Whoopedy Fucking Doo! Yeah, this only means the Firewall is between Joe and Hunter is complete.

In the more bread and circuses column. There’s this headline.

Hunter Biden Indicted on Nine Tax-Related Charges, Three Felonies

We all know this is a big assed nothing burger. We all know Hunter isn’t going to jail, and that unlike the rest of us someone will be able to write a check for him. He’ll be snorting coke and dancing at the nearest Hollywood donor party the same day he pleads guilty and promises on a stack of bibles it will never happen again…

The Democrats will use this to say, “See we don’t have two tiered justice, and Republicans going after poor Hunter was nothing more than a witch hunt. Trump meanwhile will be found guilty of conducting normal real estate business practices in New York, that harmed nobody.”

The Democrat operatives at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, & ABC will completely obfuscate the evidence from the IRS, and every other source. In the end they’ll paint it as a mean trick the Evil Republican Party used to try to get at Joe Biden.

The bitches on The View will probably screech, “Hunter is a victim, all those hookers and blow were forced on him and his laptops were given to him, then later stolen, so embarrassing videos would come to light. It’s a Russian or Republican plot!”

As to the Felonies… Hunter has already admitted to one of them and yet… NO Punishment. I doubt he’ll have any consequences from the remaining felonies. 

All this means is that the people handling Joe are confident that they’ll be able to shield Joe from the fallout for the remainder of his Presidency. It also means that Joe may not be the nominee. I suspect both are to some extent true.

I expect Joe to “Decide” to step aside. By serving up Hunter, he has a plausible excuse to “Decide to spend more time with his family.” He can back out of the campaign without losing face and still be the “dedicated family man,” a character deserving of compassion and privacy.

That last one is the biggy. They’ll finally admit that Joe’s not all there. Then the powers that be will call for compassion and kindness in this difficult time. They’ll say, “clearly he’s in no shape to stand trial.” If necessary, the Biden family will burn Hunter to the ground as the “Ringleader” for any wrongdoing and the rest of the Biden Clan will walk away with the cash. Hunter’s past indiscretions will be spun to make a believable illusion that coked out of his mind, “The Smartest guy Joe every knew,” was making business deals while measuring coke and having his knob polished.

Any questions, or charges leveled at the Biden’s by Republicans or law enforcement will be spun as pointless and cruel. So, all the corruption will just be swept under the carpet.

All of this is predicated on us not having World War III.

If we do end up in WWIII. Then it will all be moot. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past the Biden’s to get us into a major conflict to cover their criminal activities. If the US is gearing up for War, we’re not going to care about the Biden’s. We’re going to want a strong leader that other nations respect and who is just crazy enough to make other nations wonder, “How crazy is this President? Would he Nuke us for the hell of it?”

Through it all, I do feel a little sorry for Hunter. I honestly don’t think he had a chance. He is exactly what his father and family made him and when they’re done with him, (which may be real soon,) they’ll throw him to the wolves and never look back. Let’s face it everything we’ve seen with the Biden’s could have been scripted by Machiavelli. I’m not sure the Biden’s get to the standard of the Borgias.

Enjoy your bread and the circus. I pray we don’t see Joe Biden naked on the balcony of The White House playing a fiddle.

Well There’s your problem!!!

Watching Harvard President Claudine Gay testifying before congress was one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in a while.

Gay is a political scientist and should have been a politician. It’s rare that I see someone so unbelievable slimy, obviously duplicitous, and plain revolting. Listening to this vile cunt answering (with non answers) produced a visceral reaction that left me disappointed when a bolt of lightning from on high, didn’t fry her scummy ass.

Nothing pisses me off more in these hearings than hearing someone refuse to answer a yes or no question, with some long assed bullshit bunch of words.

Fuck! I’d bet if I asked this Harvard diversity hire if she was in fact black, she wouldn’t just answer the question.

Elise Stefanik wasn’t having any of this bullshit either. We all know nothing will be done though.

The other Presidents of higher educational campuses were no better.

I’m not sure that any of our Universities can be saved.

It’s absolutely obvious that these places are not about education.

Harvard, Yale, UPenn, and MIT no longer produce well rounded, educated lawyers, economists, or scientists.

