The 2nd ammendment doesn’t grant the right to bear arms…


It is supposed to insure it.

I found an interesting analysis about the 2nd amendment a few weeks ago. The analysis states that the language of the 2nd is straightforward and unambiguous.

It is assumed, according to this analysis that citizens living under the constitution inherently have the right to own arms and that right is not granted by the 2nd amendment but is protected from government interference by the 2nd amendment.

The analysis is far more detailed and can be read in its entirety here.


So without thinking about it too much, I sent the link to an acquaintance on Twitter.

He was, as always embattled with one of the gun control advocates from one of the groups like Moms Demand Action, or Everytown for Gun safety. This analysis made his point and he sent it to the gun grabbers.


I’m always surprised by the nasty comments from the gun control crowd. For an “enlightened”, “Progressive”, “Well Educated”, group, you’d think their vocabulary would have a bit more depth.

Nonetheless it got me thinking about the logic the gun control folks are using.


Some of the gun control people absolutely believe that guns should be removed from the hands of people because of the harm some guns might cause.

That led me to this thought;

By their logic, I could advocate bringing back Eugenics Laws because one of their descendants might be responsible for killing a bunch of people.

Their logic is just as flawed about guns as mine is about descendants.

You can’t know a gun is going to hurt someone any more than you can know a descendant is going to be a criminal.


There is no family on the planet that doesn’t have at least one criminal in the family tree and no family is immune from producing criminals.

I could as easily make the case that preventing people from breeding is likely to be equally beneficial to society and the planet in the long term, as removing guns.

After all, fewer people sucking up resources burning fossil fuel, etc. would be better long term to combat global warming.

I’ve considered invoking the Zardoz paradigm where the primitives were given guns so that they’d war amongst themselves thereby keeping their numbers manageable.


I don’t think that would add anything useful to the debate other than to offend the fem-nazis by forcing them to view a half naked, hairy, violent, Sean Connery.

Humm… Might be worth it after all!

I wonder all the time, why the “Moms Demand” and “Everytown” groups aren’t also teaching gun safety. I believe that there are too many guns to confiscate, even if I believed that line of illogic. I believe instead, that teaching children gun safety would save more lives.

I absolutely believe the fewer people in the general population who have knowledge about proper handling of, and behavior around guns; the more likely gun accidents become.


For me its simply pragmatic. If you teach gun safety you can’t go wrong.

The educated gun control folks reject that kind of education. These are the same people that seem content with censoring other knowledge as well.

These folks are content with not teaching children via Chemistry Class about dangerous chemicals in the home. In spite of the fact that accidental poisoning is common.

They’re offended by locker room nudity, but not extremely suggestive nudity & sexuality in movies. They’ll decry playground fights as unacceptable, but will show DVD’s to their children depicting bloody fights and dismemberment.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating censorship any more than I’m advocating gun control.

I just wish these groups were consistent in their logic.

Well I’m glad that’s over!


Now that Starbucks has ended their “Race Together” bullshit I can end my boycott of their stores.

Really, all I want is my damn cup of coffee!

I don’t care about race shit, racism, or the politics of any of it enough to pay an emotional, guilt ridden, tribute to the person making my coffee.

This is especially true when I’m paying $5 for that coffee in the first place.

My morning coffee isn’t open to discussions of any kind. Never has been, never will.


Just serve my Damn coffee Starbucks!


Ferguson is Dead, it just doesn’t know it yet.


By now you’ve read or heard that two police officers were shot in Ferguson, MO last night.

There are conflicting accounts about the aftermath. Some have said that protestors were taunting the police administering first aid. Other accounts say that the protesters scattered.

Either way, Ferguson, MO is dead.

Their police force is resigning in droves. The Chief is only the latest resignation. Digging around, you can find reports that say officer turnover is increasing and with good reason. It’s not that the police department is a bad department per-se. It’s any cop, but most especially any white cop taking a job in Ferguson is willingly strapping a target to their body.


