Ya know, If this keeps up we aren’t going to have any police

After all why in hell would anyone want to become a police officer nowadays?


When I was younger, I was taught that the police station, or being with a police officer was a “Safe Space”

The police I knew were, in general kind and helpful. They were good guys who wanted nothing more than to BE good guys, protecting those who couldn’t protect themselves.

Crime existed, as it always has, but the police were trusted. They came to my schools, they handled crossing duty on the busy streets and they’d wisk you to the hospital if you had a bad bicycle accident.

They’d stay with you until your mom or dad got to the hospital and miraculously by the time you got back home with your parents, your bicycle would be waiting for you, damaged but there in your driveway.


They were respected and trusted individuals and more often than not they were our neighbors, we went to church with them. Their children were friends, and sometime cohorts in typical childish mischief.

In less than 45 years suddenly they’re targets and treated with suspicion or even outright hatred.


I’m sure that those officers who can retire are beating a path to the HR departments to get the hell out. 

The police are people. There are good officers and bad officers, generally more good than bad. We pay them to keep us safe so we don’t have to live in fear of an element that has always been in every society. Bad guys go to jail. Bad guys get their comeuppance and since we have a country of laws, they enforce those laws. After all, we agreed to live under those laws didn’t we?

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Many of the basic laws we hold to be true, are found in the ten commandments. Yep, that pesky religious thing again.

Thou Shalt not Steal

Thou Shalt not Kill

Thou shalt not bear false witness

Just to name a few 

So if you’re shooting at an officer, or you’re throwing bottles and rocks at officers there are a couple of things you should remember.

These men and women are your neighbors, They’re also your employees, and all humans regardless of uniform, race, or beliefs have the inherent right and more importantly instinct for self preservation.

Strip away the uniforms and training and you have a human. Why is it so surprising that cops shoot or fight back? 

Why are we surprised that the police are perhaps angry? After all they’re being betrayed by the very people they’ve sworn to protect, sometimes at great cost.

There have been moronic activists calling for and end to police in their communities. Lets give that a whirl… I’d love to see Chicago after a month of zero police.


The same activists calling today, for and end to police would be lamenting the unbridled bloodshed and rampant crime.

I can just imagine the change in tune:

I can’t leave my house for fear of being robbed, raped, pillaged, or having my house burnt to the ground by someone that had a grudge against me. I DEMAND Protection…


Then the national guard would roll in, who wouldn’t come from the area.

They’d be from all over the country and would have zero interest in supporting the community. Instead they’d be there to restore order, by force.

Chicago would be a wasteland. Picture Berlin after the blitz! But in that wasteland there would be peace.

I’d bet that if you asked any officer who’d been fired on in Dallas, if they saw the color of the shooter’s skin, they’d say, “No, all I saw was the muzzle flash from the rifle.I dove for cover and targeted the flash.”

If black lives matter cartoon

If we impose rules on the police that say,

You can’t shoot a black person even if they’re armed and shooting at, or threatening you,” then we’re going to have a lot of dead or wounded police, or just a lot fewer police. 

Oh and a little side effect is going to be that the police that remain will become hard & cold, no longer giving a shit about the community or much of anything else except survival.

That pretty much translates into a lot of shoot-outs at the OK Corral.

So to all you moronic activists out there…

Deal with your communities problems, check your anger as you have so often told everyone, “check your privilege,” engage with your police force and help them put a stop to the crime, welcome these dedicated men and women into your neighborhoods, greet them at church, and …


Just my 2 cents.

I was watching the evening news and thought I was having a stroke


In hindsight, perhaps a stroke would have been better.

I’ve been searching for a job for a number of reasons.

Among those reasons; I want to go back to school.

The goal is to get a degree that will make me more marketable in the workplace, feed my sense of personal accomplishment, and perhaps provide me with another career should the bottom fall out of whatever I end up doing between now and that as yet, undetermined future.

I think I may have waited too long to execute this educational goal. Here’s one of the reasons I’m concerned.

Ben Shapiro, an attorney, conservative, Orthodox Jew, author, journalist, & millennial, was scheduled to speak at CSULA

Author Ben Shapiro was invited to speak this afternoon at Cal State LA by the Young Americans for Freedom, which is a registered student organization. The event, “When Diversity Becomes a Problem,” was funded by the Associated Students, Inc., the student government.


Leading up to the event, there were a number of emails and social media posts that caused concern for the campus community. Given threats and expressions of fear, President William A. Covino proposed a rescheduled event that would be civil and inclusive, and in which Mr. Shapiro and speakers with other viewpoints could offer their perspectives in an organized forum.

