards my employer.

I said regarding Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. That I found these services to be a waste of time. I felt no need to broadcast minute by minute, the details of my personal or work life to the entire world. (This blog notwithstanding) Therefore if they were concerned about my speaking out of turn about the workplace or my employer, they had nothing to fear. I kept my opinions to myself or confined to a small select group of people that I interacted with in person.

This was not good enough. 

Because I wasn’t posting my life online for all to see, they were suspicious because there was no way for them to apply metrics about my life choices (Judgmental much?) I believe that they were trying to determine my social worth and obtain more leverage over me than a simple paycheck.

Eventually, after many annoying emails from HR and the Activities Committee, I conceded to creating a LinkedIn account. Upon which I would sometimes parrot the company announcements. Other than that, I didn’t post anything.

That wasn’t good enough. Now if I didn’t post something at least once a week I’d get an email from one of the two groups. Always such emails suggested posting something about my life and happiness. (Uh, nobody’s business but mine.)

While creating the LinkedIn account I thought, “This is a slippery slope and since they cajoled me into this, they’re going to apply more pressure for me to hand them a loaded gun in the form of information.”

This assumption was borne out when someone on the Activities Committee saw me getting out of a new car one morning. I had no sooner sat down at my desk, than there was an email suggesting that I post pictures of my “pretty” car on LinkedIn and use it as a first post to Twitter and Facebook too. The rationale was that everyone would love to see success and share in my happiness.

Frankly, that creeped me out on a number of levels.

Since I chose not to post it on LinkedIn, they did. With a picture clearly showing my license plate number. “Someone got a new car… Let’s all congratulate him”

I viewed this as an invasion of privacy. They seemed to view it as a corporate success story. Completely missing the rest of the story… 

My old car had been totaled and this was a logical replacement. I wouldn’t have gotten a new car, if my old one, which I loved, and was in fine working order, hadn’t been destroyed. The new car represented not success, but a major life setback, because my old car was completely paid for. The new car represented payments, tighter budgeting, and a loss of disposable income.

I let it go, they were being childish and I didn’t need to point that out. LinkedIn did it for me, deleting the post as a violation of their terms. This of course was before LinkedIn became part of Microsoft.

It is possible that my lack of compliance in the social media arena led directly to my not being on the “retain list” when the layoffs happened. There is no way to prove it, but I do wonder from time to time.

It always leads back to the same question for me. Why couldn’t they just let me be a good worker and do my job? All I wanted from them was a paycheck, medical insurance, and something productive to do. Why do so many companies these days feel that external activities are so dang important?

People who can’t take what you say at face value

I’m currently involved looking after a neighbors cat. There is a lot of other drama in this situation. I won’t bore you with the details.

There are a couple of points that are really annoying. The largest is the delivery of supplies for the cat.

To the person’s credit, they don’t feel that I shouldn’t incur costs for litter and food and I applaud that.

But I said in the beginning, “Don’t worry about this, you’re ill and we can settle up at a later date. If this is only for a few weeks.”

That apparently was not heard. Instead, the person has to schedule delivery of cat supplies from a market 2 miles away. You’d think that’s fine except that I’m at or near the market pretty frequently so it’s no big deal to go in to get what’s needed.

I was also serious about this only going on for a few weeks. We’re now at 5 or 6 weeks and there appears to be no plan for it to end. 

The problem with delivery is there’s a four hour window. So without thinking about it, this person has chained me to my home for half a day, watching for a delivery of stuff to appear on their doorstep. I know, they’re trying not to inconvenience me, but they’re doing a great job of that, in trying not to.

The other annoyance is that no matter what I say, the schedule is completely arbitrary. The person is 40 miles away and has zero idea what I’m planning to do or if I might plan to go do something to do with my life. They’re not intentionally trying to be selfish, but in that they’re succeeding mightily.

When I said don’t worry about it, I meant it. I told the person I’d keep receipts and we could just add it up whenever was convenient. They could write me a check and that would be all there was to it. It’s not like I can’t take 5 minutes while I’m in town to pick up a bag of cat food.

That would be far less inconvenience to me than having half my day shot to hell.

I just don’t understand why people refuse to acknowledge that you mean what you say. Is it that so many people don’t mean what they say?

Then there’s the gift as thank you for watching the cat. It will be alcohol, it’s always alcohol. That’s really nice, except that I don’t drink very much anymore. I still have an unopened bottle of Gentleman Jack from last year.

I don’t drink alone and am alone more than not.

In this particular situation, a better gift would be informing me that arrangements had been made for someone in their family to pick up the cat and look after it while the neighbor is laid up.

It would be much better for the cat and me.  As it is, the poor thing is alone too much and is craving attention. I’m spending at least an hour a day playing with and cuddling the poor creature. That’s an hour I’m not playing with my dog who also likes a lot of attention. By the time I add it up I’m spending at least 2 hours, often more, of my day tending to animals, and not doing stuff that I need to do.

It’s not that the critters aren’t deserving of attention and love, it’s that I need to reclaim my life. That being said, it’s not the fault of the animals wanting the attention that their respective humans agreed to give them when we brought them into our homes.

In the case of cats, I like cats. But after my last cat passed away, I found that I enjoyed not having to scoop litter boxes, deal with nasty fur balls, the smell of cat urine or canned cat food.

Perhaps, the cat thing wouldn’t be so trying if the person’s house was neat and clean. It’s not! The place is a disaster and I do my level best to not touch anything other than what is absolutely necessary. The place is a hazmat site waiting to be discovered and red tagged.  At least the stench of stale pot smoke has finally dissipated.

I’ve gotten in the habit of not eating breakfast before I go over there because I always feel like I’m going to vomit. When I come back, I’m not in the mood to eat. I guess the upside is that I’m saving money and losing weight.

Honestly 30 to 45 minutes is about all I can take. I’ve considered bringing the cat over to my house, and all that entails. I haven’t because I think my dog would decide to play with the cat and that wouldn’t end well for either of them. 

The cat is fully armed and not afraid to scratch or bite with little or no provocation.

Then there’s the issue that the dog likes being able to go in and out to the back yard which means the door is open. That wouldn’t work with the cat.

I’ve considered opening the windows at the neighbor’s house but that doesn’t work because the windows and screens are in such poor repair that I fear the cat would escape via one of them, never to be seen or heard from again.

I’m not even going to delve into the mess caused by the neighbor rerouting all their mail to my small PO Box but neglecting to tell me that they’d done so. That, at least was relatively easy to fix. I’m now getting my mail again!

In summary,

The road to hell is most definitely paved with good intentions.

Nice guys do in fact finish last.