Going in, an officer must know that he or she will be under a microscope for any arrest or shooting they’re involved with. They know they’ll have no backing from the public and no matter what, they’ll be accused of excessive use of force, and simultaneously accused of not doing enough to protect the town.

I’m guessing Ferguson will disband their police force and then complain because St Louis PD isn’t doing enough. The people of Ferguson will have what they wanted, all the bad cops will be gone… and so will all the good cops. There are probably folks right now wondering if they should walk away from their homes because it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s coming.


Next, will come the gang bangers renting or squatting. Then comes the turf wars, drugs, burglaries, violence,  drive by shootings, and victims families wringing their hands asking, “Why?”

The stigma of any police officer having “Ferguson, MO” in their service records, the heightened danger, coupled with any incident in Ferguson being a career destroyer, will further slow police response. After all, why be involved in an incident, when you can show up and hour later and just clean up the mess?


These factors will create fertile crime zones and what was once a nice suburb will become yet another wasteland. Today, no bank in their right mind will loan money to open businesses in Ferguson, at this point I doubt that any insurers will issue policies either. So tax revenue, and local stores will dry up, then in time, Ferguson itself will cease to exist.

Through all of this there will be lots of blood. Black folks, White folks, Police, Firefighters, and even the occasional tourist who gets lost on the way to see the St Louis Arch. All these people will bleed, suffer and many will die over the next five, ten, or twenty years.

All of it for nothing. Except building the careers of men who didn’t live in Ferguson, but who saw an opportunity to exploit the town and it’s people.


In the end Ferguson will look like Detroit, or Berlin after the blitz.

Eric Holder will be living in luxury on a government pension. Al Sharpton will be dancing on the graves of yet another “Racism” crisis.

They’ll both have long since forgotten about Ferguson. They’ll forget all the blood spilled, the racial flames fanned, and the town destroyed.

Stop Apologizing!


The President and his administration are once again apologizing and creating excuses to explain why Islamic folks do the crap they do.

Yeah I’m not narrowing my focus to only those who are cutting off heads.

We know (regardless of many media apologist reports) that there are NO-GO zones in various parts of Europe. You don’t need formal paperwork and signs to understand you’re in danger when you walk into a neighborhood. American black people have been talking about this phenomenon for decades.

Having taken a wrong turn in Harlem and spending years working in South Central LA, I can assure you that white neighborhoods aren’t the ONLY neighborhoods where you can feel threatened because of your mere presence.

Recently, there was a gentleman in Paris who spent 10 hours walking through no go zones that the French government deny exist.


Read more about his day here. This is similar to other videos depicting the “War on Women”. I’m not saying this is definitive proof of NO-GO zones, but it’s as valid as 10 hours as a woman in Hjab in NY or 10 hours walking in NYC as a Woman.

So as far as followers of Islam… I paint them all with the same brush. My other half cringes and is not happy that I’m blind to the shades of gray between “Good Islam” and “Bad Islam”.


I see the shades of gray as so fractional that the differences are irrelevant. Just the same as a percentage of .0003 or .0007 contamination of Plutonium with Uranium in the warhead of an atomic bomb doesn’t matter all that much to the city or people that were just vaporized.

A scientist somewhere might be concerned that the weapon’s yield was off by a couple of kilotons but in the long run it doesn’t matter, the city is still ash.


Perhaps a better example would be that it doesn’t matter to the guy dying of Polonium exposure if he was injected with Polonium 209 or Polonium 210, he’s still a dead man.

That’s a better description, given the infiltration of so many cities in the West by Islamic populations that seek to impose their religion and sharia law in major metropolitan areas. According to our leaders apparently all the rest of us are supposed to accept it.


I refuse. I refuse to apologize for wanting to maintain my cultural integrity. None of the European people should have to apologize either, although their government officials seem to feel compelled to bow and accept growing Islamic influence.

Remember when England, steadfast in its defiance, stood against German military technology, even though their cities were being bombed to rubble? It’s hard to believe that England is that same country today. Especially when reports are coming out about Islamic control in English schools, or systematic rape of English schoolgirls in heavily Islamic areas. Rapes I might add, that were reported to local authorities but then covered up because the authorities didn’t feel that they had the necessary backing from the government to prosecute the crimes.