“My decision was made in the interest of safety and security,” Covino said. “I am disappointed that Mr. Shapiro has not accepted my invitation to speak in such a forum. He has indicated that he will come to Cal State LA to speak today at the University-Student Union Theatre, where he was originally scheduled to deliver his talk,” Covino told the University community Thursday morning.

Covino added: “I strongly disagree with Mr. Shapiro’s views. But if Mr. Shapiro does appear, the University will allow him to speak. We will make every effort to ensure a climate of safety and security.”

A reporter filming the BLM crowd’s protest of Ben Shapiro was assaulted outside the venue. Attendees of Shapiro’s talk were forced to enter the venue via a back door because the school’s police wouldn’t clear the protestors from the main entrance.

Shapiro and the Attendees were forced to wait in the building until a police cordon could be established that allowed them to exit safely.


I can no longer clearly determine which is worse, Daesh (ISIS), The Taliban, Al Queada, Fundamentalist Christians, or Black Lives Matter.

I think I missed the opportunity to obtain higher education without becoming embroiled in some harebrained Social Justice Warrior bullshit.

If I’m going to pay for an education, I’m not interested in having to put up with a bunch of leftist crap. I wouldn’t mind IF both sides of an argument were explored with a purely academic objectiveness.


That is what I always thought education was supposed to do. I’ve believed that education presented you with the facts, and you were supposed to evaluate the merits of each side of an issue then make a decision based on your upbringing, personal beliefs, and personal philosophies.

I believed that as you learned more, and gained experience, that you could and would change your mind, and positions.

I never expected in my lifetime to see higher education perverted into an SJW exercise where the people on the side of “Right” would demand freedom as an oppressed group and at the same time prevent people with differing opinions from expressing those opinions.


I never in a million years expected to see in this country, MY Country, people accepting, even tacitly condoning the suppression of other people’s rights.

I expected to see us marching into a Star Trek like, egalitarian future.

Clearly I’m an idiot!

Now I’m considering really strange things. Do I want higher education? If I do, now I have to choose a school not only based on it’s academic qualities, but also on it’s political leanings. Should I try to determine if a school’s reputation for the antics of the SJW crowd will taint any degree I may graduate with?

The antics at CSULA last night were absolutely beyond belief. They’ve made me think that perhaps I’m right in considering questions other than the simple academic standing of a particular school. 

Legitiamately, I’m asking if I would even be physically safe on a college campus because my opinions do not line up with the SJW or BLM crowd.

Participation in classes, particularly those dealing with the Humanities would potentially expose my beliefs and therefore potentially compromise my personal safety leaving classes or being on a campus.

I suppose I can attend classes on-line.

Even then, would my grades be adversely affected by expressing dissenting opinions? Would I get a fair shake based strictly on the merit of my work?

Warp drive starship

I should have done the whole school thing a long time ago.

Yet again, this is one of those times when I wonder where the hell I am.

Maybe I did have a stroke, and I’m really in a coma.

Perhaps my area of study should be Physics.

With luck, I might be able to build the means to get off this planet of psychotic apes.

OH for the love of God! It’s a crime to be male and famous.

You have to be kidding me.

18 years later, asshole femnazis called UltraViolet are demanding Peyton Manning’s hide for an incident while he was a college kid.

By the way ladies, I think you’re guilty of copyright infringement. UltraViolet is the trade name of a streaming video service. Uh oh, you’re diluting their brand, and I can’t wait to see you whine when they slap an injunction on you.

Peyton Manning nfl

The issue was settled in 1997 for 300K cash and everyone apparently went their separate ways.

More about that case is available here

Apparently things were mostly quiet until Peyton became a target for the rabid SJW crowd.

I hope Peyton sues the ever living SHIT out of the women’s groups and his sponsors if they terminate his contracts.

What are we going to have next?

Will the SJW crowd go back to men’s kindergarten classes and then fuck up our lives because we showed a girl our pee pee when we were five?

This shit has to stop.

If I can’t sue my former employers for sexual harassment visited upon me by women, because the statute of limitations has run out… SJWs shouldn’t be allowed to screw someone over and destroy their livelihood for something they did almost 20 years ago. 

The thing that really sucks about all of this is that Peyton and Eli Manning’s philanthropic foundations are threatened too.

If the SJW’s manage to take Peyton down, they’ll probably indirectly harm all the disadvantaged kids that the foundation helps.

So thanks a lot ladies and fuck you all.

Yeah, I’m sick of the whole SJW thing.