Since God chose not to strike these people dead, I can only assume Hell’s admissions line is full.

I caught another clip showing the UPenn and MIT presidents responding with slimy weasel words instead of just answering directly.

God I miss plain speech!

I think speaking plainly is a lot more healthy than sliming your way around an uncomfortable subject. It’s like just grabbing ahold of a nasty splinter in your foot and yanking it out so you’re done with it, versus someone playing with the splinter because they “Don’t want to hurt you”. In the first case you get on with your day and by sundown you’ve forgotten you had a splinter. In the second case the splinter is still in your foot only now it’s starting to get infected.

Safe spaces, hate speech rules or laws, and intimidating folks into silence do not help us, or serve the greater good. There are people who will always hate each other. Better that it’s out in the open because then the hated know when and where to carry a gun.

If Harvard, Yale, UPenn, & MIT are anti-Semitic then fine. Tell all your Jewish students, refund them their current semesters fees, and housing and let them call it DONE. Then they can move on to a school that is not anti-semitic, finish getting their degrees, and get on with their lives.


So does this mean….

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson May15 23 AP 640x480That reparations are off the table?

While Brandon Johnson, the mayor of Chicago was blaming white extremists for some of the problems in Chicago he said one thing that really stuck out from all the usual diatribe.

“It is abysmal and it is an affront to everything that is good about this country for the extremism in this country to use people as political tools to settle political scores for something that happened over 400 years ago. They’re still mad that a black man is free in this country,” – Brandon Johnson, Mayor of Chicago.

Is he suggesting that we should stop trying to settle scores for something that happened 400 years ago?

If so, does he mean all scores? Since reparations have been paid at least once, (40 acres and a mule) I’d take Brandon Johnson at his word and say, “Okay, The black community needs to stop asking for more reparations and those evil white extremists will stop doing whatever you’re accusing them of.”

Let’s face it, the majority of this whole white supremacy/ white extremist narrative is nothing more than a reuse of “The Monster in the closet/ Boogieman” designed to terrify black folks into voting for the Democrats. It’s a lot like the Hamas children’s shows extolling the evil of the Jews and teaching little Palestinian Children that killing Jews is a good thing.

In fact you could take one of those Hamas children shows and replace the word “Jew” with the word “White” and not have to reshoot a single frame of the show. A lot of black folks would eat that shit right up and be burning and looting inside a week. Especially if you made sure that everyone knew the show was from Palestine. (After all if it’s from Palestine it has to be “good and right” doesn’t it?)

Chicago is a shit show and has been a shit show for a very long time. I have an acquaintance who talks about driving into Chicago for a Thanksgiving gathering in the late 1970’s and getting shot in the leg, sitting inside the car after filling his tank with gas. No warning, no altercation, he just happened to be a white guy passing through South Chicago. The family was selling their home due to the rising crime and this was to be the last Thanksgiving in Illinois. The round was a .22 and had to be surgically removed. The police of course never found the shooter, and couldn’t even say if he was a target or if the round ricocheted from a gun fight happening half a block away.

The issue isn’t White Supremacy or extremists. The issue is one of law and order. If someone breaks the law and gets arrested, it doesn’t matter what the color of their skin is, or their financial circumstances, or in fact anything except that they broke the law. They should pay the price! End of discussion.

The only variation I’d offer is for children. Sometimes a kid gets caught up in something that escalates so fast they’re in the middle of a storm. I’d suggest we go back to the time when a judge could show lenience in the case of a first time offender. The judge could sentence the youthful offender to supervised public service. 

Paint buildings in the park. Pick up trash. Have the kid do something useful and make it clear that if they wanted a part time job it’s available depending on their grades, their parents permission, and how hard they work. Try to instill a sense of pride in the community.

Oh yes, that can’t work right now because there are too many people with completely different views of pride in their communities and simply too many people committing crimes.

Johnson doesn’t want to say it out loud. 

Chicago is the mess it is due to poor public policies, lack of law enforcement, lenient courts, and being a sanctuary city. Lightfoot didn’t help matters and he does have a mess to clean up, but Lightfoot is not solely to blame for that mess. Johnson needs to blame half a century of poor Democratic leadership. People who wouldn’t learn from their mistakes and who simply kept doubling down instead of discarding failed ideas.