Even Germany has been contaminated to such an extent that a growing group of protesters against Islamization of their country are denounced as Xenophobes by the leaders of their government.

Merriam-Webster defines Xenophobe – “One unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin.”

These folks are protesting the loss of their cultural inheritance. It’s not xenophobic to point out that endless accommodation to Islam is eroding German culture.

Well, at least its not any more xenophobic or racist than pointing out shutting down parts of LA to celebrate cinco de mayo in America is seriously screwed up. Cinco de Mayo is Mexican Independence day. Ya don’t see government sponsored Fourth of July celebrations in Mexico City even though there are a ton of American citizens there. Another blog piece for another time…

Recently, I saw an article in one of the German news sites (which I can’t find now) that said some butchers were being forced to remove pork products completely from their shops if they wanted to have government contracts. NewImage Think about that one!   Germany is renown for its pork products but in order to appease Islam while maintaining lucrative government contracts the butchers can’t have pork in their shops at all.

This is the kind of thing the Pegida protesters are talking about, they’re not afraid of Islam, they just  don’t want to lose their heritage to Islam.

All the while, their leaders keep apologizing… Much like out leaders.

President Obama says, “we should address the grievances terrorists exploit”

I think we’ve tried that… for decades.

Come here for an education, here are billions in aid from the generous tax payers of America. What? Its not enough? Oh well here are trillions over the next 10 years. 


None of these things improved the conditions in these countries. The problem isn’t that simple. Educating folks from poor nations simply makes those folks want to stay here (in the West).

Does the President really think a 25 year old male educated in engineering is going to want to go back to a repressive country where goats are running in the muddy streets to build bridges or microwave relays?

What incentive would this newly minted engineer have to return home when he could stay in a country with running water, paved streets, and sexually unrepressed women? Is that smart guy going to want to go home where infant and child mortality is 40% and start a family where there is no hospital for 100 miles, or is he going to take a job in New York making 150K a year, buy a couple of BMWs, marry a slightly damaged woman, have a family, then retire to Florida?


Dumping money into these countries does nothing. A large percentage of the cash or goods have no accountability. We don’t know where it goes after we deliver it to the local government… Until… we notice that they’ve got a really big army thats well armed with brand new Chinese weapons.

Or the presidental palace suddenly triples in size and has solid gold toilets and servants to carry water in buckets to refill the tanks after each flush. We politely look the other way while the leader of those same “aided” countries pins another medal on themselves, and their people are starving and dying in the streets.

The so called “Grievances” our President wants us to address will only lead to more appeasement.


“Don’t draw pictures of Muhammed”

Ok, we wont.

“Don’t insult Islam”

Ok, we wont.

“Give us the ability to make nuclear materials”

Ok, here are more centrifuges

“Don’t interfere in our marriage rituals. 9 year old girls can be married. Your interference even when we are guests in YOUR country,  is a violation of our freedom of religion.”

OK, Just please don’t do any honor killings.

“Honor killing is a part of our religious law, you can’t stop us from practicing our religion. In fact if we’re living in your country, your right to freedom of religion has to be enforced. You say you embrace all religions and therefore must protect ours.”


Uh, OK, we guess you’re right.

“We want military aid to defeat the enemies of our fathers.”

Umm, Who exactly are they?

“You wouldn’t understand, just give us the weapons and training to use them.”

Umm, OK. Look, you’re not going to bomb Israel, are you?

“We promise… we’re only going to destroy the enemies of our fathers.”

Uh HEY! You did bomb Israel.

“We were aiming for the hated Infidel enemies occupying our ancestral lands… Was that Israel? Oh well.”


Look you need to stop killing people.

“We’re only killing those we are directed to klll by the Prophet. You know, women under 12 who do not have sex with their husbands, men who do have sex with each other, Christians, Jews, intellectuals, the educated, Old women who don’t get pregnant, anyone that questions our authority, and people that just look different from us.”

Doesn’t that mean that eventually you’re going to have only you?

“Yes, are you questioning our authority?”

Uh nope, not at all.

My fellow Citizens of the West we need to help followers of Islam to become a happy and productive people and then terrorism will end and the world will be at peace…


“Very good, my little puppet. Remind me to kill you before I rape your daughter. You shouldn’t have to see that.”

We’ve tried to address their grievances, and gotten exactly no improvement.

Historically, we know that NO amount of appeasement is ever enough. See the History of World War II for a quick primer.

Its well past time for us, in the West to go full on crusader on these vermin. Yes, I specifically chose those terms to be inflammatory.


I honestly don’t give a rancid demonic fart about followers of Islam blowing themselves up, radicals or otherwise, Hell I’d give ‘em the fucking vests and park their asses in the Rose Bowl then charge admission…

“Alright, Ladies & Gentlemen… the number to dial is area code 555, the prefix is 666 and one of you lucky folks is going to dial the magic four digit code that will get this party started. Now, without further adieu, START YOUR DIALING!”



“Who dialed 4321?  There she is, ladies & Gentlemen, What’s your name dear? Mrs. Sweet? How old are you Ma’am? 95! Wow, Isn’t that nice folks? Congratulations Mrs Sweet, thank you for coming out tonight. You’re our lucky executioner for the evening. Everyone give this lovely lady a round of applause…”

I no longer care about Islamic beliefs, rationale, or this backward death cult.


Practitioners of this religion have become poster children against religion in general.

They are an example of a retrograde culture and should be put to work in menial jobs shackled to their tools and forced to build a monument to their stupidity in stone.

Its well past time we in the West called Islam what it is, Insanity, Terrorism, Institutionalized Hatred & Xenophobia, or more politely. A religion whose time has come & gone like the worship of Ra, Quetzalcoatl, or Zeus.


Let’s stop trying to whitewash it and stop fucking apologizing for noticing the ills of this particular belief structure.  If indeed Islam is a religion of Peace, then it’s followers need to do a whole lot better job of reigning in their extremists.

Perhaps its time for the West to hear an apology from Islamic folks.

OHHHH Hollywood’s in trouble now!

Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton is calling the Oscars on the red carpet for not falling all over themselves about Selma

Those racist bastards!

Surely the Oscar committee must have realized that a vote for films wouldn’t matter.

The ONLY correct answer these days is for black movies to sweep the Oscars.

I suppose Sharpton’s going to demand protests in the streets at his “emergency race meeting”.

Will Sharpton’s Oscar protestors be called #Hollywoodberacistnshit?


I find myself wondering when Sharpton is going to start talking about Jews in entertainment as the problem. Then which way will he go, McCarthy or Hitler?

Are you now, or have you ever identified as Jewish or white?” OR “Da fix be ta put whitey in camps n shit, where dey be outta our way.

Neither of which would be considered wrong because of a widely shared delusion that says people of color cannot be racist.

I have no doubt that Hollywood will twist themselves into Möbius strips trying to appease Sharpton and the other race baiters.

In an effort to help…

I recommend that we take all the Oscars from everyone for the past decade, then give them to ONLY black film-makers and actors. NO WHITES ALLOWED.<— Not racist because it’s only excluding white people.  If that doesn’t appease Sharpton, we can go back 50 years. It doesn’t matter, the awards are completely meaningless anyway.

The ultimate (dare I say, final) solution to Sharpton’s displeasure with Hollywood, is to have only black producers, actors, and movies. Perhaps President Obama can make that happen with an Executive Order. “It’s against the law for Whites to be in the entertainment industry,” or something similar? <— Not racist because again, it’s only excluding white people.

My snark is because I’m over the ginned up accusations of racism at every freaking turn. I’m sick of this delusion that ONLY black people can be victims. Its well past time for Sharpton to get out of the public eye, pay his taxes and SHUT UP!

I’d also be happy if we simply had no more idiotic award ceremonies… I’d probably dance a little jig.